예제 #1
class Primer():
    '''An asynchronous cache implementation. Maintains multiple recursive calls stably.'''
    def __init__(self,func):
        for n in list(n for n in set(dir(func)) - set(dir(self)) if n != '__class__'):
            setattr(self, n, getattr(func, n))
        self._e= self._m.Event()
        self._t=Process(target=_taskManager,args=(self._q,self._d,self._f,self._n, self._e))
    def apply_async(self,*item):
        return _getValue(self._d,self._q,self._e,False,self.func,*item)
    def __call__(self,*item):
        return _getValue(self._d,self._q,self._e,True,self.func,*item)
    def __del__(self):
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'concurrent.Cache('+self.func.__repr__()+')'
예제 #2
파일: _cache.py 프로젝트: cdusold/PySpeedup
class Cache():
    An asynchronous cache implementation. Maintains multiple recursive calls stably.

    The resultant object operates just like a function, but runs the code outside
    the main process. When calls are started with :meth:`~Cache.apply_async`, a new process
    is created to evaluate the call.

    A simple cache can reduce recursive functions such as the naive Fibonacci function
    to linear time in the input space, whereas a parallel cache can reduce certain
    problems even farther, depending on the layout of the call and the number of processors
    available on a computer. The code below demonstrates using :class:`Cache` as a simple

        >>> @Cache
        ... def fibonacci(n):
        ...     if n < 2: # Not bothering with input value checking here.
        ...         return 1
        ...     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
        >>> fibonacci(5)

    Using cache to take advantage of the ability to handle recursion branching, that
    same code would become::

        >>> @Cache
        ... def fibonacci(n):
        ...     if n < 2: # Not bothering with input value checking here.
        ...         return 1
        ...     fibonacci.apply_async(n-1)
        ...     fibonacci.apply_async(n-2)
        ...     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
        >>> fibonacci(100)

    .. note:: Be careful when picking how to call your functions if you are looking
              for speed. Given that the fibonacci sequence is roughly linear in
              dependencies with caching, there isn't a significant speedup. When in
              doubt, :mod:`cProfile` (or :mod:`profile`) are your friends.

    .. todo:: Eventually provide automatic profiling to help with this part.

    A good use for this would be in less sequential computation spaces, such as in
    factoring. When a pair of factors are found, each can be factored asynchronously
    to find all the prime factors recursively. When a factor in a factor pair is found
    that are known to be prime, or otherwise has its factors known, then only
    one needs to be factored further. At this point, blindly branching and factoring
    will have one side yield the cached value, and the other creating a new process.
    Given the Fibonacci example above, this will happen on every call that isn't the
    first call, yielding to `n` processes being spawned and using system resources.
    Simply caching the naive Fibonacci function is just about the fastest way to use it.

    To avoid unnecessary branching automatically, you can use the batch_async method
    similarly to the apply_async method, except each set of arguments, even if they're
    singular, must be wrapped in a tuple. Applying this to the Fibonacci function yields.

        >>> @Cache
        ... def fibonacci(n):
        ...     if n < 2: # Not bothering with input value checking here.
        ...         return 1
        ...     fibonacci.batch_async((n-1,),(n-2,))
        ...     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
        >>> fibonacci(200)

    This makes the branching optimal whenever possible. Race conditions might cause
    issues, but those caused by python's built in Manager cannot be mitigated easily.
    For the fibonnacci sequence, this will likely just revert the computation to a
    mostly synchronous and sequential calculation, which is optimal for this version
    of calculating the Fibonacci sequence.

    .. note:: There are `much better algorithms
              <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence#Matrix_form>`_ for
              calculating Fibonacci sequence elements; some of which are better suited
              for this type of caching.

#    Additionally, one can test whether a value has been calculated before by using
#    ``(*{item}) in {cache}``. Calls of this type will be faster if iterable objects
#    are passed to the ``in`` operator. This allows one to avoid unnecessary branching
#    and process creation. Using this, the same example becomes::
#        >>> @Cache
#        ... def fibonacci(n):
#        ...     if n < 2: # Not bothering with input value checking here.
#        ...         return 1
#        ...     if n-1 not in fibonacci or n-2 not in fibonacci:
#        ...         fibonacci.apply_async(n-1)
#        ...         fibonacci.apply_async(n-2)
#        ...     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
#        ...
#        >>> fibonacci(5)
#        8

    def __init__(self,func):
        for n in list(n for n in set(dir(func)) - set(dir(self)) if n != '__class__'):
            setattr(self, n, getattr(func, n))
        setattr(self, "__doc__", getattr(func, "__doc__"))
        self._e= self._m.Event()
        self._t=Process(target=_taskManager,args=(self._q,self._d,self._f,self._n, self._e))
        atexit.register(_closeProcessGracefully, self) #TODO: Make this line not necessary.
    def apply_async(self,*item):
        Calling this method starts up a new process of the function call in question.
        This does not retrieve an answer.
        return _getValue(self._d,self._q,self._e,False,self.func,*item)
    def batch_async(self,*items):
        This method examines the arguments passed in for how to branch optimally
        then does so. This does not retrieve the answers, just like apply_async does not.
        The arguments must each be a complete set of the arguments passed into the function
        but in tuple form. If the cached function only takes one argument, wrap it with
        parenthesis and add a comma before the closing parenthesis.
    def __call__(self,*item):
        return _getValue(self._d,self._q,self._e,True,self.func,*item)
    def __del__(self):
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'concurrent.Cache('+self.func.__repr__()+')'