예제 #1
파일: student.py 프로젝트: w268wang/uw-tree
    def init(self, twitter_id, user_oauth_token, user_oauth_token_secret):
        self.twitter_id = twitter_id

        self.twitter_account = TwitterAccount()
        self.twitter_account.init(user_oauth_token, user_oauth_token_secret)

        self.current_year = '1A'
        self.current_plan = []
        self.current_major = []
        self.courses_taken = []
        self.interested_courses = []
예제 #2
파일: student.py 프로젝트: w268wang/uw-tree
class Student(mongo.Document):

    meta = {
        'db_alias': 'uw-tree',
        'collection': 'students'

    # The twitter user id associated with this student account
    twitter_id = mongo.LongField(required = True)

    # The other twitter account infomation
    twitter_account = mongo.EmbeddedDocumentField(TwitterAccount, required = True)

    # Email
    email = mongo.StringField(required = True)

    # The year this student is in.
    current_year = mongo.StringField(required = True)

    # The current course plan.
    current_plan = mongo.ListField(required = True)

    # The current major.
    current_major = mongo.ListField(required = True)

    # The courses this student took before.
    # course - mark - year took - want to retake
    courses_taken = mongo.ListField(required = True)

    # The courses this student is interested in.
    interested_courses = mongo.ListField(required = True)

    def init(self, twitter_id, user_oauth_token, user_oauth_token_secret):
        self.twitter_id = twitter_id

        self.twitter_account = TwitterAccount()
        self.twitter_account.init(user_oauth_token, user_oauth_token_secret)

        self.current_year = '1A'
        self.current_plan = []
        self.current_major = []
        self.courses_taken = []
        self.interested_courses = []

    def update_twitter_info(self, **kwargs):
예제 #3
#         list1 = "js=nadim,valentine,benj,bryan,steph,nicolas,antoine,anne-marie,croquette"
#         list2 = "nadim=valentine"
#         list3 = "valentine=nadim,js"
#         list4 = "steph=js,max,bryan"
#         list5 = "bryan=js,steph,valentine,nadim,benj"
#         list6 = "vincent=nicolas,antoine,anne-marie,croquette,js"
#         list7 = "nicolas=antoine,anne-marie,croquette,js,vincent"
#         adjacency_list = [list1,list2,list3]
        twitter_auth_params = TwitterAuthParams(_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
        twitter_account = TwitterAccount(twitter_auth_params)
        auth_user_id = twitter_account.getAuthenticatedUserId()
        neighbors_list = twitter_account.getListOfFriendsFromId(user_id=auth_user_id)
        print("There are '"+str(len(neighbors_list))+"' direct neighbors that were collected from user ID '"+str(auth_user_id)+"'.")
        print("Creating the adjacency list of the graph")
        time_milli = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        adj_list_file = open("neighbor_list."+str(time_milli)+".dat", 'a')
        adjacency_list = []
        for neighbor_id in neighbors_list:
            print("Current neighbor_id ID '"+str(neighbor_id)+"'")
            neighbors_of_neighbor = twitter_account.getListOfFriendsFromId(user_id=neighbor_id)