예제 #1
class DBWNode(object):
    **Diagram (6) - New commands for car actuators - CONTROL**

    When Self-Driving Mode activated, this node will then actuate throttle, brake and steering to
    navigate the car towards target trajectory and velocity.

    def __init__(self):

        # variables
        self.current_ego_pose = None  # ego car current position and orientation

        # ROS Server Parameters
        self.vehicle_mass = rospy.get_param('~vehicle_mass', 1736.35)
        # fuel_capacity = rospy.get_param('~fuel_capacity', 13.5)
        # brake_deadband = rospy.get_param('~brake_deadband', .1)
        # decel_limit = rospy.get_param('~decel_limit', -5)
        # accel_limit = rospy.get_param('~accel_limit', 1.)
        self.wheel_radius = rospy.get_param('~wheel_radius', 0.2413)
        self.wheel_base = rospy.get_param('~wheel_base', 2.8498)
        self.steer_ratio = rospy.get_param('~steer_ratio', 14.8)
        self.max_lat_accel = rospy.get_param('~max_lat_accel', 3.)
        self.max_steer_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_steer_angle', 8.)
        self.max_throttle = rospy.get_param('~max_throttle_proportional', 0.8)
        self.max_brake = rospy.get_param('~max_brake_proportional', -0.8)

        # Publishers
        self.steer_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/steering_cmd', SteeringCmd, queue_size=1)
        self.throttle_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/throttle_cmd', ThrottleCmd, queue_size=1)
        self.brake_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/brake_cmd', BrakeCmd, queue_size=1)

        # Subscribers
        # TODO: Subscribe to all the topics you need to
        rospy.Subscriber('/twist_cmd', TwistStamped, self.twist_cb, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber('/current_velocity', TwistStamped, self.velocity_cb, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber('/vehicle/dbw_enabled', Bool, self.dbw_enabled_cb, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber('/final_waypoints', Lane, self.waypoints_cb, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber('/current_pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb, queue_size=1)

        # Subscribed messages
        self.twist_cmd = None
        self.twist_cmd_linear_velocity = None
        self.twist_cmd_angular_velocity = None
        self.velocity = None
        self.current_linear_velocity = None
        self.current_angular_velocity = None
        self.dbw_enabled = False
        self.waypoints = None

        # TODO: Create `TwistController` object
        self.controller = Controller(self.wheel_base, self.steer_ratio, self.max_lat_accel,


    def loop(self):
        Gets predicted throttle, brake, and steering using TwistController.
        # You should only publish the control commands if dbw is enabled
        rate = rospy.Rate(50)  # 50Hz recommended by John Chen

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            data = [self.velocity, self.waypoints, self.current_ego_pose]
            all_available = all([x is not None for x in data])

            if not all_available:

            if len(self.waypoints) >= POINTS_TO_FIT:
                # print("target_velocity aka self.waypoints[0].twist.twist.linear.x : ", self.waypoints[0].twist.twist.linear.x)  # e.g. 11.1112
                # target_velocity = self.waypoints[0].twist.twist.linear.x
                target_velocity = self.twist_cmd_linear_velocity

                # print("current_linear_velocity aka self.velocity.linear.x : ", self.velocity.linear.x)  # e.g. 0.267761447712
                # current_linear_velocity = self.velocity.linear.x
                current_linear_velocity = self.current_linear_velocity

                # Get corrected steering using twist_controller
                # cte = self.cte_calc(self.current_ego_pose, self.waypoints)
                cte = self.twist_cmd_angular_velocity
                steer = self.controller.control(cte, self.dbw_enabled, self.twist_cmd_linear_velocity,
                                                self.twist_cmd_angular_velocity, current_linear_velocity)
                # steer = cte * self.steer_ratio

                # print("twist_cmd_angular_velocity aka self.twist_cmd.twist.angular.z : ", self.twist_cmd.twist.angular.z)
                # throttle, brake = self.controller.control_speed_based_on_torque(target_velocity,
                #                                                                 current_linear_velocity,
                #                                                                 0.5,
                #                                                                 self.vehicle_mass,
                #                                                                 self.wheel_radius)

                throttle, brake = self.controller.control_velocity_based_on_proportional_throttle_brake(
                # not enough waypoints so publish heavy break
                rospy.loginfo("Number of waypoint received is : %s", len(self.waypoints))
                throttle, brake, steer = 0, 200, 0

            if self.dbw_enabled:
                self.publish(throttle, brake, steer)
                rospy.loginfo("published throttle : %s, brake : %s, steer : %s", throttle, brake, steer)

            # rospy.logwarn("throttle %s, brake %s, steer %s adjustments by dbw_node",
            #              throttle, brake, steer)


    def publish(self, throttle, brake, steer):
        tcmd = ThrottleCmd()
        tcmd.enable = True
        tcmd.pedal_cmd_type = ThrottleCmd.CMD_PERCENT
        tcmd.pedal_cmd = throttle

        scmd = SteeringCmd()
        scmd.enable = True
        scmd.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = steer

        bcmd = BrakeCmd()
        bcmd.enable = True
        bcmd.pedal_cmd_type = BrakeCmd.CMD_TORQUE
        bcmd.pedal_cmd = brake

    def pose_cb(self, message):
        self.current_ego_pose = message.pose

    def twist_cb(self, message):
        self.twist_cmd = message
        self.twist_cmd_linear_velocity = self.twist_cmd.twist.linear.x
        self.twist_cmd_angular_velocity = self.twist_cmd.twist.angular.z

    def velocity_cb(self, message):
        self.velocity = message.twist
        self.current_linear_velocity = message.twist.linear.x
        self.current_angular_velocity = message.twist.angular.z

    def waypoints_cb(self, message):
        self.waypoints = message.waypoints

    def dbw_enabled_cb(self, message):
        Enabled Self-Driving mode will publish throttle, brake and steer values.
        self.dbw_enabled = bool(message.data)
        if self.dbw_enabled:
            rospy.logwarn("*** ============================= ***")
            rospy.logwarn("*** Self-Driving mode activated ! ***")
            rospy.logwarn("*** ============================= ***")
            rospy.logwarn("*** =============================== ***")
            rospy.logwarn("*** Manual Driving mode activated ! ***")
            rospy.logwarn("*** =============================== ***")