예제 #1
 def offerAssistance(self):
     Offer to fulfill certain incomplete tasks evident from the state of the passage text.
     (Technically, none of this needs to be on passageFrame instead of passageWidget.)
     # Offer to create passage for broken links
     if self.app.config.ReadBool('createPassagePrompt'):
         brokens = links = filter(lambda text: badLinkStyle(text) == TweeLexer.BAD_LINK, self.widget.getBrokenLinks())
         if brokens :
             if len(brokens) > 1:
                 brokenmsg = 'create ' + str(len(brokens)) + ' new passages to match these broken links?'
                 brokenmsg = 'create the passage "' + brokens[0] + '"?'
             dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Do you want to ' + brokenmsg, 'Create Passages', \
                                               wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.YES_DEFAULT)
             check = dialog.ShowModal()
             if check == wx.ID_YES:
                 for title in brokens:
                     self.widget.parent.newWidget(title = title, pos = self.widget.parent.toPixels (self.widget.pos))
             elif check == wx.ID_CANCEL:
     # Offer to import external images
     if self.app.config.ReadBool('importImagePrompt'):
         regex = tweeregex.EXTERNAL_IMAGE_REGEX
         externalimages = re.finditer(regex, self.widget.passage.text)
         check = None
         downloadedurls = {}
         storyframe = self.widget.parent.parent
         for img in externalimages:
             if not check:
                 dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Do you want to import the image files linked\nin this passage into the story file?', 'Import Images', \
                                               wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.YES_DEFAULT);
                 check = dialog.ShowModal()
                 if check == wx.ID_NO:
                 elif check == wx.ID_CANCEL:
             # Download the image if it's at an absolute URL
             imgurl = img.group(4) or img.group(7)
             if not imgurl:
             # If we've downloaded it before, don't do it again
             if imgurl not in downloadedurls:
                 # Internet image, or local image?
                 if any(imgurl.startswith(t) for t in ['http://', 'https://', 'ftp://']):
                     imgpassagename = storyframe.importImageURL(imgurl, showdialog=False)
                     imgpassagename = storyframe.importImageFile(storyframe.getLocalDir()+os.sep+imgurl, showdialog=False)
                 if not imgpassagename:
                 downloadedurls[imgurl] = imgpassagename
         # Replace all found images
         for old, new in downloadedurls.iteritems():
             self.widget.passage.text = re.sub(regex.replace(tweeregex.IMAGE_FILENAME_REGEX, re.escape(old)),
                                               lambda m: m.group(0).replace(old, new), self.widget.passage.text)
예제 #2
    def updateSubmenus (self, event = None):
        Updates our passage menus. This should be called sparingly, i.e. not during
        a UI update event, as it is doing a bunch of removing and adding of items.
        # separate outgoing and broken links
        outgoing = []
        incoming = []
        broken = []
        # Remove externals
        links = filter(lambda text: badLinkStyle(text) == TweeLexer.BAD_LINK, self.widget.passage.links)
        for link in links:
            if len(link) > 0:
                found = False
                for widget in self.widget.parent.widgets:
                    if widget.passage.title == link:
                        found = True
                if not found: broken.append(link)

        # incoming links

        for widget in self.widget.parent.widgets:
            if self.widget.passage.title in widget.passage.links \
            and len(widget.passage.title) > 0:
        # repopulate the menus

        def populate (menu, links):
            for item in menu.GetMenuItems():
            if len(links):   
                for link in links:
                    item = menu.Append(-1, link)
                    self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.openOtherEditor, item)
                item = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '(None)')

        outTitle = 'Outgoing Links'
        if len(outgoing) > 0: outTitle += ' (' + str(len(outgoing)) + ')'
        populate(self.outLinksMenu, outgoing)

        inTitle = 'Incoming Links'
        if len(incoming) > 0: inTitle += ' (' + str(len(incoming)) + ')'
        populate(self.inLinksMenu, incoming)
        brokenTitle = 'Broken Links'
        if len(broken) > 0: brokenTitle += ' (' + str(len(broken)) + ')'
        populate(self.brokenLinksMenu, broken)
예제 #3
			def filterExternals(text):
			    return tweelexer.badLinkStyle(text) == TweeLexer.BAD_LINK
예제 #4
 def closeEditor(self, event = None):
     Do extra stuff on closing the editor
     #Closes this editor's fullscreen counterpart, if any.
     try: self.fullscreen.Destroy()
     except: pass
     # Show warnings
     if self.app.config.ReadBool('passageWarnings'):
         checks = self.widget.parent.parent.header.passageChecks()
         for check in checks:
             result = check(self.widget.passage)
             if result:
                 wx.MessageDialog(self, result, 'Warning', wx.ICON_WARNING).ShowModal()
     # Offer to create passage for broken links
     if self.app.config.ReadBool('createPassagePrompt'):
         brokens = links = filter(lambda text: badLinkStyle(text) == TweeLexer.BAD_LINK, self.widget.getBrokenLinks())
         if brokens :
             if len(brokens) > 1:
                 brokenmsg = 'create ' + str(len(brokens)) + ' new passages to match these broken links?'
                 brokenmsg = 'create the passage "' + brokens[0] + '"?'
             dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Do you want to ' + brokenmsg, 'Create Passages', \
                                               wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.YES_DEFAULT)
             check = dialog.ShowModal()
             if check == wx.ID_YES:
                 for title in brokens:
                     self.widget.parent.newWidget(title = title, pos = self.widget.parent.toPixels (self.widget.pos))
             elif check == wx.ID_CANCEL:
     # Offer to import external images
     if self.app.config.ReadBool('importImagePrompt'):
         regex = tweeregex.EXTERNAL_IMAGE_REGEX
         externalimages = re.finditer(regex, self.widget.passage.text)
         check = None
         downloadedurls = {}
         storyframe = self.widget.parent.parent
         for img in externalimages:
             if not check:
                 dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Do you want to import the image files linked\nin this passage into the story file?', 'Import Images', \
                                               wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.YES_DEFAULT);
                 check = dialog.ShowModal()
                 if check == wx.ID_NO:
                 elif check == wx.ID_CANCEL:
             # Download the image if it's at an absolute URL
             imgurl = img.group(4) or img.group(7)
             if not imgurl:
             # If we've downloaded it before, don't do it again
             if imgurl not in downloadedurls:
                 # Internet image, or local image?
                 if any(imgurl.startswith(t) for t in ['http://', 'https://', 'ftp://']):
                     imgpassagename = storyframe.importImageURL(imgurl, showdialog=False)
                     imgpassagename = storyframe.importImageFile(storyframe.getLocalDir()+os.sep+imgurl, showdialog=False)
                 if not imgpassagename:
                 downloadedurls[imgurl] = imgpassagename
         # Replace all found images
         for old, new in downloadedurls.iteritems():
             self.widget.passage.text = re.sub(regex.replace(tweeregex.IMAGE_FILENAME_REGEX, re.escape(old)),
                                               lambda m: m.group(0).replace(old, new), self.widget.passage.text)