예제 #1
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def removeIdentity(self, identityName):
     """Delete an identity
     sql = """DELETE FROM twisted_identities WHERE identity_name = '%s';
              DELETE FROM twisted_perspectives WHERE identity_name = '%s'""" %\
                  (adbapi.safe(identityName), adbapi.safe(identityName) )
     return self.runOperation(sql)
예제 #2
    def articleRequest(self, group, index, id = None):
        if id is not None:
            sql = """
                SELECT postings.article_index, articles.message_id, articles.header, articles.body
                FROM groups,postings LEFT OUTER JOIN articles
                ON articles.message_id = '%s'
                WHERE groups.name = '%s'
                AND groups.group_id = postings.group_id
            """ % (adbapi.safe(id), adbapi.safe(group))
            sql = """ 
                SELECT postings.article_index, articles.message_id, articles.header, articles.body
                FROM groups,articles LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
                ON postings.article_id = articles.article_id
                WHERE postings.article_index = %d
                AND postings.group_id = groups.group_id
                AND groups.name = '%s'
            """ % (index, adbapi.safe(group))

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda result: (
                StringIO.StringIO(result[0][2] + '\r\n' + result[0][3])
예제 #3
파일: db.py 프로젝트: hundeboll/ticket
    def get_member_tickets(self, callback, error_handler, cardno=None, studyno=None):
        if not self.event_id:
            return None

        cardno = adbapi.safe(str(cardno))
        event = adbapi.safe(str(self.event_id))

        if cardno:
            column = "Felt20"
            value = cardno
        elif studyno:
            column = "Felt11"
            value = studyno

        query = (
            "SELECT "
            + "sfl.FUnique AS ticket_id, "
            + "sfl.VareNr AS eventno, "
            + "medlemp.felt20 AS cardno "
            + "FROM sfl, sfh, medlemp "
            + "WHERE sfh.Debitor = medlemp.felt00 "
            + "AND sfl.SFHUnique = sfh.FUnique "
            + "AND medlemp.{0} = '{1}' ".format(column, value)
            + "AND sfl.VareNr = '{0}' ".format(event)
        q = self.winkas_db.runQuery(query, ())
        q.addCallbacks(callback, error_handler)
예제 #4
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def changePassword(self, identityName, hashedPassword, callback=None, errback=None):
     passwd = base64.encodestring(hashedPassword)
     sql = """UPDATE twisted_identities
              SET password = '******'
              WHERE identity_name = '%s'""" %\
                (adbapi.safe(passwd), adbapi.safe(identityName) )
     return self.runOperation(sql).addCallbacks(callback, errback)
예제 #5
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def removePerspective(self, identityName, perspectiveName, callback=None, errback=None):
     """Delete a perspective for an identity
     sql = """DELETE FROM twisted_perspectives
              WHERE identity_name = '%s'
              AND perspective_name = '%s'""" %\
                (adbapi.safe(identityName), adbapi.safe(perspectiveName))
     return self.runOperation(sql).addCallbacks(callback, errback)
예제 #6
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def addIdentity(self, identity):
     """Store an identity in the database.
     passwd = base64.encodestring(identity.hashedPassword)
     username = identity.name
     createIdentity = "INSERT INTO twisted_identities VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (adbapi.safe(username), adbapi.safe(passwd) )
     s = [createIdentity]
     for (svcname, pname) in identity.keyring.keys():
         # note, we don't actually know perspective type at this point...
         s.append("INSERT INTO twisted_perspectives VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', NULL)" %
                  (adbapi.safe(username), adbapi.safe(pname), adbapi.safe(svcname)) )
     sql = string.join(s, '; \n')
     return self.runOperation(sql)
예제 #7
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def getPerspectives(self, identity_name):
     """Get the perspectives for an identity. Used by the web admin interface.
     sql="""SELECT identity_name, perspective_name, service_name
            FROM twisted_perspectives
            WHERE identity_name = '%s'""" % adbapi.safe(identity_name)
     return self.runQuery(sql)
 def get_query(self, component):
     return ''' SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA
         WHERE SCHEMA_NAME="%s"
     ''' % adbapi.safe(
예제 #9
 def escape_string(self, text):
     """Escape a string for use in an SQL statement. The default
     implementation escapes ' with '' and \ with \\. Redefine this
     function in a subclass if your database server uses different
     escaping rules.
     return adbapi.safe(text)
예제 #10
 def articleExistsRequest(self, id):
     sql = """
         SELECT COUNT(message_id) FROM articles
         WHERE message_id = '%s'
     """ % (adbapi.safe(id),)
     return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
         lambda result: bool(result[0][0])
예제 #11
파일: db.py 프로젝트: hundeboll/ticket
    def get_member_used(self, callback, error_handler, cardno=None, studyno=None):
        if not self.event_id:
            return None

        cardno = adbapi.safe(str(cardno))
        event = adbapi.safe(str(self.event_id))

        if cardno:
            column = "cardno"
            value = cardno
        elif studyno:
            column = "studyno"
            value = studyno

        query = "SELECT 1 FROM used WHERE `{0}` = '{1}' AND `eventno` = '{2}'".format(column, value, event)
        q = self.ticket_db.runQuery(query, ())
        q.addCallbacks(callback, error_handler)
예제 #12
 def listGroupRequest(self, group):
     sql = """
         SELECT postings.article_index FROM postings,groups
         WHERE postings.group_id = groups.group_id
         AND groups.name = '%s'
     """ % (adbapi.safe(group),)
     return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
         lambda results, group = group: (group, [res[0] for res in results])
예제 #13
 def headRequest(self, group, index):
     sql = """
         SELECT postings.article_index, articles.message_id, articles.header
         FROM groups,articles LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
         ON postings.article_id = articles.article_id
         WHERE postings.article_index = %d
         AND postings.group_id = groups.group_id
         AND groups.name = '%s'
     """ % (index, adbapi.safe(group))
     return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(lambda result: result[0])
 def get_query(self, component):
     return '''
         count(table_name) table_count,
         sum(data_length + index_length) size,
         sum(data_length) data_size,
         sum(index_length) index_size
         table_schema = "%s"
     ''' % adbapi.safe(component.split(NAME_SPLITTER)[-1])
예제 #15
    def xhdrRequest(self, group, low, high, header):
        sql = """
            SELECT articles.header
            FROM groups,postings,articles
            WHERE groups.name = '%s' AND postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            AND postings.article_index >= %d
            AND postings.article_index <= %d
        """ % (adbapi.safe(group), low, high)

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda results: [
                (i, Article(h, None).getHeader(h)) for (i, h) in results
예제 #16
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def getIdentityRequest(self, name):
     """get the identity from the database with the specified name.
     sql = """
     SELECT   twisted_identities.identity_name,
     FROM     twisted_identities,
     WHERE    twisted_identities.identity_name = twisted_perspectives.identity_name
     AND      twisted_identities.identity_name = '%s'
     """ % adbapi.safe(name)
     return self.runQuery(sql).addCallbacks(self._cbIdentity)
예제 #17
    def groupRequest(self, group):
        sql = """
            SELECT groups.name,
                COALESCE(MAX(postings.article_index), 0),
                COALESCE(MIN(postings.article_index), 0),
            FROM groups LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
            ON postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            WHERE groups.name = '%s'
            GROUP BY groups.name, groups.flags
        """ % (adbapi.safe(group), )

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda results: tuple(results[0]))
    def bodyRequest(self, group, index):
        sql = """
            SELECT postings.article_index, articles.message_id, articles.body
            FROM groups,articles LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
            ON postings.article_id = articles.article_id
            WHERE postings.article_index = %d
            AND postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            AND groups.name = '%s'
        """ % (index, adbapi.safe(group))

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda result: result[0]
            # result is a tuple of (index, id, body)
            lambda result: (result[0], result[1], StringIO.StringIO(result[2]))
예제 #19
 def groupRequest(self, group): 
     sql = """
         SELECT groups.name,
             COALESCE(MAX(postings.article_index), 0),
             COALESCE(MIN(postings.article_index), 0),
         FROM groups LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
         ON postings.group_id = groups.group_id
         WHERE groups.name = '%s'
         GROUP BY groups.name, groups.flags
     """ % (adbapi.safe(group),)
     return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
         lambda results: tuple(results[0])
예제 #20
    def bodyRequest(self, group, index):
        sql = """
            SELECT postings.article_index, articles.message_id, articles.body
            FROM groups,articles LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
            ON postings.article_id = articles.article_id
            WHERE postings.article_index = %d
            AND postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            AND groups.name = '%s'
        """ % (index, adbapi.safe(group))

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda result: result[0]
            # result is a tuple of (index, id, body)
            lambda result: (result[0], result[1], StringIO.StringIO(result[2]))
예제 #21
    def xoverRequest(self, group, low, high):
        sql = """
            SELECT postings.article_index, articles.header
            FROM articles,postings,groups
            WHERE postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            AND groups.name = '%s'
            AND postings.article_id = articles.article_id
        """ % (adbapi.safe(group),
               low is not None and "AND postings.article_index >= %d" % (low, )
               or "", high is not None and "AND postings.article_index <= %d" %
               (high, ) or "")

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda results: [[id] + Article(header, None).overview()
                             for (id, header) in results])
    def xoverRequest(self, group, low, high):
        sql = """
            SELECT postings.article_index, articles.header
            FROM articles,postings,groups
            WHERE postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            AND groups.name = '%s'
            AND postings.article_id = articles.article_id
        """ % (
            low is not None and "AND postings.article_index >= %d" % (low,) or "",
            high is not None and "AND postings.article_index <= %d" % (high,) or "",

        return self.dbpool.runQuery(sql).addCallback(
            lambda results: [[id] + Article(header, None).overview() for (id, header) in results]
예제 #23
def makeOverviewSQL():
    res = ''
    for o in OVERVIEW_FMT:
        res = res + """\n    INSERT INTO overview (header) VALUES ('%s');\n""" % (
            adbapi.safe(o), )
    return res
예제 #24
def makeGroupSQL(groups):
    res = ''
    for g in groups:
        res = res + """\n    INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES ('%s');\n""" % (
            adbapi.safe(g), )
    return res
예제 #25
    def _doPost(self, transaction, article):
        # Get the group ids
        groups = article.getHeader('Newsgroups').split()
        if not len(groups):
            raise NNTPError('Missing Newsgroups header')

        sql = """
            SELECT name, group_id FROM groups
            WHERE name IN (%s)
        """ % (', '.join([("'%s'" % (adbapi.safe(group), ))
                          for group in groups]), )

        result = transaction.fetchall()

        # No relevant groups, bye bye!
        if not len(result):
            raise NNTPError('None of groups in Newsgroup header carried')

        # Got some groups, now find the indices this article will have in each
        sql = """
            SELECT groups.group_id, COALESCE(MAX(postings.article_index), 0) + 1
            FROM groups LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
            ON postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            WHERE groups.group_id IN (%s)
            GROUP BY groups.group_id
        """ % (', '.join([("%d" % (id, )) for (group, id) in result]), )

        indices = transaction.fetchall()

        if not len(indices):
            raise NNTPError('Internal server error - no indices found')

        # Associate indices with group names
        gidToName = dict([(b, a) for (a, b) in result])
        gidToIndex = dict(indices)

        nameIndex = []
        for i in gidToName:
            nameIndex.append((gidToName[i], gidToIndex[i]))

        # Build xrefs
        xrefs = socket.gethostname().split()[0]
        xrefs = xrefs + ' ' + ' '.join([('%s:%d' % (group, id))
                                        for (group, id) in nameIndex])
        article.putHeader('Xref', xrefs)

        # Hey!  The article is ready to be posted!  God damn f'in finally.
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO articles (message_id, header, body)
            VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')
        """ % (adbapi.safe(article.getHeader('Message-ID')),
               adbapi.safe(article.textHeaders()), adbapi.safe(article.body))


        # Now update the posting to reflect the groups to which this belongs
        for gid in gidToName:
            sql = """
                INSERT INTO postings (group_id, article_id, article_index)
                VALUES (%d, (SELECT last_value FROM articles_article_id_seq), %d)
            """ % (gid, gidToIndex[gid])

        return len(nameIndex)
예제 #26
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def addEmptyIdentity(self, identityName, hashedPassword, callback=None, errback=None):
     """Create an empty identity (no perspectives). Used by web admin interface.
     passwd = base64.encodestring(hashedPassword)
     sql = "INSERT INTO twisted_identities VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (adbapi.safe(identityName), adbapi.safe(passwd))
     return self.runOperation(sql).addCallbacks(callback, errback)
예제 #27
def makeOverviewSQL():
    res = ''
    for o in OVERVIEW_FMT:
        res = res + """\n    INSERT INTO overview (header) VALUES ('%s');\n""" % (adbapi.safe(o),)
    return res
예제 #28
def makeGroupSQL(groups):
    res = ''
    for g in groups:
        res = res + """\n    INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES ('%s');\n""" % (adbapi.safe(g),)
    return res
예제 #29
 def get_query(self, component):
     return ''' SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA
         WHERE SCHEMA_NAME="%s"
     ''' % adbapi.safe(component.split(NAME_SPLITTER)[-1])
예제 #30
파일: dbcred.py 프로젝트: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def addPerspective(self, identityName, perspectiveName, serviceName, callback=None, errback=None):
     """Add a perspective by name to an identity.
     sql = "INSERT INTO twisted_perspectives VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', NULL)" %\
             (adbapi.safe(identityName), adbapi.safe(perspectiveName), adbapi.safe(serviceName))
     return self.runOperation(sql).addCallbacks(callback, errback)
예제 #31
    def _doPost(self, transaction, article):
        # Get the group ids
        groups = article.getHeader('Newsgroups').split()
        if not len(groups):
            raise NNTPError('Missing Newsgroups header')

        sql = """
            SELECT name, group_id FROM groups
            WHERE name IN (%s)
        """ % (', '.join([("'%s'" % (adbapi.safe(group),)) for group in groups]),)
        result = transaction.fetchall()
        # No relevant groups, bye bye!
        if not len(result):
            raise NNTPError('None of groups in Newsgroup header carried')
        # Got some groups, now find the indices this article will have in each
        sql = """
            SELECT groups.group_id, COALESCE(MAX(postings.article_index), 0) + 1
            FROM groups LEFT OUTER JOIN postings
            ON postings.group_id = groups.group_id
            WHERE groups.group_id IN (%s)
            GROUP BY groups.group_id
        """ % (', '.join([("%d" % (id,)) for (group, id) in result]),)

        indices = transaction.fetchall()

        if not len(indices):
            raise NNTPError('Internal server error - no indices found')
        # Associate indices with group names
        gidToName = dict([(b, a) for (a, b) in result])
        gidToIndex = dict(indices)
        nameIndex = []
        for i in gidToName:
            nameIndex.append((gidToName[i], gidToIndex[i]))
        # Build xrefs
        xrefs = socket.gethostname().split()[0]
        xrefs = xrefs + ' ' + ' '.join([('%s:%d' % (group, id)) for (group, id) in nameIndex])
        article.putHeader('Xref', xrefs)
        # Hey!  The article is ready to be posted!  God damn f'in finally.
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO articles (message_id, header, body)
            VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')
        """ % (
        # Now update the posting to reflect the groups to which this belongs
        for gid in gidToName:
            sql = """
                INSERT INTO postings (group_id, article_id, article_index)
                VALUES (%d, (SELECT last_value FROM articles_article_id_seq), %d)
            """ % (gid, gidToIndex[gid])
        return len(nameIndex)
예제 #32
 def escape(self, s):
     return "'%s'" % safe(s)