def delete_collection(name): # retrieve collection mongo record logging.debug("attempting to delete %s" % name) try: c = models.Collection.objects.get(name=name) except DoesNotExist: logging.debug("could not find collection to delete") return jsonify({'status':False}) # delete collection models.Collection.delete(c) ''' Consider removing archived tweets from filesystem? Consider removing archived tweets from monogodb? ''' # remove from crontab job = list(mycron.find_comment('twitore_%s' % name)) logging.debug(job) if len(job) == 1: utils.deleteCron(mycron, job[0], c) else: logging.debug('could not find cron to delete') # set msg in session utils.setMsg(session,"collection deleted","msg_success") # if all goes well... return redirect("/{prefix}/collections".format(prefix=localConfig.twitore_app_prefix))
def update_collection(name): data = {} # assuming POST logging.debug(request.form) # check for collection name try: c = models.Collection.objects.get(name=name) except DoesNotExist: logging.debug("collection does not exist, continuing") return jsonify({'status':False}) c.search_terms = [term.strip() for term in request.form['search_terms'].split(",")] c.minute_frequency = int(request.form['minute_frequency']) logging.debug("updated collection %s" % # update cron job job = mycron.find_comment('twitore_{name}'.format(name=name)) job = list(job) logging.debug(job) # update cron ''' Consider improving the logic here ''' if len(job) > 0: if c.minute_frequency == 0: utils.deleteCron(mycron, job[0], c) elif c.minute_frequency >= 1 and c.minute_frequency <= 59: utils.updateCron(mycron,job[0],c) else: logging.warning('frequency must be between 1-59 minutes. aborting.') utils.setMsg(session,"collection could not be updated. frequency must be between 1-59 minutes. aborted.","msg_alert") return redirect("/{prefix}/collection/{name}".format(prefix=localConfig.twitore_app_prefix,name=name)) # set cron if not there else: # set cron job utils.setCron(mycron,c) # set msg in session utils.setMsg(session,"collection updated","msg_success") return redirect("/{prefix}/collection/{name}".format(prefix=localConfig.twitore_app_prefix,name=name))
def collection(name): # deal with message msg = utils.msgHandle(session) data = {} c = models.Collection.objects.get(name=name) data['collection'] = c # stringify search terms data['collection']['search_terms'] = ", ".join(data['collection']['search_terms']) # get job cron try: job = mycron.find_comment('twitore_{name}'.format(name=name)).next() logging.debug(job.command) except: logging.warning('could not find cron') return render_template('collection.html', data=data, msg=msg)