예제 #1
파일: stlwrap.py 프로젝트: kif/xdress
def genpyx_map(t, u):
    """Returns the pyx snippet for a map of type <t, u>."""
    t = ts.canon(t)
    u = ts.canon(u)
    kw = dict(tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], uclsname=ts.cython_classname(u)[1],
              thumname=ts.humanname(t)[1], uhumname=ts.humanname(u)[1],
              tctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), uctype=ts.cython_ctype(u),
              tpytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), upytype=ts.cython_pytype(u),
              tcytype=ts.cython_cytype(t), ucytype=ts.cython_cytype(u),)
    tisnotinst = ["not isinstance(key, {0})".format(x) for x in ts.from_pytypes[t]]
    kw['tisnotinst'] = " and ".join(tisnotinst)
    tc2pykeys = ['tc2pydecl', 'tc2pybody', 'tc2pyrtn']
    tc2py = ts.cython_c2py("deref(inow).first", t, cached=False)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tc2pykeys, tc2py)])
    uc2pykeys = ['uc2pydecl', 'uc2pybody', 'uc2pyrtn']
    uc2py = ts.cython_c2py("v", u, cached=False, 
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(uc2pykeys, uc2py)])
    tpy2ckeys = ['tpy2cdecl', 'tpy2cbody', 'tpy2crtn']
    tpy2c = ts.cython_py2c("key", t)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tpy2ckeys, tpy2c)])
    upy2ckeys = ['upy2cdecl', 'upy2cbody', 'upy2crtn']
    upy2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", u)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(upy2ckeys, upy2c)])
    return _pyxmap.format(**kw)
예제 #2
파일: stlwrap.py 프로젝트: kif/xdress
def genpxd_vector(t):
    """Returns the pxd snippet for a vector of type t."""
    t = ts.canon(t)
    kw = dict(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], humname=ts.humanname(t)[1], 
              ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), pytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), 
    return _pxdvector.format(**kw)
예제 #3
파일: stlwrap.py 프로젝트: kif/xdress
def genpyx_set(t):
    """Returns the pyx snippet for a set of type t."""
    t = ts.canon(t)
    kw = dict(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], humname=ts.humanname(t)[1], 
              ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), pytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), 
    fpt = ts.from_pytypes[t]
    kw['isinst'] = " or ".join(["isinstance(value, {0})".format(x) for x in fpt])
    c2pykeys = ['c2pydecl', 'c2pybody', 'c2pyrtn']
    c2py = ts.cython_c2py("deref(inow)", t, cached=False)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(c2pykeys, c2py)])
    py2ckeys = ['py2cdecl', 'py2cbody', 'py2crtn']
    py2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", t)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(py2ckeys, py2c)])
    return _pyxset.format(**kw)
예제 #4
파일: cythongen.py 프로젝트: kif/xdress
def _gen_dispatcher(name, name_mangled, doc=None, hasrtn=True):
    argfill = ", ".join(['self', '*args', '**kwargs'])
    lines  = ['def {0}({1}):'.format(name, argfill)]
    lines += [] if doc is None else indent('\"\"\"{0}\"\"\"'.format(doc), join=False)
    types = ["types = set([(i, type(a)) for i, a in enumerate(args)])",
             "types.update([(k, type(v)) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()])",]
    lines += indent(types, join=False)
    refinenum = lambda x: (sum([int(isrefinement(a[1])) for a in x[0][1:]]), len(x[0]), x[1])
    mangitems = sorted(name_mangled.items(), key=refinenum)
    mtypeslines = []
    lines += indent("# vtable-like dispatch for exactly matching types", join=False)
    for key, mangled_name in mangitems:
        cargs = key[1:]
        arang = range(len(cargs))
        anames = [ca[0] for ca in cargs]
        pytypes = [cython_pytype(ca[1]) for ca in cargs]
        mtypes = ", ".join(
            ["({0}, {1})".format(i, pyt) for i, pyt in zip(arang, pytypes)] + \
            ['("{0}", {1})'.format(n, pyt) for n, pyt in zip(anames, pytypes)])
        mtups = '(' + mtypes + ')' if 0 < len(mtypes) else mtypes
        mtypeslines.append(mangled_name + "_argtypes = frozenset(" + mtups + ")")
        cond = ["if types <= self.{0}_argtypes:".format(mangled_name),]
        if hasrtn:
            rline = "return self.{0}(*args, **kwargs)".format(mangled_name)
            rline = ["self.{0}(*args, **kwargs)".format(mangled_name), "return"]
        cond += indent(rline, join=False)
        lines += indent(cond, join=False)
    lines = sorted(mtypeslines) + [''] +  lines
    lines += indent("# duck-typed dispatch based on whatever works!", join=False)
    refineopp = lambda x: (-1*sum([int(isrefinement(a[1])) for a in x[0][1:]]), len(x[0]), x[1])
    mangitems = sorted(name_mangled.items(), key=refineopp)
    for key, mangled_name in mangitems:
        lines += indent('try:', join=False)
        if hasrtn:
            rline = "return self.{0}(*args, **kwargs)".format(mangled_name)
            rline = ["self.{0}(*args, **kwargs)".format(mangled_name), "return"]
        lines += indent(indent(rline, join=False), join=False)
        lines += indent(["except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):",
                         indent("pass", join=False)[0],], join=False)
    errmsg = "raise RuntimeError('method {0}() could not be dispatched')".format(name)
    lines += indent(errmsg, join=False)
    lines += ['']
    return lines
예제 #5
파일: stlwrap.py 프로젝트: kif/xdress
def genpyx_vector(t):
    """Returns the pyx snippet for a vector of type t."""
    t = ts.canon(t)
    kw = dict(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], humname=ts.humanname(t)[1], 
              ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), pytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), 
              cytype=ts.cython_cytype(t), stlcontainers=ts.STLCONTAINERS, 
    t0 = t
    while not isinstance(t0, basestring):
        t0 = t[0]
    fpt = ts.from_pytypes[t0]
    kw['isinst'] = " or ".join(["isinstance(value, {0})".format(x) for x in fpt])
    c2pykeys = ['c2pydecl', 'c2pybody', 'c2pyrtn']
    c2py = ts.cython_c2py("deref(<{0} *> data)".format(kw['ctype']), t, cached=False,
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(c2pykeys, c2py)])
    cself2pykeys = ['cself2pydecl', 'cself2pybody', 'cself2pyrtn']
    cself2py = ts.cython_c2py("(cself.obval)", t, cached=False, proxy_name="val_proxy")
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(cself2pykeys, cself2py)])
    py2ckeys = ['py2cdecl', 'py2cbody', 'py2crtn']
    py2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", t)
    kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(py2ckeys, py2c)])
    return _pyxvector.format(**kw)