def run(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-manage', '--manage', action='store_true', default=False, dest='manage', help='run manage') parser.add_argument('-initdb', '--initdb', action='store_true', default=False, dest='initdb', help='run initdb') parser.add_argument('-debug', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help='debug option') parser.add_argument('-c', '--conf', type=str, default="/etc/toughradius.json", dest='conf', help='config file') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) config = iconfig.find_config(args.conf) syslog = logger.Logger(config) update_timezone(config) check_env(config) if args.debug: config.defaults.debug = True if args.manage:,log=syslog) elif args.initdb: run_initdb(config) else: parser.print_help()
def run(self): framelog = os.path.join(self.basedir, "driver.log") log.startLogging(open(framelog, "a"), setStdout=False) log.msg("CHECK_MEMORY(mode=%s) STARTING" % self.mode) #logfile = open(os.path.join(self.testdir, "log"), "w") #flo = log.FileLogObserver(logfile) #log.startLoggingWithObserver(flo.emit, setStdout=False) d = fireEventually() d.addCallback(lambda res: self.setUp()) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.record_initial_memusage()) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.make_nodes()) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.wait_for_client_connected()) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_test()) d.addBoth(self.tearDown) def _err(err): self.failed = err log.err(err) print err d.addErrback(_err) def _done(res): reactor.stop() return res d.addBoth(_done) if self.failed: # raiseException doesn't work for CopiedFailures self.failed.raiseException()
def initializeWebSocket(self):##Starts the WebSocket log.startLogging(sys.stdout)##Create a logfile (not necessary) self.factory = WebSocketServerFactory(hostip, debug = False) self.factory.protocol = EchoServerProtocol ##assign our Protocol to send/receive Messages listenWS(self.factory)"installSignalHandlers=0" Necessary for Multithreading
def agent_main(collector): to_file(sys.stdout) startLogging(sys.stdout) return react( run_agent, [ environ.get( "FLOCKER_CONFIGURATION_PATH", "/etc/flocker", ).decode("ascii"), environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_PROTOCOL", DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_PROTOCOL, ).decode("ascii"), environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_HOSTNAME", DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_HOSTNAME, ).decode("ascii"), int( environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_PORT", unicode(DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_PORT).encode("ascii"), ).decode("ascii") ), # Base64 encoded environ["CATALOG_FIREHOSE_SECRET"].decode("ascii"), collector, ], )
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] channels") # IRC connection options parser.add_option("-s", "--server", action="store", dest="server", default="", help="IRC server to connect to") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", action="store", type="int", dest="port", default=None, help="IRC server to connect to") parser.add_option("--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl", default=False, help="use SSL") parser.add_option("--password", action="store", dest="password", default=None, help="server password") parser.add_option("-n", "--nick", action="store", dest="nick", default="karmabot", help="nickname to use") # Bot options parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="enable verbose output") parser.add_option("-d", "--data", action="store", dest="filename", default="karma.json", help="karma data file name") parser.add_option("-t", "--trust", action="append", dest="trusted", default=[], help="trusted hostmasks") parser.add_option("-f", "--facets", action="append", dest="facets", default=[], help="additional facets to load") (options, channels) = parser.parse_args() if not channels: parser.error("You must supply some channels to join.") else: log.msg("Channels to join: %s" % channels) if options.verbose: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) if not options.port: options.port = 6667 if not options.ssl else 9999 # FIXME: this needs to be replaced with a real facet manager for facet_path in options.facets: execfile(facet_path, globals()) factory = KarmaBotFactory(options.filename, options.nick, channels, options.trusted, options.password) if not options.ssl: reactor.connectTCP(options.server, options.port, factory) else: reactor.connectSSL(options.server, options.port, factory, ssl.ClientContextFactory())
def _init_local(self): from p2p import commands from lib import net_misc from lib import misc from system import tmpfile from system import run_upnpc from raid import eccmap from userid import my_id my_id.init() if settings.enableWebStream(): from logs import weblog weblog.init(settings.getWebStreamPort()) if settings.enableWebTraffic(): from logs import webtraffic webtraffic.init(port=settings.getWebTrafficPort()) misc.init() commands.init() tmpfile.init(settings.getTempDir()) net_misc.init() settings.update_proxy_settings() run_upnpc.init() eccmap.init() if sys.argv.count("--twisted"): from twisted.python import log as twisted_log twisted_log.startLogging(MyTwistedOutputLog(), setStdout=0) # import twisted.python.failure as twisted_failure # twisted_failure.startDebugMode() # twisted_log.defaultObserver.stop() if settings.getDebugLevel() > 10: defer.setDebugging(True)
def main(): import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Insert usage string here') parser.add_option('-m', '--mqttbroker', dest='mqttBroker', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the MQTT broker to run on') parser.add_option('-x', '--xmppserver', dest='xmppServer', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the XMPP pubsub server to run on') parser.add_option('-i', '--gatewayid', dest='gatewayId', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the ID of the gateway on the MQTT and XMPP networks') parser.add_option('-t', '--registrationtopic', dest='registrationTopic', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the MQTT topic that the gateway will listen for registration messages on') parser.add_option('-j', '--gatewayjid', dest='gatewayJid', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the JID used to publish and subscribe to XMPP messages') parser.add_option('-p', '--gatewaypassword', dest='gatewayPassword', default=None, type='string', help='Specify the password used to connect using the specified JID') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # CHECK THIS AT SOME POINT gateway = GatewayService(options.gatewayId, options.registrationTopic, options.xmppServer, options.gatewayJid, options.gatewayPassword, options.mqttBroker) import sys log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
def run(**settings): """Start the application. Parameters: host: Interface to listen on. [default:] port: TCP port to listen on. [default: 8888] log: The log file to use, the default is sys.stdout. base_handler: The class or factory for request handlers. The default is cyclone.web.RequestHandler. more_handlers: A regular list of tuples containing regex -> handler All other parameters are passed directly to the `cyclone.web.Application` constructor. """ port = settings.get("port", 8888) interface = settings.get("host", "") log.startLogging(settings.pop("log", sys.stdout)) reactor.listenTCP(port, create_app(**settings), interface=interface) = False)
def main(argv): options = parse_options(argv[1:]) if options.log: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = FtpServerFactory(options.root_path, options.port) factory.makeListener()
def pr(self, fail): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) log.msg(fail) send_email('*****@*****.**', u'Ошибка обновления каталога', unicode(fail), sender=u'Компьютерный магазин <*****@*****.**>')
def main(): users = {'testadmin': 'x'} log.startLogging(sys.stderr) MockSSH.runServer( commands, prompt="hostname>", interface='', port=9999, **users)
def execute(config_file): global config config = _get_config(config_file) log.startLogging(sys.stderr) application = get_application(config) app.startApplication(application, False) #@UndefinedVariable
def __init__(self, save_dir=".", listen_port=6881, enable_DHT=False, remote_debugging=False): """ @param remote_degugging enables telnet login via port 9999 with a username and password of 'admin' """ log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # Start logging to stdout self.save_dir = save_dir self.listen_port = listen_port self.enable_DHT = enable_DHT self.tasks = {} self.btServer = BTServerFactories(self.listen_port) reactor.listenTCP(self.listen_port, self.btServer) if enable_DHT: log.msg("Turning DHT on.") self.dht = DHTProtocol() reactor.listenUDP(self.listen_port, self.dht) if remote_debugging: log.msg("Turning remote debugging on. You may login via telnet " +\ "on port 9999 username & password are 'admin'") import twisted.manhole.telnet dbg = twisted.manhole.telnet.ShellFactory() dbg.username = "******" dbg.password = "******" dbg.namespace['app'] = self reactor.listenTCP(9999, dbg)
def main(reactor, commID, masterIP, masterPort, masterID): f = open('/home/rce-user/container.log', 'w') log.startLogging(f) #log.startLogging(sys.stdout) manager = ContainerManager(reactor) commManager = CommManager(reactor, commID) cmdSerializer = CommandSerializer() cmdSerializer.registerCommand([ContainerCommand]) commManager.registerContentSerializers([CommInfoSerializer(), cmdSerializer, TagSerializer()]) distributor = ControlDistributor() distributor.addHandler(types.CONTAINER, manager.createContainer) distributor.addHandler(types.RM_CONTAINER, manager.destroyContainer) commManager.registerMessageProcessors([CommInfoProcessor(manager), CommandProcessor(distributor), TagProcessor(distributor)]) factory = RCEClientFactory(commManager, masterID) factory.addApprovedMessageTypes([msgTypes.COMM_INFO, msgTypes.COMMAND, msgTypes.TAG]) reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', manager.shutdown) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', commManager.shutdown) f.close()
def start_logging(out=_stdout, level='info'): """ Start logging to the file-like object in ``out``. By default, this is stdout. """ global _loggers, _observer, _log_level, _started_logging if level not in log_levels: raise RuntimeError( "Invalid log level '{0}'; valid are: {1}".format( level, ', '.join(log_levels) ) ) if _started_logging: return _started_logging = True _log_level = level set_global_log_level(_log_level) if out: _observer = _LogObserver(out) if _NEW_LOGGER: _observers = [] if _observer: _observers.append(_observer) globalLogBeginner.beginLoggingTo(_observers) else: assert out, "out needs to be given a value if using Twisteds before 15.2" from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(out)
def main(args): """ Run forever, grab an image every N seconds. """ if args["--log"] == True: log_filename = "rand_imgur.log" log.startLogging(open(log_filename, "a")) else: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) tried_log_path = "tried.log" if os.path.exists(tried_log_path): tried_log = open(tried_log_path, "r") tried = tried_log.readlines() tried_log.close() else: tried = None tried_log = open(tried_log_path, "a+") while True: url, imgur_name = gen_url() if not url in tried: grab_image(url, imgur_name, args["--directory"]) tried.append(url) tried_log.write(url + "\n") else: log.msg("Found {url} in list, not trying.".format(url=url)) sleep(float(args["--interval"]))
def main(): import argparse import sys def serverEndpoint(x): return endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, x) def listenFailed(reason): log.err(reason) reactor.stop() def serverListening(_): log.msg("NBD Server running") log.startLogging(sys.stderr) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NBD Server') parser.add_argument('--listen', help='Endpoint address to listen on', type=serverEndpoint, default='tcp:10809:interface=') parser.add_argument('--readonly', help='Make the export read-only', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('filename', help='File to serve') args = parser.parse_args() bdev = FileBlockDevice(args.filename, args.readonly) f = NBDServerFactory({os.path.basename(args.filename): bdev}) d = args.listen.listen(f) d.addErrback(listenFailed) d.addCallback(serverListening)
def main(type): log.startLogging(sys.stderr, setStdout=False) if type == "1": client_factory = client_server.Factory() reactor.connectTCP('', 8125, client_factory) else : client_factory = client_server.FactoryUDP() reactor.listenUDP(0, client_factory) def wait_for_protocol(): while len(client_factory.instances) == 0: time.sleep(1) return True d = threads.deferToThread(wait_for_protocol) def run_loop(_): proc = CommandProcessor(client_factory.instances[0]) reactor.callInThread(proc.cmdloop) d.addCallback(run_loop)
def main(): from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log import sys log.startLogging(sys.stdout) reactor.listenTCP(0, RemoteCalculationFactory())
def run_command_start(options): """ Subcommand "crossbar start". """ ## start Twisted logging ## log.startLogging(sys.stderr) log.msg(" {} node starting".format(crossbar.__version__)) ## we use an Autobahn utility to import the "best" available Twisted reactor ## reactor = install_reactor(options.reactor, options.debug) #if options.debug: # print("Running on reactor {}".format(reactor)) ## create and start node ## node = Node(reactor, options.cbdir, options.debug) node.start() ## enter event loop ##
def run(self): from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log import sys # FIXME: fix this namespace from Hellanzb.NZBLeecher import NZBLeecherFactory #from twisted.internet import cReactor #cReactor.install() # initialize logging log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # create factory protocol and application nsf = NZBLeecherFactory() #from Hellanzb.NZBLeecher.NZBModel import NZBSegmentQueue #Hellanzb.queue = NZBSegmentQueue(sys.argv[1]) # connect factory to this host and port reactor.connectTCP('', 9000, nsf) #reactor.connectTCP('', 9000, nsf) #reactor.connectTCP('', 9000, nsf) #reactor.connectTCP('', 9000, nsf) # run print 'running' = False)
def run_server(fd=None, port=None, procs=None, verbose=False): if args.verbose: log.startLogging(stdout) environ['SOLEDAD_LOG_TO_STDOUT'] = '1' config = get_config() path = config["blobs_path"] if not port: port = int(config["blobs_port"]) root = Resource() root.putChild('blobs', BlobsResource("filesystem", path)) factory = Site(root) if fd is None: # Create a new listening port and several other # processes to help out. if procs is None: procs = cpu_count() log.msg('A total of %d processes will listen on port %d.' % (procs, port)) port = reactor.listenTCP(port, factory) for i in range(procs - 1): reactor.spawnProcess( None, executable, [executable, __file__, str(port.fileno())], childFDs={0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, port.fileno(): port.fileno()}, env=environ) else: # Another process created the port, just start listening on it. log.msg('Adopting file descriptor %d...' % fd) port = reactor.adoptStreamPort(fd, AF_INET, factory)
def __init__(self, port, debug): if debug: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) self.server = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:"+ str(port), debug) self.server.protocol = LogeeProtocol listenWS(self.server)
def startLogging(logfilename): if logfilename == '-' or not logfilename: logFile = sys.stdout else: logFile = app.getLogFile(logfilename) log.startLogging(logFile) sys.stdout.flush()
def main(): log.startLogging(sys.stderr) conf_file = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.save_config_path('socialsound'), 'config.ini') config = ConfigObj(conf_file) username = config['Pandora']['username'] password = config['Pandora']['password'] proxy = config.get('Proxy', {}) proxy_host = proxy.get('host', None) proxy_port = proxy.get('port', None) proxy = {} if proxy_host: proxy['proxy_host'] = proxy_host if proxy_port: proxy['proxy_port'] = proxy_port # Start websocket listener factory = PandoraFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debug=False, username=username, password=password, **proxy) factory.protocol = PandoraProtocol listenWS(factory) # Start the MPD client factory. factory.player = PlayerFactory() reactor.connectTCP(MPD_HOST, MPD_PORT, factory.player)
def run(): args = PARSER.parse_args() # Unpack values. Each should be a list of one item (hence the # comma. Yay list unpacking) private_key, = args.private_key public_key, = args.public_key webserver_address, = args.webserver_address webserver_user, = args.webserver_user webserver_password, = args.webserver_password port = int(args.port) log.startLogging(sys.stderr) log.startLogging(open('gitssh.log', 'w')) components.registerAdapter(GitSession, GitConchUser, ISession) # Set up authorization GitServer.meta = GitMeta(webserver_address, webserver_user, webserver_password) GitServer.portal = Portal(GitRealm(GitServer.meta)) GitServer.portal.registerChecker(TeamPasswordChecker(GitServer.meta)) # Instantiate a server server = GitServer(os.path.abspath(private_key), os.path.abspath(public_key)) # Start listening reactor.listenTCP(port, server)
def run(self, host, port, logFile=None): """ Run a minimal twisted.web server on the specified C{port}, bound to the interface specified by C{host} and logging to C{logFile}. This function will run the default reactor for your platform and so will block the main thread of your application. It should be the last thing your klein application does. @param host: The hostname or IP address to bind the listening socket to. "" will allow you to listen on all interfaces, and "" will allow you to listen on just the loopback interface. @type host: str @param port: The TCP port to accept HTTP requests on. @type port: int @param logFile: The file object to log to, by default C{sys.stdout} @type logFile: file object """ if logFile is None: logFile = sys.stdout log.startLogging(logFile) reactor.listenTCP(port, Site(self.resource()), interface=host)
def init_logging(logdir, logname): if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) logfile = get_path(os.path.join(logdir, logname)) log.startLogging(DailyLogFile.fromFullPath(logfile))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, help="config file") parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="store_true", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print __version__ exit(0) cp = SafeConfigParser() # initialize logging log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # create factory protocol and application bot_cnf = { "nickname": cp.get("main", "nickname_bot"), "nickname_user": cp.get("main", "nickname_user"), "channels": cp.get("main", "channels").split(" "), "filename": cp.get("main", "logfile"), "filename_raw": cp.get("main", "logfile_raw"), } f = BotFactory(**bot_cnf) reactor.connectTCP(cp.get("server", "host"), cp.getint("server", "port"), f)
def main(reactor, internalCred, externalCred, internalPort, externalPort, commPort, consolePort): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # Realms rce = RoboEarthCloudEngine(externalCred, commPort) user = UserRealm(rce) internalCred.add_checker(rce.checkUIDValidity) # Portals rcePortal = Portal(rce, (internalCred,)) consolePortal = Portal(user, (externalCred,)) # Internal Communication reactor.listenTCP(internalPort, PBServerFactory(rcePortal)) # Client Connections reactor.listenTCP(consolePort, PBServerFactory(consolePortal)) reactor.listenTCP(externalPort, Site(RobotResource(rce))) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', rce.preShutdown) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', rce.postShutdown)
def __init__(self, interface: bytes, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.config = config_dict if random_rotation: self.map_rotator_type = random_choice_cycle else: self.map_rotator_type = itertools.cycle # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type self.default_time_limit = default_time_limit.get() self.default_cap_limit = cap_limit.get() self.advance_on_win = int(advance_on_win.get()) self.win_count = itertools.count(1) self.bans = NetworkDict() # attempt to load a saved bans list try: with open(os.path.join(config.config_dir, bans_file.get()), 'r') as f: self.bans.read_list(json.load(f)) except FileNotFoundError: pass except IOError as e: print('Could not read bans.txt: {}'.format(e)) except ValueError as e: print('Could not parse bans.txt: {}'.format(e)) self.hard_bans = set() # possible DDoS'ers are added here self.player_memory = deque(maxlen=100) if len( > MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE: print('(server name too long; it will be truncated to "%s")' % ([:MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE])) self.respawn_time = respawn_time_option.get() self.respawn_waves = respawn_waves.get() if game_mode.get() == 'ctf': self.game_mode = CTF_MODE elif game_mode.get() == 'tc': self.game_mode = TC_MODE elif self.game_mode is None: raise NotImplementedError('invalid game mode: %s' % game_mode) self.game_mode_name = game_mode.get().split('.')[-1] self.team1_name = team1_name.get() self.team2_name = team2_name.get() self.team1_color = tuple(team1_color.get()) self.team2_color = tuple(team2_color.get()) self.friendly_fire = friendly_fire.get() self.friendly_fire_on_grief = friendly_fire_on_grief.get() self.friendly_fire_time = grief_friendly_fire_time.get() self.spade_teamkills_on_grief = spade_teamkills_on_grief.get() self.fall_damage = fall_damage.get() self.teamswitch_interval = teamswitch_interval.get() self.teamswitch_allowed = teamswitch_allowed.get() self.max_players = max_players.get() self.melee_damage = melee_damage.get() self.max_connections_per_ip = max_connections_per_ip.get() self.passwords = passwords.get() self.server_prefix = server_prefix.get() self.time_announcements = time_announcements.get() self.balanced_teams = balanced_teams.get() self.login_retries = login_retries.get() # voting configuration self.default_ban_time = default_ban_duration.get() self.speedhack_detect = speedhack_detect.get() if user_blocks_only.get(): self.user_blocks = set() self.set_god_build = set_god_build.get() self.debug_log = debug_log_enabled.get() if self.debug_log: # TODO: make this configurable pyspades.debug.open_debug_log( os.path.join(config.config_dir, 'debug.log')) if ssh_enabled.get(): from piccolo.ssh import RemoteConsole self.remote_console = RemoteConsole(self) irc = irc_options.get() if irc.get('enabled', False): from piccolo.irc import IRCRelay self.irc_relay = IRCRelay(self, irc) if status_server_enabled.get(): from piccolo.statusserver import StatusServerFactory self.status_server = StatusServerFactory(self) if ban_publish.get(): from piccolo.banpublish import PublishServer self.ban_publish = PublishServer(self, ban_publish_port.get()) if ban_subscribe_enabled.get(): from piccolo import bansubscribe self.ban_manager = bansubscribe.BanManager(self) # logfile path relative to config dir if not abs path l = logfile.get() if l.strip(): # catches empty filename if not os.path.isabs(l): l = os.path.join(config.config_dir, l) ensure_dir_exists(l) if logging_rotate_daily.get(): logging_file = DailyLogFile(l, '.') else: logging_file = open(l, 'a') log.addObserver(log.FileLogObserver(logging_file).emit) log.msg('pyspades server started on %s' % time.strftime('%c')) log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # force twisted logging self.start_time = reactor.seconds() self.end_calls = [] # TODO: why is this here? create_console(self) for user_type, func_names in rights.get().items(): for func_name in func_names: commands.add_rights(user_type, func_name) port = self.port = port_option.get() ServerProtocol.__init__(self, port, interface) = self.receive_callback try: self.set_map_rotation(self.config['rotation']) except MapNotFound as e: print('Invalid map in map rotation (%s), exiting.' % raise SystemExit self.update_format() self.tip_frequency = tip_frequency.get() if is not None and self.tip_frequency > 0: reactor.callLater(self.tip_frequency * 60, self.send_tip) self.master = register_master_option.get() self.set_master() self.http_agent = web_client.Agent(reactor) ip_getter = ip_getter_option.get() if ip_getter: self.get_external_ip(ip_getter)
if client not in self.clients: print("registered client {}".format(client.peer)) self.clients.append(client) def unregister(self, client): if client in self.clients: print("unregistered client {}".format(client.peer)) self.clients.remove(client) def forward(self, payload, sender, isBinary): for c in self.clients: if c.peer != sender: c.sendMessage(payload, isBinary) if __name__ == '__main__': from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stdout) wsfactory = PSFactory() wsfactory.protocol = PSProto wsfactory.startFactory() wsres = WebSocketResource(wsfactory) root = File(".") root.putChild("ws", wsres) site = Site(root) reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
""" log.msg("Received response from proxied service: " + repr(response)) return defer.succeed(response) if __name__ == '__main__': """ Demonstration LDAP proxy; listens on localhost:10389; passes all requests to localhost:8080 and logs responses.. """ from ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldapclient import LDAPClient from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor from functools import partial import sys log.startLogging(sys.stderr) factory = protocol.ServerFactory() proxiedEndpointStr = 'tcp:host=localhost:port=8080' use_tls = False clientConnector = partial(ldapconnector.connectToLDAPEndpoint, reactor, proxiedEndpointStr, LDAPClient) def buildProtocol(): proto = ExampleProxy() proto.clientConnector = clientConnector proto.use_tls = use_tls return proto factory.protocol = buildProtocol reactor.listenTCP(10389, factory)
def opt_verbose(self): from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
def demo(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) app = MyApp(0) reactor.registerWxApp(app)
def disable_logger(self): temp_name = path.join(gettempdir(), next(_get_candidate_names())) tlog.startLogging(open(temp_name, 'w'), setStdout=False)
log.msg("RIGHT") def up_right(self): log.msg("right") def move(self, x, y): log.msg("(%d,%d)" % (x, y)) if __name__ == '__main__': from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPort o = Options() try: o.parseOptions() except usage.UsageError as errortext: print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], errortext) print "%s: Try --help for usage details." % (sys.argv[0]) raise SystemExit(1) logFile = sys.stdout if o.opts['outfile']: logFile = o.opts['outfile'] log.startLogging(logFile) SerialPort(McFooMouse(), o.opts['port'], reactor, baudrate=int(o.opts['baudrate']))
def main(): startLogging(stdout) serverFactory = AMPRouteServerFactory() serverFactory.routeProtocol = Counter reactor.listenTCP(7805, serverFactory)
myPort = default_port logfile = None if myOpts["port"]: myPort = int(myOpts["port"]) if myPort < 1025 or myPort > 65535: myPort = default_port if myOpts["window"]: logfile = "/tmp/Fake_Mercury_%d.log" % (myPort) if myOpts["logfile"]: logfile = myOpts["logfile"] if logfile: log.startLogging(open(logfile, "w")) else: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) #log.startLogging(sys.stderr) if myOpts["window"]: import curses stdscr = curses.initscr() screen = MyScreen(stdscr) # add screen object as a reader to the reactor reactor.addReader(screen) myFactory = MercuryFactory(MercuryProtocol, myDev, "\r") lc = LoopingCall(device_display) lc.start(0.250)
import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import platform if "Windows" not in platform.system(): print "Linux System! Use epoll" from twisted.internet import epollreactor epollreactor.install() from twisted.internet import reactor ,ssl,threads,defer from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.python import log import time,os if not os.path.exists('log'): os.makedirs('log') log.startLogging(open('log/blackfilter_%s'% time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d'),'a')) from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(200000) import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(80) import json from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET all_proxy = set() black_proxy = set() import threading def func(): all_proxy.clear() black_proxy.clear() threading.Timer(3600*24, func).start()
def ygmain(ygclass, txfee=1000, cjfee_a=200, cjfee_r=0.002, ordertype='swreloffer', nickserv_password='', minsize=100000, gaplimit=6): import sys parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] [wallet file]') parser.add_option('-o', '--ordertype', action='store', type='string', dest='ordertype', default=ordertype, help='type of order; can be either reloffer or absoffer') parser.add_option('-t', '--txfee', action='store', type='int', dest='txfee', default=txfee, help='minimum miner fee in satoshis') parser.add_option('-c', '--cjfee', action='store', type='string', dest='cjfee', default='', help='requested coinjoin fee in satoshis or proportion') parser.add_option('-p', '--password', action='store', type='string', dest='password', default=nickserv_password, help='irc nickserv password') parser.add_option('-s', '--minsize', action='store', type='int', dest='minsize', default=minsize, help='minimum coinjoin size in satoshis') parser.add_option('-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type="int", dest='gaplimit', default=gaplimit, help='gap limit for wallet, default='+str(gaplimit)) parser.add_option('--fast', action='store_true', dest='fastsync', default=False, help=('choose to do fast wallet sync, only for Core and ' 'only for previously synced wallet')) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error('Needs a wallet') sys.exit(0) wallet_name = args[0] ordertype = options.ordertype txfee = options.txfee if ordertype == 'swreloffer': if options.cjfee != '': cjfee_r = options.cjfee # minimum size is such that you always net profit at least 20% #of the miner fee minsize = max(int(1.2 * txfee / float(cjfee_r)), options.minsize) elif ordertype == 'swabsoffer': if options.cjfee != '': cjfee_a = int(options.cjfee) minsize = options.minsize else: parser.error('You specified an incorrect offer type which ' +\ 'can be either swreloffer or swabsoffer') sys.exit(0) nickserv_password = options.password load_program_config() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('wallets', wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth=MAX_MIX_DEPTH, gaplimit=options.gaplimit) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth=MAX_MIX_DEPTH, gaplimit=options.gaplimit) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "blockchain_source") == "electrum-server": jm_single().bc_interface.synctype = "with-script" sync_wallet(wallet, fast=options.fastsync) maker = ygclass(wallet, [options.txfee, cjfee_a, cjfee_r, options.ordertype, options.minsize])'starting yield generator') clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(maker, proto_type="MAKER") nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, daemon=daemon)
# License: Copyright(c) 2013 Don.Li # Summary: import time import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, '../lib') from twisted.python.log import startLogging, msg from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from rpc import ConnectorCreator # log路径 log_path = r'./logs/pvp.log' if os.path.exists(log_path): os.remove(log_path) startLogging(open(log_path, 'w')) # 服务器IP、port, 配置见../etc/env.conf HOST = '' PORT = 28001 # 用于测试的用户数量 TOTAL_USER = 2 # 时间间隔 INTERVAL_ARENA = 5 INTERVAL_TREASURESHARD = 8 global RESULT global DURATION # 统计状态值 RESULT = []
class EchoFactory(protocol.Factory): def buildProtocol(self, addr): return Echo() class Close(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): self.transport.loseConnection() class CloseFactory(protocol.Factory): def buildProtocol(self, addr): return Close() log.startLogging(sys.stdout, False) import pudb pudb.set_trace() echo = EchoFactory() close = CloseFactory() s = SockJSMultiFactory() s.addFactory(echo, "echo", {'streaming_limit': 4 * 1024}) s.addFactory(close, "close", {'streaming_limit': 4 * 1024}) s.addFactory(echo, "disabled_websocket_echo", { 'websocket': False, 'streaming_limit': 4 * 1024 }) s.addFactory(echo, "cookie_needed_echo", {
def main(): startLogging(file('calamity.log', 'w')) runWithProtocol(Cockpit)
def __init__(self, interface, config): self.config = config if config.get('random_rotation', False): self.map_rotator_type = random_choice_cycle else: self.map_rotator_type = itertools.cycle # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type self.default_time_limit = config.get('default_time_limit', 20.0) self.default_cap_limit = config.get('cap_limit', 10.0) self.advance_on_win = int(config.get('advance_on_win', False)) self.win_count = itertools.count(1) self.bans = NetworkDict() # TODO: check if this is actually working and not silently failing try: self.bans.read_list( json.load(open(os.path.join(cfg.config_dir, 'bans.txt'), 'rb'))) except IOError: pass self.hard_bans = set() # possible DDoS'ers are added here self.player_memory = deque(maxlen=100) self.config = config if len( > MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE: print('(server name too long; it will be truncated to "%s")' % ([:MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE])) self.respawn_time = config.get('respawn_time', 8) self.respawn_waves = config.get('respawn_waves', False) game_mode = config.get('game_mode', 'ctf') if game_mode == 'ctf': self.game_mode = CTF_MODE elif game_mode == 'tc': self.game_mode = TC_MODE elif self.game_mode is None: raise NotImplementedError('invalid game mode: %s' % game_mode) self.game_mode_name = game_mode team1 = config.get('team1', {}) team2 = config.get('team2', {}) self.team1_name = team1.get('name', 'Blue') self.team2_name = team2.get('name', 'Green') self.team1_color = tuple(team1.get('color', (0, 0, 196))) self.team2_color = tuple(team2.get('color', (0, 196, 0))) self.friendly_fire = config.get('friendly_fire', True) self.friendly_fire_time = config.get('grief_friendly_fire_time', 2.0) self.spade_teamkills_on_grief = config.get('spade_teamkills_on_grief', False) self.fall_damage = config.get('fall_damage', True) self.teamswitch_interval = config.get('teamswitch_interval', 0) self.max_players = config.get('max_players', 20) self.melee_damage = config.get('melee_damage', 100) self.max_connections_per_ip = config.get('max_connections_per_ip', 0) self.passwords = config.get('passwords', {}) self.server_prefix = encode(config.get('server_prefix', '[*]')) self.time_announcements = config.get('time_announcements', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000]) self.balanced_teams = config.get('balanced_teams', None) self.login_retries = config.get('login_retries', 1) # voting configuration self.default_ban_time = config.get('default_ban_duration', 24 * 60) self.speedhack_detect = config.get('speedhack_detect', True) if config.get('user_blocks_only', False): self.user_blocks = set() self.set_god_build = config.get('set_god_build', False) self.debug_log = config.get('debug_log', False) if self.debug_log: pyspades.debug.open_debug_log( os.path.join(cfg.config_dir, 'debug.log')) ssh = config.get('ssh', {}) if ssh.get('enabled', False): from piqueserver.ssh import RemoteConsole self.remote_console = RemoteConsole(self, ssh) irc = config.get('irc', {}) if irc.get('enabled', False): from piqueserver.irc import IRCRelay self.irc_relay = IRCRelay(self, irc) status = config.get('status_server', {}) if status.get('enabled', False): from piqueserver.statusserver import StatusServerFactory self.status_server = StatusServerFactory(self, status) publish = config.get('ban_publish', {}) if publish.get('enabled', False): from piqueserver.banpublish import PublishServer self.ban_publish = PublishServer(self, publish) ban_subscribe = config.get('ban_subscribe', {}) if ban_subscribe.get('enabled', True): from piqueserver import bansubscribe self.ban_manager = bansubscribe.BanManager(self, ban_subscribe) # logfile path relative to config dir if not abs path logfile = config.get('logfile', '') if not os.path.isabs(logfile): logfile = os.path.join(cfg.config_dir, logfile) if logfile.strip(): # catches empty filename if config.get('rotate_daily', False): create_filename_path(logfile) logging_file = DailyLogFile(logfile, '.') else: logging_file = open_create(logfile, 'a') log.addObserver(log.FileLogObserver(logging_file).emit) log.msg('pyspades server started on %s' % time.strftime('%c')) log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # force twisted logging self.start_time = reactor.seconds() self.end_calls = [] # TODO: why is this here? create_console(self) # check for default password usage for group, passwords in self.passwords.items(): if group in DEFAULT_PASSWORDS: for password in passwords: if password in DEFAULT_PASSWORDS[group]: print(("WARNING: FOUND DEFAULT PASSWORD '%s'" " IN GROUP '%s'" % (password, group))) for password in self.passwords.get('admin', []): if not password: self.everyone_is_admin = True for user_type, func_names in config.get('rights', {}).items(): for func_name in func_names: commands.add_rights(user_type, func_name) port = self.port = config.get('port', 32887) ServerProtocol.__init__(self, port, interface) = self.receive_callback ret = self.set_map_rotation(config['maps']) if not ret: print('Invalid map in map rotation (%s), exiting.' % raise SystemExit self.update_format() self.tip_frequency = config.get('tip_frequency', 0) if is not None and self.tip_frequency > 0: reactor.callLater(self.tip_frequency * 60, self.send_tip) self.master = config.get('master', True) self.set_master() get_external_ip(config.get('network_interface', '').encode()).addCallback( self.got_external_ip)
def readConnectionLost(self): """ This is the desired event. Once it has happened, stop the reactor so the process will exit. """ self.exitCode = 0 reactor.stop() def connectionLost(self, reason): """ This may only be invoked after C{readConnectionLost}. If it happens otherwise, mark it as an error and shut down. """ if self.exitCode is None: self.exitCode = 1 log.err(reason, "Unexpected call to connectionLost") reactor.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': reflect.namedAny(sys.argv[1]).install() log.startLogging(file(sys.argv[2], 'w')) from twisted.internet import reactor protocol = HalfCloseProtocol() stdio.StandardIO(protocol) sys.exit(protocol.exitCode)
try: options.parseOptions(args) except usage.UsageError, u: print 'ERROR: %s' % u options.opt_help() sys.exit(1) if options['log']: if options['logfile']: if options['logfile'] == '-': f = sys.stdout else: f = file(options['logfile'], 'a+') else: f = sys.stderr realout = sys.stdout log.startLogging(f) sys.stdout = realout else: log.discardLogs() doConnect() fd = sys.stdin.fileno() try: old = tty.tcgetattr(fd) except: old = None try: oldUSR1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda *a: reactor.callLater(0, reConnect)) except: oldUSR1 = None try:
def failed(err): log.startLogging(sys.stderr) log.err(err)
def opt_verbose(self): log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
def main(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) log.msg('Comenzando ejecucion...') reactor.listenTCP(16000, EchoServerFactory())
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol from autobahn.websocket.protocol import WebSocketProtocol, ConnectionRequest from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, WebSocketServerProtocol, listenWS from twisted.python.log import startLogging, msg import txaio txaio.use_twisted() import sys startLogging(sys.stdout) # Examples: # /bin/sh -c "tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep -v secret_admin_page" --line-buffered | awk '{\$1=\"\"; print}'" # tail tail -F /var/log/nginx/access.log COMMAND_NAME = sys.argv[1] COMMAND_ARGS = sys.argv[1:] LOCAL_ONLY = False DEBUG = True class ProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol): """ I handle a child process launched via reactor.spawnProcess. I just buffer the output into a list and call WebSocketProcessOutputterThingFactory.broadcast when any new output is read """ def __init__(self, websocket_factory): = websocket_factory self.buffer = [] def outReceived(self, message): self.buffer.append(message)
nargs=2, metavar=('key', 'secret')) parser.add_argument('--trades', help='trade channels, eg TRADE-OK--BTC--CNY', nargs='*', default=None) parser.add_argument('--orders', help='order channels, eg ORDER-OK--BTC--CNY', nargs='*', default=None) parser.add_argument('--config', help='config file', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() output = args.out if output == 'stdout': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) else: log.startLogging(open(output, 'w+')) # read the config file if any and apply overrides to it as requested config_dict = dict() if args.config is not None and os.path.exists(args.config): with open(args.config) as config_file: config_dict.update(json.load(config_file)) if args.api: config_dict['api'] = dict(apiKey=args.api[0], apiSecret=args.api[1]) if args.trades is not None: config_dict.setdefault('subscriptions', dict())['trade'] = args.trades
def main(): # Listen for TCP:1500 log.startLogging(stdout) reactor.listenTCP(1500, Balancer([('', 1600), ('', 1601)]))
wsgi_cb( str(code) + ' ' + httpStatusCodes.get(code, 'ERROR'), headers.items()) return result if __name__ == "__main__": params = namedParameters() port = params.get('socket', 8080) from twisted.web import server from twisted.web.wsgi import WSGIResource from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.application import service, strports # Create and start a thread pool, wsgiThreadPool = ThreadPool(1, 1) wsgiThreadPool.start() # ensuring that it will be stopped when the reactor shuts down reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', wsgiThreadPool.stop) reactor.listenTCP( port, server.Site(WSGIResource(reactor, wsgiThreadPool, wsgi_application))) log.startLogging(log.FileLogObserver(sys.stderr))
def ygmain(ygclass, nickserv_password='', gaplimit=6): import sys parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] [wallet file]') add_base_options(parser) # A note about defaults: # We want command line settings to override config settings. # This would naturally mean setting `default=` arguments here, to the # values in the config. # However, we cannot load the config until we know the datadir. # The datadir is a setting in the command line options, so we have to # call parser.parse_args() before we know the datadir. # Hence we do the following: set all modifyable-by-config arguments to # default "None" initially; call parse_args(); then call load_program_config # and override values of "None" with what is set in the config. # (remember, the joinmarket defaultconfig always sets every value, even if # the user doesn't). parser.add_option('-o', '--ordertype', action='store', type='string', dest='ordertype', default=None, help='type of order; can be either reloffer or absoffer') parser.add_option('-t', '--txfee', action='store', type='int', dest='txfee', default=None, help='minimum miner fee in satoshis') parser.add_option('-f', '--txfee-factor', action='store', type='float', dest='txfee_factor', default=None, help='variance around the average fee, decimal fraction') parser.add_option('-a', '--cjfee-a', action='store', type='string', dest='cjfee_a', default=None, help='requested coinjoin fee (absolute) in satoshis') parser.add_option('-r', '--cjfee-r', action='store', type='string', dest='cjfee_r', default=None, help='requested coinjoin fee (relative) as a decimal') parser.add_option('-j', '--cjfee-factor', action='store', type='float', dest='cjfee_factor', default=None, help='variance around the average fee, decimal fraction') parser.add_option('-p', '--password', action='store', type='string', dest='password', default=nickserv_password, help='irc nickserv password') parser.add_option('-s', '--minsize', action='store', type='int', dest='minsize', default=None, help='minimum coinjoin size in satoshis') parser.add_option('-z', '--size-factor', action='store', type='float', dest='size_factor', default=None, help='variance around all offer sizes, decimal fraction') parser.add_option('-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type="int", dest='gaplimit', default=gaplimit, help='gap limit for wallet, default=' + str(gaplimit)) parser.add_option('-m', '--mixdepth', action='store', type='int', dest='mixdepth', default=None, help="highest mixdepth to use") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # for string access, convert to dict: options = vars(options) if len(args) < 1: parser.error('Needs a wallet') sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) load_program_config(config_path=options["datadir"]) # As per previous note, override non-default command line settings: for x in [ "ordertype", "txfee", "txfee_factor", "cjfee_a", "cjfee_r", "cjfee_factor", "minsize", "size_factor" ]: if options[x] is None: options[x] = jm_single().config.get("YIELDGENERATOR", x) wallet_name = args[0] ordertype = options["ordertype"] txfee = int(options["txfee"]) txfee_factor = float(options["txfee_factor"]) cjfee_factor = float(options["cjfee_factor"]) size_factor = float(options["size_factor"]) if ordertype == 'reloffer': cjfee_r = options["cjfee_r"] # minimum size is such that you always net profit at least 20% #of the miner fee minsize = max(int(1.2 * txfee / float(cjfee_r)), int(options["minsize"])) cjfee_a = None elif ordertype == 'absoffer': cjfee_a = int(options["cjfee_a"]) minsize = int(options["minsize"]) cjfee_r = None else: parser.error('You specified an incorrect offer type which ' +\ 'can be either reloffer or absoffer') sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) nickserv_password = options["password"] if jm_single().bc_interface is None: jlog.error("Running yield generator requires configured " + "blockchain source.") sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE) wallet_path = get_wallet_path(wallet_name, None) wallet = open_test_wallet_maybe( wallet_path, wallet_name, options["mixdepth"], wallet_password_stdin=options["wallet_password_stdin"], gap_limit=options["gaplimit"]) wallet_service = WalletService(wallet) while not wallet_service.synced: wallet_service.sync_wallet(fast=not options["recoversync"]) wallet_service.startService() txtype = wallet_service.get_txtype() if txtype == "p2wpkh": prefix = "sw0" elif txtype == "p2sh-p2wpkh": prefix = "sw" elif txtype == "p2pkh": prefix = "" else: jlog.error("Unsupported wallet type for yieldgenerator: " + txtype) sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) ordertype = prefix + ordertype jlog.debug("Set the offer type string to: " + ordertype) maker = ygclass(wallet_service, [ txfee, cjfee_a, cjfee_r, ordertype, minsize, txfee_factor, cjfee_factor, size_factor ])'starting yield generator') clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(maker, proto_type="MAKER") if jm_single().config.get("SNICKER", "enabled") == "true": if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") == "mainnet": jlog.error("You have enabled SNICKER on mainnet, this is not " "yet supported for yieldgenerators; either use " "signet/regtest/testnet, or run SNICKER manually " "with snicker/") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) snicker_r = SNICKERReceiver(wallet_service) servers = jm_single().config.get("SNICKER", "servers").split(",") snicker_factory = SNICKERClientProtocolFactory(snicker_r, servers) else: snicker_factory = None nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet", "signet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, snickerfactory=snicker_factory, daemon=daemon)
print "[*] - Stopping the webserver reactor" print "[*] - The webserver shutting down" print "[*] - The reactor is stopping" pass else: print('') #def startListening(8888) #from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callWhenRunning(stack) log.startLogging(open('data/echo.log', 'w')) #endpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8081) #endpoint.listen(CONSOLEFactory()) print 'Starting the teamserver reactor.'
def main(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) ct_dp = CT_DP(('localhost', 8080), ('localhost', 5002))
def doConnect(self): finished = 1 options['host'] = options['port'] = self.port.get() options['user'] = self.user.get() options['command'] = self.command.get() cipher = self.cipher.get() mac = self.mac.get() escape = self.escape.get() if cipher: if cipher in SSHClientTransport.supportedCiphers: SSHClientTransport.supportedCiphers = [cipher] else: tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Bad cipher.') finished = 0 if mac: if mac in SSHClientTransport.supportedMACs: SSHClientTransport.supportedMACs = [mac] elif finished: tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Bad MAC.') finished = 0 if escape: if escape == 'none': options['escape'] = None elif escape[0] == '^' and len(escape) == 2: options['escape'] = chr(ord(escape[1])-64) elif len(escape) == 1: options['escape'] = escape elif finished: tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', "Bad escape character '%s'." % escape) finished = 0 if self.identity.get(): options.identitys.append(self.identity.get()) for line in self.forwards.get(0,Tkinter.END): if line[0]=='L': options.opt_localforward(line[2:]) else: options.opt_remoteforward(line[2:]) if '@' in options['host']: options['user'], options['host'] = options['host'].split('@',1) if (not options['host'] or not options['user']) and finished: tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Missing host or username.') finished = 0 if finished: self.master.quit() self.master.destroy() if options['log']: realout = sys.stdout log.startLogging(sys.stderr) sys.stdout = realout else: log.discardLogs() log.deferr = handleError # HACK if not options.identitys: options.identitys = ['~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_dsa'] host = options['host'] port = int(options['port'] or 22) log.msg((host,port)) reactor.connectTCP(host, port, SSHClientFactory()) frame.master.deiconify() frame.master.title('%s@%s - TkConch' % (options['user'], options['host'])) else: self.focus()
def main(): parser = get_sendpayment_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() load_program_config(config_path=options.datadir) if options.p2ep and len(args) != 3: parser.error("Joinmarket peer-to-peer PayJoin requires exactly three " "arguments: wallet, amount and destination address.") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) elif options.schedule == '': if ((len(args) < 2) or (btc.is_bip21_uri(args[1]) and len(args) != 2) or (not btc.is_bip21_uri(args[1]) and len(args) != 3)): parser.error("Joinmarket sendpayment (coinjoin) needs arguments:" " wallet, amount, destination address or wallet, bitcoin_uri.") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) #without schedule file option, use the arguments to create a schedule #of a single transaction sweeping = False bip78url = None if options.schedule == '': if btc.is_bip21_uri(args[1]): parsed = btc.decode_bip21_uri(args[1]) try: amount = parsed['amount'] except KeyError: parser.error("Given BIP21 URI does not contain amount.") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) destaddr = parsed['address'] if 'jmnick' in parsed: if "pj" in parsed: parser.error("Cannot specify both BIP78 and Joinmarket " "peer-to-peer payjoin at the same time!") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) options.p2ep = parsed['jmnick'] elif "pj" in parsed: # note that this is a URL; its validity # checking is deferred to twisted.web.client.Agent bip78url = parsed["pj"] # setting makercount only for fee sanity check. # note we ignore any user setting and enforce N=0, # as this is a flag in the code for a non-JM coinjoin; # for the fee sanity check, note that BIP78 currently # will only allow small fee changes, so N=0 won't # be very inaccurate. jmprint("Attempting to pay via payjoin.", "info") options.makercount = 0 else: amount = btc.amount_to_sat(args[1]) if amount == 0: sweeping = True destaddr = args[2] mixdepth = options.mixdepth addr_valid, errormsg = validate_address(destaddr) command_to_burn = (is_burn_destination(destaddr) and sweeping and options.makercount == 0 and not options.p2ep) if not addr_valid and not command_to_burn: jmprint('ERROR: Address invalid. ' + errormsg, "error") if is_burn_destination(destaddr): jmprint("The required options for burning coins are zero makers" + " (-N 0), sweeping (amount = 0) and not using P2EP", "info") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) if sweeping == False and amount < DUST_THRESHOLD: jmprint('ERROR: Amount ' + btc.amount_to_str(amount) + ' is below dust threshold ' + btc.amount_to_str(DUST_THRESHOLD) + '.', "error") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) if (options.makercount != 0 and options.makercount < jm_single().config.getint( "POLICY", "minimum_makers")): jmprint('ERROR: Maker count ' + str(options.makercount) + ' below minimum_makers (' + str(jm_single().config.getint( "POLICY", "minimum_makers")) + ') in joinmarket.cfg.', "error") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) schedule = [[options.mixdepth, amount, options.makercount, destaddr, 0.0, NO_ROUNDING, 0]] else: if btc.is_bip21_uri(args[1]): parser.error("Schedule files are not compatible with bip21 uris.") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) if options.p2ep: parser.error("Schedule files are not compatible with PayJoin") sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE) result, schedule = get_schedule(options.schedule) if not result: log.error("Failed to load schedule file, quitting. Check the syntax.") log.error("Error was: " + str(schedule)) sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE) mixdepth = 0 for s in schedule: if s[1] == 0: sweeping = True #only used for checking the maximum mixdepth required mixdepth = max([mixdepth, s[0]]) wallet_name = args[0] check_regtest() if options.pickorders: chooseOrdersFunc = pick_order if sweeping: jmprint('WARNING: You may have to pick offers multiple times', "warning") jmprint('WARNING: due to manual offer picking while sweeping', "warning") else: chooseOrdersFunc = options.order_choose_fn # If tx_fees are set manually by CLI argument, override joinmarket.cfg: if int(options.txfee) > 0: jm_single().config.set("POLICY", "tx_fees", str(options.txfee)) # Dynamically estimate a realistic fee. # At this point we do not know even the number of our own inputs, so # we guess conservatively with 2 inputs and 2 outputs each. fee_per_cp_guess = estimate_tx_fee(2, 2, txtype="p2sh-p2wpkh") log.debug("Estimated miner/tx fee for each cj participant: " + str( fee_per_cp_guess)) maxcjfee = (1, float('inf')) if not options.p2ep and not options.pickorders and \ options.makercount != 0: maxcjfee = get_max_cj_fee_values(jm_single().config, options)"Using maximum coinjoin fee limits per maker of {:.4%}, {} " "".format(maxcjfee[0], btc.amount_to_str(maxcjfee[1])))'starting sendpayment') max_mix_depth = max([mixdepth, options.amtmixdepths - 1]) wallet_path = get_wallet_path(wallet_name, None) wallet = open_test_wallet_maybe( wallet_path, wallet_name, max_mix_depth, wallet_password_stdin=options.wallet_password_stdin, gap_limit=options.gaplimit) wallet_service = WalletService(wallet) # in this script, we need the wallet synced before # logic processing for some paths, so do it now: while not wallet_service.synced: wallet_service.sync_wallet(fast=not options.recoversync) # the sync call here will now be a no-op: wallet_service.startService() # From the estimated tx fees, check if the expected amount is a # significant value compared the the cj amount; currently enabled # only for single join (the predominant, non-advanced case) if options.schedule == '': total_cj_amount = amount if total_cj_amount == 0: total_cj_amount = wallet_service.get_balance_by_mixdepth()[options.mixdepth] if total_cj_amount == 0: raise ValueError("No confirmed coins in the selected mixdepth. Quitting") exp_tx_fees_ratio = ((1 + options.makercount) * fee_per_cp_guess) / total_cj_amount if exp_tx_fees_ratio > 0.05: jmprint('WARNING: Expected bitcoin network miner fees for this coinjoin' ' amount are roughly {:.1%}'.format(exp_tx_fees_ratio), "warning") if input('You might want to modify your tx_fee' ' settings in joinmarket.cfg. Still continue? (y/n):')[0] != 'y': sys.exit('Aborted by user.') else:"Estimated miner/tx fees for this coinjoin amount: {:.1%}" .format(exp_tx_fees_ratio)) if options.makercount == 0 and not options.p2ep and not bip78url: tx = direct_send(wallet_service, amount, mixdepth, destaddr, options.answeryes, with_final_psbt=options.with_psbt) if options.with_psbt:"This PSBT is fully signed and can be sent externally for " "broadcasting:") return if wallet.get_txtype() == 'p2pkh': jmprint("Only direct sends (use -N 0) are supported for " "legacy (non-segwit) wallets.", "error") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) def filter_orders_callback(orders_fees, cjamount): orders, total_cj_fee = orders_fees"Chose these orders: " +pprint.pformat(orders))'total cj fee = ' + str(total_cj_fee)) total_fee_pc = 1.0 * total_cj_fee / cjamount'total coinjoin fee = ' + str(float('%.3g' % ( 100.0 * total_fee_pc))) + '%') WARNING_THRESHOLD = 0.02 # 2% if total_fee_pc > WARNING_THRESHOLD:'\n'.join(['=' * 60] * 3))'WARNING ' * 6)'\n'.join(['=' * 60] * 1))'OFFERED COINJOIN FEE IS UNUSUALLY HIGH. DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK.')'\n'.join(['=' * 60] * 1))'WARNING ' * 6)'\n'.join(['=' * 60] * 3)) if not options.answeryes: if input('send with these orders? (y/n):')[0] != 'y': return False return True def taker_finished(res, fromtx=False, waittime=0.0, txdetails=None): if fromtx == "unconfirmed": #If final entry, stop *here*, don't wait for confirmation if taker.schedule_index + 1 == len(taker.schedule): reactor.stop() return if fromtx: if res: txd, txid = txdetails reactor.callLater(waittime*60, clientfactory.getClient().clientStart) else: #a transaction failed; we'll try to repeat without the #troublemakers. #If this error condition is reached from Phase 1 processing, #and there are less than minimum_makers honest responses, we #just give up (note that in tumbler we tweak and retry, but #for sendpayment the user is "online" and so can manually #try again). #However if the error is in Phase 2 and we have minimum_makers #or more responses, we do try to restart with the honest set, here. if taker.latest_tx is None: #can only happen with < minimum_makers; see above."A transaction failed but there are insufficient " "honest respondants to continue; giving up.") reactor.stop() return #This is Phase 2; do we have enough to try again? taker.add_honest_makers(list(set( taker.maker_utxo_data.keys()).symmetric_difference( set(taker.nonrespondants)))) if len(taker.honest_makers) < jm_single().config.getint( "POLICY", "minimum_makers"):"Too few makers responded honestly; " "giving up this attempt.") reactor.stop() return jmprint("We failed to complete the transaction. The following " "makers responded honestly: " + str(taker.honest_makers) +\ ", so we will retry with them.", "warning") #Now we have to set the specific group we want to use, and hopefully #they will respond again as they showed honesty last time. #we must reset the number of counterparties, as well as fix who they #are; this is because the number is used to e.g. calculate fees. #cleanest way is to reset the number in the schedule before restart. taker.schedule[taker.schedule_index][2] = len(taker.honest_makers)"Retrying with: " + str(taker.schedule[ taker.schedule_index][2]) + " counterparties.") #rewind to try again (index is incremented in Taker.initialize()) taker.schedule_index -= 1 taker.set_honest_only(True) reactor.callLater(5.0, clientfactory.getClient().clientStart) else: if not res:"Did not complete successfully, shutting down") #Should usually be unreachable, unless conf received out of order; #because we should stop on 'unconfirmed' for last (see above) else:"All transactions completed correctly") reactor.stop() if options.p2ep: # This workflow requires command line reading; we force info level logging # to remove noise, and mostly communicate to the user with the fn # (directly or via default taker_info_callback). set_logging_level("INFO") # in the case where the payment just hangs for a long period, allow # it to fail gracefully with an information message; this is triggered # only by the stallMonitor, which gives up after 20*maker_timeout_sec: def p2ep_on_finished_callback(res, fromtx=False, waittime=0.0, txdetails=None): log.error("PayJoin payment was NOT made, timed out.") reactor.stop() taker = P2EPTaker(options.p2ep, wallet_service, schedule, callbacks=(None, None, p2ep_on_finished_callback)) elif bip78url: # TODO sanity check wallet type is segwit manager = parse_payjoin_setup(args[1], wallet_service, options.mixdepth) reactor.callWhenRunning(send_payjoin, manager, tls_whitelist=[""]) return else: taker = Taker(wallet_service, schedule, order_chooser=chooseOrdersFunc, max_cj_fee=maxcjfee, callbacks=(filter_orders_callback, None, taker_finished)) clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(taker) nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False p2ep = True if options.p2ep != "" else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, daemon=daemon, p2ep=p2ep)
def receive_payjoin_main(makerclass): parser = OptionParser( usage='usage: %prog [options] [wallet file] [amount-to-receive]') add_base_options(parser) parser.add_option('-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type="int", dest='gaplimit', default=6, help='gap limit for wallet, default=6') parser.add_option('-m', '--mixdepth', action='store', type='int', dest='mixdepth', default=0, help="mixdepth to source coins from") parser.add_option('-a', '--amtmixdepths', action='store', type='int', dest='amtmixdepths', help='number of mixdepths in wallet, default 5', default=5) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.error( 'Needs a wallet, and a receiving amount in bitcoins or satoshis') sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) wallet_name = args[0] try: receiving_amount = amount_to_sat(args[1]) except: parser.error("Invalid receiving amount passed: " + receiving_amount) sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE) if receiving_amount < 0: parser.error("Receiving amount must be a positive number") sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE) load_program_config(config_path=options.datadir) check_regtest() # This workflow requires command line reading; we force info level logging # to remove noise, and mostly communicate to the user with the fn # (via P2EPMaker.user_info). set_logging_level("INFO") wallet_path = get_wallet_path(wallet_name, None) max_mix_depth = max([options.mixdepth, options.amtmixdepths - 1]) wallet = open_test_wallet_maybe( wallet_path, wallet_name, max_mix_depth, wallet_password_stdin=options.wallet_password_stdin, gap_limit=options.gaplimit) wallet_service = WalletService(wallet) while not wallet_service.synced: wallet_service.sync_wallet(fast=not options.recoversync) wallet_service.startService() # having enforced wallet sync, we can check if we have coins # to do payjoin in the mixdepth if wallet_service.get_balance_by_mixdepth()[options.mixdepth] == 0: jlog.error("Cannot do payjoin from mixdepth " + str(options.mixdepth) + ", no coins. Shutting down.") sys.exit(EXIT_ARGERROR) maker = makerclass(wallet_service, options.mixdepth, receiving_amount)'starting receive-payjoin') clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(maker, proto_type="MAKER") nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, daemon=daemon, p2ep=True)