예제 #1
    def _parseJidLocTime(self, mess, args, parse_date = True):
        jid = mess.getFrom().getStripped()

        args = args.strip()

        if args is None or len(args) == 0:
            return (jid, None, None)

        loc = None
        dt = None
        lng = None
        lat = None
        loc_name = None

        pargs = self._arg_re.split(args.strip())

        if pargs is not None:
            for arg in pargs:
                parsed_arg = TypeDetector(arg)
                if parse_date and parsed_arg.getType() == TypeDetector.DATE:
                    if dt is not None:
                        raise CmdError('Invalid double date argument: ' + arg)
                    dt = parsed_arg.getTypeValue()
                elif parsed_arg.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LONG:
                    if lng is not None:
                        raise CmdError('Invalid double longitude argument: ' + arg)
                    lng = parsed_arg.getTypeValue()
                elif parsed_arg.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LAT:
                    if lat is not None:
                        raise CmdError('Invalid double latitude argument: ' + arg)
                    lat = parsed_arg.getTypeValue()
                elif parsed_arg.getType() == TypeDetector.STRING:
                    if loc_name is not None:
                        raise CmdError('Invalid double location name argument: ' + arg)
                    loc_name = parsed_arg.getValue()
                    raise CmdError('Invalid argument: ' + arg)

            if (lng is not None or lat is not None) and loc_name is not None:
                raise CmdError('Invalid arguments. Please specify only one of longitude/latitude or location name.')
            if lng is not None and lat is None:
                raise CmdError('Invalid argument. Latitude missing.')
            if lng is None and lat is not None:
                raise CmdError('Invalid argument. Latitude missing.')
            if lng is not None:
                loc = Location(None, None, None, lng, lat)
            elif loc_name is not None:
                loc = Location(None, None, loc_name, None, None)

        return (jid, loc, dt)
예제 #2
    def _doAddLoc(self, c, user, loc_name, sval1, sval2):
        """ Add location to list of locations. It reads geographic position in angle or geo format

        val1 = TypeDetector(sval1)
        val2 = TypeDetector(sval2)

        lng = 0.0
        lat = 0.0

        if val1.getType() == TypeDetector.FLOAT:
            if val2.getType() == TypeDetector.FLOAT:
                lng = val1.getTypeValue()
                lat = val2.getTypeValue()
                return 'Invalid argument: "' + sval2 + '".  Number is expected.'
        elif val1.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LONG:
            if val2.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LAT:
                lng = val1.getTypeValue()
                lat = val2.getTypeValue()
                return 'Invalid argument: "' + sval2 + u'". Latitude expected. Example: 15??3\'53.856"E'
        elif val1.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LAT:
            if val2.getType() == TypeDetector.LOCATION_LONG:
                lat = val1.getTypeValue()
                lng = val2.getTypeValue()
                return 'Invalid argument: "' + sval2 + u'". Longitude expected. Example: 50??46\'1.655"N'
            return 'Invalid format of argument value: "' + sval1 + '". Use help for .'

        loc = user.getLocationByName(c, loc_name)

        if loc is None:
            user_locations = user.getUserLocationList(c)
            if len(user_locations) < self.MAX_USER_LOCATIONS:
                loc = user.createLocation(c, loc_name, lng, lat)
                reply = 'Location "' + loc.getInfo() + '" added.'
                # set default location if it is a first one
                if len(user_locations) == 0:
                    user.setDefaultLocation(c, loc)
                    reply += ' Location set as default location.'
                reply = 'Add location failed. Number of user locations exceeded limit ' + self.MAX_USER_LOCATIONS
            reply = 'Location "' + loc.getInfo() + '" already exists.'

        return reply