def reset(request): """ Prompt a user for their email address. """ if request.method == 'POST': form = ResetForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): key = ConfirmationKey(user=form.user) template = render_to_string( 'accounts/emails/reset.txt', { 'user': key.user, 'url': request.build_absolute_uri( reverse('accounts:reset_confirm', kwargs={'key': key.key})), }) send_mail('2buntu Password Reset', template, '2buntu <*****@*****.**>', []) request, "An email has been sent to the address you provided with instructions on completing the password reset procedure." ) return redirect('home') else: form = ResetForm() return render( request, 'form.html', { 'title': 'Reset Password', 'form': form, 'description': "Please fill in the form below to begin the password reset procedure.", 'action': 'Continue', })
def register(request): """ Present a registration form for new users. """ if request.method == 'POST': form = RegistrationForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = = form.cleaned_data['email'] user.is_active = False key = ConfirmationKey(user=user) template = render_to_string('accounts/emails/register.txt', { 'user': user, 'url': request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('accounts:register_confirm', kwargs={'key': key.key})), }) send_mail('2buntu Registration', template, '2buntu <*****@*****.**>', []), "Please check the email address you provided for instructions on activating your account.") return redirect('home') else: form = RegistrationForm() return render(request, 'form.html', { 'title': 'Register', 'form': form, 'description': "Please fill in the form below to create your account.", 'action': 'Register', })
def reset(request): """Prompt a user for their email address.""" if request.method == 'POST': form = ResetForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): key = ConfirmationKey(user=form.user) template = render_to_string('emails/reset.txt', { 'user': key.user, 'url': request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('accounts:reset_confirm', kwargs={'key': key.key,})), }) send_mail('2buntu Password Reset', template, '2buntu <*****@*****.**>', [,]), "An email has been sent to the address you provided with instructions on completing the password reset procedure.") return redirect('home') else: form = ResetForm() return render(request, 'form.html', { 'title': 'Reset Password', 'form': form, 'description': "Please fill in the form below to begin the password reset procedure.", 'action': 'Continue', })