def test_attrRendering(self): """ Test that a Element with an attr tag renders the vaule of its attr tag as an attribute of its containing tag. """ element = Element(loader=XMLString( '<a xmlns:t="">' '<t:attr name="href"></t:attr>' 'Hello, world.' '</a>')) return self.assertFlattensTo( element, '<a href="">Hello, world.</a>')
def test_lenientPrefixBehavior(self): """ If the parser sees a prefix it doesn't recognize on an attribute, it will pass it on through to serialization. """ theInput = ( '<hello:world hello:sample="testing" ' 'xmlns:hello="">' "This is a made-up tag.</hello:world>" ) element = Element(loader=XMLString(theInput)) self.assertFlattensTo(element, theInput.encode("utf8"))
def test_transparentRendering(self) -> None: """ A C{transparent} element should be eliminated from the DOM and rendered as only its children. """ element = Element( loader=XMLString( "<t:transparent " 'xmlns:t="">' "Hello, world." "</t:transparent>" ) ) self.assertFlattensImmediately(element, b"Hello, world.")
def defaultValidationFailureHandler( instance, # type: Optional[object] request, # type: IRequest fieldValues, # type: FieldValues ): # type: (...) -> Element """ This is the default validation failure handler, which will be used by form handlers (i.e. any routes which use L{klein.Requirer} to require a field) in the case of any input validation failure when no other validation failure handler is registered via L{Form.onValidationFailureFor}. Its behavior is to simply return an HTML rendering of the form object, which includes inline information about fields which failed to validate. @param instance: The instance associated with the router that the form handler was handled on. @type instance: L{object} @param request: The request including the form submission. @type request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest} @return: Any object acceptable from a Klein route. """ session = request.getComponent(ISession) # type: ignore[misc] request.setResponseCode(400) enctype = ( ( request.getHeader(b"content-type") or RenderableForm.ENCTYPE_URL_ENCODED.encode("ascii") ) .split(b";")[0] .decode("charmap") ) renderable = RenderableForm( fieldValues.form, session, "/".join( segment.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") for segment in request.prepath ), request.method, enctype, "utf-8", fieldValues.prevalidationValues, fieldValues.validationErrors, ) return Element(TagLoader(renderable))
def test_missingRenderMethod(self) -> None: """ Flattening an L{Element} with a C{loader} which has a tag with a render directive fails with L{FlattenerError} if there is no available render method to satisfy that directive. """ element = Element( loader=XMLString( """ <p xmlns:t="" t:render="unknownMethod" /> """ ) ) self.assertFlatteningRaises(element, MissingRenderMethod)
def test_attrRendering(self) -> None: """ An Element with an attr tag renders the vaule of its attr tag as an attribute of its containing tag. """ element = Element( loader=XMLString( '<a xmlns:t="">' '<t:attr name="href"></t:attr>' "Hello, world." "</a>" ) ) self.assertFlattensImmediately( element, b'<a href="">Hello, world.</a>' )
def test_roundTrip(self) -> None: """ Given a series of parsable XML strings, verify that L{twisted.web._flatten.flatten} will flatten the L{Element} back to the input when sent on a round trip. """ fragments = [ b"<p>Hello, world.</p>", b"<p><!-- hello, world --></p>", b"<p><![CDATA[Hello, world.]]></p>", b'<test1 xmlns:test2="urn:test2">' b"<test2:test3></test2:test3></test1>", b'<test1 xmlns="urn:test2"><test3></test3></test1>', b"<p>\xe2\x98\x83</p>", ] for xml in fragments: self.assertFlattensImmediately(Element(loader=XMLString(xml)), xml)
def renderMethod( self, request: Optional[IRequest], tag: Tag ) -> Flattenable: return tag(Element(loader=XMLString("<em>Hello, world.</em>")))
def customFormRender(self, form: RenderableForm) -> Any: """ Include just the glue necessary for CSRF protection and let the application render the rest of the form. """ return Element(loader=TagLoader(tags.html(tags.body(form.glue()))))
def Verbatim(data): return Element( XMLString(( '<t:transparent xmlns:t="' '">' '{0}</t:transparent>').format(data)))