def Plot(self, Source=True, Axes=True, Show=True): Figure0 = mlab.figure(figure='EPhi', size=(600,300), bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0.,0.,0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure0) self.EPhi._Plot(Figure=Figure0, Source=Source, Axes=Axes, label='EPhi') if Source: self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure0, Origin=(0,+3,-4)) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure0, Origin=(0,-3,-4)) ConfigScene(Figure0) Figure1 = mlab.figure(figure='ETheta', size=(600,300), bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0.,0.,0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure1) self.ETheta._Plot(Figure=Figure1, Source=Source, Axes=Axes, label='ETheta') if Source: self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure1, Origin=(0,+3,-4)) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure1, Origin=(0,-3,-4)) ConfigScene(Figure1) if Show: else: return Figure0, Figure1
def init_scene(self): # init wind field object, mayavi self.func_wind_field_obj_init() # init odor source pos object, visual visual.set_viewer( self.scene) # tell visual to use this scene as the viewer op = Config.get_odor_source_pos() # get init odor source pos self.odor_source =[0], op[1], op[2]/2.0), length = 0.1, \ height = 0.1, width = op[2], color = (0x05/255.0, 0x5f/255.0,0x58/255.0), ) # init robot drawing obj, visual rp = Config.get_robot_init_pos() self.func_init_robot_shape(rp) # init wind vane obj, visual, indicating mean wind vector self.func_init_wind_vane() # axes and outlines self.func_init_axes_outline() # camera view self.scene.mlab.view(*Config.get_camera_view()) # check if TCP/IP address/port is successfully bind if self.objs_comm_process['sim_state'][1] == 1: if self.enum_comm_mode == 'local': self.textbox_sim_state_display = 'Listenting to localhost:60000' elif self.enum_comm_mode == 'distributed': self.textbox_sim_state_display = 'Listenting to ' \ + self.text_comm_address + ':' + self.text_comm_port else: self.textbox_sim_state_display = "Listenting to what? I don't know" elif self.objs_comm_process['sim_state'][1] == -1: if self.enum_comm_mode == 'local': self.textbox_sim_state_display = 'Error: Cannot bind localhost:60000' elif self.enum_comm_mode == 'distributed': self.textbox_sim_state_display = 'Error: Cannot bind ' \ + self.text_comm_address + ':' + self.text_comm_port else: self.textbox_sim_state_display = "Error: Can't bind what? I forgot"
def Plot(self, Source=True, Axes=True, Show=True): Figure = mlab.figure(figure='Stokes parameter', size=(600,300), bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0.,0.,0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) self.I._Plot( Source=Source, Axes=Axes, Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,0,0), ColorBar=True, label='I', ColorMap='seismic' ) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,0,-4)) self.Q._Plot( Source=Source, Axes=Axes, Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,4,0), ColorBar=True, label='Q', ColorMap='seismic' ) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,4,-4)) self.U._Plot( Source=Source, Axes=Axes, Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,8,0), ColorBar=True, label='U', ColorMap='seismic' ) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,8,-4)) self.V._Plot( Source=Source, Axes=Axes, Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,12,0), ColorBar=True, label='V', ColorMap='seismic' ) self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure, Origin=(0,12,-4)) self.I.Image.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (-1, 1) self.Q.Image.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (-1, 1) self.U.Image.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (-1, 1) self.V.Image.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (-1, 1) if Show: else: return Figure
def __init__(self, Ellipsity, Figure, Num=100, Origin=(0, 0, 0), Rotation=None, Label='E'): self.Num = Num self.Label = Label angle = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.Num) self.x = (np.cos(angle)).squeeze() self.y = (np.sin(angle) * sin(Ellipsity) * np.sqrt(2)).squeeze() self.z = 0 * self.x self.axis0 = [0, +1, 0] self.axis1 = [0, -1, 0] self.Figure = Figure visual.set_viewer(Figure) if Rotation is not None: self.Rotate(Rotation) self.x += Origin[0] self.y += Origin[1] self.z += Origin[2] self.Idx = np.argmax(self.x)
def UnstructuredAbs(Mesh, Scalar=None, Name='', Figure=None): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) if Scalar is None: Scalar = Mesh.Phi.Radian * 0 + 1 x, y, z = Sp2Cart(Scalar.flatten(), Mesh.Phi.Radian.flatten(), Mesh.Theta.Radian.flatten()) AddUnitAxes(Figure=Figure, Scale=1., Origin=(0, 0, -1.5)) AddUnitSphere(Num=50, Radius=1, Origin=(0, 0, 0), Figure=Figure) im0 = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, abs(Scalar), mode='sphere', scale_mode='none', colormap=CMAP) mlab.colorbar(object=im0, label_fmt="%.0e", nb_labels=5, title='Real part', orientation='horizontal')
def _draw(self): """Update the Mayavi objects with new particle information. This is called periodically in the GUI thread""" if is None: return assert isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread) f = mlab.gcf() visual.set_viewer(f) coords, types, radii, N_changed, bonds, Nbonds_changed, boxl, box_changed = = None if box_changed or not self.running:,boxl[0], 0,boxl[1], 0,boxl[2])) if not N_changed: self.points.mlab_source.set(x=coords[:,0]%boxl[0], y=coords[:,1]%boxl[1], z=coords[:,2]%boxl[2], u=radii, v=radii, w=radii, scalars=types) else: self.points.mlab_source.reset(x=coords[:,0]%boxl[0], y=coords[:,1]%boxl[1], z=coords[:,2]%boxl[2], u=radii, v=radii, w=radii, scalars=types) if not self.running: f.scene.reset_zoom() self.running = True if not Nbonds_changed: if bonds.shape[0] > 0: self.arrows.mlab_source.set (x=bonds[:,0], y=bonds[:,1], z=bonds[:,2], u=bonds[:,3], v=bonds[:,4], w=bonds[:,5]) else: self.arrows.mlab_source.reset(x=bonds[:,0], y=bonds[:,1], z=bonds[:,2], u=bonds[:,3], v=bonds[:,4], w=bonds[:,5], scalars=bonds[:,6])
def Plot(self, Source=True, Axes=True, Figure=None, Origin=(0,0,0), ColorBar=True, label=''): visual.set_viewer(Figure) self._Plot(Source=Source, Axes=Axes, Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin, ColorBar=ColorBar, label=label)
def UnstructuredAmplitude(Mesh, Scalar = None, Name = '', Source=True, Axes=True): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600,300), bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0,0,0)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) UnstructuredMesh(Scalar, Mesh.X, Mesh.Y, Mesh.Z, Source, Axes, (0,2,0), Figure, Name='Etheta', Orientation='vertical')
def Plot(self, Figure=None, Origin=(0, 0, -2)): Figure = self._Plot(Figure=Figure) visual.set_viewer(Figure) ConfigScene(Figure)
def __init__(self, wp_list, np_file='/tmp/', width=800, height=600): self.debug = True self.width = width self.height = height self.wp_list = wp_list self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) v = mlab.view(135, 180) self.balls = [] self.trajectories = [] colors = list(RoiSimulator.color_codes) color_black = colors.pop(0) color_red = colors.pop(0) wp_curve = visual.curve(color=color_red, radius=RoiSimulator.curve_radius) hist_pos = [] for i in xrange(len(self.wp_list)): ball = visual.sphere(color=color_black, radius=RoiSimulator.ball_radius) wp = self.wp_list[i] ball.x = wp[1] ball.y = wp[0] ball.z = wp[2] self.balls.append(ball) arr = visual.vector(float(wp[1]), float(wp[0]), float(wp[2])) hist_pos.append(arr) wp_curve.extend(hist_pos) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) z = np.loadtxt(np_file) z *= 255.0 / z.max() # HARDCODED # Todo: REMOVE THIS CODE ON THE FINAL RELEASE for xx in xrange(0, 200): for yy in xrange(400, 600): z[yy][xx] = 0, y, z)
def __init__(self, hex_list, np_file='/tmp/', robot_height=40, width=800, height=600, start_point=(0, 0, 0)): self.debug = False self.animator = None self.movement_mode = 0 self.start_point = start_point self.robot_height = robot_height self.width = width self.height = height self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) v = mlab.view(270, 180) #print v engine = mlab.get_engine() s = engine.current_scene s.scene.interactor.add_observer('KeyPressEvent', self.keypress_callback) self.robots = [] colors = list(PathRobustSimulator.color_codes) for key, local_hex_list in sorted(hex_list['internal_routes'].items()): color = colors.pop(0) ball = visual.sphere(color=color, radius=PathRobustSimulator.ball_radius) ball.x = self.start_point[0] ball.y = self.start_point[1] ball.z = self.start_point[2] curve = visual.curve(color=color, radius=PathRobustSimulator.curve_radius) r_ball = RobotBall(key, local_hex_list, hex_list['external_routes'][key], ball, curve) self.robots.append(r_ball) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) z = np.loadtxt(np_file) z *= 255.0 / z.max(), y, z) self.master_cmd = MasterCommand(self.robots)
def __init__(self, hex_list, np_file='/tmp/', robot_height=40, width=800, height=600, start_point=(0, 0, 0), message='experiment default message...'): self.debug = False self.animator = None self.movement_mode = 0 self.start_point = start_point self.robot_height = robot_height self.message = message self.start_time = int(time.time() * 1000) self.width = width self.height = height self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) v = mlab.view(270, 180) #print v engine = mlab.get_engine() self.s = engine.current_scene self.s.scene.interactor.add_observer('KeyPressEvent', self.keypress_callback) self.robots = [] colors = list(PathBatterySimulator.color_codes) for key, local_hex_list in sorted(hex_list['internal_routes'].items()): color = colors.pop(0) ball = visual.sphere(color=color, radius=PathBatterySimulator.ball_radius) ball.x = self.start_point[0] ball.y = self.start_point[1] ball.z = self.start_point[2] r, g, b = color rt = r + (0.25 * (1 - r)) gt = g + (0.25 * (1 - g)) bt = b + (0.25 * (1 - b)) curve_color = (rt, gt, bt) curve = visual.curve(color=curve_color, radius=PathBatterySimulator.curve_radius) r_ball = RobotBall(key, local_hex_list, hex_list['external_routes'][key], ball, curve) self.robots.append(r_ball) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) z = np.loadtxt(np_file) z *= 255.0/z.max(), y, z) self.master_cmd = MasterCommand(self.robots)
def __init__(self, width, height, bgcolor=None): figure = mlab.figure(size=(width, height), bgcolor=bgcolor) visual.set_viewer(figure) self.width = width self.height = height = Camera() self.frame_callbacks = [self.on_frame] self.obj_animations = dict()
def PlotConfiguration(Detector, Scatterer): """Still experimental""" from import visual from tvtk.api import tvtk from numpy import sqrt Figure = mlab.figure(figure='Optical configuration', size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) Origin = [0, 0, 0] AddUnitSphere(Num=50, Radius=0.1, Origin=(0, 0, 0), Figure=Figure) AddUnitAxes(Scale=3, Origin=(0, 0, 0), Figure=Figure) AddUnitAxes(Scale=0.8, Origin=(0, 0, -2), Figure=Figure, Label=False, ScaleTube=0.5) ElectricFieldArrow(Figure=Figure, Origin=(0, 0, -2), Pol=0, Scale=1) Ydir = np.sin(Detector.PhiOffset) Xdir = np.sin(Detector.GammaOffset) Direction = np.array([Xdir, Ydir, -1]) dist = sqrt(Direction[0]**2 + Direction[1]**2 + Direction[2]**2) Height = 2.0 Origin = Origin - Direction / dist * Height / 2.5 SPF = Scatterer.SPF(100) SPF['SPF'] = SPF['SPF'] / np.max(SPF['SPF']) * 2 x, y, z = Sp2Cart(SPF['SPF'], SPF['Phi'], SPF['Theta']) im = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, colormap='viridis', figure=Figure) PlotCone(Origin=Origin, Radius=Detector.NA * Height, Height=Height, Resolution=100, Figure=fig, Direction=Direction) mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=180, distance=None)
def __init__(self, wp_list, hex_list, robot_height=40, np_file='/tmp/', width=800, height=600, start_point=(0, 0, 0)): self.debug = True self.movement_mode = 0 self.start_point = start_point self.robot_height = robot_height self.width = width self.height = height self.wp_list = wp_list self.index_list = [] self.history = [] self.last_positions = [] self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) self.balls = [] self.trajectories = [] colors = list(PathSimulator.color_codes) for i in xrange(len(self.wp_list)): color = colors.pop(0) ball = visual.sphere(color=color, radius=PathSimulator.ball_radius) ball.x = self.start_point[0] ball.y = self.start_point[1] ball.z = self.start_point[2] self.balls.append(ball) self.trajectories.append( visual.curve(color=color, radius=PathSimulator.curve_radius)) self.index_list.append(0) self.history.append([]) self.last_positions.append(self.start_point) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) self.z = np.loadtxt(np_file) self.z *= 255.0 / self.z.max(), y, self.z)
def _plot_mayavi(self, viewer=None): from import visual visual.set_viewer(viewer) trans, rot, zoom, shear = decompose44(self.pos4d) # turn into valid color tuple self.display['color'] = get_color(self.display) # setting color here is more global than in the next line # because this automatically changes the diffuse, ambient, etc. color, too. b =, size=tuple(np.abs(zoom) * 2),[1.,0.,0.], rot), color=self.display['color'], viewer=viewer) # No safety net here like for color converting to a tuple. # If the advnaced properties are set you are on your own. for n in if n in self.display: setattr(, n, self.display[n])
def Plot(self, Source=True, Axes=True, Show=True): Figure = mlab.figure(figure='Scattering phase function', size=(600,300), bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0.,0.,0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) self.SPF._Plot(Figure=Figure, Source=Source, Axes=Axes) if Source: self.Parent.Source._Plot(Figure=Figure) if Show: else: return Figure
def create_unicycle(self): visual.set_viewer(self.scene) self.wheel_top = = (0.2, 0.5, 0.5), pos = (0, 1.0, 0), length = 1.6, width = 1.6, height = 0.04) self.spring = visual.helix(coils = 8, axis = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), color = (0.8, 0.2, 0.8), pos = (0.14, 1.0, 0), radius = 0.1, length = 0.5) = = (0.2, 0.2, 0.8), pos = (0.0, 1.7, 0.0), length = 0.6, height = 0.4, width = 0.6) self.dash_top = visual.cylinder(axis = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.2), pos = (-0.14, 1.7, 0.0), radius = 0.1, length = 0.3) self.dash_bottom = visual.cylinder(axis = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.2), pos = (-0.14, 1.0, 0.0), radius = 0.05, length = 0.6) self.recompute_char_eq() self.update_chq_data() self.tdata = self.state_buf[:,0] self.ydata = self.state_buf[:,1] self._run_fired()
def _plot_mayavi(self, viewer=None): from import visual visual.set_viewer(viewer) trans, rot, zoom, shear = decompose44(self.pos4d) # turn into valid color tuple self.display['color'] = get_color(self.display) # setting color here is more global than in the next line # because this automatically changes the diffuse, ambient, etc. color, too. b =, size=tuple(np.abs(zoom) * 2),[1., 0., 0.], rot), color=self.display['color'], viewer=viewer) # No safety net here like for color converting to a tuple. # If the advnaced properties are set you are on your own. for n in if n in self.display: setattr(, n, self.display[n])
def CircularFieldArrow(Figure, Origin, Polarization, Scale=0.5): Vec = [sin(Polarization.Radian), -cos(Polarization.Radian), 1] visual.set_viewer(Figure) ar0 = visual.ring(color=RED, thickness=0.03) ar0.pos = np.asarray(Origin) / Scale = Vec ar0.axis = [0, 0, 1] mlab.text3d(x=Vec[0] + Origin[0], y=Vec[1] + Origin[1], z=Vec[2] + Origin[2] - 1, text='E', line_width=0.1, figure=Figure, scale=0.25, color=BLACK)
def StructuredAmplitude(Scalar, Phi, Theta, Name='', Polarization=None, Source=None): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) x, y, z = Sp2Cart(Phi * 0 + 1, Phi, Theta) dic = { 'Real': (-3, np.real, 'horizontal'), 'Imaginary': (+3, np.imag, 'vertical') } for keys, (val, func, ax) in dic.items(): Origin = (val, 0, 0) AddUnitAxes(Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin, Scale=2) mlab.text3d(Origin[0], Origin[1], 5, keys, scale=0.5) AddSource(Figure, (val, 0, -3), Polarization, Scale=1.1) im0 = mlab.points3d(x + val, y, z, func(Scalar), mode='sphere', scale_mode='none', colormap=CMAP, opacity=1) mlab.colorbar(object=im0, label_fmt="%.0e", nb_labels=5, title=f'{keys} part', orientation=ax) return Figure
def __init__(self, wp_list, np_file='/tmp/', width=800, height=600): self.debug = True self.width = width self.height = height self.wp_list = wp_list self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) self.balls = [] self.trajectories = [] colors = list(RoiSimulator.color_codes) color_black = colors.pop(0) color_red = colors.pop(0) wp_curve = visual.curve(color=color_red, radius=RoiSimulator.curve_radius) hist_pos = [] for i in xrange(len(self.wp_list)): ball = visual.sphere(color=color_black, radius=RoiSimulator.ball_radius) wp = self.wp_list[i] ball.x = wp[1] ball.y = wp[0] ball.z = wp[2] self.balls.append(ball) arr = visual.vector(float(wp[1]), float(wp[0]), float(wp[2])) hist_pos.append(arr) wp_curve.extend(hist_pos) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) z = np.loadtxt(np_file) z *= 255.0/z.max(), y, z)
def UnstructuredAmplitude(Mesh, Scalar=None, Name=''): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) if Scalar is None: Scalar = Mesh.Phi.Radian.flatten() * 0 + 1 x, y, z = Sp2Cart(Scalar, Mesh.Phi.Radian.flatten(), Mesh.Theta.Radian.flatten()) dic = { 'Real': (-3, np.real, 'horizontal'), 'Imaginary': (+3, np.imag, 'vertical') } for keys, (val, func, ax) in dic.items(): Origin = (val, 0, 0) AddUnitAxes(Figure=Figure, Scale=2., Origin=Origin) mlab.text3d(val, Origin[1], 3, keys, scale=0.5) AddUnitSphere(Num=50, Radius=1., Origin=Origin, Figure=Figure) im0 = mlab.points3d(Mesh.CartCoord[0] + Origin[0], Mesh.CartCoord[1] + Origin[1], Mesh.CartCoord[2] + Origin[2], func(Scalar), mode='sphere', scale_mode='none', colormap=CMAP) mlab.colorbar(object=im0, label_fmt="%.0e", nb_labels=5, title=f'{keys} part', orientation=ax) WavenumberArrow(Figure, Origin=(val, 0, -3), Scale=1) return Figure
def _Plot(self, Figure=None, Origin=(0, 0, -2)): if Figure is None: Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) AddUnitSphere(Num=100, Radius=1, Origin=Origin, Figure=Figure, Opacity=0.1) self.Polarization._Plot(Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin) WavenumberArrow(Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin, Scale=1) return Figure
def StokesPlot(I, Q, U, V, Phi, Theta, Name='', Polarization=None, Figure=None): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=Name, size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) dic = {'I': (I, -6), 'Q': (Q, -2), 'U': (U, +2), 'V': (V, +6)} for keys, (stokes, val) in dic.items(): Origin = (val, 0, -3) x, y, z = Sp2Cart(Phi * 0 + 1, Phi, Theta) im = mlab.points3d(x.flatten() + Origin[0], y.flatten(), z.flatten(), stokes.flatten() / np.max(I), colormap=CMAP, figure=Figure, mode='sphere', scale_mode='none') mlab.text3d(Origin[0], Origin[1], 3, keys, scale=0.5) lut_manager = mlab.colorbar(object=im, label_fmt="%.0e", nb_labels=5, title='Normalized scale', orientation='horizontal') lut_manager.data_range = (0, 1) if Polarization is not None: AddSource(Figure, Origin, Polarization, Scale=1)
def run(self,vis=False): ''' Domyslnie vizualizacje sa wylaczone - vis = True uruchamia vizualizacje ''' #zabezpieczenie przed overloadingiem , zero division itp np.seterr(all="raise") # w razie przekroczenia zakresu wyrzuci yjatek if vis: f = mlab.figure(size=(600,600)) visual.set_viewer(f) self.visdata = VisData(self.dlist)# lista punktow do wyswietlenia - jesli vis = True bedzie aktualizowana i wyswietlana if not self.fname == None: self.fobj = open(self.fname,'w') while self.time<self.t: try: self.__step(vis) # jesli koniec rzuci wyjatek self.time+=self.dt except: print("Jeden z dipoli opuscil swiat - koniec symulacji") return 1 if self.fobj: self.fobj.close()
def _Plot(self, Figure=None, Num=100, Color=(1, 0, 0), Origin=(0, 0, 0)): if Figure is None: Figure = Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) scale = 0.3 a = Ellipse(Ellipsity=self.Ellipsity.Radian, Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin, Rotation=self.Azimuth.Radian + np.pi / 2, Label='E') b = Ellipse(Ellipsity=self.Ellipsity.Radian, Figure=Figure, Origin=Origin, Rotation=self.Azimuth.Radian, Label='B') a._Plot(Color=RED) b._Plot(Color=BLUE) return Figure
def tresdeizar(X, Y, anchox, anchoy, angulo): engine = Engine() engine.start() scene = engine.new_scene() scene.scene.disable_render = True # for speed visual.set_viewer(scene) surfaces = [] for k in range(0, len(X)): source = ParametricSurface() source.function = 'ellipsoid' engine.add_source(source) surface = Surface() source.add_module(surface) actor = # mayavi actor, is tvtk actor = 0.7 = (0, 0, 1) # tuple(np.random.rand(3)) actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = False # don't colour ellipses by their scalar indices into colour map = np.array([90, angulo[k], 0 ]) #* 90 #(angulo[k]) # in degrees = np.array([X[k], Y[k], 0]) = np.array( [anchox[k] / 2, anchox[k] / 2, anchoy[k] / 2]) surfaces.append(surface) source.scene.background = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) CellScann.set_img_3deizada(mlab) return
def StructuredAbs(Scalar, Phi, Theta, Name='', Polarization=None): Figure = mlab.figure(figure=None, size=(600, 300)) visual.set_viewer(Figure) O = (0, 0, 0) O1 = (0, 0, -2) x, y, z = Sp2Cart(Scalar / np.max(Scalar) * 4, Phi, Theta) AddUnitAxes(Figure=Figure, Scale=5, Origin=O, ScaleTube=0.7) im = mlab.mesh(x, y, z - np.min(z), colormap='viridis', figure=Figure) mlab.colorbar(object=im, label_fmt="%.0e", nb_labels=5, title='Normalized scale', orientation='horizontal') if Polarization is not None: AddSource(Figure, O1, Polarization, Scale=1) return Figure
if __name__ == '__main__': path='../../../examples/elm-pb/data' data = collect("P", path=path) nt=data.shape[0] ns=data.shape[1] ne=data.shape[2] nz=data.shape[3] f = mayavi.mlab.figure(size=(600,600)) # Tell visual to use this as the viewer. visual.set_viewer(f) #First way s1 = contour_surf(data[0,:,:,10]+.1, contours=30, line_width=.5, transparent=True) s = surf(data[0,:,:,10]+.1, colormap='Spectral')#, warp_scale='.1')#, representation='wireframe') # second way #x, y= mgrid[0:ns:1, 0:ne:1] #s = mesh(x,y,data[0,:,:,10], colormap='Spectral')#, warp_scale='auto')#, representation='wireframe') s.enable_contours=True s.contour.filled_contours=True #
def tearDown(self): visual.set_viewer(None)
def setUp(self): self.viewer = DummyViewer() visual.set_viewer(self.viewer)
def __init__(self,random_minerals=True,random_location=True, mineral_location= Location.CENTER, reward = Reward.RELATIVE, grayscale = False, flat = False, mineral_scale = 1.5, start_shift = 0, camera_height = 4, actions = [Action.LEFT,Action.RIGHT,Action.FORWARDS,Action.BACKWARDS,Action.CW,Action.CCW], decorations = False, camera_tilt = 0,start_pos=-23.5, width = 900, height = (500-46),resize_scale=15, x_collision_scale = 1,y_collision_scale = 1,k=5,silver=(.5,.5,.7), random_colors = False,random_lighting=False): self.random_minerals = random_minerals self.random_location = random_location self.mineral_location = mineral_location self.reward = reward self.grayscale = grayscale self.flat = flat self.actions = actions.copy() self.actions_index_dict = self.get_action_index_dictionary() self.camera_height = camera_height self.decorations = decorations self.camera_tilt = camera_tilt self.start_pos = start_pos self.resize_scale = resize_scale mlab.close(all=True) self.width = width self.height = height + 46 self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width,self.height),bgcolor = (1,1,1)) self.f.scene._lift() self.square_width = 23.5 self.start_shift = start_shift self.x_collision_scale = x_collision_scale self.y_collision_scale = y_collision_scale self.k = k self.k_max_iterations = 10 self.silver = silver self.random_colors = random_colors self.random_lighting = random_lighting visual.set_viewer(self.f) a_side = 34.5 tape_height = .2 #distance between minerals self.d = 14.5 / np.sqrt(2) #color for silver #silver = (.8,.8,.8) floor_color = (.4,.4,.4) #reate field self.floor_3_3 =,y=0,z=-1, length = 23.5*3,height = 23.5*3,width = 2,color = floor_color) #get mineral location locations = self.get_mineral_locations() #self.gold_mineral =[0][0],y=locations[0][1],z=1, length=4,height=4,width=4, color = (1,1,0)) mineral_radius = 2.75 * mineral_scale self.gold_mineral = visual.sphere(x=locations[0][0],y=locations[0][1],z=mineral_radius,radius =mineral_radius,color = (1,1,0) ) self.silver_mineral_1 = visual.sphere(x=locations[1][0],y=locations[1][1],z=mineral_radius,radius =mineral_radius,color = self.silver) self.silver_mineral_2 = visual.sphere(x=locations[2][0],y=locations[2][1],z=mineral_radius,radius =mineral_radius,color = self.silver) #randomly pick the red or blue side r = np.round(np.random.random(1)[0]) b = 1 - r tape_color = (r,0,b) #23.5 is the diameter of a square #place the crater tape self.vertical_lander_tape =*3/2 + 1,y=a_side/2 - self.square_width*3/2,z=tape_height,length = 2, height = a_side, width = tape_height,color=tape_color) self.h_lander_tape =*3/2 + a_side/2,y=-a_side/2,z=tape_height,length = 2, height = a_side * np.sqrt(2), width = tape_height,color=tape_color) self.h_lander_tape.rotate(45,axis = [0,0,1],origin = [self.h_lander_tape.x,self.h_lander_tape.y,self.h_lander_tape.z]) self.marker_left = + 1, y =self.square_width,z=tape_height,length=2,height = self.square_width,width=tape_height,color=tape_color) self.marker_right =*self.square_width/2 -1, y =self.square_width,z=tape_height,length=2,height = self.square_width,width=tape_height,color=tape_color) self.marker_bottom =,y=self.square_width/2 + 1, z = tape_height,length=self.square_width,height=2,width=tape_height,color=tape_color) self.marker_top =,y=3*self.square_width/2 - 1, z = tape_height,length=self.square_width,height=2,width=tape_height,color=tape_color) #add bars if self.decorations: bar_width = 1.5 bar_height = 1 middle_height = 12 - bar_height*2 middle_color = floor_color bar_length = self.square_width * 3 bar_color = (0,0,0) self.bar1 =*1.5-bar_width/2,y=0,z=tape_height, width= bar_width, height=bar_height,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar1.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar1.pos) self.bar1m =*1.5-bar_width/2,y=0,z=bar_height+middle_height/2, width= middle_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = middle_color) self.bar1m.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar1m.pos) self.bar1t =*1.5-bar_width/2,y=0,z=bar_height+middle_height, width= bar_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar1t.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar1t.pos) self.bar2 =*1.5+bar_width/2,y=0,z=tape_height, width= bar_width, height=bar_height,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar2.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar2.pos) self.bar2m =*1.5+bar_width/2,y=0,z=bar_height+middle_height/2, width= middle_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = middle_color) self.bar2m.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar2m.pos) self.bar2t =*1.5+bar_width/2,y=0,z=bar_height+middle_height, width= bar_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar2t.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar2t.pos) self.bar3 =,y=self.square_width*1.5-bar_width/2,z=tape_height, width= bar_width, height=bar_height,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar3m =,y=self.square_width*1.5-bar_width/2,z=bar_height+middle_height/2, width= middle_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = middle_color) self.bar3t =,y=self.square_width*1.5-bar_width/2,z=bar_height+middle_height, width= bar_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar4 =,y=-self.square_width*1.5+bar_width/2,z=tape_height, width= bar_width, height=bar_height,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) self.bar4m =,y=-self.square_width*1.5+bar_width/2,z=bar_height+middle_height/2, width= middle_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = middle_color) self.bar4t =,y=-self.square_width*1.5+bar_width/2,z=bar_height+middle_height, width= bar_height, height=bar_width,length=bar_length, color = bar_color) if self.random_colors: height_scale = 40 new_height = bar_height * height_scale self.bar1t.width= new_height self.bar1t.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar1t.pos) self.bar2t.width= new_height self.bar2t.rotate(90,axis=[0,0,1],origin=self.bar2t.pos) self.bar3t.width = new_height self.bar4t.width = new_height self.randomize_colors() self.x, self.y, self.pos_angle = self.get_start_position() self.init_position() if self.random_lighting: self.randomize_lighting() self.move_distance = 2 self.turn_angle = 5
def affichage_terre(): from mayavi import mlab from import visual a = mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=(0.48, 0.48, 0.48), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1000, 800)) mlab.clf() visual.set_viewer(a) from mayavi.sources.builtin_surface import BuiltinSurface continents_src = BuiltinSurface(source='earth', name='Countries') continents_src.data_source.on_ratio = 2 continents = mlab.pipeline.surface(continents_src, color=(0, 0, 0)) sphere = mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=2, color=(0.67, 0.77, 0.93), resolution=50, opacity=0.7, name='Earth') = 0.45 = 5 = True def Arrow_From_A_to_B(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): ar1 = visual.arrow(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1) ar1.length_cone = 0.4 arrow_length = np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 + (z2 - z1)**2) = [arrow_length, arrow_length, arrow_length] ar1.pos = ar1.pos / arrow_length ar1.axis = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1] #ix = mlab.points3d(2,0,0,mode='arrow') PLUS ELEGANT ??? # ! POINTS3D ! return ar1 axX = Arrow_From_A_to_B(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) axY = Arrow_From_A_to_B(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) axZ = Arrow_From_A_to_B(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) '''coords = kepler2card(np.array([1,0,0]),satellites[0][14],-satellites[0][15]) sat1 = Arrow_From_A_to_B(0, 0, 0, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]) coords2 = kepler2card(np.array([1,0,0]),satellites[0][14],0) sat2 = Arrow_From_A_to_B(0, 0, 0, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]) ''' theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) for i in range(len(satellites)): U = kepler2card(np.array([1, 0, 0]), -satellites[i][15], satellites[i][14]) N = kepler2card(np.array([0, 0, 1]), -satellites[i][15], satellites[i][14]) #U = kepler2card(np.array([1,0,0]),-82.1335,54.1115) #N = kepler2card(np.array([0,0,1]),-82.1335,54.1115) UN = np.cross(U, N) #P = R*np.cos(theta)*U+R*np.sin(theta)*U.cross(N) x = R * np.cos(theta) * U[0] + R * np.sin(theta) * UN[0] y = R * np.cos(theta) * U[1] + R * np.sin(theta) * UN[1] z = R * np.cos(theta) * U[2] + R * np.sin(theta) * UN[2] mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=0.2, tube_radius=None) for i in range(len(satellites)): U = kepler2card(np.array([1, 0, 0]), -cosatellites[i][15], satellites[i][14]) N = kepler2card(np.array([0, 0, 1]), -satellites[i][15], satellites[i][14]) #U = kepler2card(np.array([1,0,0]),-82.1335,54.1115) #N = kepler2card(np.array([0,0,1]),-82.1335,54.1115) UN = np.cross(U, N) theta = np.deg2rad(satellites[i][18]) * 0 n = satellites[i][18] d = ((mu**(1 / 3)) / ((2 * n * np.pi / 86400)**(2 / 3))) x = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[0] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[0]) * R y = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[1] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[1]) * R z = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[2] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[2]) * R if (satellites[i][0].find("16") != -1 or satellites[i][0].find("26") != -1): points = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.1, color=(1, 0, 0)) x = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[0] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[0]) y = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[1] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[1]) z = (d * np.cos(theta) * U[2] + d * np.sin(theta) * UN[2]) if (satellites[i][0].find("16") != -1 or satellites[i][0].find("26") != -1): print(theta) points = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.1, color=(1, 0, 0)) return n, d
def __init__(self, hex_list, np_file='/tmp/', robot_height=40, width=800, height=600, start_point=(0, 0, 0), message='experiment default message...', battery=99999): self.debug = False self.animator = None self.movement_mode = 0 self.start_point = start_point self.robot_height = robot_height self.message = message self.start_time = int(time.time() * 1000) self.timestep = 0 self.width = width self.height = height self.f = mlab.figure(size=(self.width, self.height)) visual.set_viewer(self.f) v = mlab.view(270, 180) #print v engine = mlab.get_engine() self.s = engine.current_scene self.s.scene.interactor.add_observer('KeyPressEvent', self.keypress_callback) self.robots = [] colors = list(PathBatterySimulator.color_codes) for key, local_hex_list in sorted(hex_list['internal_routes'].items()): color = colors.pop(0) ball = visual.sphere(color=color, radius=PathBatterySimulator.ball_radius) ball.x = self.start_point[0] ball.y = self.start_point[1] ball.z = self.start_point[2] r, g, b = color rt = r + (0.25 * (1 - r)) gt = g + (0.25 * (1 - g)) bt = b + (0.25 * (1 - b)) curve_color = (rt, gt, bt) curve = visual.curve(color=curve_color, radius=PathBatterySimulator.curve_radius) r_ball = RobotBall(key, local_hex_list, hex_list['external_routes'][key], ball, curve, battery=battery) self.robots.append(r_ball) x = np.linspace(0, self.width, 1) y = np.linspace(0, self.height, 1) z = np.loadtxt(np_file) z *= 255.0 / z.max() # HARDCODED # Todo: REMOVE THIS CODE ON THE FINAL RELEASE for xx in xrange(0, 200): for yy in xrange(400, 600): z[yy][xx] = 0, y, z) self.master_cmd = MasterCommand(self.robots) self.robot_pos = open('/tmp/robot_log.txt', 'a')
def plotpolslice(var3d, gridfile, period=1, zangle=0.0, rz=1, fig=0): """ data2d = plotpolslice(data3d, 'gridfile' , period=1, zangle=0.0, rz:return (r,z) grid also=1, fig: to do the graph, set to 1 ) """ g = file_import(gridfile) nx = var3d.shape[0] ny = var3d.shape[1] nz = var3d.shape[2] zShift = g.get('zShift') rxy = g.get('Rxy') zxy = g.get('Zxy') dz = 2.0 * np.pi / float(period * (nz - 1)) ny2 = ny nskip = np.zeros(ny - 1) for i in range(ny - 1): ip = (i + 1) % ny nskip[i] = 0 for x in range(nx): ns = old_div(np.max(np.abs(zShift[x, ip] - zShift[x, i])), dz) - 1 if ns > nskip[i]: nskip[i] = ns nskip = np.int_(np.round(nskip)) ny2 = np.int_(ny2 + np.sum(nskip)) print("Number of poloidal points in output:" + str(ny2)) var2d = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) r = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) z = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) ypos = 0 for y in range(ny - 1): # put in the original points for x in range(nx): zind = old_div((zangle - zShift[x, y]), dz) var2d[x, ypos] = zinterp(var3d[x, y, :], zind) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos] = var2d[x,ypos] + profile[x,y] r[x, ypos] = rxy[x, y] z[x, ypos] = zxy[x, y] ypos = ypos + 1 print((y, ypos)) # and the extra points for x in range(nx): zi0 = old_div((zangle - zShift[x, y]), dz) zip1 = old_div((zangle - zShift[x, y + 1]), dz) dzi = old_div((zip1 - zi0), (nskip[y] + 1)) for i in range(nskip[y]): zi = zi0 + float(i + 1) * dzi # zindex w = old_div(float(i + 1), float(nskip[y] + 1)) # weighting var2d[x, ypos + i] = w * zinterp(var3d[x, y + 1, :], zi) + ( 1.0 - w) * zinterp(var3d[x, y, :], zi) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos+i] = var2d[x,ypos+i] + w*profile[x,y+1] + (1.0-w)*profile[x,y] r[x, ypos + i] = w * rxy[x, y + 1] + (1.0 - w) * rxy[x, y] z[x, ypos + i] = w * zxy[x, y + 1] + (1.0 - w) * zxy[x, y] ypos = ypos + nskip[y] # FINAL POINT for x in range(nx): zind = old_div((zangle - zShift[x, ny - 1]), dz) var2d[x, ypos] = zinterp(var3d[x, ny - 1, :], zind) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos] = var2d[x,ypos] + profile[x,ny-1] r[x, ypos] = rxy[x, ny - 1] z[x, ypos] = zxy[x, ny - 1] if (fig == 1): f = mlab.figure(size=(600, 600)) # Tell visual to use this as the viewer. visual.set_viewer(f) s = mlab.mesh(r, z, var2d, colormap='PuOr' ) #, wrap_scale='true')#, representation='wireframe') s.enable_contours = True s.contour.filled_contours = True mlab.view(0, 0) else: # return according to opt if rz == 1: return r, z, var2d else: return var2d
def __init__(self, model, building_layout, building_size, building_spacing, fig=None): self.model = model self.building_layout = np.array(building_layout) self.building_size = building_size self.building_spacing = np.float64(building_spacing) if fig is None: self.fig = mlab.figure(size=(500, 500), bgcolor=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) else: self.fig = fig # Set figure for visual objects visual.set_viewer(self.fig) # Convenient local aliases nx, ny = self.building_layout.shape n = nx * ny # Beautiful colors self.building_colors = map( tuple, np.array((np.linspace(0.0, 0.0, n), np.linspace(0.8, 0.3, n), np.linspace(0.3, 0.8, n))).T) # For storing buildings and their locations self.buildings = [] self.building_centers = np.zeros((n, 2)) # Generate buildings for i, x in enumerate( np.linspace(0, (nx - 1) * (self.building_size[0] + self.building_spacing), nx)): for j, y in enumerate( np.linspace( 0, (ny - 1) * (self.building_size[1] + self.building_spacing), ny)): if not self.building_layout[i, j]: continue idx = int(ny * i + j) self.building_centers[idx] = (x, y) self.buildings.append(, y=y, z=self.building_size[2] / 2, size=self.building_size, color=self.building_colors[idx])) # Generate ground plane if self.buildings: ground_xx, ground_yy = map( np.transpose, np.meshgrid( np.linspace(np.min(self.building_centers[:, 0] - 10), np.max(self.building_centers[:, 0] + 10), 2), np.linspace(np.min(self.building_centers[:, 1] - 10), np.max(self.building_centers[:, 1] + 10), 2))) self.ground =, ground_yy, np.zeros_like(ground_xx), color=(0, 0.2, 0.2), warp_scale=1) else: self.ground = None # Generate multicopter self.copter_radius = 1.1 * npl.norm( self.model.thruster_positions[0, :2]) self.copter_sticks = np.vstack(([ (0, 0, 0), (self.copter_radius, 0, 0) ], self.model.thruster_positions, (self.copter_radius, 0, 0))).T self.copter_sticks_plot = mlab.plot3d(self.copter_sticks[0, :], self.copter_sticks[1, :], self.copter_sticks[2, :], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 1)) self.copter_nodes = np.vstack(([0, 0, 0], self.model.thruster_positions)).T self.copter_nodes_plot = mlab.points3d(self.copter_nodes[0, :], self.copter_nodes[1, :], self.copter_nodes[2, :], scale_factor=0.15) self.copter_nodes_plot.glyph.scale_mode = "scale_by_vector" self.copter_nodes_plot.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = [ 0, 1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1, 0 ] # hack to individually color points self.copter_vecs = [ np.vstack((thr.position, thr.position + 1e-5 * thr.direction)).T for thr in self.model.thruster_list ] self.copter_vecs_plots = [ mlab.plot3d(vec[0, :], vec[1, :], vec[2, :], color=(1, 1, 1)) for vec in self.copter_vecs ] # Aliases for Mayavi animate decorator and show function self.animate = mlab.animate =
def plotpolslice(var3d,gridfile,period=1,zangle=0.0, rz=1, fig=0): """ data2d = plotpolslice(data3d, 'gridfile' , period=1, zangle=0.0, rz:return (r,z) grid also=1, fig: to do the graph, set to 1 ) """ g=file_import(gridfile) nx=var3d.shape[0] ny=var3d.shape[1] nz=var3d.shape[2] zShift=g.get('zShift') rxy=g.get('Rxy') zxy=g.get('Zxy') dz = 2.0*np.pi / float(period*nz) ny2=ny nskip=np.zeros(ny-1) for i in range(ny-1): ip=(i+1)%ny nskip[i]=0 for x in range(nx): ns=old_div(np.max(np.abs(zShift[x,ip]-zShift[x,i])),dz)-1 if ns > nskip[i] : nskip[i] = ns nskip = np.int_(np.round(nskip)) ny2 = np.int_(ny2 + np.sum(nskip)) print("Number of poloidal points in output:" + str(ny2)) var2d = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) r = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) z = np.zeros((nx, ny2)) ypos = 0 for y in range (ny-1) : # put in the original points for x in range (nx): zind = old_div((zangle - zShift[x,y]),dz) var2d[x,ypos] = zinterp(var3d[x,y,:], zind) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos] = var2d[x,ypos] + profile[x,y] r[x,ypos] = rxy[x,y] z[x,ypos] = zxy[x,y] ypos = ypos + 1 print((y, ypos)) # and the extra points for x in range (nx): zi0 = old_div((zangle - zShift[x,y]),dz) zip1 = old_div((zangle - zShift[x,y+1]),dz) dzi = old_div((zip1 - zi0), (nskip[y] + 1)) for i in range (nskip[y]): zi = zi0 + float(i+1)*dzi # zindex w = old_div(float(i+1),float(nskip[y]+1)) # weighting var2d[x,ypos+i] = w*zinterp(var3d[x,y+1,:], zi) + (1.0-w)*zinterp(var3d[x,y,:], zi) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos+i] = var2d[x,ypos+i] + w*profile[x,y+1] + (1.0-w)*profile[x,y] r[x,ypos+i] = w*rxy[x,y+1] + (1.0-w)*rxy[x,y] z[x,ypos+i] = w*zxy[x,y+1] + (1.0-w)*zxy[x,y] ypos = ypos + nskip[y] # FINAL POINT for x in range(nx): zind = old_div((zangle - zShift[x,ny-1]),dz) var2d[x,ypos] = zinterp(var3d[x,ny-1,:], zind) # IF KEYWORD_SET(profile) THEN var2d[x,ypos] = var2d[x,ypos] + profile[x,ny-1] r[x,ypos] = rxy[x,ny-1] z[x,ypos] = zxy[x,ny-1] if(fig==1): f = mlab.figure(size=(600,600)) # Tell visual to use this as the viewer. visual.set_viewer(f) s = mlab.mesh(r,z,var2d, colormap='PuOr')#, wrap_scale='true')#, representation='wireframe') s.enable_contours=True s.contour.filled_contours=True mlab.view(0,0) else: # return according to opt if rz==1 : return r,z,var2d else: return var2d
try: engine = mayavi.engine except NameError: from mayavi.api import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() if len(engine.scenes) == 0: engine.new_scene(size=(600, 800)) scene = engine.scenes[0] fig = mlab.gcf(engine) figure = mlab.figure(figure=fig, bgcolor=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fgcolor=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), engine=engine) visual.set_viewer(fig) fig.scene.disable_render = True peaks = [] space_plots = [] for i in range(len(structures)): struc = structures[i] space_plots.append(rsplt.space_plot(struc.lattice)) if (struc.plot_peaks): peaks.append(space_plots[i].plot_peaks(qx_lims=qx_lims, qy_lims=qy_lims, qz_lims=qz_lims, q_inplane_lim=q_inplane_lim, mag_q_lims=mag_q_lims, color=struc.color)) if (struc.plot_rods):
ar1=visual.arrow(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1) ar1.length_cone=0.4 arrow_length=np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2+(z2-z1)**2)[arrow_length, arrow_length, arrow_length] ar1.pos = ar1.pos/arrow_length ar1.axis = [x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1] return ar1 fig = mlab.figure() scene = mlab.gcf().scene scene.renderer.render_window.set(alpha_bit_planes=1,multi_samples=0) scene.renderer.set(use_depth_peeling=True,maximum_number_of_peels=4,occlusion_ratio=0.1) from import visual visual.set_viewer(fig) Arrow_From_A_to_B(0,0,0,avg_d[0],avg_d[1],avg_d[2]) for i, line in enumerate(curves): c = np.random.rand(3,1) mlab.plot3d(line[:,0], line[:,1], line[:,2], range(0,len(line))) orig = streams[i] mlab.plot3d(orig[:,0], orig[:,1], orig[:,2], color=(1,1,1), opacity=0.5) mlab.points3d(avg_com[0],avg_com[1],avg_com[2],color=(1,0,0), mode='axes',scale_factor=5) mlab.points3d(avg_mid[0],avg_mid[1],avg_mid[2],color=(0,0,1), mode='axes',scale_factor=5) sys.exit() # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
if __name__ == "__main__": path = "../../../examples/elm-pb/data" data = collect("P", path=path) nt = data.shape[0] ns = data.shape[1] ne = data.shape[2] nz = data.shape[3] f = mlab.figure(size=(600, 600)) # Tell visual to use this as the viewer. visual.set_viewer(f) # First way s1 = contour_surf(data[0, :, :, 10] + 0.1, contours=30, line_width=0.5, transparent=True) s = surf(data[0, :, :, 10] + 0.1, colormap="Spectral" ) # , warp_scale='.1')#, representation='wireframe') # second way # x, y= mgrid[0:ns:1, 0:ne:1] # s = mesh(x,y,data[0,:,:,10], colormap='Spectral')#, warp_scale='auto') # #, representation='wireframe')