def test_const_dict_of_dict(self): int_dict = ConstDict(int, int) int_dict_2 = ConstDict(int_dict,int_dict) d = int_dict({1:2}) d2 = int_dict({1:2,3:4}) big = int_dict_2({d:d2}) self.assertTrue(d in big) self.assertTrue(d2 not in big) self.assertTrue(big[d] == d2)
def test_const_dict_lookup(self): for type_to_use, vals in [ (int, list(range(20))), (bytes, [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5']) ]: t = ConstDict(type_to_use, type_to_use) for _ in range(10): ks = list(vals) vs = list(vals) numpy.random.shuffle(ks) numpy.random.shuffle(vs) py_d = {} for i in range(len(ks)): py_d[ks[i]] = vs[i] typed_d = t(py_d) for k in py_d: self.assertEqual(py_d[k], typed_d[k]) last_k = None for k in typed_d: assert last_k is None or k > last_k, (k,last_k) last_k = k
def test_create_function_with_kwargs_and_star_args_and_defaults(self): @Function def f( x: int, y=30, z: None = None, *args: TupleOf(float), **kwargs: ConstDict(str, float) ) -> int: return x + 1 self.assertEqual(len(f.overloads), 1) o = f.overloads[0] self.assertEqual(len(o.args), 5) self.assertEqual([ for a in o.args], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'args', 'kwargs']) self.assertEqual( [a.typeFilter for a in o.args], [Int64, None, NoneType, TupleOf(float), ConstDict(str, float)]) self.assertEqual([a.defaultValue for a in o.args], [None, (30, ), (None, ), None, None]) self.assertEqual([a.isStarArg for a in o.args], [False, False, False, True, False]) self.assertEqual([a.isKwarg for a in o.args], [False, False, False, False, True])
def test_const_dict_of_tuple(self): K = NamedTuple(a=OneOf(float, int), b=OneOf(float, int)) someKs = [K(a=0,b=0), K(a=1), K(a=10), K(b=10), K()] T = ConstDict(K, K) indexDict = {} x = T() numpy.random.seed(42) for _ in range(100): i1 = numpy.random.choice(len(someKs)) i2 = numpy.random.choice(len(someKs)) add = numpy.random.choice([False, True]) if add: indexDict[i1] = i2 x = x + {someKs[i1]: someKs[i2]} else: if i1 in indexDict: del indexDict[i1] x = x - (someKs[i1],) self.assertEqual(x, T({someKs[i]:someKs[v] for i,v in indexDict.items()})) for k in x: self.assertTrue(k in x) x[k]
class LoginPlugin: name = Indexed(str) # auth plugin login_plugin_factory = object # factory for LoginPluginInterface objects auth_plugins = TupleOf(OneOf(None, AuthPluginBase)) codebase = OneOf(None, service_schema.Codebase) config = ConstDict(str, str)
def test_class_in_forward(self): class C(Class): x = Member(int) Fwd = Forward("Forward") Fwd = Fwd.define(OneOf(None, C, TupleOf(Fwd), ListOf(Fwd), ConstDict(str, Fwd))) Fwd(C())
def test_const_dict_lookup_time(self): int_dict = ConstDict(int, int) d = int_dict({k:k for k in range(1000000)}) for k in range(1000000): self.assertTrue(k in d) self.assertTrue(d[k] == k)
def test_dict_to_oneof(self): t = ConstDict(str,OneOf("A","B","ABCDEF")) a = t({'a':'A','b':'ABCDEF'}) self.assertEqual(a['a'], "A") self.assertEqual(a['b'], "ABCDEF") self.assertEqual(a, deserialize(t,serialize(t,a)))
def f( x: int, y=30, z: None = None, *args: TupleOf(float), **kwargs: ConstDict(str, float) ) -> int: return x + 1
def test_const_dict_int_perf(self): t = ConstDict(int,int) t0 = time.time() for i in range(100000): t({k:k+1 for k in range(10)}) elapsed = time.time() - t0 print("Took ", elapsed, " to do 1mm") self.check_expected_performance(elapsed)
class State: instance_type = Indexed(str) booted = int desired = int spot_desired = int spot_booted = int observedLimit = OneOf(None, int) # maximum observed limit count capacityConstrained = bool spotPrices = ConstDict(str, float)
def test_const_dict_str_perf(self): t = ConstDict(str,str) t0 = time.time() for i in range(100000): t({str(k): str(k+1) for k in range(10)}) elapsed = time.time() - t0 print("Took ", elapsed, " to do 1mm") self.check_expected_performance(elapsed)
def loop(x: ConstDict(int, int)): res = 0 i = 0 while i < len(x): j = 0 while j < len(x): res = res + x[j] + x[i] j = j + 1 i = i + 1 return res
def test_dict_hash_perf(self): str_dict = ConstDict(str, str) s = str_dict({'a' * 1000000: 'b' * 1000000}) t0 = time.time() for k in range(1000000): hash(s) elapsed = time.time() - t0 print(elapsed, " to do 1mm") self.check_expected_performance(elapsed)
def test_const_dict(self): T = ConstDict(int, int) self.assertEqual( serialize(T, T({ 1: 2, 33: 44 })), BEGIN_COMPOUND(0) + VARINT(0) + unsignedVarint(2) + # for the size VARINT(0) + signedVarint(1) + VARINT(0) + signedVarint(2) + VARINT(0) + signedVarint(33) + VARINT(0) + signedVarint(44) + END_COMPOUND())
def test_const_dict(self): t = ConstDict(str,str) self.assertEqual(len(t()), 0) self.assertEqual(len(t({})), 0) self.assertEqual(len(t({'a':'b'})), 1) self.assertEqual(t({'a':'b'})['a'], 'b') self.assertEqual(t({'a':'b','b':'c'})['b'], 'c') self.assertTrue("a" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b'})))) self.assertTrue("a" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b','b':'c'})))) self.assertTrue("a" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b','b':'c','c':'d'})))) self.assertTrue("a" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b','b':'c','c':'d','d':'e'})))) self.assertTrue("c" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b','b':'c','c':'d','def':'e'})))) self.assertTrue("def" in deserialize(t,serialize(t, t({'a':'b','b':'c','c':'d','def':'e'}))))
def test_refcounts_of_objects_across_boundary(self): class Object: pass _ = Object() A = Alternative("A", X={'x': int}, Y={'y': int}) for instance in [ TupleOf(int)((1, 2, 3)), ListOf(int)((1, 2, 3)), # Dict(int,int)({1:2,3:4}), ConstDict(int, int)({1: 2, 3: 4}), AClass(), # anObject, A.X(x=10) ]: self.refcountsTest(instance)
def test_serialize_primitive_compound_types(self): class A: pass B = Alternative("B", X={'a': A}) ts = SerializationContext({'A': A, 'B': B}) for t in [ ConstDict(int, float), NamedTuple(x=int, y=str), TupleOf(bool), Tuple(int, int, bool), OneOf(int, float), OneOf(1, 2, 3, "hi", b"goodbye"), TupleOf(NamedTuple(x=int)), TupleOf(object), TupleOf(A), TupleOf(B) ]: self.assertIs(ping_pong(t, ts), t)
class TaskStatus: task = Indexed(Task) parentStatus = OneOf(None, task_schema.TaskStatus) resourceScope = Indexed(OneOf(None, ResourceScope)) state = Indexed( OneOf("Unassigned", "Assigned", "Working", "Sleeping", "WaitForSubtasks", "DoneCalculating", "Collected")) wakeup_timestamp = OneOf(None, float) subtasks = OneOf(None, ConstDict(str, task_schema.TaskStatus)) subtasks_completed = int times_failed = int worker = Indexed(OneOf(None, task_schema.TaskWorker)) @revisionConflictRetry def finish(self, db, result, elapsed=0.0): with db.transaction(): self._finish(result, elapsed) def _finish(self, result, elapsed=0.0): self.task.result = result self.task.time_elapsed += elapsed self.worker = None self.state = "DoneCalculating"
def test_dictionary_addition_and_subtraction(self): someDicts = [{i:choice([1,2,3,4,5]) for i in range(choice([4,6,10,20]))} for _ in range(20)] intDict = ConstDict(int,int) for d1 in someDicts: for d2 in someDicts: addResult = dict(d1) addResult.update(d2) self.assertEqual(intDict(d1) + intDict(d2), intDict(addResult)) res = intDict(addResult) while len(res): toRemove = [] for i in range(choice(list(range(len(res))))+1): key = choice(list(addResult)) del addResult[key] toRemove.append(key) res = res - toRemove self.assertEqual(res, intDict(addResult))
class Codebase: hash = Indexed(str) # filename (at root of project import) to contents files = ConstDict(str, service_schema.File) @staticmethod def createFromRootlevelPath(rootPath): return Codebase.createFromCodebase( TypedPythonCodebase.FromRootlevelPath(rootPath)) @staticmethod def createFromCodebase(codebase: TypedPythonCodebase): return Codebase.createFromFiles(codebase.filesToContents) @staticmethod def createFromFiles(files): assert files files = { k: File.create(v) if not isinstance(v, File) else v for k, v in files.items() } hashval = sha_hash(files).hexdigest c = Codebase.lookupAny(hash=hashval) if c: return c return Codebase(hash=hashval, files=files) def instantiate(self, module_name=None, codebase_dir_override=None): """Instantiate a codebase on disk and load it.""" with _codebase_lock: if codebase_dir_override is None: assert _codebase_instantiation_dir is not None codebase_dir_override = _codebase_instantiation_dir if self.hash not in _codebase_cache: try: if not os.path.exists(codebase_dir_override): os.makedirs(codebase_dir_override) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warn( "Exception trying to make directory '%s'", codebase_dir_override) logging.getLogger(__name__).warn("Exception: %s", e) disk_path = os.path.join(codebase_dir_override, self.hash) # preload the files, since they're lazy. object_database.current_transaction().db().requestLazyObjects( set(self.files.values())) fileContents = { fpath: file.contents for fpath, file in self.files.items() } _codebase_cache[self.hash] = TypedPythonCodebase.Instantiate( fileContents, disk_path) if module_name is None: return _codebase_cache[self.hash] return _codebase_cache[self.hash].getModuleByName(module_name)
return TaskStatusResult.Finished(result=self.f(taskContext.db)) class FunctionTask(TaskExecutor): """A simple task that just runs a single function.""" def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def instantiate(self): return RunningFunctionTask(self.f) TaskStatusResult = Alternative( 'TaskStatusResult', Finished={'result': object}, Subtasks={'subtasks': ConstDict(str, TaskExecutor)}, SleepUntil={'wakeup_timestamp': float}) TaskResult = Alternative("TaskResult", Result={'result': object}, Error={'error': str}, Failure={}) @task_schema.define class Task: service = Indexed(service_schema.Service) service_and_finished = Index('service', 'finished') resourceScope = Indexed(OneOf(None, ResourceScope)) executor = TaskExecutor
# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import inspect from object_database.object import DatabaseObject, Index, Indexed from types import FunctionType from typed_python import ConstDict, NamedTuple, Tuple, TupleOf TypeDefinition = NamedTuple(fields=TupleOf(str), indices=TupleOf(str)) SchemaDefinition = ConstDict(str, TypeDefinition) def SubscribeLazilyByDefault(t): t.__object_database_lazy_subscription__ = True return t class Schema: """A collection of types that can be used to access data in a database.""" def __init__(self, name): self._name = name # Map: typename:str -> cls(DatabaseObject) self._types = {} self._supportingTypes = {} # class -> indexname -> fun(object->value)
_heartbeatInterval = [5.0] def setHeartbeatInterval(newInterval): _heartbeatInterval[0] = newInterval def getHeartbeatInterval(): return _heartbeatInterval[0] ClientToServer = Alternative( "ClientToServer", TransactionData={ "writes": ConstDict(ObjectFieldId, OneOf(None, bytes)), "set_adds": ConstDict(IndexId, TupleOf(ObjectId)), "set_removes": ConstDict(IndexId, TupleOf(ObjectId)), "key_versions": TupleOf(ObjectFieldId), "index_versions": TupleOf(IndexId), "transaction_guid": int }, CompleteTransaction={ "as_of_version": int, "transaction_guid": int }, Heartbeat={}, DefineSchema={ 'name': str, 'definition': SchemaDefinition }, LoadLazyObject={ 'schema': str, 'typename': str, 'identity': ObjectId }, Subscribe={ 'schema': str,
def raising(type, msg): raise type(msg) Display = lambda: Display Display = Alternative( "Display", Displays={ 'displays': TupleOf(Display), 'title': str }, Plot={ 'args': TupleOf(object), 'kwargs': ConstDict(str, object), 'title': str }, Object={ 'object': object, 'title': str }, # show an arbitrary python object (should be small - a class or module) Print={ 'str': str, 'title': str }, # show a message from the code. titled=lambda self, title: Display.Displays(displays=self.displays, title=title) if self.matches.Displays else Display.Object(object=self.object, title=title) if self.matches.Object else Display.Print(str=self.str, title=title)
def test_dictionary_subtraction_basic(self): intDict = ConstDict(int,int) self.assertEqual(intDict({1:2}) - (1,), intDict({})) self.assertEqual(intDict({1:2, 3:4}) - (1,), intDict({3:4})) self.assertEqual(intDict({1:2, 3:4}) - (3,), intDict({1:2}))
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typed_python import Function, ConstDict, String import typed_python._types as _types from nativepython.runtime import Runtime import unittest import time def Compiled(f): f = Function(f) return Runtime.singleton().compile(f) dictTypes = [ConstDict(str, str), ConstDict(int, str), ConstDict(int, int)] def makeSomeValues(dtype, count=10): res = dtype() for i in range(count): if res.KeyType is String: k = str(i) else: k = i if res.ValueType is String: v = str(i) else: v = i
def test_const_dict(self): self.assertEqual(ConstDict(str, int).KeyType, String()) self.assertEqual(ConstDict(str, int).ValueType, Int64())
def test_recursive_forwards(self): Value = Forward("Value") Value.define(OneOf( None, ConstDict(str, Value) ))
class ThingWithDicts: x = ConstDict(str, bytes)