예제 #1
    def VTKFaceDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError as e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

        points = self.faceCenters
        points = self._toVTK3D(numerix.array(points))
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        num = len(points)
        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.concatenate((counts, cells), axis=1)
        cell_types = numerix.array([tvtk.Vertex().cell_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug
예제 #2
def save_current_vtk(result, outfile, **kwds):
    Save current assuming no structure between starting points
    from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data
    cres = result
    dres = cres.parent_by_type('drift')  # drift

    values = numpy.hstack([a.data for a in cres.arrays if a.type == 'pscalar'])
    points4 = numpy.vstack([a.data for a in dres.arrays if a.type == 'path'])
    assert len(values) == len(points4)
    points = points4[:, :3]
    npoints = len(points)
    print 'shapes: %s %s' % (str(values.shape), str(points.shape))

    ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
    point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type

    cell_types = numpy.array([point_type] * npoints)
    cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
    cells = numpy.array([npoints] + range(npoints))
    cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

    ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)
    ug.points = points
    ug.point_data.scalars = values
    ug.point_data.scalars.name = 'current'
    write_data(ug, outfile)
예제 #3
def save_drift_vtk(result, outname, **kwds):
    Save a drift result into a VTK file.
    outname = osp.splitext(outname)[0]

    from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data

    arrs = result.array_data_by_name()

    for thing in ['potential', 'gradient', 'velocity']:

        points = arrs[thing + '_points']
        values = arrs[thing]
        npoints = len(points)

        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()

        point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type

        cell_types = numpy.array([point_type] * npoints)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cells = numpy.array([npoints] + range(npoints))
        cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

        ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)

        ug.points = points
        ug.point_data.scalars = values
        ug.point_data.scalars.name = thing

        fname = '%s-%s.vtk' % (outname, thing)
        print 'writing %s' % fname
        write_data(ug, fname)
예제 #4
 def _dump_arrays(self, filename):
     from tvtk.api import tvtk
     n = self.numPoints
     cells = np.arange(n)
     cells.shape = (n, 1)
     cell_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type
     ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=self.points.transpose())
     ug.set_cells(cell_type, cells)
     from mayavi.core.dataset_manager import DatasetManager
     dsm = DatasetManager(dataset=ug)
     for name, field in self.data:
         dsm.add_array(field.transpose(), name)
     from tvtk.api import write_data
     write_data(ug, filename)
예제 #5
def save_raster_vtk(ses, outname, res_id):
    Save a drift result into a VTK file.
    print 'Saving raster results...'
    #res_id = input('Enter the raster result ID: ')
    result = get_result(ses, id=res_id)
    if result is None:
        print 'No matching results for ID = {}'.format(res_id)
    arrs = result.array_data_by_name()
    points = arrs['points'].T

    from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data

    for thing in ['pfield','efield']:
        values = arrs[thing]
        npoints = len(points)

        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
        point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type

        cell_types = numpy.array([point_type]*npoints)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cells = numpy.array([npoints]+range(npoints))
        cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

        ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)
        if thing == 'pfield':
            ug.points = points
            ug.point_data.scalars = values.reshape(npoints)
            ug.point_data.scalars.name = thing
            ug.points = points
            field = numpy.asarray([[x,y,z] for x,y,z in zip(values[0,:,:,:].reshape(npoints),values[1,:,:,:].reshape(npoints),values[2,:,:,:].reshape(npoints))])
            ug.point_data.vectors = field
            ug.point_data.vectors.name = thing

        fname = '%s-%s.vtk' % (outname, thing)
        write_data(ug, fname)
예제 #6
    class VtkGridMixIn(object):
        _EDGE_COUNT_TO_TYPE = {
            1: tvtk.Vertex().cell_type,
            2: tvtk.Line().cell_type,
            3: tvtk.Triangle().cell_type,
            4: tvtk.Quad().cell_type,

        def to_vtk(self):
            points = self.vtk_points()
            cell_types = self.vtk_cell_types()
            cell_array = self.vtk_cell_array()
            offsets = self.vtk_offsets()

            vtk_grid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
            vtk_grid.set_cells(cell_types, offsets, cell_array)

            return vtk_grid

        def vtk_points(self):
            pad = np.zeros((3 - self._coords.shape[0], self._coords.shape[1]))
            return np.vstack([self._coords, pad]).T

        def vtk_cell_array(self):
            cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
            return cell_array

        def vtk_cell_types(self):
            cell_types = np.empty(self.get_cell_count(), dtype=int)
            for (id, n_nodes) in enumerate(self.nodes_per_cell()):
                    cell_types[id] = self._EDGE_COUNT_TO_TYPE[n_nodes]
                except KeyError:
                    cell_types[id] = tvtk.Polygon().cell_type
            return cell_types

        def vtk_connectivity(self):
            cells = np.empty(self.get_vertex_count() + self.get_cell_count(),

            cell_nodes = self.get_connectivity()

            offset = 0
            for n_nodes in self.nodes_per_cell():
                cells[offset] = n_nodes
                offset += n_nodes + 1

            offset = 1
            for cell in self.vtk_offsets():
                n_nodes = cells[offset - 1]
                cells[offset:offset + n_nodes] = cell_nodes[cell:cell +

                offset += n_nodes + 1

            return cells

        def vtk_offsets(self):
            offsets = np.empty(self.get_cell_count(), dtype=int)
            (offsets[0], offsets[1:]) = (0, self._offset[:-1])
            return offsets

        def vtk_write(self, file_name):
            writer = tvtk.XMLUnstructuredGridWriter()
            writer.file_name = file_name
예제 #7
def save_step_vtk(ses, outname, res_id):
    Save a step result into a VTK file.
    print 'Saving stepping results...'
    #res_id = input('Enter the step result ID: ')
    step_res = get_result(ses, id=res_id)
    if step_res is None:
        print 'No matching results for ID = {}'.format(res_id)

    # we need the raster data
    vel_res = get_result(ses, id=step_res.parent_id)
    if vel_res is None:
        print 'No matching results for ID = {}'.format(step_res.parent_id)
    rast_res = get_result(ses, id=vel_res.parent_id)
    if rast_res is None:
        print 'No matching results for ID = {}'.format(vel_res.parent_id)
    # get the field and linspaces
    field, linspaces = None, None
    for arr in rast_res.data:
        if arr.typename == 'scalar':
            field = arr.data
        if arr.typename == 'linspace':
            linspaces = arr.data
    assert(field is not None and linspaces is not None)

    field = Scalar(field, linspaces)

    # exporting initial position
    vtxs = [x for x in step_res.data if 'points' in x.typename]
    points = list()
    pot    = list()
    for vtx in vtxs:
        for pt in vtx.data:
    points = numpy.asarray(points)
    pot = numpy.asarray(pot)

    from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data
    if len(vtxs):
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()    
        point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type
        npoints = len(points)
        cell_types = numpy.array([point_type]*npoints)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cells = numpy.array([npoints]+range(npoints))
        cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

        ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)
        ug.points = points
        ug.point_data.scalars = pot
        ug.point_data.scalars.name = 'potential'

        fname = '%s-%s.vtk' % (outname, 'vtxs')
        write_data(ug, fname)

    # exporting paths
    paths = [x for x in step_res.data if 'tuples' in x.typename]
    points = list()
    pot    = list()
    vel    = list()
    for path in paths:
        for pt in path.data:
            xyz = pt[0:3]
            uvw = pt[3:6]
            mag = numpy.sqrt(uvw.dot(uvw))
    points = numpy.asarray(points)
    pot = numpy.asarray(pot)
    vel = numpy.asarray(vel)

    if len(paths):
        for flv,data in {'potential':pot, 'velocity':vel}.iteritems():
            ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()    
            point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type
            npoints = len(points)
            cell_types = numpy.array([point_type]*npoints)
            cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
            cells = numpy.array([npoints]+range(npoints))
            cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

            ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)
            ug.points = points
            ug.point_data.scalars = data
            ug.point_data.scalars.name = flv

            fname = '%s-%s-%s.vtk' % (outname, 'paths', flv)
            write_data(ug, fname)
예제 #8
dbfile = sys.argv[1]
step_res_id = sys.argv[2]
outname = sys.argv[3]

ses = larf.store.session(dbfile)
sres = larf.store.result_typed(ses, 'stepping', step_res_id)

sarrs = sres.array_data_by_name()
points = sarrs['potential_points']
potarr = sarrs['potential']
npoints = len(points)

ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()

point_type = tvtk.Vertex().cell_type

cell_types = numpy.array([point_type] * npoints)
cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
cells = numpy.array([npoints] + range(npoints))
cell_array.set_cells(point_type, cells)

ug.set_cells(1, cell_array)

ug.points = points
ug.point_data.scalars = potarr
ug.point_data.scalars.name = 'potential'

## fixme: not currently saving 4-points
# ug.point_data.add_array(times)
# ug.point_data.get_array(1).name = 'time'
예제 #9
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError, e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

        points = self.faceCenters
        points = self._toVTK3D(numerix.array(points))
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        num = len(points)
        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.concatenate((counts, cells), axis=1)
        cell_types = numerix.array([tvtk.Vertex().cell_type] * num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts + 1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug

    def _toVTK3D(self, arr, rank=1):
        if arr.dtype.name is 'bool':
            # VTK can't do bool, and the exception isn't properly
            # thrown back to the user