예제 #1
def main(reactor):
    # create an etcd client
    etcd = Client(reactor)

    # retrieve etcd cluster status
    status = yield etcd.status()

    # callback invoked for every change
    def on_change(kv):
        print('on_change: {}'.format(kv))

    # start watching on given keys or key sets
    # when the key sets overlap, the callback might get called multiple
    # times, once for each key set matching an event
    keys = [KeySet(b'mykey2', b'mykey5'), KeySet(b'mykey', prefix=True)]
    d = etcd.watch(keys, on_change)

    # stop after 10 seconds
    print('watching for 1s ..')
    yield txaio.sleep(1)

    etcd.set(b'mykey10', b'Test')

    print('watching for 3s ..')
    yield txaio.sleep(3)

예제 #2
def main(reactor):
    # create an etcd client
    etcd = Client(reactor, u'http://localhost:2379')

    # retrieve etcd cluster status
    status = yield etcd.status()
예제 #3
def main(reactor):
    # create an etcd client
    etcd = Client(reactor)

    # retrieve etcd cluster status
    status = yield etcd.status()
예제 #4
def main(reactor):

    etcd = Client(reactor, u'http://localhost:2379')

    status = yield etcd.status()

    yield example1(reactor, etcd)
    yield example2(reactor, etcd)
    yield example3(reactor, etcd)
    yield example4(reactor, etcd)
    yield example5(reactor, etcd)
예제 #5
def main(reactor):

    etcd = Client(reactor)

    status = yield etcd.status()

    yield example1(reactor, etcd)
    yield example2(reactor, etcd)
    yield example3(reactor, etcd)
    yield example4(reactor, etcd)
    yield example5(reactor, etcd)
예제 #6
def main(reactor):
    etcd = Client(reactor, u'')

    status = yield etcd.status()
예제 #7
def main(reactor):
    if True:
        with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
            print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

            schema = MySchema()

            with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
                # write records into zlmdb
                with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                    for i in range(10):
                        key = 'key{}'.format(i)
                        value = 'value{}'.format(random.randint(0, 1000))
                        schema.samples[txn, key] = value

                # read records from zlmdb
                with db.begin() as txn:
                    for i in range(10):
                        key = 'key{}'.format(i)
                        value = schema.samples[txn, key]
                        print('key={} : value={}'.format(key, value))

    if True:
        # etcd database
        etcd = Client(reactor)
        status = yield etcd.status()

        # zlmdb database
        schema = MySchema()
        dbpath = '/tmp/.test-zlmdb'

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            print('zlmdb open on {}'.format(dbpath))

            # check current record count
            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.samples.count(txn)
                print('currently {} rows in table'.format(cnt))

            # watch changes in etcd and write to local zlmdb
            def on_change(kv):
                key = kv.key.decode()
                value = kv.value.decode()
                with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                    schema.samples[txn, key] = value
                    'on_change received from etcd and written to zlmdb: key={} value={}'
                    .format(key, value))

            # start watching for etcd changes ..
            ks = [KeySet('k'.encode(), prefix=True)]
            d = etcd.watch(ks, on_change)

            print('watching for 1s ..')
            yield txaio.sleep(1)

            # loop every 1s and write a key-value in etcd directly
            for i in range(5):
                print('watching for 1s ..')
                yield txaio.sleep(1)

                key = 'key{}'.format(i).encode()
                value = 'value{}'.format(random.randint(0, 1000)).encode()

                etcd.set(key, value)

            # cancel our watch

            yield util.sleep(1)

            # check current record count
            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.samples.count(txn)
                print('currently {} rows in table'.format(cnt))

            yield util.sleep(1)