def __init__(self, sql_obj=None): self.rate_data = self.fetchRateData() if not sql_obj: self.sql = SQLQuery() else: self.sql = sql_obj self.tweet_adder = TweetAdder(sql_obj=self.sql)
class TweetFetcher: #@perftest def __init__(self, sql_obj=None): self.rate_data = self.fetchRateData() if not sql_obj: self.sql = SQLQuery() else: self.sql = sql_obj self.tweet_adder = TweetAdder(sql_obj=self.sql) ##@perftest def fetchRateData(self): return json.loads( urllib.request.urlopen( ""). read().decode("ascii")) def checkRateLimit(self): debuglog.pprint_msg(self.rate_data) debuglog.msg("REMAINING HITS:", self.rate_data['remaining_hits']) if time.time() > self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds']: self.rate_data = self.fetchRateData() if "error" in self.rate_data: return 60 * 60 if self.rate_data['remaining_hits'] <= 1: debuglog.msg("rate limit: wait", self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds'] - time.time()) return self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds'] - time.time() else: return 0 def fetchTopUserTweets(self, start_at=None): debuglog.msg("Fetching all celebrity tweets...") q = "SELECT DISTINCT user FROM celebs" results = SQLQuery().q(q) users = [result[0] for result in results] if start_at: users = users[users.index(start_at):] for user in users: if self.fetchUserTweets(user): debuglog.msg("\tSuccessfully fetched tweets for @%s :)" % user) else: debuglog.msg("\tFailed to fetch tweets for @%s :(" % user) time.sleep(1) def fetchUserTweets(self, user): """ Fetch tweets for user and add to the database. """ data = self.getUserTweetsData(user) for tweet in data['results']: if self.tweet_adder.add(tweet): debuglog.msg("successfully added") else: debuglog.msg("failed to add :(") return True def getUserTweetsData(self, user): debuglog.msg("=====\n\nGetting data for @%s from Search API..." % user) try: twitter_query = "from:%s" % user twitter_query = urllib.parse.quote(twitter_query) query_url = "" % twitter_query response_unicode = UnicodeDammit( urllib.request.urlopen(query_url).read()) data = json.loads(response_unicode.unicode_markup, encoding=response_unicode.original_encoding if response_unicode.original_encoding else "utf-8") debuglog.msg("\tGot %s tweets for @%s from Search API." % (str(len(data['results'])), user)) return data except: debuglog.msg("\tFailed to get data from Search API :(") debuglog.msg("\t\tURL:\t%s" % query_url) return {'results': []} def fetchTopUserTimelines(self): top_users = open('update_users.txt', 'r').readlines() top_users = [user.replace('\n', '') for user in top_users] for user in top_users: debuglog.msg("Getting timeline for", user) status = 'retry' while status == 'retry' or status == 'wait': debuglog.msg(status) debuglog.msg("\tFetching timeline for @%s in %s seconds..." % (user, str(self.checkRateLimit()))) status = self.fetchUserTimeline(user)['status'] time.sleep(1) time.sleep(self.checkRateLimit()) if status == 'success': debuglog.msg("\tGot timeline for %s :)" % user) elif status == '404': debuglog.msg("\tUser not found.") else: debuglog.msg( "\tUnknown error prevented getting user timeline.") def canFetchTimeline(self): return self.checkRateLimit() <= 0 def fetchUserTimeline(self, user, format="default", use_cache=True, write_cache=True, use_filesystem_cache=False): # TODO: Clean this function up, format parameter does magic it shouldn't be doing. # Currently, format="default" means that we're adding celebrity timeline tweets, we never call this. # If we do call with format="default" we want to add the timeline tweets to the celebrity tweets table. # This is called from DataGrabber to get user timelines with format="searchapi". In this case we want to check # if we have matching non-celebrity tweets, and if so return them (in future: possibly add new tweets from # search api as well). If not, get tweets from the timeline api, store them in the tweets_non_celeb table, # and return an object with those tweets. # Also, if a user is cached and called with default, we will just get back the cached data and not insert anything. debuglog.msg("Fetching timeline for @%s..." % user) got_cache_data = False json_txt = "{}" json_encoding = "utf-8" if use_cache and not use_filesystem_cache: q = "SELECT * FROM tweets_non_celeb WHERE from_user=%(user)s;" vals = {'user': user} cached_tweets = self.sql.q(q, vals) if len(cached_tweets) > 0: return [tweet[0] for tweet in cached_tweets] elif use_cache and use_filesystem_cache: debuglog.msg("\tchecking cache...") cached_list = os.listdir('./timelines') userjsonfilename = user.lower() + '.json' if userjsonfilename in cached_list: #modtime = os.stat('./timelines/'+userjsonfilename)[ST_MTIME] ##cache stays fresh for a day #if ((float(time.time()) - modtime)/60)/60 <= 24: debuglog.msg("\t\tgot cache data.") json_txt = open('./timelines/' + userjsonfilename, 'r').read() got_cache_data = True if not got_cache_data: debuglog.msg("\tNo cache data, calling timeline api...") if self.checkRateLimit() > 0: debuglog.msg("\t\tHave to wait.") return {'status': 'wait'} url = "" % user debuglog.msg(url) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) debuglog.msg( except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if "404" in str(e): return {'status': '404'} elif "502" in str(e): return {'status': 'retry'} else: return {'status': 'error'} json_unicode = UnicodeDammit( json_txt = json_unicode.unicode_markup if json_unicode.original_encoding: json_encoding = json_unicode.original_encoding if write_cache and use_filesystem_cache: fname = './timelines/' + user.lower() + '.json' with open(fname, 'wt') as f: os.chmod(fname, 0o777) f.write(json_txt) data = json.loads(json_txt, encoding=json_encoding) debuglog.msg("\tdata is...", str(data)[:100]) if format == "searchapi": # For now, format="searchapi" indicates we are getting non-celebrity tweets. debuglog.msg("\tGot %d results for %s from user timeline API." % (len(data), user)) if write_cache and not use_filesystem_cache: for non_celeb_timeline_tweet in data: self.tweet_adder.addNonCelebTimelineTweet( non_celeb_timeline_tweet) return {'results': data} # For now, format="default" (only way to reach here) means we are adding celebrity tweets. for timeline_tweet in data: self.tweet_adder.addTimelineTweet(timeline_tweet) return {'status': 'success'} def addCeleb(self, celeb): print("Adding", celeb) q = "INSERT INTO celebs (user) VALUES(%(celeb)s)" vals = {'celeb': celeb} self.sql.q(q, vals) self.fetchUserTimeline(celeb, use_cache=False) print("Added", celeb)
class TweetFetcher: #@perftest def __init__(self, sql_obj=None): self.rate_data = self.fetchRateData() if not sql_obj: self.sql = SQLQuery() else: self.sql = sql_obj self.tweet_adder = TweetAdder(sql_obj=self.sql) ##@perftest def fetchRateData(self): return json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen("").read().decode("ascii")) def checkRateLimit(self): debuglog.pprint_msg(self.rate_data) debuglog.msg("REMAINING HITS:",self.rate_data['remaining_hits']) if time.time() > self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds']: self.rate_data = self.fetchRateData() if "error" in self.rate_data: return 60*60 if self.rate_data['remaining_hits'] <= 1: debuglog.msg("rate limit: wait",self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds'] - time.time() ) return self.rate_data['reset_time_in_seconds'] - time.time() else: return 0 def fetchTopUserTweets(self, start_at=None): debuglog.msg("Fetching all celebrity tweets...") q = "SELECT DISTINCT user FROM celebs" results = SQLQuery().q(q) users = [result[0] for result in results] if start_at: users = users[users.index(start_at):] for user in users: if self.fetchUserTweets(user): debuglog.msg("\tSuccessfully fetched tweets for @%s :)"%user) else: debuglog.msg("\tFailed to fetch tweets for @%s :("%user) time.sleep(1) def fetchUserTweets(self, user): """ Fetch tweets for user and add to the database. """ data = self.getUserTweetsData(user) for tweet in data['results']: if self.tweet_adder.add(tweet): debuglog.msg("successfully added") else: debuglog.msg("failed to add :(") return True def getUserTweetsData(self,user): debuglog.msg("=====\n\nGetting data for @%s from Search API..."%user) try: twitter_query = "from:%s"%user twitter_query = urllib.parse.quote(twitter_query) query_url = ""%twitter_query response_unicode = UnicodeDammit(urllib.request.urlopen(query_url).read()) data = json.loads(response_unicode.unicode_markup, encoding=response_unicode.original_encoding if response_unicode.original_encoding else "utf-8") debuglog.msg("\tGot %s tweets for @%s from Search API."%(str(len(data['results'])), user)) return data except: debuglog.msg("\tFailed to get data from Search API :(") debuglog.msg("\t\tURL:\t%s"%query_url) return { 'results': [] } def fetchTopUserTimelines(self): top_users = open('update_users.txt','r').readlines() top_users = [user.replace('\n','') for user in top_users] for user in top_users: debuglog.msg("Getting timeline for",user) status='retry' while status == 'retry' or status=='wait': debuglog.msg(status) debuglog.msg("\tFetching timeline for @%s in %s seconds..."%(user, str(self.checkRateLimit()))) status = self.fetchUserTimeline(user)['status'] time.sleep(1) time.sleep(self.checkRateLimit()) if status == 'success': debuglog.msg("\tGot timeline for %s :)"%user) elif status == '404': debuglog.msg("\tUser not found.") else: debuglog.msg("\tUnknown error prevented getting user timeline.") def canFetchTimeline(self): return self.checkRateLimit() <= 0 def fetchUserTimeline(self, user, format="default", use_cache=True, write_cache=True, use_filesystem_cache=False): # TODO: Clean this function up, format parameter does magic it shouldn't be doing. # Currently, format="default" means that we're adding celebrity timeline tweets, we never call this. # If we do call with format="default" we want to add the timeline tweets to the celebrity tweets table. # This is called from DataGrabber to get user timelines with format="searchapi". In this case we want to check # if we have matching non-celebrity tweets, and if so return them (in future: possibly add new tweets from # search api as well). If not, get tweets from the timeline api, store them in the tweets_non_celeb table, # and return an object with those tweets. # Also, if a user is cached and called with default, we will just get back the cached data and not insert anything. debuglog.msg("Fetching timeline for @%s..."%user) got_cache_data = False json_txt = "{}" json_encoding = "utf-8" if use_cache and not use_filesystem_cache: q = "SELECT * FROM tweets_non_celeb WHERE from_user=%(user)s;" vals = { 'user': user } cached_tweets = self.sql.q(q, vals) if len(cached_tweets) > 0: return [tweet[0] for tweet in cached_tweets] elif use_cache and use_filesystem_cache: debuglog.msg("\tchecking cache...") cached_list = os.listdir('./timelines') userjsonfilename = user.lower()+'.json' if userjsonfilename in cached_list: #modtime = os.stat('./timelines/'+userjsonfilename)[ST_MTIME] ##cache stays fresh for a day #if ((float(time.time()) - modtime)/60)/60 <= 24: debuglog.msg("\t\tgot cache data.") json_txt = open('./timelines/'+userjsonfilename,'r').read() got_cache_data = True if not got_cache_data: debuglog.msg("\tNo cache data, calling timeline api...") if self.checkRateLimit() > 0: debuglog.msg("\t\tHave to wait.") return {'status':'wait'} url = ""%user debuglog.msg(url) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) debuglog.msg( except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if "404" in str(e): return {'status':'404'} elif "502" in str(e): return {'status':'retry'} else: return {'status':'error'} json_unicode = UnicodeDammit( json_txt = json_unicode.unicode_markup if json_unicode.original_encoding: json_encoding = json_unicode.original_encoding if write_cache and use_filesystem_cache: fname = './timelines/'+user.lower()+'.json' with open(fname,'wt') as f: os.chmod(fname, 0o777) f.write(json_txt) data = json.loads(json_txt, encoding=json_encoding) debuglog.msg("\tdata is...",str(data)[:100]) if format == "searchapi": # For now, format="searchapi" indicates we are getting non-celebrity tweets. debuglog.msg("\tGot %d results for %s from user timeline API."%(len(data),user)) if write_cache and not use_filesystem_cache: for non_celeb_timeline_tweet in data: self.tweet_adder.addNonCelebTimelineTweet(non_celeb_timeline_tweet) return { 'results':data } # For now, format="default" (only way to reach here) means we are adding celebrity tweets. for timeline_tweet in data: self.tweet_adder.addTimelineTweet(timeline_tweet) return {'status':'success'} def addCeleb(self, celeb): print("Adding",celeb) q = "INSERT INTO celebs (user) VALUES(%(celeb)s)" vals = {'celeb':celeb} self.sql.q(q, vals) self.fetchUserTimeline(celeb, use_cache=False) print("Added",celeb)