def fallback_humanize(date, fallback_format=None, use_fallback=False): """ Format date with arrow and a fallback format """ # Convert to local timezone date = arrow.get(date).to('local') # Set default fallback format if not fallback_format: fallback_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' # Determine using fallback format or not by a variable if use_fallback: return date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) try: # Use Arrow's humanize function lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = date.humanize(locale=lang) except: # Notice at the 1st time only if not dg['humanize_unsupported']: dg['humanize_unsupported'] = True printNicely( light_magenta( 'Humanized date display method does not support your $LC_ALL.' )) # Fallback when LC_ALL is not supported clock = date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) return clock
def notify_follow(e): """ Notify a follow event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])('followed you') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta)
def notify_list_user_subscribed(e): """ Notify a list_user_subscribed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'subscribed to your list') date = parser.parse(created_at) date = arrow.get(date).to('local') lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = arrow.get(date).to('local').humanize(locale=lang) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True)
def main(): args = parse_arguments() if not all((args.token, args.token_secret, args.consumer_key, args.consumer_secret)): print(__doc__) return 2 # When using twitter stream you must authorize. auth = OAuth(args.token, args.token_secret, args.consumer_key, args.consumer_secret) if args.user_stream: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, domain='') tweet_iter = stream.user() elif args.site_stream: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, domain='') tweet_iter = else: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, timeout=60.0) tweet_iter = stream.statuses.sample() # Iterate over the sample stream. for tweet in tweet_iter: # You must test that your tweet has text. It might be a delete # or data message. if tweet.get('text'): printNicely(tweet['text'])
def notify_retweet(t): """ Notify a retweet """ source = t['user'] created_at = t['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'retweeted your tweet') date = parser.parse(created_at) date = arrow.get(date).to('local') lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = arrow.get(date).to('local').humanize(locale=lang) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) draw(t=t['retweeted_status'], noti=True)
def notify_follow(e): """ Notify a follow event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'followed you') date = parser.parse(created_at) date = arrow.get(date).to('local') lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = arrow.get(date).to('local').humanize(locale=lang) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta)
def connectToStream(self, auth): printNicely("-- Connecting to Stream --") stream = TwitterStream(auth = auth, secure = True, timeout = 20, heartbeat_timeout = 90) tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(track = "love") # while True: # print(".") # self.publish('com.myapp.heartbeat') # yield sleep(1) for tweet in tweet_iter: # check whether this is a valid tweet if tweet is None: printNicely("-- None --") return elif tweet is Timeout: printNicely("-- Timeout --") sleep(5); return elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: printNicely("-- Heartbeat Timeout --") return elif tweet is Hangup: printNicely("-- Hangup --") return elif tweet.get('text'): # obj = {'text': tweet["text"], 'user': tweet["user"]["screen_name"]} obj = {'text': tweet["text"]} yield obj
def listen(self): = TwitterStream(auth=self.auth, **self.stream_args) self.query_args = dict() if self.filterstr: # self.query_args['track'] = self.filterstr if self.filterstr: self.tweet_iter =**self.query_args) else: self.tweet_iter = for tweet in self.tweet_iter: if tweet is None: printNicely("-- None --") elif tweet is Timeout: printNicely("-- Timeout --") elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: printNicely("-- Heartbeat Timeout --") elif tweet is Hangup: printNicely("-- Hangup --") elif tweet.get('text'): if self.callback: # We parse the text to sort tweet into right channel for keywords in self.keywords: for word in keywords: r =,tweet.get("text"),re.IGNORECASE) if not r: continue else: tweet["channel"] = "," .join(keywords) self.callback(json.dumps(tweet)) else: printNicely("-- Some data: " + str(tweet))
def notify_list_user_unsubscribed(e): """ Notify a list_user_unsubscribed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func( c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])('unsubscribed from your list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True)
def muting(): """ List muting user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Init cursor next_cursor = -1 rel = {} # Cursor loop while next_cursor != 0: list = t.mutes.users.list( screen_name=g['original_name'], cursor=next_cursor, skip_status=True, include_entities=False, ) for u in list['users']: rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name'] next_cursor = list['next_cursor'] # Print out result printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' people.') for name in rel: user = '******' + cycle_color(name) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ') printNicely(user)
def twitterlist(): """ Twitter's list """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # List all lists or base on action try: g['list_action'] = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: show_lists(t) return # Sub-function action_ary = { 'home': list_home, 'all_mem': list_members, 'all_sub': list_subscribers, 'add': list_add, 'rm': list_remove, 'sub': list_subscribe, 'unsub': list_unsubscribe, 'own': list_own, 'new': list_new, 'update': list_update, 'del': list_delete, } try: return action_ary[g['list_action']](t) except: printNicely(red('Please try again.'))
def fallback_humanize(date, fallback_format=None, use_fallback=False): """ Format date with arrow and a fallback format """ # Convert to local timezone date = arrow.get(date).to('local') # Set default fallback format if not fallback_format: fallback_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' # Determine using fallback format or not by a variable if use_fallback: return date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) try: # Use Arrow's humanize function lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = date.humanize(locale=lang) except: # Notice at the 1st time only if not dg['humanize_unsupported']: dg['humanize_unsupported'] = True printNicely( light_magenta('Humanized date display method does not support your $LC_ALL.')) # Fallback when LC_ALL is not supported clock = date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) return clock
def help_list(): """ Lists """ s = ' ' * 2 # Twitter list usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Twitter list\n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('list') + \ ' will show all lists you are belong to.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list home') + \ ' will show timeline of list. You will be asked for list\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list all_mem') + \ ' will show list\'s all members.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list all_sub') + \ ' will show list\'s all subscribers.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list add') + \ ' will add specific person to a list owned by you.' + \ ' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list rm') + \ ' will remove specific person from a list owned by you.' + \ ' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list sub') + \ ' will subscribe you to a specific list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list unsub') + \ ' will unsubscribe you from a specific list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list own') + \ ' will show all list owned by you.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list new') + \ ' will create a new list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list update') + \ ' will update a list owned by you.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list del') + \ ' will delete a list owned by you.\n' printNicely(usage)
def list(): """ Twitter's list """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # List all lists or base on action try: g['list_action'] = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: show_lists(t) return # Sub-function action_ary = { 'home': list_home, 'all_mem': list_members, 'all_sub': list_subscribers, 'add': list_add, 'rm': list_remove, 'sub': list_subscribe, 'unsub': list_unsubscribe, 'own': list_own, 'new': list_new, 'update': list_update, 'del': list_delete, } try: return action_ary[g['list_action']](t) except: printNicely(red('Please try again.'))
def help_friends_and_followers(): """ Friends and Followers """ s = ' ' * 2 # Follower and following usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Friends and followers \n') usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('ls fl') + \ ' will list all followers (people who are following you).\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('ls fr') + \ ' will list all friends (people who you are following).\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('fl @dtvd88') + ' will follow ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('ufl @dtvd88') + ' will unfollow ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('mute @dtvd88') + ' will mute ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('unmute @dtvd88') + ' will unmute ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('muting') + ' will list muting users.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('block @dtvd88') + ' will block ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('unblock @dtvd88') + ' will unblock ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('report @dtvd88') + ' will report ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + ' as a spam account.\n' printNicely(usage)
def sent(): """ Sent direct messages """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['MESSAGES_DISPLAY'] rel = [] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = int(g['stuff']) cur_page = 1 # Max message per page is 20 so we have to loop while num > 20: rel = rel + t.direct_messages.sent( count=20, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) num -= 20 cur_page += 1 rel = rel + t.direct_messages.sent( count=num, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) # Display printNicely('Sent: newest ' + str(len(rel)) + ' messages.') for m in reversed(rel): print_message(m) printNicely('')
def list_update(t): """ Update a list """ slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: ')) name = raw_input(light_magenta('Update name (leave blank to unchange): ')) mode = raw_input(light_magenta('Update mode (public/private): ')) description = raw_input(light_magenta('Update description: ')) try: if name: t.lists.update( slug='-'.join(slug.split()), owner_screen_name=g['original_name'], name=name, mode=mode, description=description) else: t.lists.update( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=g['original_name'], mode=mode, description=description) printNicely(green(slug + ' list is updated.')) except: printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
def quote(): """ Quote a tweet """ # Get tweet t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] tweet = # Get formater formater = format_quote(tweet) if not formater: return # Get comment prefix = light_magenta('Compose your ') + light_green('#comment: ') comment = raw_input(prefix) if comment: quote = comment.join(formater.split('#comment')) t.statuses.update(status=quote) else: printNicely(light_magenta('No text added.'))
def notify_list_user_unsubscribed(e): """ Notify a list_user_unsubscribed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'unsubscribed from your list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True)
def notify_follow(e): """ Notify a follow event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'followed you') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta)
def main(): args = parse_arguments() # When using twitter stream you must authorize. auth = OAuth(args.token, args.token_secret, args.consumer_key, args.consumer_secret) # These arguments are optional: stream_args = dict(timeout=args.timeout, block=not args.no_block, heartbeat_timeout=args.heartbeat_timeout) query_args = dict() if args.track_keywords: query_args['track'] = args.track_keywords if args.user_stream: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, domain='', **stream_args) tweet_iter = stream.user(**query_args) elif args.site_stream: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, domain='', **stream_args) tweet_iter =**query_args) else: stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, **stream_args) if args.track_keywords: tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(**query_args) else: tweet_iter = stream.statuses.sample() # Connect to RethinkDB try: db.connect() except RqlDriverError: log.error('Couldn\'t connect to database.') # Iterate over the sample stream. for tweet in tweet_iter: # You must test that your tweet has text. It might be a delete or data message. if tweet is None: log.error('None') elif tweet is Timeout: log.error('Timeout') elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: log.error('Heartbeat Timeout') elif tweet is Hangup: log.error('Hangup') elif tweet.get('text'): tweet[ 'stream_id'] = '1234567890' # TODO: add that stream_id gets passed to db.insert(DATABASE, TWEETS_TABLE, tweet) printNicely(tweet['text']) else: log.error('Some data ' + str(tweet))
def show_lists(t): """ List list """ rel = t.lists.list(screen_name=g['original_name']) if rel: print_list(rel) else: printNicely(light_magenta('You belong to no lists :)'))
def print_trends(trends): """ Display topics """ for topic in trends[:c['TREND_MAX']]: name = topic['name'] url = topic['url'] line = cycle_color(name) + ': ' + color_func(c['TREND']['url'])(url) printNicely(line) printNicely('')
def quit(): """ Exit all """ try: save_history() printNicely(green('See you next time :)')) except: pass sys.exit()
def detail_twitter_error(twitterException): """ Display Twitter Errors nicely """ data = twitterException.response_data try: for m in data.get('errors', dict()): printNicely(yellow(m.get('message'))) except: printNicely(yellow(data))
def follow(): """ Follow a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.friendships.create(screen_name=screen_name[1:], follow=True) printNicely(green('You are following ' + screen_name + ' now!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def mentions(): """ Mentions timeline """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = int(g['stuff']) for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.mentions_timeline(count=num)): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('')
def do_stuff(auth, query_args, stream_args, toggle): if toggle == "toggle": # We'll do a short tweet than a long one then a short... do_short = True else: # Only one size do_short = toggle == "short" word_count = 0 tweet_count = 0 stream = TwitterStream(auth=auth, **stream_args) tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(**query_args) # Iterate over the sample stream for tweet in tweet_iter: # You must test that your tweet has text. It might be a delete # or data message. if tweet is None: pass # printNicely("-- None --") # elif tweet is Timeout: # printNicely("-- Timeout --") # elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: # printNicely("-- Heartbeat Timeout --") # elif tweet is Hangup: # printNicely("-- Hangup --") else: if "extended_tweet" in tweet: text = tweet["extended_tweet"]["full_text"] else: text = tweet.get("text") # pprint(tweet) processed = process_tweet(text, query_args['track'], do_short) if processed: tweet_count += 1 word_count += len(processed.split()) processed = do_html_things(processed) printNicely( '<div id={0} class={1}><a href=#{0}>{2}</a></div>'.format( tweet_count, "s" if do_short else "l", processed)) # print(do_short) if toggle == "toggle": do_short = not do_short # toggle # print(do_short) if word_count > 56000: # 280 * 200 break printNicely("")
def home(): """ Home """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = int(g['stuff']) for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.home_timeline(count=num)): draw(t=tweet, iot=g['iot']) printNicely('')
def report(): """ Report a user as a spam account """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.users.report_spam(screen_name=screen_name[1:]) printNicely(green('You reported ' + screen_name + '.')) else: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
def list_delete(t): """ Delete a list """ slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: ')) try: t.lists.destroy(slug='-'.join(slug.split()), owner_screen_name=g['original_name']) printNicely(green(slug + ' list is deleted.')) except: printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
def reset(): """ Reset prefix of line """ if g['reset']: printNicely(magenta('Need tips ? Type "h" and hit Enter key!')) g['reset'] = False try: printNicely(str(eval(g['cmd']))) except Exception: pass
def retweet(): """ ReTweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.statuses.retweet(id=tid, include_entities=False, trim_user=True)
def list_new(t): """ Create a new list """ name = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s name: ')) mode = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s mode (public/private): ')) description = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s description: ')) try: t.lists.create(name=name, mode=mode, description=description) printNicely(green(name + ' list is created.')) except: printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
def report(): """ Report a user as a spam account """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.users.report_spam( screen_name=screen_name[1:]) printNicely(green('You reported ' + screen_name + '.')) else: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
def list_unsubscribe(t): """ Unsubscribe a list """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Subscribe try: t.lists.subscribers.destroy(slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner) printNicely(green('Done.')) except: printNicely( light_magenta('I\'m sorry you can not unsubscribe to this list.'))
def list_home(t): """ List home """ owner, slug = get_slug() res = t.lists.statuses(slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, count=c['LIST_MAX'], include_entities=False) for tweet in res: draw(t=tweet) printNicely('')
def trash(): """ Remove message """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) mid = c['message_dict'][id] t.direct_messages.destroy(id=mid) printNicely(green('Message deleted.'))
def unfollow(): """ Unfollow a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.friendships.destroy(screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False) printNicely(green('Unfollow ' + screen_name + ' success!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def trash(): """ Remove message """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: rid = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) mid = db.rainbow_to_message_query(rid)[0].message_id t.direct_messages.destroy(id=mid) printNicely(green('Message deleted.'))
def list_delete(t): """ Delete a list """ slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: ')) try: t.lists.destroy( slug='-'.join(slug.split()), owner_screen_name=g['original_name']) printNicely(green(slug + ' list is deleted.')) except: printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
def retweet(): """ ReTweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = db.rainbow_to_tweet_query(id)[0].tweet_id t.statuses.retweet(id=tid, include_entities=False, trim_user=True)
def block(): """ Block a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.blocks.create(screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False, skip_status=True) printNicely(green('You blocked ' + screen_name + '.')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def muting(): """ List muting user """ # Get dict of muting users md = build_mute_dict(dict_data=True) printNicely('All: ' + str(len(md)) + ' people.') for name in md: user = '******' + cycle_color(md[name]) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + name + ' ') printNicely(user) # Update from Twitter c['IGNORE_LIST'] = [n for n in md]
def delete(): """ Delete """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.statuses.destroy(id=tid) printNicely(green('Okay it\'s gone.'))
def unblock(): """ Unblock a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.blocks.destroy(screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False, skip_status=True) printNicely(green('Unblock ' + screen_name + ' success!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def detail_twitter_error(twitterException): """ Display Twitter Errors nicely """ try: # twitterException.response_data can be byte string on Python 3 # or nornal dict on Python 2 loadedJson = json.loads(twitterException.response_data.decode('utf8')) for m in loadedJson.get('errors', dict()): info = "Error " + str(m.get('code')) + ": " + m.get('message') printNicely(yellow(info)) except: info = "Error: " + twitterException.response_data.decode('utf8') printNicely(yellow(info))
def whois(): """ Show profile of a specific user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): try: user =[1:], include_entities=False) show_profile(user) except: printNicely(red('Omg no user.')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def list_own(t): """ List own """ rel = [] next_cursor = -1 while next_cursor != 0: res = t.lists.ownerships(screen_name=g['original_name'], cursor=next_cursor) rel += res['lists'] next_cursor = res['next_cursor'] if rel: print_list(rel) else: printNicely(light_magenta('You own no lists :)'))