예제 #1
    def test_preserveDeadHostStats(self):

        time = None
        ht1 = HostTracking(self.group1)
        s1 = schedulerFactory(ht1.group.lbType, ht1)
        # let's cycle through all the hosts twice
        fakeSenderFactories = [object() for x in xrange(8)]
        sequence = [ht1.getHost(x) for x in fakeSenderFactories]
        # check the stats
        stats = ht1.getStats()
        self.assertEquals(len(stats['bad'].keys()), 0)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['openconns'].values()), 8)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['totals'].values()), 0)
        # finish them up
        [ht1.doneHost(x) for x in fakeSenderFactories]
        # check the clenaup stats
        stats = ht1.getStats()
        self.assertEquals(len(stats['bad'].keys()), 0)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['openconns'].values()), 0)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['totals'].values()), 8)
        # now let's do a bad host
        fakeSenderFactory = object()
        host = ht1.getHost(fakeSenderFactory)
        stats = ht1.getStats()
        # make sure that the bad host is listed in the open connections
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['openconns'].values()), 1)
        ht1.openconns[fakeSenderFactory] = (time, host)
        ht1.deadHost(fakeSenderFactory, doLog=False)
        stats = ht1.getStats()
        # make sure that the previous stats for the bad host are not deleted
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['totals'].values()), 8)
예제 #2
    def test_deadHostStats(self):

        badHost = ('ip1', 3)
        time = None
        fakeSenderFactory = object()
        ht1 = HostTracking(self.group1)
        s1 = schedulerFactory(ht1.group.lbType, ht1)
        ht1.openconns[fakeSenderFactory] = (time, badHost)
        ht1.deadHost(fakeSenderFactory, doLog=False)
        stats = ht1.getStats()
        self.assertEquals(len(stats['bad'].keys()), 1)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['openconns'].values()), 0)
        self.assertEquals(sum(stats['totals'].values()), 0)