예제 #1
def deleteIndex(url):
    """Delete all documents in an L{ObjectIndex}.

    @param url: The URL of the Solr index to delete.
    @return: A C{Deferred} that will fire when all documents have been
    client = SolrClient(url)
    yield client.deleteByQuery('*:*')
    yield client.commit()
예제 #2
def buildIndex(url, stream=sys.stderr):
    """Build documents in an L{ObjectIndex} for data in the main store.

    @param url: The URL of the Solr index to create documents in.
    @param stream: The file descriptor to send progress updates to. Defaults to
    @raise RuntimeError: Raised if the Solr index is not empty.
    @return: A C{Deferred} that will fire with the number of new documents
        that were created in the index.
    client = SolrClient(url)
    response = yield client.search('*:*', rows=1)
    if response.results.docs:
        raise RuntimeError('Index is not empty!')
    yield updateIndex(url, stream=stream)
예제 #3
def updateIndex(url, createdAfterTime=datetime.min, stream=sys.stderr):
    Build documents in an L{ObjectIndex} for data in the main store
    that has been updated since the provided C{datetime}.

    @param url: The URL of the Solr index to create documents in.
    @param createdAfterTime: An inclusive C{datetime} offset from which to
        update new tag-values.
    @param stream: The file descriptor to send progress updates to. Defaults to
    @return: A C{Deferred} that will fire with the number of new documents
        that were created in the index.
    client = SolrClient(url)
    index = ObjectIndex(client)
    MAX_DOCUMENTS = 1000

    # setup progress bar
    progressbarWidth = 78
    totalRows = getMainStore().find(TagValue).count()
    documentsPerDash = totalRows / progressbarWidth
    stream.write("[%s]" % (" " * progressbarWidth))
    stream.write("\b" * (progressbarWidth + 1))  # return to start of bar

    documents = {}
    documentsProcessed = 0
    result = groupby(_getAllTagValues(createdAfterTime), itemgetter(2))
    for objectID, values in result:
        tagValues = dict((path, value) for path, value, _ in values)
        documents.update({objectID: tagValues})
        if len(documents) >= MAX_DOCUMENTS:
            yield index.update(documents)
            documents = {}
        documentsProcessed += 1
        if documentsProcessed == documentsPerDash:
            documentsProcessed = 0
    if documents:
        yield index.update(documents)

    yield client.commit()