예제 #1
 def asVersion(self):
     Convert the version data in this item to a
     return versions.Version(self.package, self.major, self.minor, self.micro)
예제 #2
from buildbot import util
from buildbot.process.build import Build
from buildbot.process.buildstep import BuildStep
from buildbot.steps.download_secret_to_worker import DownloadSecretsToWorker
from buildbot.steps.download_secret_to_worker import RemoveWorkerFileSecret
from buildbot.steps.shell import Compile
from buildbot.steps.shell import Configure
from buildbot.steps.shell import PerlModuleTest
from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand
from buildbot.steps.shell import Test
from buildbot.steps.source.cvs import CVS
from buildbot.steps.source.svn import SVN

# deprecated, use BuildFactory.addStep
@deprecate.deprecated(versions.Version("buildbot", 0, 8, 6))
def s(steptype, **kwargs):
    # convenience function for master.cfg files, to create step
    # specification tuples
    return interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(steptype(**kwargs))

class BuildFactory(util.ComparableMixin):

    @cvar  buildClass: class to use when creating builds
    @type  buildClass: L{buildbot.process.build.Build}
    buildClass = Build
    useProgress = 1
    workdir = "build"
예제 #3
파일: _version.py 프로젝트: tehasdf/twisted
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.

Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.news', 15, 1, 0)
예제 #4
def patch_gatherResults():
    if twisted.version < versions.Version('twisted', 11, 1, 0):
        from buildbot.monkeypatches import gatherResults
예제 #5
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.words', 15, 2, 0)
예제 #6
class BuildStep(results.ResultComputingConfigMixin, properties.PropertiesMixin,
    # Note that the BuildStep is at the same time a template from which per-build steps are
    # constructed. This works by creating a new IBuildStepFactory in __new__, retrieving it via
    # get_step_factory() and then calling buildStep() on that factory.

    alwaysRun = False
    doStepIf = True
    hideStepIf = False
    compare_attrs = ("_factory", )
    # properties set on a build step are, by nature, always runtime properties
    set_runtime_properties = True

    renderables = results.ResultComputingConfigMixin.resultConfig + [

    # 'parms' holds a list of all the parameters we care about, to allow
    # users to instantiate a subclass of BuildStep with a mixture of
    # arguments, some of which are for us, some of which are for the subclass
    # (or a delegate of the subclass, like how ShellCommand delivers many
    # arguments to the RemoteShellCommand that it creates). Such delegating
    # subclasses will use this list to figure out which arguments are meant
    # for us and which should be given to someone else.
    parms = [

    name = "generic"
    description = None  # set this to a list of short strings to override
    descriptionDone = None  # alternate description when the step is complete
    descriptionSuffix = None  # extra information to append to suffix
    updateBuildSummaryPolicy = None
    locks = []
    progressMetrics = ()  # 'time' is implicit
    useProgress = True  # set to False if step is really unpredictable
    build = None
    step_status = None
    progress = None
    logEncoding = None
    cmd = None
    rendered = False  # true if attributes are rendered
    _workdir = None
    _waitingForLocks = False

    def _run_finished_hook(self):
        return None  # override in tests

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.worker = None

        for p in self.__class__.parms:
            if p in kwargs:
                setattr(self, p, kwargs.pop(p))

        if kwargs:
                "{}.__init__ got unexpected keyword argument(s) {}".format(
                    self.__class__, list(kwargs)))
        self._pendingLogObservers = []

        if not isinstance(self.name, str) and not IRenderable.providedBy(
                "BuildStep name must be a string or a renderable object: "
                "%r" % (self.name, ))

        if isinstance(self.description, str):
            self.description = [self.description]
        if isinstance(self.descriptionDone, str):
            self.descriptionDone = [self.descriptionDone]
        if isinstance(self.descriptionSuffix, str):
            self.descriptionSuffix = [self.descriptionSuffix]

        if self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy is None:
            # compute default value for updateBuildSummaryPolicy
            self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy = [EXCEPTION, RETRY, CANCELLED]
            if self.flunkOnFailure or self.haltOnFailure or self.warnOnFailure:
            if self.warnOnWarnings or self.flunkOnWarnings:
        if self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy is False:
            self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy = []
        if self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy is True:
            self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy = ALL_RESULTS
        if not isinstance(self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy, list):
            config.error("BuildStep updateBuildSummaryPolicy must be "
                         "a list of result ids or boolean but it is %r" %
                         (self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy, ))
        self._acquiringLocks = []
        self.stopped = False
        self.master = None
        self.statistics = {}
        self.logs = {}
        self._running = False
        self.stepid = None
        self.results = None
        self._start_unhandled_deferreds = None
        self._test_result_submitters = {}

    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
        self = object.__new__(klass)
        self._factory = _BuildStepFactory(klass, *args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def __str__(self):
        args = [repr(x) for x in self._factory.args]
            [str(k) + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self._factory.kwargs.items()])
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(args))

    __repr__ = __str__

    def setBuild(self, build):
        self.build = build
        self.master = self.build.master

    def setWorker(self, worker):
        self.worker = worker

    @deprecate.deprecated(versions.Version("buildbot", 0, 9, 0))
    def setDefaultWorkdir(self, workdir):
        if self._workdir is None:
            self._workdir = workdir

    def workdir(self):
        # default the workdir appropriately
        if self._workdir is not None or self.build is None:
            return self._workdir
            # see :ref:`Factory-Workdir-Functions` for details on how to
            # customize this
            if callable(self.build.workdir):
                    return self.build.workdir(self.build.sources)
                except AttributeError as e:
                    # if the callable raises an AttributeError
                    # python thinks it is actually workdir that is not existing.
                    # python will then swallow the attribute error and call
                    # __getattr__ from worker_transition
                    _, _, traceback = sys.exc_info()
                    raise CallableAttributeError(e).with_traceback(traceback)
                    # we re-raise the original exception by changing its type,
                    # but keeping its stacktrace
                return self.build.workdir

    def workdir(self, workdir):
        self._workdir = workdir

    def getProperties(self):
        return self.build.getProperties()

    def get_step_factory(self):
        return self._factory

    def setupProgress(self):
        # this function temporarily does nothing

    def setProgress(self, metric, value):
        # this function temporarily does nothing

    def getCurrentSummary(self):
        if self.description is not None:
            stepsumm = util.join_list(self.description)
            if self.descriptionSuffix:
                stepsumm += ' ' + util.join_list(self.descriptionSuffix)
            stepsumm = 'running'
        return {'step': stepsumm}

    def getResultSummary(self):
        if self.descriptionDone is not None or self.description is not None:
            stepsumm = util.join_list(self.descriptionDone or self.description)
            if self.descriptionSuffix:
                stepsumm += ' ' + util.join_list(self.descriptionSuffix)
            stepsumm = 'finished'

        if self.results != SUCCESS:
            stepsumm += ' ({})'.format(Results[self.results])

        return {'step': stepsumm}

    def getBuildResultSummary(self):
        summary = yield self.getResultSummary()
        if self.results in self.updateBuildSummaryPolicy and \
                'build' not in summary and 'step' in summary:
            summary['build'] = summary['step']
        return summary

    def updateSummary(self):
        def methodInfo(m):
            lines = inspect.getsourcelines(m)
            return "\nat {}:{}:\n {}".format(inspect.getsourcefile(m),
                                             lines[1], "\n".join(lines[0]))

        if not self._running:
            summary = yield self.getResultSummary()
            if not isinstance(summary, dict):
                raise TypeError('getResultSummary must return a dictionary: ' +
            summary = yield self.getCurrentSummary()
            if not isinstance(summary, dict):
                raise TypeError(
                    'getCurrentSummary must return a dictionary: ' +

        stepResult = summary.get('step', 'finished')
        if not isinstance(stepResult, str):
            raise TypeError("step result string must be unicode (got %r)" %
                            (stepResult, ))
        if self.stepid is not None:
            stepResult = self.build.properties.cleanupTextFromSecrets(
            yield self.master.data.updates.setStepStateString(
                self.stepid, stepResult)

        if not self._running:
            buildResult = summary.get('build', None)
            if buildResult and not isinstance(buildResult, str):
                raise TypeError("build result string must be unicode")

    # updateSummary gets patched out for old-style steps, so keep a copy we can
    # call internally for such steps
    realUpdateSummary = updateSummary

    def addStep(self):
        # create and start the step, noting that the name may be altered to
        # ensure uniqueness
        self.name = yield self.build.render(self.name)
        self.stepid, self.number, self.name = yield self.master.data.updates.addStep(
            buildid=self.build.buildid, name=util.bytes2unicode(self.name))
        yield self.master.data.updates.startStep(self.stepid)

    def startStep(self, remote):
        self.remote = remote

        yield self.addStep()
        self.locks = yield self.build.render(self.locks)

        # convert all locks into their real form
        botmaster = self.build.builder.botmaster
        self.locks = yield botmaster.getLockFromLockAccesses(
            self.locks, self.build.config_version)

        # then narrow WorkerLocks down to the worker that this build is being
        # run on
        self.locks = [(l.getLockForWorker(self.build.workerforbuilder.worker),
                       la) for l, la in self.locks]

        for l, la in self.locks:
            if l in self.build.locks:
                log.msg(("Hey, lock {} is claimed by both a Step ({}) and the"
                         " parent Build ({})").format(l, self, self.build))
                raise RuntimeError("lock claimed by both Step and Build")

            # set up locks
            yield self.acquireLocks()

            if self.stopped:
                raise BuildStepCancelled

            # render renderables in parallel
            renderables = []
            accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'renderables', renderables)

            def setRenderable(res, attr):
                setattr(self, attr, res)

            dl = []
            for renderable in renderables:
                d = self.build.render(getattr(self, renderable))
                d.addCallback(setRenderable, renderable)
            yield defer.gatherResults(dl)
            self.rendered = True
            # we describe ourselves only when renderables are interpolated

            # check doStepIf (after rendering)
            if isinstance(self.doStepIf, bool):
                doStep = self.doStepIf
                doStep = yield self.doStepIf(self)

            # run -- or skip -- the step
            if doStep:
                yield self.addTestResultSets()
                    self._running = True
                    self.results = yield self.run()
                    self._running = False
                self.results = SKIPPED

        # NOTE: all of these `except` blocks must set self.results immediately!
        except BuildStepCancelled:
            self.results = CANCELLED

        except BuildStepFailed:
            self.results = FAILURE

        except error.ConnectionLost:
            self.results = RETRY

        except Exception:
            self.results = EXCEPTION
            why = Failure()
            log.err(why, "BuildStep.failed; traceback follows")
            yield self.addLogWithFailure(why)

        if self.stopped and self.results != RETRY:
            # We handle this specially because we don't care about
            # the return code of an interrupted command; we know
            # that this should just be exception due to interrupt
            # At the same time we must respect RETRY status because it's used
            # to retry interrupted build due to some other issues for example
            # due to worker lost
            if self.results != CANCELLED:
                self.results = EXCEPTION

        # determine whether we should hide this step
        hidden = self.hideStepIf
        if callable(hidden):
                hidden = hidden(self.results, self)
            except Exception:
                why = Failure()
                log.err(why, "hidden callback failed; traceback follows")
                yield self.addLogWithFailure(why)
                self.results = EXCEPTION
                hidden = False

        yield self.master.data.updates.finishStep(self.stepid, self.results,
        # perform final clean ups
        success = yield self._cleanup_logs()
        if not success:
            self.results = EXCEPTION

        # update the summary one last time, make sure that completes,
        # and then don't update it any more.
        yield self.realUpdateSummary.stop()

        for sub in self._test_result_submitters.values():
            yield sub.finish()


        return self.results

    def _cleanup_logs(self):
        all_success = True
        not_finished_logs = [
            v for (k, v) in self.logs.items() if not v.finished
        finish_logs = yield defer.DeferredList(
            [v.finish() for v in not_finished_logs], consumeErrors=True)
        for success, res in finish_logs:
            if not success:
                log.err(res, "when trying to finish a log")
                all_success = False

        for log_ in self.logs.values():
            if log_.had_errors():
                all_success = False

        return all_success

    def addTestResultSets(self):
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def addTestResultSet(self, description, category, value_unit):
        sub = TestResultSubmitter()
        yield sub.setup(self, description, category, value_unit)
        setid = sub.get_test_result_set_id()
        self._test_result_submitters[setid] = sub
        return setid

    def addTestResult(self,

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(step {}, locks {})".format(self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            for waited_lock, _, _ in self._acquiringLocks:
                if lock is waited_lock:

            if not lock.isAvailable(self, access):
                self._waitingForLocks = True
                log.msg("step {} waiting for lock {}".format(self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLocks.append((lock, access, d))
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        self._acquiringLocks = []
        self._waitingForLocks = False
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def run(self):
        self._start_deferred = defer.Deferred()
        unhandled = self._start_unhandled_deferreds = []
        self._sync_addlog_deferreds = []
            # here's where we set things up for backward compatibility for
            # old-style steps, using monkey patches so that new-style steps
            # aren't bothered by any of this equipment

            # monkey-patch self.step_status.{setText,setText2} back into
            # existence for old steps, signalling an update to the summary
            self.step_status = BuildStepStatus()
            self.step_status.setText = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()
            self.step_status.setText2 = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()

            # monkey-patch in support for old statistics functions
            self.step_status.setStatistic = self.setStatistic
            self.step_status.getStatistic = self.getStatistic
            self.step_status.hasStatistic = self.hasStatistic

            # monkey-patch an addLog that returns an write-only, sync log
            self.addLog = self.addLog_oldStyle
            self._logFileWrappers = {}

            # and a getLog that returns a read-only, sync log, captured by
            # LogObservers installed by addLog_oldStyle
            self.getLog = self.getLog_oldStyle

            # old-style steps shouldn't be calling updateSummary
            def updateSummary():
                assert 0, 'updateSummary is only valid on new-style steps'

            self.updateSummary = updateSummary

            results = yield self.start()
            if results is not None:
            results = yield self._start_deferred
            # hook for tests
            # assert so that it is only run in non optimized mode
            assert self._run_finished_hook() is None
            # wait until all the sync logs have been actually created before
            # finishing
            yield defer.DeferredList(self._sync_addlog_deferreds,
            self._start_deferred = None
            unhandled = self._start_unhandled_deferreds

            # Wait for any possibly-unhandled deferreds.  If any fail, change the
            # result to EXCEPTION and log.
            while unhandled:
                self._start_unhandled_deferreds = []
                unhandled_results = yield defer.DeferredList(
                    unhandled, consumeErrors=True)
                for success, res in unhandled_results:
                    if not success:
                            "from an asynchronous method executed in an old-style step"
                        results = EXCEPTION
                unhandled = self._start_unhandled_deferreds

        return results

    def finished(self, results):
        assert self._start_deferred, \
            "finished() can only be called from old steps implementing start()"

    def failed(self, why):
        assert self._start_deferred, \
            "failed() can only be called from old steps implementing start()"

    def isNewStyle(self):
        # **temporary** method until new-style steps are the only supported style
        return self.run.__func__ is not BuildStep.run

    def start(self):
        # New-style classes implement 'run'.
        # Old-style classes implemented 'start'. Advise them to do 'run'
        # instead.
        raise NotImplementedError("your subclass must implement run()")

    def interrupt(self, reason):
        self.stopped = True
        if self._acquiringLocks:
            for (lock, access, d) in self._acquiringLocks:
                lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)
            self._acquiringLocks = []

        if self._waitingForLocks:
            self.addCompleteLog('cancelled while waiting for locks',
            self.addCompleteLog('cancelled', str(reason))

        if self.cmd:
            d = self.cmd.interrupt(reason)
            d.addErrback(log.err, 'while cancelling command')

    def releaseLocks(self):
        log.msg("releaseLocks({}): {}".format(self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    # utility methods that BuildSteps may find useful

    def workerVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.build.getWorkerCommandVersion(command, oldversion)

    def workerVersionIsOlderThan(self, command, minversion):
        sv = self.build.getWorkerCommandVersion(command, None)
        if sv is None:
            return True
        if [int(s) for s in sv.split(".")
            ] < [int(m) for m in minversion.split(".")]:
            return True
        return False

    def checkWorkerHasCommand(self, command):
        if not self.workerVersion(command):
            message = "worker is too old, does not know about {}".format(
            raise WorkerSetupError(message)

    def getWorkerName(self):
        return self.build.getWorkerName()

    def addLog(self, name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
        if self.stepid is None:
            raise BuildStepCancelled
        d = self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,

        def newLog(logid):
            return self._newLog(name, type, logid, logEncoding)

        return d

    addLog_newStyle = addLog

    def addLog_oldStyle(self, name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
        # create a logfile instance that acts like old-style status logfiles
        # begin to create a new-style logfile
        loog_d = self.addLog_newStyle(name, type, logEncoding)
        # and wrap the deferred that will eventually fire with that logfile
        # into a write-only logfile instance
        wrapper = SyncLogFileWrapper(self, name, loog_d)
        self._logFileWrappers[name] = wrapper
        return wrapper

    def getLog(self, name):
        return self.logs[name]

    def getLog_oldStyle(self, name):
        return self._logFileWrappers[name]

    def addCompleteLog(self, name, text):
        if self.stepid is None:
            raise BuildStepCancelled
        logid = yield self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,
        _log = self._newLog(name, 't', logid)
        yield _log.addContent(text)
        yield _log.finish()

    def addHTMLLog(self, name, html):
        if self.stepid is None:
            raise BuildStepCancelled
        logid = yield self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,
        _log = self._newLog(name, 'h', logid)
        html = bytes2unicode(html)
        yield _log.addContent(html)
        yield _log.finish()

    def addLogWithFailure(self, why, logprefix=""):
        # helper for showing exceptions to the users
            yield self.addCompleteLog(logprefix + "err.text",
            yield self.addHTMLLog(logprefix + "err.html", formatFailure(why))
        except Exception:
            log.err(Failure(), "error while formatting exceptions")

    def addLogWithException(self, why, logprefix=""):
        return self.addLogWithFailure(Failure(why), logprefix)

    def addLogObserver(self, logname, observer):
        assert interfaces.ILogObserver.providedBy(observer)
        self._pendingLogObservers.append((logname, observer))

    def _newLog(self, name, type, logid, logEncoding=None):
        if not logEncoding:
            logEncoding = self.logEncoding
        if not logEncoding:
            logEncoding = self.master.config.logEncoding
        log = plog.Log.new(self.master, name, type, logid, logEncoding)
        self.logs[name] = log
        return log

    def _connectPendingLogObservers(self):
        for logname, observer in self._pendingLogObservers[:]:
            if logname in self.logs:
                self._pendingLogObservers.remove((logname, observer))

    def addURL(self, name, url):
        yield self.master.data.updates.addStepURL(self.stepid, str(name),
        return None

    def runCommand(self, command):
        self.cmd = command
        command.worker = self.worker
            res = yield command.run(self, self.remote, self.build.builder.name)
            self.cmd = None
        return res

    def hasStatistic(self, name):
        return name in self.statistics

    def getStatistic(self, name, default=None):
        return self.statistics.get(name, default)

    def getStatistics(self):
        return self.statistics.copy()

    def setStatistic(self, name, value):
        self.statistics[name] = value

    def _describe(self, done=False):
        # old-style steps expect this function to exist
        assert not self.isNewStyle()
        return []

    def describe(self, done=False):
        # old-style steps expect this function to exist
        assert not self.isNewStyle()
        desc = self._describe(done)
        if not desc:
            return []
        if self.descriptionSuffix:
            desc += self.descriptionSuffix
        return desc

    def warn_deprecated_if_oldstyle_subclass(self, name):
        if self.__class__.__name__ != name:
                ('Subclassing old-style step {0} in {1} is deprecated, '
                 'please migrate to new-style equivalent {0}NewStyle').format(
                     name, self.__class__.__name__))
예제 #7
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.

Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.news', 14, 0, 0)
예제 #8
파일: _version.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/cc-2
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.runner', 10, 0, 0)
예제 #9
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.

Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.web', 13, 2, 0)
예제 #10
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.conch', 15, 2, 0)
예제 #11
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions

version = versions.Version('twisted.mail', 8, 2, 0)
예제 #12
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.

Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted', 14, 0, 0)
예제 #13
        s = s + '\n'

    return s

def isMultiline(s):
    """Returns True if this string has a newline in it."""
    return (string.find(s, '\n') != -1)

def endsInNewline(s):
    """Returns True if this string ends in a newline."""
    return (s[-len('\n'):] == '\n')

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0),
                                    "Please use inspect.getdoc instead.",
                                    __name__, "docstringLStrip")

def docstringLStrip(docstring):
    Gets rid of unsightly lefthand docstring whitespace residue.

    You'd think someone would have done this already, but apparently
    not in 1.5.2.

    BUT since we're all using Python 2.1 now, use L{inspect.getdoc}
    instead.  I{This function should go away soon.}
예제 #14
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('txweb2', 9, 0, 0)
예제 #15
class BuildStep(results.ResultComputingConfigMixin, properties.PropertiesMixin,


    alwaysRun = False
    doStepIf = True
    hideStepIf = False

    # properties set on a build step are, by nature, always runtime properties
    set_runtime_properties = True

    renderables = results.ResultComputingConfigMixin.resultConfig + [

    # 'parms' holds a list of all the parameters we care about, to allow
    # users to instantiate a subclass of BuildStep with a mixture of
    # arguments, some of which are for us, some of which are for the subclass
    # (or a delegate of the subclass, like how ShellCommand delivers many
    # arguments to the RemoteShellCommand that it creates). Such delegating
    # subclasses will use this list to figure out which arguments are meant
    # for us and which should be given to someone else.
    parms = [

    name = "generic"
    description = None  # set this to a list of short strings to override
    descriptionDone = None  # alternate description when the step is complete
    descriptionSuffix = None  # extra information to append to suffix
    locks = []
    progressMetrics = ()  # 'time' is implicit
    useProgress = True  # set to False if step is really unpredictable
    build = None
    step_status = None
    progress = None
    logEncoding = None
    cmd = None
    rendered = False  # true if attributes are rendered
    _workdir = None
    _waitingForLocks = False
    _run_finished_hook = lambda self: None  # for tests

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.worker = None
        self._registerOldWorkerAttr("worker", name="buildslave")

        for p in self.__class__.parms:
            if p in kwargs:
                setattr(self, p, kwargs.pop(p))

        if kwargs:
            config.error("%s.__init__ got unexpected keyword argument(s) %s" %
                         (self.__class__, list(kwargs)))
        self._pendingLogObservers = []

        if not isinstance(self.name, str):
            config.error("BuildStep name must be a string: %r" % (self.name, ))

        if isinstance(self.description, str):
            self.description = [self.description]
        if isinstance(self.descriptionDone, str):
            self.descriptionDone = [self.descriptionDone]
        if isinstance(self.descriptionSuffix, str):
            self.descriptionSuffix = [self.descriptionSuffix]

        self._acquiringLock = None
        self.stopped = False
        self.master = None
        self.statistics = {}
        self.logs = {}
        self._running = False
        self.stepid = None
        self._start_unhandled_deferreds = None

    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
        self = object.__new__(klass)
        self._factory = _BuildStepFactory(klass, *args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def setBuild(self, build):
        self.build = build
        self.master = self.build.master

    def setWorker(self, worker):
        self.worker = worker


    @deprecate.deprecated(versions.Version("buildbot", 0, 9, 0))
    def setDefaultWorkdir(self, workdir):
        if self._workdir is None:
            self._workdir = workdir

    def workdir(self):
        # default the workdir appropriately
        if self._workdir is not None or self.build is None:
            return self._workdir
            # see :ref:`Factory-Workdir-Functions` for details on how to
            # customize this
            if callable(self.build.workdir):
                return self.build.workdir(self.build.sources)
                return self.build.workdir

    def workdir(self, workdir):
        self._workdir = workdir

    def addFactoryArguments(self, **kwargs):
        # this is here for backwards compatibility

    def _getStepFactory(self):
        return self._factory

    def setupProgress(self):
        # this function temporarily does nothing

    def setProgress(self, metric, value):
        # this function temporarily does nothing

    def getCurrentSummary(self):
        if self.description is not None:
            stepsumm = util.join_list(self.description)
            if self.descriptionSuffix:
                stepsumm += u' ' + util.join_list(self.descriptionSuffix)
            stepsumm = u'running'
        return {u'step': stepsumm}

    def getResultSummary(self):
        if self.descriptionDone is not None or self.description is not None:
            stepsumm = util.join_list(self.descriptionDone or self.description)
            if self.descriptionSuffix:
                stepsumm += u' ' + util.join_list(self.descriptionSuffix)
            stepsumm = u'finished'

        if self.results != SUCCESS:
            stepsumm += u' (%s)' % Results[self.results]

        return {u'step': stepsumm}

    def updateSummary(self):
        def methodInfo(m):
            import inspect
            lines = inspect.getsourcelines(m)
            return "\nat %s:%s:\n %s" % (inspect.getsourcefile(m), lines[1],

        if not self._running:
            summary = yield self.getResultSummary()
            if not isinstance(summary, dict):
                raise TypeError('getResultSummary must return a dictionary: ' +
            summary = yield self.getCurrentSummary()
            if not isinstance(summary, dict):
                raise TypeError(
                    'getCurrentSummary must return a dictionary: ' +

        stepResult = summary.get('step', u'finished')
        if not isinstance(stepResult, unicode):
            raise TypeError("step result string must be unicode (got %r)" %
                            (stepResult, ))
        if self.stepid is not None:
            yield self.master.data.updates.setStepStateString(
                self.stepid, stepResult)

        if not self._running:
            buildResult = summary.get('build', None)
            if buildResult and not isinstance(buildResult, unicode):
                raise TypeError("build result string must be unicode")

    # updateSummary gets patched out for old-style steps, so keep a copy we can
    # call internally for such steps
    realUpdateSummary = updateSummary

    def startStep(self, remote):
        self.remote = remote

        # create and start the step, noting that the name may be altered to
        # ensure uniqueness
        self.stepid, self.number, self.name = yield self.master.data.updates.addStep(
            buildid=self.build.buildid, name=util.ascii2unicode(self.name))
        yield self.master.data.updates.startStep(self.stepid)

        self.locks = yield self.build.render(self.locks)

        # convert all locks into their real form
        self.locks = [
             access) for access in self.locks
        # then narrow WorkerLocks down to the worker that this build is being
        # run on
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.build.workerforbuilder.worker), la)
                      for l, la in self.locks]

        for l, la in self.locks:
            if l in self.build.locks:
                log.msg("Hey, lock %s is claimed by both a Step (%s) and the"
                        " parent Build (%s)" % (l, self, self.build))
                raise RuntimeError("lock claimed by both Step and Build")

            # set up locks
            yield self.acquireLocks()

            if self.stopped:
                raise BuildStepCancelled

            # check doStepIf
            if isinstance(self.doStepIf, bool):
                doStep = self.doStepIf
                doStep = yield self.doStepIf(self)

            # render renderables in parallel
            renderables = []
            accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'renderables', renderables)

            def setRenderable(res, attr):
                setattr(self, attr, res)

            dl = []
            for renderable in renderables:
                d = self.build.render(getattr(self, renderable))
                d.addCallback(setRenderable, renderable)
            yield defer.gatherResults(dl)
            self.rendered = True
            # we describe ourselves only when renderables are interpolated

            # run -- or skip -- the step
            if doStep:
                    self._running = True
                    self.results = yield self.run()
                    self._running = False
                self.results = SKIPPED

        # NOTE: all of these `except` blocks must set self.results immediately!
        except BuildStepCancelled:
            self.results = CANCELLED

        except BuildStepFailed:
            self.results = FAILURE

        except error.ConnectionLost:
            self.results = RETRY

        except Exception:
            self.results = EXCEPTION
            why = Failure()
            log.err(why, "BuildStep.failed; traceback follows")
            yield self.addLogWithFailure(why)

        if self.stopped and self.results != RETRY:
            # We handle this specially because we don't care about
            # the return code of an interrupted command; we know
            # that this should just be exception due to interrupt
            # At the same time we must respect RETRY status because it's used
            # to retry interrupted build due to some other issues for example
            # due to worker lost
            if self.results != CANCELLED:
                self.results = EXCEPTION

        # update the summary one last time, make sure that completes,
        # and then don't update it any more.
        yield self.realUpdateSummary.stop()

        # determine whether we should hide this step
        hidden = self.hideStepIf
        if callable(hidden):
                hidden = hidden(self.results, self)
            except Exception:
                why = Failure()
                log.err(why, "hidden callback failed; traceback follows")
                yield self.addLogWithFailure(why)
                self.results = EXCEPTION
                hidden = False

        yield self.master.data.updates.finishStep(self.stepid, self.results,



    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        self._acquiringLock = None
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(step %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(self, access):
                self._waitingForLocks = True
                log.msg("step %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLock = (lock, access, d)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        self._waitingForLocks = False
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def run(self):
        self._start_deferred = defer.Deferred()
        unhandled = self._start_unhandled_deferreds = []
        self._sync_addlog_deferreds = []
            # here's where we set things up for backward compatibility for
            # old-style steps, using monkey patches so that new-style steps
            # aren't bothered by any of this equipment

            # monkey-patch self.step_status.{setText,setText2} back into
            # existence for old steps, signalling an update to the summary
            self.step_status = BuildStepStatus()
            self.step_status.setText = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()
            self.step_status.setText2 = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()

            # monkey-patch in support for old statistics functions
            self.step_status.setStatistic = self.setStatistic
            self.step_status.getStatistic = self.getStatistic
            self.step_status.hasStatistic = self.hasStatistic

            # monkey-patch an addLog that returns an write-only, sync log
            self.addLog = self.addLog_oldStyle
            self._logFileWrappers = {}

            # and a getLog that returns a read-only, sync log, captured by
            # LogObservers installed by addLog_oldStyle
            self.getLog = self.getLog_oldStyle

            # old-style steps shouldn't be calling updateSummary
            def updateSummary():
                assert 0, 'updateSummary is only valid on new-style steps'

            self.updateSummary = updateSummary

            results = yield self.start()
            if results is not None:
            results = yield self._start_deferred
            # hook for tests
            # assert so that it is only run in non optimized mode
            assert self._run_finished_hook() is None
            # wait until all the sync logs have been actually created before
            # finishing
            yield defer.DeferredList(self._sync_addlog_deferreds,
            self._start_deferred = None
            unhandled = self._start_unhandled_deferreds
            self._start_unhandled_deferreds = None

        # Wait for any possibly-unhandled deferreds.  If any fail, change the
        # result to EXCEPTION and log.
        if unhandled:
            unhandled_results = yield defer.DeferredList(unhandled,
            for success, res in unhandled_results:
                if not success:
                        "from an asynchronous method executed in an old-style step"
                    results = EXCEPTION


    def finished(self, results):
        assert self._start_deferred, \
            "finished() can only be called from old steps implementing start()"

    def failed(self, why):
        assert self._start_deferred, \
            "failed() can only be called from old steps implementing start()"

    def isNewStyle(self):
        # **temporary** method until new-style steps are the only supported style
        return self.run.im_func is not BuildStep.run.im_func

    def start(self):
        # New-style classes implement 'run'.
        # Old-style classes implemented 'start'. Advise them to do 'run'
        # instead.
        raise NotImplementedError("your subclass must implement run()")

    def interrupt(self, reason):
        # TODO: consider adding an INTERRUPTED or STOPPED status to use
        # instead of FAILURE, might make the text a bit more clear.
        # 'reason' can be a Failure, or text
        self.stopped = True
        if self._acquiringLock:
            lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
            lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

        if self._waitingForLocks:
            self.addCompleteLog('cancelled while waiting for locks',
            self.addCompleteLog('cancelled', str(reason))

        if self.cmd:
            d = self.cmd.interrupt(reason)
            d.addErrback(log.err, 'while cancelling command')

    def releaseLocks(self):
        log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    # utility methods that BuildSteps may find useful

    def workerVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.build.getWorkerCommandVersion(command, oldversion)

    deprecatedWorkerClassMethod(locals(), workerVersion)

    def workerVersionIsOlderThan(self, command, minversion):
        sv = self.build.getWorkerCommandVersion(command, None)
        if sv is None:
            return True
        if map(int, sv.split(".")) < map(int, minversion.split(".")):
            return True
        return False

    deprecatedWorkerClassMethod(locals(), workerVersionIsOlderThan)

    def checkWorkerHasCommand(self, command):
        if not self.workerVersion(command):
            message = "worker is too old, does not know about %s" % command
            raise WorkerTooOldError(message)

    deprecatedWorkerClassMethod(locals(), checkWorkerHasCommand)

    def getWorkerName(self):
        return self.build.getWorkerName()

    deprecatedWorkerClassMethod(locals(), getWorkerName)

    def addLog(self, name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
        d = self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,

        def newLog(logid):
            return self._newLog(name, type, logid, logEncoding)

        return d

    addLog_newStyle = addLog

    def addLog_oldStyle(self, name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
        # create a logfile instance that acts like old-style status logfiles
        # begin to create a new-style logfile
        loog_d = self.addLog_newStyle(name, type, logEncoding)
        # and wrap the deferred that will eventually fire with that logfile
        # into a write-only logfile instance
        wrapper = SyncLogFileWrapper(self, name, loog_d)
        self._logFileWrappers[name] = wrapper
        return wrapper

    def getLog(self, name):
        return self.logs[name]

    def getLog_oldStyle(self, name):
        return self._logFileWrappers[name]

    def addCompleteLog(self, name, text):
        log.msg("addCompleteLog(%s)" % name)
        logid = yield self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,
        l = self._newLog(name, u't', logid)
        yield l.addContent(text)
        yield l.finish()

    def addHTMLLog(self, name, html):
        log.msg("addHTMLLog(%s)" % name)
        logid = yield self.master.data.updates.addLog(self.stepid,
        l = self._newLog(name, u'h', logid)
        yield l.addContent(html)
        yield l.finish()

    def addLogWithFailure(self, why, logprefix=""):
        # helper for showing exceptions to the users
            yield self.addCompleteLog(logprefix + "err.text",
            yield self.addHTMLLog(logprefix + "err.html", formatFailure(why))
        except Exception:
            log.err(Failure(), "error while formatting exceptions")

    def addLogWithException(self, why, logprefix=""):
        return self.addLogWithFailure(Failure(why), logprefix)

    def addLogObserver(self, logname, observer):
        assert interfaces.ILogObserver.providedBy(observer)
        self._pendingLogObservers.append((logname, observer))

    def _newLog(self, name, type, logid, logEncoding=None):
        if not logEncoding:
            logEncoding = self.logEncoding
        if not logEncoding:
            logEncoding = self.master.config.logEncoding
        log = plog.Log.new(self.master, name, type, logid, logEncoding)
        self.logs[name] = log
        return log

    def _connectPendingLogObservers(self):
        for logname, observer in self._pendingLogObservers[:]:
            if logname in self.logs:
                self._pendingLogObservers.remove((logname, observer))

    def addURL(self, name, url):
        yield self.master.data.updates.addStepURL(self.stepid, unicode(name),

    def runCommand(self, command):
        self.cmd = command
        command.worker = self.worker
            res = yield command.run(self, self.remote, self.build.builder.name)
            self.cmd = None

    def hasStatistic(self, name):
        return name in self.statistics

    def getStatistic(self, name, default=None):
        return self.statistics.get(name, default)

    def getStatistics(self):
        return self.statistics.copy()

    def setStatistic(self, name, value):
        self.statistics[name] = value

    def _describe(self, done=False):
        # old-style steps expect this function to exist
        assert not self.isNewStyle()
        return []

    def describe(self, done=False):
        # old-style steps expect this function to exist
        assert not self.isNewStyle()
        desc = self._describe(done)
        if not desc:
            return []
        if self.descriptionSuffix:
            desc += self.descriptionSuffix
        return desc
예제 #16
def patch_bug4881():
    # this bug was only present in Twisted-10.2.0
    if twisted.version == versions.Version('twisted', 10, 2, 0):
        from buildbot.monkeypatches import bug4881
예제 #17
class TestStart(misc.StdoutAssertionsMixin, dirs.DirsMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        with open(os.path.join('basedir', 'buildbot.tac'), 'wt') as f:

    def tearDown(self):

    # tests

    def test_start_not_basedir(self):
        self.assertEqual(start.start(mkconfig(basedir='doesntexist')), 1)
        self.assertInStdout('invalid buildmaster directory')

    def runStart(self, **config):
        args = [
            'from buildbot.scripts.start import start; import sys; '
            'sys.exit(start(%r))' % (
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
        return getProcessOutputAndValue(sys.executable, args=args, env=env)

    def test_start_no_daemon(self):
        (_, err, rc) = yield self.runStart(nodaemon=True)

        # on python 3.5, cryptography loudly complains to upgrade
        if sys.version_info[:2] != (3, 5):
            self.assertEqual((err, rc), (b'', 0))

    def test_start_quiet(self):
        res = yield self.runStart(quiet=True)

        # on python 3.5, cryptography loudly complains to upgrade
        if sys.version_info[:2] != (3, 5):
            self.assertEqual(res, (b'', b'', 0))

    def test_start_timeout_nonnumber(self):
        (out, err, rc) = yield self.runStart(start_timeout='a')

        self.assertEqual((rc, err), (1, b''))
        self.assertSubstring(b'Start timeout must be a number\n', out)

    def test_start_timeout_number_string(self):
        # integer values from command-line options come in as strings
        res = yield self.runStart(start_timeout='10')

        self.assertEqual(res, (mock.ANY, b'', 0))

    def test_start(self):
            (out, err, rc) = yield self.runStart()

            self.assertEqual((rc, err), (0, b''))
            self.assertSubstring(b'buildmaster appears to have (re)started correctly', out)
            # wait for the pidfile to go away after the reactor.stop
            # in buildbot.tac takes effect
            pidfile = os.path.join('basedir', 'twistd.pid')
            while os.path.exists(pidfile):

    if twisted.version <= versions.Version('twisted', 9, 0, 0):
        test_start.skip = test_start_quiet.skip = "Skipping due to suprious PotentialZombieWarning."
예제 #18
import os
import gc

from twisted.web import http
from twisted.internet import address
from twisted.python.logfile import DailyLogFile
from twisted.python.monkey import MonkeyPatcher
from twisted.python import versions, filepath, log

from mamba.utils import borg
from mamba.http import headers
from mamba.core import packages
from mamba import _version as _mamba_version
from mamba.application import controller, model

_app_ver = versions.Version('Application', 0, 1, 0)
_app_project_ver = versions.Version('Project', 0, 1, 0)

class ApplicationError(Exception):
    """ApplicationError raises when an error occurs

class Mamba(borg.Borg):
    This object is just a global configuration for mamba applications that
    act as the central object on them and is able to act as a central registry.
    It inherits from the :class: `~mamba.utils.borg.Borg` so you can just
    instantiate a new object of this class and it will share all the
    information between instances.
예제 #19
파일: _version.py 프로젝트: jpunwin/tums
# This is an auto-generated file. Use Epsilon/bin/release-divmod to update.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version(__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')], 0, 9, 32)
예제 #20
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: palfrey/axiom
def asTwistedVersion(packageName, versionString):
    from twisted.python import versions
    import re
    return versions.Version(
        *map(int, re.match(r"[0-9.]*", versionString).group().split(".")[:3]))
예제 #21
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.web', 12, 1, 0)
예제 #22
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.names', 12, 0, 0)
예제 #23
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.

Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.runner', 13, 1, 0)
예제 #24
def patch_bug5079():
    # this bug will hopefully be patched in Twisted-12.0.0
    if twisted.version < versions.Version('twisted', 12, 0, 0):
        from buildslave.monkeypatches import bug5079
예제 #25
class TestStart(misc.StdoutAssertionsMixin, dirs.DirsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        with open(os.path.join('basedir', 'buildbot.tac'), 'wt') as f:

    def tearDown(self):

    # tests

    def test_start_not_basedir(self):
        self.assertEqual(start.start(mkconfig(basedir='doesntexist')), 1)
        self.assertInStdout('invalid buildmaster directory')

    def runStart(self, **config):
        args = [
            'from buildbot.scripts.start import start; start(%r)' %
            (mkconfig(**config), ),
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
        return getProcessOutputAndValue(sys.executable, args=args, env=env)

    @skipIfPythonVersionIsLess((2, 7))
    def test_start_no_daemon(self):
        d = self.runStart(nodaemon=True)

        def cb(res):
            self.assertEquals(res, ('', '', 0))

        return d

    @skipIfPythonVersionIsLess((2, 7))
    def test_start_quiet(self):
        d = self.runStart(quiet=True)

        def cb(res):
            self.assertEquals(res, ('', '', 0))

        return d

    def test_start(self):
        d = self.runStart()

        def cb(xxx_todo_changeme):
            (out, err, rc) = xxx_todo_changeme
            self.assertEqual((rc, err), (0, ''))
            self.assertSubstring('BuildMaster is running', out)

        def flush(x):
            # wait for the pidfile to go away after the reactor.stop
            # in buildbot.tac takes effect
            pidfile = os.path.join('basedir', 'twistd.pid')
            while os.path.exists(pidfile):
            return x

        return d

    if twisted.version <= versions.Version('twisted', 9, 0, 0):
        test_start.skip = test_start_quiet.skip = "Skipping due to suprious PotentialZombieWarning."
예제 #26
    """Walk up the Python tree from method 'meth', finding its class, its module
    and all containing packages."""
    containers = []
    moduleName = meth.im_class.__module__
    while moduleName is not None:
        module = sys.modules.get(moduleName, None)
        if module is None:
            module = __import__(moduleName)
        moduleName = getattr(module, '__module__', None)
    return containers

    versions.Version("Twisted", 12, 3, 0),
    "This function never worked correctly.  Implement lookup on your own.",
    __name__, "getPythonContainers")

def _runSequentially(callables, stopOnFirstError=False):
    Run the given callables one after the other. If a callable returns a
    Deferred, wait until it has finished before running the next callable.

    @param callables: An iterable of callables that take no parameters.

    @param stopOnFirstError: If True, then stop running callables as soon as
        one raises an exception or fires an errback. False by default.

    @return: A L{Deferred} that fires a list of C{(flag, value)} tuples. Each
예제 #27
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.pair', 10, 1, 0)
예제 #28
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
Provides Twisted version information.

from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.mail', 13, 1, 0)
예제 #29
# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
from twisted.python import versions
version = versions.Version('twisted.web', 11, 0, 0)
예제 #30
def asTwistedVersion(packageName, versionString):
    return versions.Version(packageName, *map(int, versionString.split(".")))