예제 #1
# tweets.detect_author
tweet_d = {
    'Secretary Hillary Clinton':
    [('Secretary Hillary Clinton',
      '"Folks marched & protested for our right to vote. They endured beatings and jail time. They sacrificed their lives for this right." --@FLOTUS\n',
      1477610322, 'TweetDeck', 545, 226),
     ('Secretary Hillary Clinton',
      '"We urge voters to dump Trump and choose the clearly qualified candidate in this race: Hillary Clinton" --@DenverPost https://t.co/x62lrGm1MB\n',
      1476205194, 'TweetDeck', 7165, 2225)],
    'Governor Gary Johnson':
    [('Governor Gary Johnson',
      'Join me in #Atlanta November 2. Details- https://t.co/PsOd3PZrOc #YouIn? #JohnsonWeld\n',
      1478034098, 'Hootsuite', 108, 51)]
result = tweets.detect_author(tweet_d, 'Join me! #YouIn?')
assert isinstance(result, str), \
    '''tweets.detect_author should return a str, but returned {0}\n'''.format(type(result))

Hooray! The type checker passed!
This does NOT necessarily mean that your functions are correct!

It does mean that the functions in tweets.py:
- are named correctly,
- take the correct number of arguments, and
- return the correct types.

Be sure to thoroughly test your functions yourself before submitting.""")

builtins.print = our_print
예제 #2
    assert isinstance(result[key], list), \
        '''tweets.read_tweets should contains lists as values, but the value we checked was a {0}
except IndexError:
    assert False, \
        '''The dictionary returned by read_tweets was empty and should have contained data.\n'''

# tweets.most_popular
tweet_d = {key: value[:] for (key, value) in TWEETS_DICTIONARY.items()}
result = tweets.most_popular(tweet_d, 20180501000000, 20180801000000)
assert isinstance(result, str), \
    '''tweets.most_popular should return a str, but returned {0}\n'''.format(type(result))

# tweets.detect_author
tweet_d = {key: value[:] for (key, value) in TWEETS_DICTIONARY.items()}
result = tweets.detect_author(tweet_d, 'Join me! #UofT')
assert isinstance(result, str), \
    '''tweets.detect_author should return a str, but returned {0}\n'''.format(type(result))

builtins.print = our_print
builtins.input = our_input
builtins.open = our_open

    "================= End: checking parameter and return types =================\n"

print("The parameter and return type checker passed.")
print("This means we will be able to test your code.")
print("It does NOT mean your code is necessarily correct.")