def _saveKey(key, options): """ Persist a SSH key on local filesystem. @param key: Key which is persisted on local filesystem. @type key: C{keys.Key} implementation. @param options: @type options: L{dict} """ KeyTypeMapping = {'EC': 'ecdsa', 'RSA': 'rsa', 'DSA': 'dsa'} keyTypeName = KeyTypeMapping[key.type()] if not options['filename']: defaultPath = os.path.expanduser(u'~/.ssh/id_%s' % (keyTypeName,)) newPath = raw_input( 'Enter file in which to save the key (%s): ' % (defaultPath,)) options['filename'] = newPath.strip() or defaultPath if os.path.exists(options['filename']): print('%s already exists.' % (options['filename'],)) yn = raw_input('Overwrite (y/n)? ') if yn[0].lower() != 'y': sys.exit() if options.get('no-passphrase'): options['pass'] = b'' elif not options['pass']: while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass( 'Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print('Passphrases do not match. Try again.') options['pass'] = p1 comment = '%s@%s' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) filepath.FilePath(options['filename']).setContent( key.toString( 'openssh', subtype=options.get('private-key-subtype'), passphrase=options['pass'])) os.chmod(options['filename'], 33152) filepath.FilePath(options['filename'] + '.pub').setContent( key.public().toString('openssh', comment=comment)) options = enumrepresentation(options) print('Your identification has been saved in %s' % (options['filename'],)) print('Your public key has been saved in' % (options['filename'],)) print('The key fingerprint in %s is:' % (options['format'],)) print(key.fingerprint(options['format']))
def _saveKey(key, options): """ Persist a SSH key on local filesystem. @param key: Key which is persisted on local filesystem. @type key: C{keys.Key} implementation. @param options: @type options: L{dict} """ KeyTypeMapping = {'EC': 'ecdsa', 'RSA': 'rsa', 'DSA': 'dsa'} keyTypeName = KeyTypeMapping[key.type()] if not options['filename']: defaultPath = os.path.expanduser(u'~/.ssh/id_%s' % (keyTypeName,)) newPath = raw_input( 'Enter file in which to save the key (%s): ' % (defaultPath,)) options['filename'] = newPath.strip() or defaultPath if os.path.exists(options['filename']): print('%s already exists.' % (options['filename'],)) yn = raw_input('Overwrite (y/n)? ') if yn[0].lower() != 'y': sys.exit() if options.get('no-passphrase'): options['pass'] = b'' elif not options['pass']: while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print('Passphrases do not match. Try again.') options['pass'] = p1 comment = '%s@%s' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) filepath.FilePath(options['filename']).setContent( key.toString('openssh', options['pass'])) os.chmod(options['filename'], 33152) filepath.FilePath(options['filename'] + '.pub').setContent( key.public().toString('openssh', comment)) options = enumrepresentation(options) print('Your identification has been saved in %s' % (options['filename'],)) print('Your public key has been saved in' % (options['filename'],)) print('The key fingerprint in %s is:' % (options['format'],)) print(key.fingerprint(options['format']))
def displayPublicKey(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) except keys.EncryptedKeyError: if not options.get('pass'): options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase: ') key = keys.Key.fromFile( options['filename'], passphrase=options['pass']) displayKey = key.public().toString('openssh').decode("ascii") print(displayKey)
def enter_array(): num_array = [] num = raw_input("Enter the number of Aruco_Markers present:") int_num = int(num) print('Enter numbers one by one: ') for i in range(int(int_num)): var = raw_input("num :") if var == '': print('Please enter a valid numbers again..!') del num_array break else: n = var num_array.append(str(n)) if i == max(range(int_num)): global array_global array_global = num_array return num_array re_enter_array() return array_global
def getGenericAnswers(self, name, instruction, prompts): responses = [] with self._replaceStdoutStdin(): if name: print(name.decode("utf-8")) if instruction: print(instruction.decode("utf-8")) for prompt, echo in prompts: prompt = prompt.decode("utf-8") if echo: responses.append(raw_input(prompt)) else: responses.append(getpass.getpass(prompt)) return defer.succeed(responses)
def printFingerprint(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input( 'Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) if os.path.exists(options['filename'] + '.pub'): options['filename'] += '.pub' options = enumrepresentation(options) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) print('%s %s %s' % (key.size(), key.fingerprint( options['format']), os.path.basename(options['filename']))) except keys.BadKeyError: sys.exit('bad key')
def changePassPhrase(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input( 'Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) except keys.EncryptedKeyError: # Raised if password not supplied for an encrypted key if not options.get('pass'): options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter old passphrase: ') try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename'], passphrase=options['pass']) except keys.BadKeyError: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: old passphrase error') except keys.EncryptedKeyError as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e, )) except keys.BadKeyError as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e, )) if not options.get('newpass'): while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass( 'Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print('Passphrases do not match. Try again.') options['newpass'] = p1 if options.get('private-key-subtype') is None: options['private-key-subtype'] = _defaultPrivateKeySubtype(key.type()) try: newkeydata = key.toString('openssh', subtype=options['private-key-subtype'], passphrase=options['newpass']) except Exception as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e, )) try: keys.Key.fromString(newkeydata, passphrase=options['newpass']) except (keys.EncryptedKeyError, keys.BadKeyError) as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e, )) with open(options['filename'], 'wb') as fd: fd.write(newkeydata) print('Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.')
def printFingerprint(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) if os.path.exists(options['filename']+'.pub'): options['filename'] += '.pub' options = enumrepresentation(options) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) print('%s %s %s' % ( key.size(), key.fingerprint(options['format']), os.path.basename(options['filename']))) except keys.BadKeyError: sys.exit('bad key')
def __init__(self, filename): """ Initializes C{self.filename}. If a file with this name already exists, asks if it should be overwritten. Terminates with exit status 1, if the user does not accept. """ if os.path.isfile(filename): response = raw_input(("A file named %s exists. " "Overwrite it (y/n)? ") % filename) if response.lower() != "y": print("Performance test cancelled.") sys.exit(1) self.filename = filename
def sh(command, null=True, prompt=False): """ I'll try to execute C{command}, and if C{prompt} is true, I'll ask before running it. If the command returns something other than 0, I'll raise C{CommandFailed(command)}. """ print("--$", command) if prompt: if raw_input("run ?? ").startswith('n'): return if null: command = "%s > /dev/null" % command if os.system(command) != 0: raise CommandFailed(command)
def displayPublicKey(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) except keys.EncryptedKeyError: if not options.get('pass'): options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase: ') key = keys.Key.fromFile( options['filename'], passphrase = options['pass']) displayKey = key.public().toString('openssh') if _PY3: displayKey = displayKey.decode("ascii") print(displayKey)
def parse_before_login(self, response): print("parse_before_login") captcha_id = response.xpath( '//input[@name="captcha-id"]/@value').extract_first() captcha_image_url = response.xpath( '//img[@id="captcha_image"]/@src').extract_first() if captcha_image_url is None: print("登录时无验证码") form_data = { 'source': 'movie', 'redir': '', 'form_email': '*****@*****.**', 'form_password': '******', 'remember': 'on', 'login': '******' } else: print("登录时有验证码") # 将图片验证码下载到本地 urllib.request.urlretrieve(captcha_image_url, os.getcwd() + '\output\captcha.jpeg') # 打开图片,以便我们识别图中验证码 try: im = + '\output\captcha.jpeg') captcha_solution = raw_input('根据打开的图片输入验证码:') print('您输入的验证码为 : ', captcha_solution) form_data = { 'source': 'None', 'redir': '', 'form_email': '*****@*****.**', 'form_password': '******', 'captcha-solution': captcha_solution, 'captcha-id': captcha_id, 'remember': 'on', 'login': '******' } except Exception as e: print(e.message) # 表单需要提交的数据 return scrapy.FormRequest.from_response( response, meta={ "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"] }, #表示使用上一次response的cookie,写在FormRequest.from_response()里post授权 headers=self.headers, formdata=form_data, callback=self.parse_after_login)
def changePassPhrase(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input( 'Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) except keys.EncryptedKeyError as e: # Raised if password not supplied for an encrypted key if not options.get('pass'): options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter old passphrase: ') try: key = keys.Key.fromFile( options['filename'], passphrase=options['pass']) except keys.BadKeyError: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: old passphrase error') except keys.EncryptedKeyError as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e,)) except keys.BadKeyError as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e,)) if not options.get('newpass'): while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass( 'Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print('Passphrases do not match. Try again.') options['newpass'] = p1 try: newkeydata = key.toString('openssh', extra=options['newpass']) except Exception as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e,)) try: keys.Key.fromString(newkeydata, passphrase=options['newpass']) except (keys.EncryptedKeyError, keys.BadKeyError) as e: sys.exit('Could not change passphrase: %s' % (e,)) with open(options['filename'], 'wb') as fd: fd.write(newkeydata) print('Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.')
def test_raw_input(self): """ L{twisted.python.compat.raw_input} """ class FakeStdin: def readline(self): return "User input\n" class FakeStdout: data = "" def write(self, data): += data self.patch(sys, "stdin", FakeStdin()) stdout = FakeStdout() self.patch(sys, "stdout", stdout) self.assertEqual(raw_input("Prompt"), "User input") self.assertEqual(, "Prompt")
test_location = input( "Please enter a target location for the testset. Insert the absolute path \n" ) ## A valid dataset is under (*Project folder*\en). Remember the absolute path print("Processing data...") ## This part prepares the data from the test_location prep = Preprocessing(test_location) seq_dict, test_data, test_values, total_author_list = prep.main() train_choice = '' while (True): if (train_choice == "Y" or train_choice == "N"): break train_choice = raw_input( "Do you wish to retrain the models before testing? (Y/N) \n") if train_choice == 'Y': train_target = input( "Please insert a training set location. Insert absolute path \n") ## A valid dataset is under (*Project folder*\Testset\). Remember the absolute path print("Beginning training of Bi-directional lstm") ## Trains the Bi_directional model Bi_dir = Bi_directional(train_target) Bi_dir.main(False) print("Finished training of Bi-directional lstm") print("Beginning training of LSTM/CNN with frozen weights") ## Trains the Freezed weigth LSTM/CNN model freezed = Freezed(train_target)
def get_data(): print("initiating") try: # load config config = ConfigParser() # login login = config.get('user', 'login') if not login: login = raw_input('Login: '******'Login: {}'.format(login)) # password password = getpass.getpass('Password: '******'login failed') return get_data() edt_connexion.rebuild_form_cache() print('login success') config.set('user', 'login', login) # student data student_fullname = config.get('user', 'student_fullname') if student_fullname: print("Student Fullname: {}".format(student_fullname)) else: student_fullname = raw_input('Student Fullname (ex: DUPOND Jean) : ') student_id = None while not student_id: student_id = edt_connexion.get_students().get(student_fullname) if student_id is None: print("Student not found") student_fullname = raw_input('Student Fullname (ex: DUPOND Jean) : ') print("Student ID: {}".format(student_id)) config.set('user', 'student_fullname', student_fullname) # get edt data for this week week_number = int(raw_input('Week Number : ')) edt = edt_connexion.get_student_edt(student_id, week_number) parsed_edt = parse_edt.get_parsed_edt(edt) # get company detail company = config.get('user', 'company') while not company: company = raw_input('Company Name and City (ex: ENIB - Brest) : ') config.set('user', 'company', company) training_date = config.get('user', 'training_date') while not training_date: training_date = raw_input('Training Date (ex: DU 05/09/2019 AU 04/09/2020) : ') config.set('user', 'training_date', training_date) # save config with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) return parsed_edt, week_number except KeyboardInterrupt: return None except Exception as error: print('ERROR', error) return get_data()