예제 #1
    def calendar_query(self, calendar_uri, query, got_xml, data, no_init):

        if not no_init:
            response = yield self.send(SimpleStoreRequest(self, "MKCALENDAR", calendar_uri, authid="wsanchez"))
            response = IResponse(response)
            if response.code != responsecode.CREATED:
                self.fail("MKCALENDAR failed: %s" % (response.code,))

            if data:
                for filename, icaldata in data.iteritems():
                    request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "PUT", joinURL(calendar_uri, filename + ".ics"), authid="wsanchez")
                    request.stream = MemoryStream(icaldata)
                    yield self.send(request)
                # Add holiday events to calendar
                for child in FilePath(self.holidays_dir).children():
                    if os.path.splitext(child.basename())[1] != ".ics":
                    request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "PUT", joinURL(calendar_uri, child.basename()), authid="wsanchez")
                    request.stream = MemoryStream(child.getContent())
                    yield self.send(request)

        request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "REPORT", calendar_uri, authid="wsanchez")
        request.stream = MemoryStream(query.toxml())
        response = yield self.send(request)

        response = IResponse(response)

        if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
            self.fail("REPORT failed: %s" % (response.code,))

            (yield davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml))
예제 #2
def http_ACL(self, request):
    Respond to a ACL request. (RFC 3744, section 8.1)
    if not self.fp.exists():
        log.err("File not found: %s" % (self.fp.path,))
        yield responsecode.NOT_FOUND

    # Check authentication and access controls
    x = waitForDeferred(self.authorize(request, (davxml.WriteACL(),)))
    yield x

    # Read request body
    doc = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
    yield doc
        doc = doc.getResult()
    except ValueError, e:
        log.err("Error while handling ACL body: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
        def propfind_cb(response):
            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                self.fail("Incorrect response to PROPFIND: %s" % (response.code,))

            def got_xml(doc):
                if not isinstance(doc.root_element, davxml.MultiStatus):
                    self.fail("PROPFIND response XML root element is not multistatus: %r" % (doc.root_element,))

                response = doc.root_element.childOfType(davxml.Response)
                href = response.childOfType(davxml.HRef)
                self.failUnless(str(href) == inbox_uri)

                for propstat in response.childrenOfType(davxml.PropertyStatus):
                    status = propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status)
                    if status.code != responsecode.OK:
                        self.fail("Unable to read requested properties (%s): %r"
                                  % (status, propstat.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer).toxml()))

                container = propstat.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer)

                # Check CalDAV:calendar-free-busy-set

                free_busy_set = container.childOfType(caldavxml.CalendarFreeBusySet)
                if not free_busy_set:
                    self.fail("Expected CalDAV:calendar-free-busy-set element; but got none.")

                if not free_busy_set.children:
                    self.fail("Expected non-empty CalDAV:calendar-free-busy-set element.")

            return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml)
예제 #4
def http_PROPFIND(self, request):
    Respond to a PROPFIND request. (RFC 2518, section 8.1)
    if not self.exists():
        log.err("File not found: %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Check authentication and access controls
    x = waitForDeferred(self.authorize(request, (davxml.Read(),)))
    yield x

    # Read request body
        doc = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
        yield doc
        doc = doc.getResult()
    except ValueError, e:
        log.err("Error while handling PROPFIND body: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
예제 #5
def http_PROPFIND(self, request):
    Respond to a PROPFIND request. (RFC 2518, section 8.1)
    if not self.exists():
        # Return 403 if parent does not allow Bind
        parentURL = parentForURL(request.uri)
        parent = (yield request.locateResource(parentURL))
        yield parent.authorize(request, (davxml.Bind(),))

        log.error("Resource not found: %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Check authentication and access controls
    yield self.authorize(request, (davxml.Read(),))

    # Read request body
        doc = (yield davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
    except ValueError, e:
        log.error("Error while handling PROPFIND body: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
            def do_test(response):
                response = IResponse(response)

                if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                    self.fail("REPORT failed: %s" % (response.code,))

                return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml)
예제 #7
파일: test_prop.py 프로젝트: jrossi/twext
        def check_result(response):
            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                self.fail("Incorrect response code for PROPPATCH (%s != %s)"
                          % (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS))

            return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(check_xml)
    def calendar_query(self, query, got_xml):

        request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "REPORT", "/calendars/users/wsanchez/calendar/", authid="wsanchez")
        request.stream = MemoryStream(query.toxml())
        response = yield self.send(request)

        response = IResponse(response)

        if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
            self.fail("REPORT failed: %s" % (response.code,))

            (yield davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml))
예제 #9
파일: test_prop.py 프로젝트: jrossi/twext
        def check_result(response):
            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                self.fail("Incorrect response code for PROPFIND (%s != %s)"
                          % (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS))

            content_type = response.headers.getHeader("content-type")
            if content_type not in (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"),
                                    http_headers.MimeType("application", "xml")):
                self.fail("Incorrect content-type for PROPFIND response (%r not in %r)"
                          % (content_type, (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"),
                                            http_headers.MimeType("application", "xml"))))

            return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(check_xml)
예제 #10
def http_REPORT(self, request):
    Respond to a REPORT request. (RFC 3253, section 3.6)
    if not self.exists():
        log.err("Resource not found: %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Read request body
        doc = (yield davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
    except ValueError, e:
        log.err("Error while handling REPORT body: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
    def addressbook_query(self, addressbook_uri, query, got_xml, data, no_init):

        if not no_init:
            ''' FIXME: clear address book, possibly by removing
            mkcol = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:mkcol xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav">
            response = yield self.send(SimpleStoreRequest(self, "MKCOL", addressbook_uri, content=mkcol, authid="wsanchez"))

            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.CREATED:
                self.fail("MKCOL failed: %s" % (response.code,))
            if data:
                for filename, icaldata in data.iteritems():
                    request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "PUT", joinURL(addressbook_uri, filename + ".vcf"), authid="wsanchez")
                    request.stream = MemoryStream(icaldata)
                    yield self.send(request)
                # Add vcards to addressbook
                for child in FilePath(self.vcards_dir).children():
                    if os.path.splitext(child.basename())[1] != ".vcf":
                    request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "PUT", joinURL(addressbook_uri, child.basename()), authid="wsanchez")
                    request.stream = MemoryStream(child.getContent())
                    yield self.send(request)

        request = SimpleStoreRequest(self, "REPORT", addressbook_uri, authid="wsanchez")
        request.stream = MemoryStream(query.toxml())
        response = yield self.send(request)

        response = IResponse(response)

        if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
            self.fail("REPORT failed: %s" % (response.code,))

            (yield davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml))
예제 #12
            def propfind_cb(response):
                response = IResponse(response)

                if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                    self.fail("Incorrect response to PROPFIND: %s" % (response.code,))

                def got_xml(doc):
                    if not isinstance(doc.root_element, davxml.MultiStatus):
                        self.fail("PROPFIND response XML root element is not multistatus: %r" % (doc.root_element,))

                    response = doc.root_element.childOfType(davxml.Response)
                    href = response.childOfType(davxml.HRef)
                    self.failUnless(str(href) == calendar_uri)

                    container = response.childOfType(davxml.PropertyStatus).childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer)

                    # Check CalDAV:supported-calendar-component-set

                    supported_components = container.childOfType(caldavxml.SupportedCalendarComponentSet)
                    if supported_components:
                        self.fail("CalDAV:supported-calendar-component-set element was returned; but should be hidden.")

                    # Check CalDAV:supported-calendar-data

                    supported_calendar = container.childOfType(caldavxml.SupportedCalendarData)
                    if supported_calendar:
                        self.fail("CalDAV:supported-calendar-data elementwas returned; but should be hidden.")

                    # Check DAV:supported-report-set

                    supported_reports = container.childOfType(davxml.SupportedReportSet)
                    if supported_reports:
                        self.fail("DAV:supported-report-set element was returned; but should be hidden..")

                return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml)
예제 #13
def http_PROPPATCH(self, request):
    Respond to a PROPPATCH request. (RFC 2518, section 8.2)
    if not self.exists():
        log.error("File not found: %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    x = waitForDeferred(self.authorize(request, (davxml.WriteProperties(),)))
    yield x

    # Read request body
        doc = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
        yield doc
        doc = doc.getResult()
    except ValueError, e:
        log.error("Error while handling PROPPATCH body: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
예제 #14
def http_MKCALENDAR(self, request):
    Respond to a MKCALENDAR request.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 5.3.1)

    # Check authentication and access controls
    parent = (yield request.locateResource(parentForURL(request.uri)))
    yield parent.authorize(request, (davxml.Bind(),))

    if self.exists():
        log.error("Attempt to create collection where resource exists: %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (davxml.dav_namespace, "resource-must-be-null"),
            "Resource already exists",

    if not parent.isCollection():
        log.error("Attempt to create collection with non-collection parent: %s"
                  % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "calendar-collection-location-ok"),
            "Cannot create calendar inside another calendar",

    # Read request body
        doc = (yield davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
        yield self.createCalendar(request)
    except ValueError, e:
        log.error("Error while handling MKCALENDAR: %s" % (e,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
    def calendar_query(self, calendar_uri, query, got_xml):

        response = yield self.send(SimpleRequest(self.site, "MKCALENDAR", calendar_uri))
        response = IResponse(response)

        if response.code != responsecode.CREATED:
            self.fail("MKCALENDAR failed: %s" % (response.code,))

        # Add holiday events to calendar
        yield addEventsDir(self, FilePath(self.holidays_dir), calendar_uri)

        request = SimpleRequest(self.site, "REPORT", calendar_uri)
        request.stream = MemoryStream(query.toxml())
        response = yield self.send(request)

        response = IResponse(response)

        if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
            self.fail("REPORT failed: %s" % (response.code,))

            (yield davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml))
예제 #16
    def oops(self, request, response, code, method, name):
        def gotResponseData(doc):
            if doc is None:
                doc_xml = None
                doc_xml = doc.toxml()
            def fail(acl):
                self.fail("Incorrect status code %s (!= %s) for %s of resource %s with %s ACL: %s\nACL: %s"
                          % (response.code, code, method, request.uri, name, doc_xml, acl.toxml()))

            def getACL(resource):
                return resource.accessControlList(request)

            d = request.locateResource(request.uri)
            return d

        d = davXMLFromStream(response.stream)
        return d
예제 #17
            def propfind_cb(response):
                response = IResponse(response)

                if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
                    self.fail("Incorrect response to PROPFIND: %s" % (response.code,))

                def got_xml(doc):
                    if not isinstance(doc.root_element, davxml.MultiStatus):
                        self.fail("PROPFIND response XML root element is not multistatus: %r" % (doc.root_element,))

                    response = doc.root_element.childOfType(davxml.Response)
                    href = response.childOfType(davxml.HRef)
                    self.failUnless(str(href) == calendar_uri)

                    for propstat in response.childrenOfType(davxml.PropertyStatus):
                        status = propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status)
                        if status.code != responsecode.OK:
                            self.fail("Unable to read requested properties (%s): %r"
                                      % (status, propstat.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer).toxml()))

                    container = propstat.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer)

                    # Check CalDAV:supported-calendar-component-set

                    supported_components = container.childOfType(caldavxml.SupportedCalendarComponentSet)
                    if not supported_components:
                        self.fail("Expected CalDAV:supported-calendar-component-set element; but got none.")

                    supported = set(("VEVENT",))

                    for component in supported_components.children:
                        if component.type in supported:

                    if supported:
                        self.fail("Expected supported calendar component types: %s" % (tuple(supported),))

                    # Check CalDAV:supported-calendar-data

                    supported_calendar = container.childOfType(caldavxml.SupportedCalendarData)
                    if not supported_calendar:
                        self.fail("Expected CalDAV:supported-calendar-data element; but got none.")

                    for calendar in supported_calendar.children:
                        if calendar.content_type != "text/calendar":
                            self.fail("Expected a text/calendar calendar-data type restriction")
                        if calendar.version != "2.0":
                            self.fail("Expected a version 2.0 calendar-data restriction")

                    # Check DAV:supported-report-set

                    supported_reports = container.childOfType(davxml.SupportedReportSet)
                    if not supported_reports:
                        self.fail("Expected DAV:supported-report-set element; but got none.")

                    cal_query = False
                    cal_multiget = False
                    cal_freebusy = False
                    for supported in supported_reports.childrenOfType(davxml.SupportedReport):
                        report = supported.childOfType(davxml.Report)
                        if report.childOfType(caldavxml.CalendarQuery) is not None:
                            cal_query = True
                        if report.childOfType(caldavxml.CalendarMultiGet) is not None:
                            cal_multiget = True
                        if report.childOfType(caldavxml.FreeBusyQuery) is not None:
                            cal_freebusy = True

                    if not cal_query:
                        self.fail("Expected CalDAV:CalendarQuery element; but got none.")
                    if not cal_multiget:
                        self.fail("Expected CalDAV:CalendarMultiGet element; but got none.")
                    if not cal_freebusy:
                        self.fail("Expected CalDAV:FreeBusyQuery element; but got none.")

                return davXMLFromStream(response.stream).addCallback(got_xml)
예제 #18
def http_MKCOL(self, request):

    # Check authentication and access controls
    parent = (yield request.locateResource(parentForURL(request.uri)))

    yield parent.authorize(request, (davxml.Bind(),))

    if self.exists():
        log.err("Attempt to create collection where resource exists: %s"
                % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (davxml.dav_namespace, "resource-must-be-null"))

    if not parent.isCollection():
        log.err("Attempt to create collection with non-collection parent: %s"
                % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (davxml.dav_namespace, "collection-location-ok"))

    # Don't allow DAV collections in a calendar or address book collection

    if config.EnableCalDAV:
        parent = (yield self._checkParents(request, isPseudoCalendarCollectionResource))
        if parent is not None:
            raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(
                "Cannot create collection within calendar collection %s" % (parent,)

    if config.EnableCardDAV:
        parent = (yield self._checkParents(request, isAddressBookCollectionResource))
        if parent is not None:
            raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(
                "Cannot create collection within address book collection %s" % (parent,)

    # Read request body
        doc = (yield davXMLFromStream(request.stream))
    except ValueError, e:
        log.err("Error while handling MKCOL: %s" % (e,))
        # TODO: twext.web2.dav 'MKCOL' tests demand this particular response
        # code, but should we really be looking at the XML content or the
        # content-type header?  It seems to me like this ought to be considered
        # a BAD_REQUEST if it claims to be XML but isn't, but an
        # UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE if it claims to be something else. -glyph
        raise HTTPError(
            StatusResponse(responsecode.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, str(e))