def outReceived(self, data): logger.debug("spawnrunner received for client# %d %s" % (self.client.clientnumber, data[:180])) # although the client can parse the records itself, it is necessary to split them up here correctly so that this code can insert its own records into the stream. lines = [ ] spldata = data.split("\n") self.lbuffer.append(spldata.pop(0)) while spldata: lines.append("".join(self.lbuffer)) self.lbuffer = [ spldata.pop(0) ] # next one in for line in lines: # strip out the httpheaders that come back at the start of a node connection if not self.httpheadersdone: if re.match("HTTP/", line): assert not self.httpheaders continue if line == "\r": self.httpheadersdone = True continue mheader = re.match("(.*?):\s*(.*)\r", line) if not mheader: logger.error("Bad header: "+str([line])) else: self.httpheaders.append((, continue"Received and will write: "+str([line])) self.client.writeall(line) if self.runobjectmaker: self.runobjectmaker.receiveline(line)
def outReceived(self, data): logger.debug("spawnrunner received for client# %d %s" % (self.client.clientnumber, data[:180])) # although the client can parse the records itself, it is necessary to split them up here correctly so that this code can insert its own records into the stream. lines = [ ] spldata = data.split("\n") self.lbuffer.append(spldata.pop(0)) while spldata: lines.append("".join(self.lbuffer)) self.lbuffer = [ spldata.pop(0) ] # next one in for line in lines: # strip out the httpheaders that come back at the start of a node connection if not self.httpheadersdone: if re.match("HTTP/", line): assert not self.httpheaders continue if line == "\r": self.httpheadersdone = True continue mheader = re.match("(.*?):\s*(.*)\r", line) if not mheader: logger.error("Bad header: "+str([line])) else: self.httpheaders.append((, continue logger.debug("Received and will write: "+str([line])) self.client.writeall(line) if self.runobjectmaker: self.runobjectmaker.receiveline(line)
def notifyMonitoringClients(self, cclient): # cclient is the one whose state has changed (it can be normal editor or a umlmonitoring case) Dtclients = len(self.connectedclients) + len(self.rpcrunningclients) + len(self.stimulate_runclients) + len(self.httpgetclients) + len(self.umlmonitoringclients) + len(self.draftscraperclients) + sum([eoos.Dcountclients() for eoos in self.guidclientmap.values()]) if len(self.clients) != Dtclients: logger.error("Miscount of clients %d %d" % (len(self.clients), Dtclients)) # both of these are in the same format and read the same, but umlstatuschanges are shorter umlstatuschanges = {'message_type':"umlchanges", "nowtime":jstime( }; if self.notifiedmaxscheduledscrapers != self.maxscheduledscrapers: self.notifiedmaxscheduledscrapers = self.maxscheduledscrapers umlstatuschanges["maxscheduledscrapers"] = self.maxscheduledscrapers if cclient and cclient.clienttype == "umlmonitoring": umlstatusdata = {'message_type':"umlstatus", "nowtime":umlstatuschanges["nowtime"]} umlstatusdata["maxscheduledscrapers"] = self.maxscheduledscrapers else: umlstatusdata = None # the cchatnames are username|chatname, so the javascript has something to handle for cases of "|Anonymous5" vs "username|username" # handle updates and changes in the set of clients that have the monitoring window open umlmonitoringusers = { } for client in self.umlmonitoringclients: if client.cchatname in umlmonitoringusers: umlmonitoringusers[client.cchatname] = max(client.clientlasttouch, umlmonitoringusers[client.cchatname]) else: umlmonitoringusers[client.cchatname] = client.clientlasttouch #umlmonitoringusers = set([ client.cchatname for client in self.umlmonitoringclients ]) if umlstatusdata: umlstatusdata["umlmonitoringusers"] = [ {"chatname":chatname, "present":True, "lasttouch":jstime(chatnamelasttouch) } for chatname, chatnamelasttouch in umlmonitoringusers.items() ] if cclient and cclient.clienttype == "umlmonitoring": umlstatuschanges["umlmonitoringusers"] = [ {"chatname":cclient.cchatname, "present":(cclient.cchatname in umlmonitoringusers), "lasttouch":jstime(cclient.clientlasttouch) } ] # rpcrunningclients if umlstatusdata: umlstatusdata["rpcrunningclients"] = [ {"clientnumber":client.clientnumber, "present":True, "chatname":client.chatname, "scrapername":client.scrapername, "lasttouch":jstime(client.clientlasttouch)} for client in self.rpcrunningclients ] if cclient and cclient.clienttype == "rpcrunning": umlstatuschanges["rpcrunningclients"] = [ {"clientnumber":cclient.clientnumber, "present":(cclient in self.rpcrunningclients), "chatname":cclient.cchatname, "scrapername":cclient.scrapername, "lasttouch":jstime(cclient.clientlasttouch) } ] # handle draft scraper users and the run states (one for each user, though there may be multiple draft scrapers for them) draftscraperusers = { } # chatname -> running state for client in self.draftscraperclients: draftscraperusers[client.cchatname] = bool(client.processrunning) or draftscraperusers.get(client.cchatname, False) if umlstatusdata: umlstatusdata["draftscraperusers"] = [ {"chatname":chatname, "present":True, "running":crunning } for chatname, crunning in draftscraperusers.items() ] if cclient and not cclient.clienttype == "umlmonitoring" and not cclient.guid: umlstatuschanges["draftscraperusers"] = [ { "chatname":cclient.cchatname, "present":(cclient.cchatname in draftscraperusers), "running":draftscraperusers.get(cclient.cchatname, False) } ] # the complexity here reflects the complexity of the structure. the running flag could be set on any one of the clients def scraperentry(eoos, cclient): # local function scrapereditors = { } # chatname -> (lasttouch, [clientnumbers]) running = False # we could make this an updated member of EditorsOnOneScraper like lasttouch for usereditor in eoos.usereditormap.values(): cchatname = usereditor.userclients[0].cchatname clientnumbers = [uclient.clientnumber for uclient in usereditor.userclients] scrapereditors[cchatname] = (usereditor.userlasttouch, clientnumbers) running = running or max([ bool(uclient.processrunning) for uclient in usereditor.userclients ]) for uclient in eoos.anonymouseditors: scrapereditors[uclient.cchatname] = (uclient.clientlasttouch, [uclient.clientnumber]) # diff mode if cclient: scraperusercclient = {'chatname':cclient.cchatname, 'userlasttouch':jstime(cclient.clientlasttouch) } if cclient.cchatname in scrapereditors: scraperusercclient['present'] = True scraperusercclient['uclients'] = scrapereditors[cclient.cchatname][1] else: scraperusercclient['present'] = False scraperusers = [ scraperusercclient ] else: scraperusers = [ {'chatname':cchatname, 'userlasttouch':jstime(ultc[0]), 'uclients':ultc[1], 'present':True } for cchatname, ultc in scrapereditors.items() ] return {'scrapername':eoos.scrapername, 'present':True, 'running':running, 'scraperusers':scraperusers, 'scraperlasttouch':jstime(eoos.scraperlasttouch) } if umlstatusdata: umlstatusdata["scraperentries"] = [ ] for eoos in self.guidclientmap.values(): umlstatusdata["scraperentries"].append(scraperentry(eoos, None)) if cclient and cclient.clienttype in ["editing", "scheduledrun"] and cclient.guid: if cclient.guid in self.guidclientmap: umlstatuschanges["scraperentries"] = [ scraperentry(self.guidclientmap[cclient.guid], cclient) ] else: umlstatuschanges["scraperentries"] = [ { 'scrapername':cclient.scrapername, 'present':False, 'running':False, 'scraperusers':[ ] } ] # send the status to the target and updates to everyone else who is monitoring #print "\numlstatus", umlstatusdata # new monitoring client if cclient and cclient.clienttype == "umlmonitoring": cclient.writejson(umlstatusdata) # send only updates to current clients for client in self.umlmonitoringclients: if client != cclient: client.writejson(umlstatuschanges)
def clientConnectionLost(self, client): if client in self.clients: self.clients.remove(client) # main list logger.debug("removing %s client# %d" % (client.clienttype, client.clientnumber)) # connection open but nothing else happened if client.clienttype == None: if client in self.connectedclients: self.connectedclients.remove(client) elif client.clienttype == "stimulate_run": if client in self.stimulate_runclients: self.stimulate_runclients.remove(client) else: logger.error("No place to remove stimulate_run client# %d" % client.clientnumber) elif client.clienttype == "httpget": if client in self.httpgetclients: self.httpgetclients.remove(client) else: logger.error("No place to remove httpget client# %d" % client.clientnumber) elif client.clienttype == "umlmonitoring": if client in self.umlmonitoringclients: self.umlmonitoringclients.remove(client) else: logger.error("No place to remove umlmonitoring client# %d" % client.clientnumber) elif client.clienttype == "rpcrunning": if client in self.rpcrunningclients: self.rpcrunningclients.remove(client) else: logger.error("No place to remove rpcrunning client %d" % client.clientnumber) elif not client.guid: if client in self.draftscraperclients: self.draftscraperclients.remove(client) else: logger.error("No place to remove draftscraper client %d" % client.clientnumber) elif (client.guid in self.guidclientmap): if not self.guidclientmap[client.guid].RemoveClient(client): del self.guidclientmap[client.guid] else: if client.username in self.guidclientmap[client.guid].usereditormap: message = "%s closes a window" % client.chatname else: message = "%s leaves" % client.chatname self.guidclientmap[client.guid].notifyEditorClients(message) else: logger.error("No place to remove client %d" % client.clientnumber) self.notifyMonitoringClients(client)
def clientcommand(self, command, parsed_data): if command != 'typing': logger.debug("command %s client# %d" % (command, self.clientnumber)) # update the lasttouch values on associated aggregations if command != 'automode' and self.clienttype == "editing": self.clientlasttouch = if self.guid and self.username: assert self.username in self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap[self.username].userlasttouch = self.clientlasttouch self.guidclienteditors.scraperlasttouch = self.clientlasttouch # data uploaded when a new connection is made from the editor if command == 'connection_open': self.lconnectionopen(parsed_data) # finds the corresponding client and presses the run button on it # receives a single record through the pipeline elif command == 'stimulate_run': self.clienttype = "stimulate_run" self.factory.clientConnectionRegistered(self) scrapername = parsed_data["scrapername"] guid = parsed_data["guid"] assert guid username = parsed_data["username"] clientnumber = parsed_data["clientnumber"] client = None eoos = self.factory.guidclientmap.get(guid) if eoos: usereditor = eoos.usereditormap.get(username) if usereditor: for lclient in usereditor.userclients: if lclient.clientnumber == clientnumber: client = lclient if parsed_data.get('django_key') != djangokey: logger.error("djangokey_mismatch") self.writejson({'status':'twister djangokey mismatch'}) if client: client.writejson({"message_type":"console", "content":"twister djangokey mismatch"}) client.writejson({'message_type':'executionstatus', 'content':'runfinished'}) client = None if client:"stimulate on : %s %s client# %d" % (client.cchatname, client.scrapername, client.clientnumber)) assert client.clienttype == "editing" and client.guid if not client.processrunning: client.runcode(parsed_data) self.writejson({"status":"run started"}) else: client.writejson({"message_type":"console", "content":"client already running"}) self.writejson({"status":"client already running"}) else: parsed_data.pop("code", None) # shorten the log message logger.warning("client not found %s" % parsed_data) self.writejson({"status":"client not found"}) self.transport.loseConnection() elif command == 'rpcrun': self.username = parsed_data.get('username', '') self.userrealname = parsed_data.get('userrealname', self.username) self.scrapername = parsed_data.get('scrapername', '') self.scraperlanguage = parsed_data.get('language', '') self.guid = parsed_data.get("guid", '') if parsed_data.get('django_key') == djangokey: self.clienttype = "rpcrunning""connection open %s: %s %s client# %d" % (self.clienttype, self.username, self.scrapername, self.clientnumber)) self.factory.clientConnectionRegistered(self) self.runcode(parsed_data) # termination is by the calling function when it receives an executionstatus runfinished message else: logger.error("djangokey_mismatch") self.writejson({'status':'twister djangokey mismatch'}) self.transport.loseConnection() elif command == 'saved': line = json.dumps({'message_type' : "saved", 'chatname' : self.chatname}) otherline = json.dumps({'message_type' : "othersaved", 'chatname' : self.chatname}) self.guidclienteditors.rev = parsed_data["rev"] self.guidclienteditors.chainpatchnumber = 0 self.writeall(line, otherline) self.factory.notifyMonitoringClientsSmallmessage(self, "savenote") # should record the rev and chainpatchnumber so when we join to this scraper we know elif command == 'typing': logger.debug("command %s client# %d insertlinenumber %s" % (command, self.clientnumber, parsed_data.get("insertlinenumber"))) jline = {'message_type' : "typing", 'content' : "%s typing" % self.chatname} jotherline = parsed_data.copy() jotherline.pop("command") jotherline["message_type"] = "othertyping" jotherline["content"] = jline["content"] self.guidclienteditors.chainpatchnumber = parsed_data.get("chainpatchnumber") self.writeall(json.dumps(jline), json.dumps(jotherline)) self.factory.notifyMonitoringClientsSmallmessage(self, "typingnote") # this one only applies to draft scrapers when you click run elif command == 'run': if self.processrunning: self.writejson({'content':"Already running! (shouldn't happen)", 'message_type':'console'}); return if self.username: if self.automode == 'autoload': self.writejson({'content':"Not supposed to run! "+self.automode, 'message_type':'console'}); return if parsed_data.get('guid'): self.writejson({'content':"scraper run can only be done through stimulate_run method", 'message_type':'console'}); return"about to run code %s" % str(parsed_data)[:100]) self.runcode(parsed_data) elif command == "umlcontrol": # allows monitoring client to remotely kill processes if self.clienttype != "umlmonitoring": logger.error("umlcontrol called by non-monitoring client") return"umlcontrol %s" % ([parsed_data])) subcommand = parsed_data.get("subcommand") if subcommand == "killscraper": scrapername = parsed_data["scrapername"] for eoos in self.factory.guidclientmap.values(): # would be better if it was by scrapername instead of guid if eoos.scrapername == scrapername: for usereditor in eoos.usereditormap.values(): for uclient in usereditor.userclients: if uclient.processrunning:"umlcontrol killing run on client# %d %s" % (uclient.clientnumber, scrapername)) uclient.kill_run() if subcommand == "killallscheduled": for client in self.factory.scheduledrunners.values(): if client.processrunning:"umlcontrol killing run on client# %d %s" % (client.clientnumber, client.scrapername)) client.kill_run() else:"umlcontrol client# %d %s wasn't running" % (client.clientnumber, client.scrapername)) if "maxscheduledscrapers" in parsed_data: self.factory.maxscheduledscrapers = parsed_data["maxscheduledscrapers"] self.factory.notifyMonitoringClients(None) elif command == "kill": if self.processrunning: self.kill_run() # allows the killing of a process in another open window by same user elif self.username and self.guid: usereditor = self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap[self.username] for client in usereditor.userclients: if client.processrunning: client.kill_run() elif command == 'chat': line = json.dumps({'message_type':'chat', 'chatname':self.chatname, 'message':parsed_data.get('text'), 'nowtime':jstime( }) self.writeall(line) elif command == 'requesteditcontrol': for usereditor in self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap.values(): for client in usereditor.userclients: if client.automode == 'autosave': client.writejson({'message_type':'requestededitcontrol', "username":self.username}) elif command == 'giveselrange': self.writeall(None, json.dumps({'message_type':'giveselrange', 'selrange':parsed_data.get('selrange'), 'chatname':self.chatname })) elif command == 'automode': automode = parsed_data.get('automode') if automode == self.automode: return if not self.username: self.automode = automode self.factory.notifyMonitoringClients(self) return usereditor = self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap[self.username] # self-demote to autoload mode while choosing to promote a particular person to editing mode if automode == 'autoload': selectednexteditor = parsed_data.get('selectednexteditor') if selectednexteditor and selectednexteditor in self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap: assert self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap[selectednexteditor].usersessionpriority >= usereditor.usersessionpriority self.guidclienteditors.usereditormap[selectednexteditor].usersessionpriority = usereditor.usersessionpriority usereditor.usersessionpriority = self.guidclienteditors.usersessionprioritynext self.guidclienteditors.usersessionprioritynext += 1 self.automode = automode self.guidclienteditors.notifyEditorClients("") self.factory.notifyMonitoringClients(self) # this message helps kill it better and killing it from the browser end elif command == 'loseconnection': # Suspect it is possible in some cases that the client sends this command, and before # we have had a chance to close the connection from here, the client has already gone. # To cover this case let's handle the exception here and log that loseConnection failed try: self.transport.loseConnection() except: logger.debug('Closing connection on already closed connection failed')