예제 #1
def generate_velocity_grid( vlsvReader, cellid, iso_surface=False ):
   '''Generates a velocity grid from a given spatial cell id
      :param cellid:           The spatial cell's ID
      :param iso_surface:      If true, plots the iso surface
   # Create nodes
   # Get velocity blocks and avgs:
   blocksAndAvgs = vlsvReader.read_blocks(cellid)
   if len(blocksAndAvgs) == 0:
      print "CELL " + str(cellid) + " HAS NO VELOCITY BLOCK"
      return False
   # Create a new scene
   # Create a new figure
   #figure = mayavi.mlab.clf()
   #figure.scene.disable_render = True
   blocks = blocksAndAvgs[0]
   avgs = blocksAndAvgs[1]
   # Get nodes:
   nodesAndKeys = vlsvReader.construct_velocity_cell_nodes(blocks)
   # Create an unstructured grid:
   points = nodesAndKeys[0]
   tets = nodesAndKeys[1]

   # Set up the cells
   # Input data
   #figure.scene.disable_render = False
   d = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug)
   ptdata = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.cell_to_point_data(d)
   iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(ptdata, contours=[1e-15,1e-14,1e-12], opacity=0.3)
예제 #2
    def generate_diff_grid(self, cellid1, cellid2):
        ''' Generates a diff grid of given cell ids (shows avgs diff)

          :param cellid1:          The first cell id
          :param cellid2:          The second cell id

          .. code-block:: python

             # Example:
             grid.generate_diff_grid( 29219, 2910 )

          .. note:: If the cell id does not have a certain velocity cell, it is assumed that the avgs value of that cell is 0

        # Create nodes
        # Get velocity blocks and avgs (of cellid 1)
        blocksAndAvgs1 = self.vlsvReader.read_blocks(cellid1)
        if len(blocksAndAvgs1) == 0:
            print "CELL " + str(cellid1) + " HAS NO VELOCITY BLOCK"
            return False
        blocks1 = blocksAndAvgs1[0]
        avgs1 = blocksAndAvgs1[1]

        # Get velocity blocks and avgs (of cellid 2)
        blocksAndAvgs2 = self.vlsvReader.read_blocks(cellid2)
        if len(blocksAndAvgs2) == 0:
            print "CELL " + str(cellid2) + " HAS NO VELOCITY BLOCK"
            return False
        blocks2 = blocksAndAvgs2[0]
        avgs2 = blocksAndAvgs2[1]
        print len(avgs2)
        print len(blocks2)

        # Compare blocks and create a new avgs array values:
        avgs_same = []
        avgs_cellid1 = []
        avgs_cellid2 = []
        blocks_same = []
        blocks_cellid1 = []
        blocks_cellid2 = []
        print np.shape(avgs1[0])
        for i in xrange(len(blocks1)):
            b = blocks1[i]
            # Get index of block
            i2 = np.where(blocks2 == b)[0]
            if len(i2) != 0:
                # Fetch the block:
                #print avgs1[64*i:64*(i+1)]
                #print avgs2[64*i2[0]:64*(i2[0]+1)]
                avgs_same.append(avgs1[i:(i + 1)] - avgs2[i2[0]:(i2[0] + 1)])
                avgs_cellid1.append(avgs1[i:(i + 1)])
        for i in xrange(len(blocks2)):
            b = blocks2[i]
            if (b in blocks1) == False:
                avgs_cellid2.append(avgs2[i:(i + 1)])
        # Make a list for the avgs etc
        avgs = np.zeros(
            64 * (len(avgs_same) + len(avgs_cellid1) + len(avgs_cellid2)))
        #avgs = np.reshape(avgs, (len(avgs_same)+len(avgs_cellid1)+len(avgs_cellid2), 64))
        print np.shape(avgs_same)
        blocks = np.zeros(
            len(blocks_same) + len(blocks_cellid1) + len(blocks_cellid2))

        index = 0
        avgs[64 * index:64 * (index + len(blocks_same))] = np.ravel(
        blocks[index:index + len(blocks_same)] = np.array(blocks_same)

        index = index + len(blocks_same)
        avgs[64 * index:64 * (index + len(blocks_cellid1))] = np.ravel(
        blocks[index:index + len(blocks_cellid1)] = np.array(blocks_cellid1)

        index = index + len(blocks_cellid1)
        avgs[64 * index:64 * (index + len(blocks_cellid2))] = np.ravel(
        blocks[index:index + len(blocks_cellid2)] = np.array(blocks_cellid2)

        blocks = blocks.astype(int)

        # Get nodes:
        nodesAndKeys = self.vlsvReader.construct_velocity_cell_nodes(blocks)

        # Create an unstructured grid:
        points = nodesAndKeys[0]
        tets = nodesAndKeys[1]

        # Create a new scene
        mayavi.mlab.set_engine(self.__engine)  #CONTINUE
        # Create a new figure
        figure = mayavi.mlab.gcf(engine=self.__engine)
        figure.scene.disable_render = True
        tet_type = tvtk.Voxel().cell_type  #VTK_VOXEL

        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
        ug.set_cells(tet_type, tets)
        values = np.ravel(avgs)
        ug.cell_data.scalars = values
        ug.cell_data.scalars.name = 'avgs'
        d = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug)
        iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface(d)
        figure.scene.disable_render = False
        # Name the figure
        figure.name = str(cellid1) + " " + str(cellid2)
        return True
예제 #3
    def __generate_velocity_grid(self, cellid, iso_surface=False):
        '''Generates a velocity grid from a given spatial cell id
         :param cellid:           The spatial cell's ID
         :param iso_surface:      If true, plots the iso surface
        # Create nodes
        # Get velocity blocks and avgs:
        blocksAndAvgs = self.vlsvReader.read_blocks(cellid)
        if len(blocksAndAvgs) == 0:
            print "CELL " + str(cellid) + " HAS NO VELOCITY BLOCK"
            return False
        # Create a new scene
        mayavi.mlab.set_engine(self.__engine)  #CONTINUE
        # Create a new figure
        figure = mayavi.mlab.gcf(engine=self.__engine)
        figure.scene.disable_render = True
        blocks = blocksAndAvgs[0]
        avgs = blocksAndAvgs[1]
        # Get nodes:
        nodesAndKeys = self.vlsvReader.construct_velocity_cell_nodes(blocks)
        # Create an unstructured grid:
        points = nodesAndKeys[0]
        tets = nodesAndKeys[1]
        tet_type = tvtk.Voxel().cell_type  #VTK_VOXEL

        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
        # Set up the cells
        ug.set_cells(tet_type, tets)
        # Input data
        values = np.ravel(avgs)
        ug.cell_data.scalars = values
        ug.cell_data.scalars.name = 'avgs'

        # Plot B if possible:
        # Read B vector and plot it:
        if self.vlsvReader.check_variable("B") == True:
            B = self.vlsvReader.read_variable(name="B", cellids=cellid)
        elif self.vlsvReader.check_variable("B_vol") == True:
            B = self.vlsvReader.read_variable(name="B_vol", cellids=cellid)
            B = self.vlsvReader.read_variable(
                cellids=cellid) + self.vlsvReader.read_variable(
                    name="perturbed_B", cellids=cellid)

        points2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        ug2 = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points2)
        ug2.point_data.vectors = [B / np.linalg.norm(B)]
        ug2.point_data.vectors.name = 'B_vector'
        #src2 = VTKDataSource(data = ug2)
        d2 = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug2)
        vec = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.vectors(d2)
        vec.glyph.mask_input_points = True
        vec.glyph.glyph.scale_factor = 1e6
        vec.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.center = [0, 0, 0]

        # Visualize
        d = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug)
        if iso_surface == False:
            iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface(d)
            ptdata = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.cell_to_point_data(d)
            iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(
                ptdata, contours=[1e-15, 1e-14, 1e-12], opacity=0.3)
        figure.scene.disable_render = False
        # Name the figure
        figure.name = str(cellid) + ", " + self.variable_plotted + " = " + str(

        from mayavi.modules.axes import Axes
        axes = Axes()
        axes.name = 'Axes'
        axes.axes.fly_mode = 'none'
        axes.axes.number_of_labels = 8
        axes.axes.font_factor = 0.5
        #module_manager = self.__module_manager()
        # Add the label / marker:
        from mayavi.modules.outline import Outline
        outline = Outline()
        outline.name = 'Outline'
        return True
예제 #4
def generate_custom_velocity_grid(vlsvReader,
    '''Generates a velocity grid from a given spatial cell id

      :param vlsvReader:           Some vlsv reader with a file open
      :param velocity_cell_map:    Given velocity cell ids and values in python dict() format (see read_velocity_cells function in vlsvReader)
      :param iso_surface:          If true, plots the iso surface

      # Example usage:

      import pytools as pt

      #vlsvReader = pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader("example.vlsv")

      cellid = 1111
      velocity_cell_map = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid)
      velocity_cell_ids = velocity_cell_map.keys()
      velocity_cell_values = velocity_cell_map.values()

      velocity_cell_map[velocity_cell_ids[10]] = 3e-7

      generate_custom_velocity_grid( vlsvReader, velocity_cell_map )

    # Create nodes
    # Get velocity blocks and avgs:
    # Get helper function:
    blocksAndAvgs = blocks_and_values

    if len(blocksAndAvgs) == 0:
        print("CELL " + str(cellid) + " HAS NO VELOCITY BLOCK")
        return False
    # Create a new scene
    # Create a new figure
    #figure = mayavi.mlab.clf()
    #figure.scene.disable_render = True
    blocks = blocksAndAvgs[0]
    avgs = blocksAndAvgs[1]
    # Get nodes:
    nodesAndKeys = vlsvReader.construct_velocity_cell_nodes(blocks)
    # Create an unstructured grid:
    points = nodesAndKeys[0]
    tets = nodesAndKeys[1]
    tet_type = tvtk.Voxel().cell_type  #VTK_VOXEL

    ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
    # Set up the cells
    ug.set_cells(tet_type, tets)
    # Input data
    values = np.ravel(avgs)
    ug.cell_data.scalars = values
    ug.cell_data.scalars.name = 'avgs'
    #figure.scene.disable_render = False
    d = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug)
    if iso_surface == False:
        iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface(d)
        ptdata = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.cell_to_point_data(d)
        iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(ptdata,
                                               contours=[1e-15, 1e-14, 1e-12],

    engine = mayavi.mlab.get_engine()

    from mayavi.modules.axes import Axes
    axes = Axes()
    axes.name = 'Axes'
    axes.axes.fly_mode = 'none'
    axes.axes.number_of_labels = 8
    axes.axes.font_factor = 0.5
    #module_manager = self.__module_manager()
    # Add the label / marker:
    from mayavi.modules.outline import Outline
    outline = Outline()
    outline.name = 'Outline'

예제 #5
def createVtkObject(vmesh):
    print("Creating TVTK object from AMR mesh")

    #points = array([[0,1.2,0.6], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,1], # tetra
    #                [1,0,-0.5], [2,0,0], [2,1.5,0], [0,1,0],
    #                [1,0,0], [1.5,-0.2,1], [1.6,1,1.5], [1,1,1], # Hex
    #                ], 'f')

    ## The cells
    #cells = array([4, 0, 1, 2, 3, # tetra
    #               8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 # hex
    #               ])

    ## The offsets for the cells, i.e. the indices where the cells start.
    #offset = array([0, 5])
    #tetra_type = tvtk.Tetra().cell_type # VTK_TETRA == 10
    #hex_type = tvtk.Hexahedron().cell_type # VTK_HEXAHEDRON == 12
    #cell_types = array([tetra_type, hex_type])

    ## Create the array of cells unambiguously.
    #cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
    #cell_array.set_cells(2, cells)

    ## Now create the UG
    #ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
    #ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)
    #scalars = random.random(points.shape[0])
    #ug.point_data.scalars = scalars
    #ug.point_data.scalars.name = 'scalars'

    #points = nodesAndKeys[0]
    #tets = nodesAndKeys[1]

    # [x,y,z] list of nodes
    #points = np.array([[0,0,0],
    #                   [1,0,0],
    #                   [0,1,0],
    #                   [1,1,0],
    #                   [0,0,1],
    #                   [1,0,1],
    #                   [1,1,1],
    #                   ], 'f')

    #cells = np.array([[0,1,2,3],
    #                  [4,5,6,7],
    #                  [4,5,6,7],

    points, conns, avgs = stripAmrMesh(vmesh)


    #set cells & grid
    vox_type = tvtk.Voxel().cell_type  #VTK_VOXEL
    ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
    ug.set_cells(vox_type, conns)

    #points = np.array([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1], # tets
    #                [1,0,0], [2,0,0], [1,1,0], [1,0,1],
    #                [2,0,0], [3,0,0], [2,1,0], [2,0,1],
    #                ], 'f')
    #tets = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11]])
    #tet_type = tvtk.Tetra().cell_type
    #ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
    #ug.set_cells(tet_type, tets)

    #set scalar values
    #avgs = np.array([10.0])
    values = np.ravel(avgs)
    ug.cell_data.scalars = values
    ug.cell_data.scalars.name = 'dens'

    #d = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(ug)

    #if iso_surface == False:
    #    iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface(d)
    #ptdata = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.cell_to_point_data(d)
    #iso = mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(ptdata, contours=[1e-15,1e-14,1e-12], opacity=0.3)

    return ug