예제 #1
    def _discoverAuthority(self, query, servers, timeout, queriesLeft):
        Issue a query to a server and follow a delegation if necessary.

        @param query: The query to issue.
        @type query: L{dns.Query}

        @param servers: The servers which might have an answer for this
        @type servers: L{list} of L{tuple} of L{str} and L{int}

        @param timeout: A C{tuple} of C{int} giving the timeout to use for this

        @param queriesLeft: A C{int} giving the number of queries which may
            yet be attempted to answer this query before the attempt will be

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} giving the response, or with a
            L{Failure} if there is a timeout or response error.
        # Stop now if we've hit the query limit.
        if queriesLeft <= 0:
            return Failure(
                error.ResolverError("Query limit reached without result"))

        d = self._query(query, servers, timeout, False)
            self._discoveredAuthority, query, timeout, queriesLeft - 1)
        return d
예제 #2
    def _discoveredAuthority(self, response, query, timeout, queriesLeft):
        Interpret the response to a query, checking for error codes and
        following delegations if necessary.

        @param response: The L{Message} received in response to issuing C{query}.
        @type response: L{Message}

        @param query: The L{dns.Query} which was issued.
        @type query: L{dns.Query}.

        @param timeout: The timeout to use if another query is indicated by
            this response.
        @type timeout: L{tuple} of L{int}

        @param queriesLeft: A C{int} giving the number of queries which may
            yet be attempted to answer this query before the attempt will be

        @return: A L{Failure} indicating a response error, a three-tuple of
            lists of L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} giving the response to
            C{query} or a L{Deferred} which will fire with one of those.
        if response.rCode != dns.OK:
            return Failure(self.exceptionForCode(response.rCode)(response))

        # Turn the answers into a structure that's a little easier to work with.
        records = {}
        for answer in response.answers:
            records.setdefault(answer.name, []).append(answer)

        def findAnswerOrCName(name, type, cls):
            cname = None
            for record in records.get(name, []):
                if record.cls ==  cls:
                    if record.type == type:
                        return record
                    elif record.type == dns.CNAME:
                        cname = record
            # If there were any CNAME records, return the last one.  There's
            # only supposed to be zero or one, though.
            return cname

        seen = set()
        name = query.name
        record = None
        while True:
            previous = record
            record = findAnswerOrCName(name, query.type, query.cls)
            if record is None:
                if name == query.name:
                    # If there's no answer for the original name, then this may
                    # be a delegation.  Code below handles it.
                    # Try to resolve the CNAME with another query.
                    d = self._discoverAuthority(
                        dns.Query(str(name), query.type, query.cls),
                        self._roots(), timeout, queriesLeft)
                    # We also want to include the CNAME in the ultimate result,
                    # otherwise this will be pretty confusing.
                    def cbResolved(results):
                        answers, authority, additional = results
                        answers.insert(0, previous)
                        return (answers, authority, additional)
                    return d
            elif record.type == query.type:
                return (
                # It's a CNAME record.  Try to resolve it from the records
                # in this response with another iteration around the loop.
                if record.payload.name in seen:
                    raise error.ResolverError("Cycle in CNAME processing")
                name = record.payload.name

        # Build a map to use to convert NS names into IP addresses.
        addresses = {}
        for rr in response.additional:
            if rr.type == dns.A:
                addresses[rr.name.name] = rr.payload.dottedQuad()

        hints = []
        traps = []
        for rr in response.authority:
            if rr.type == dns.NS:
                ns = rr.payload.name.name
                if ns in addresses:
                    hints.append((addresses[ns], dns.PORT))
        if hints:
            return self._discoverAuthority(
                query, hints, timeout, queriesLeft)
        elif traps:
            d = self.lookupAddress(traps[0], timeout)
            def getOneAddress(results):
                answers, authority, additional = results
                return answers[0].payload.dottedQuad()
                lambda hint: self._discoverAuthority(
                    query, [(hint, dns.PORT)], timeout, queriesLeft - 1))
            return d
            return Failure(error.ResolverError(
                    "Stuck at response without answers or delegation"))
예제 #3
    def _discoveredAuthority(self, response, query, timeout, queriesLeft):
        Interpret the response to a query, following CNAMES if necessary.

        @param response: The L{Message} received in response to issuing C{query}.
        @type response: L{Message}

        @param query: The L{dns.Query} which was issued.
        @type query: L{dns.Query}.

        @param timeout: The timeout to use if another query is indicated by
            this response.
        @type timeout: L{tuple} of L{int}

        @param queriesLeft: A C{int} giving the number of queries which may
            yet be attempted to answer this query before the attempt will be

        @return: A L{Failure} indicating a response error, a three-tuple of
            lists of L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} giving the response to
            C{query} or a L{Deferred} which will fire with one of those.
        answers, authority, additional = response

        if not answers:
            return Failure(error.DomainError())

        # Turn the answers into a structure that's a little easier to work with.
        records = {}
        for answer in answers:
            records.setdefault(answer.name, []).append(answer)

        def findAnswerOrCName(name, type, cls):
            cname = None
            for record in records.get(name, []):
                if record.cls ==  cls:
                    if record.type == type:
                        return record
                    elif record.type == dns.CNAME:
                        cname = record
            # If there were any CNAME records, return the last one.  There's
            # only supposed to be zero or one, though.
            return cname

        seen = set()
        name = query.name
        record = None
        while True:
            previous = record
            record = findAnswerOrCName(name, query.type, query.cls)
            if record is None:
                if name == query.name:
                    # If there's no answer for the original name, then this may
                    # be a delegation.  Code below handles it.
                    # Try to resolve the CNAME with another query.
                    d = self._discoverAuthority(
                        dns.Query(str(name), query.type, query.cls),
                        timeout, queriesLeft)
                    # We also want to include the CNAME in the ultimate result,
                    # otherwise this will be pretty confusing.
                    def cbResolved(results):
                        answers, authority, additional = results
                        answers.insert(0, previous)
                        return (answers, authority, additional)
                    return d
            elif record.type == query.type:
                return (
                # It's a CNAME record.  Try to resolve it from the records
                # in this response with another iteration around the loop.
                if record.payload.name in seen:
                    raise error.ResolverError("Cycle in CNAME processing")
                name = record.payload.name
        return Failure(error.DomainError())