예제 #1
    def test_integrate_column(self):
        """Test numerical intergration of array elements.

        As no coordinates are given, the function is expected to integrate
        along the indices.
        t = math.integrate_column(np.arange(5))

        assert (np.isclose(t, 8))
예제 #2
def integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p, T=None, z=None, axis=0):
    r"""Calculate the integrated water vapor (IWV).

    The basic implementation of the function assumes the atmosphere
    to be in hydrostatic equilibrium.  The IWV is calculated as follows:

    .. math::
        \mathrm{IWV} = -\frac{1}{g} \int q(p)\,\mathrm{d}p

    For non-hydrostatic atmospheres, additional information
    on temperature and height are needed:

    .. math::
        \mathrm{IWV} = \int \rho_v(z)\,\mathrm{d}z

        vmr (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio,
        p (float or ndarray): Pressue [Pa].
        T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K] (see ``z``).
        z (float or ndarray): Height [m]. For non-hydrostatic calculation
            both ``T`` and ``z`` have to be passed.
        axis (int): Axis to integrate along.

        float: Integrated water vapor [kg/m**2].
    if T is None and z is None:
        # Calculate IWV assuming hydrostatic equilibrium.
        q = thermodynamics.vmr2specific_humidity(vmr)
        g = constants.earth_standard_gravity

        return -math.integrate_column(q, p, axis=axis) / g
    elif T is None or z is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'Pass both `T` and `z` for non-hydrostatic calculation of the IWV.'
        # Integrate the water vapor mass density for non-hydrostatic cases.
        R_v = constants.gas_constant_water_vapor
        rho = thermodynamics.density(p, T, R=R_v)  # Water vapor density.

        return math.integrate_column(vmr * rho, z, axis=axis)
예제 #3
파일: atmosphere.py 프로젝트: raj334/typhon
def integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p, T, z, axis=0):
    """Calculate the integrated water vapor (IWV).

        vmr (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio,
        p (float or ndarray): Pressue [Pa].
        T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K].
        z (ndarray): Height [m]. Size must match vmr.
        axis (int): Axis to intergrate along.

        float: Integrated water vapor [kg/m**2].
    R_v = constants.gas_constant_water_vapor
    rho = thermodynamics.density(p, T, R=R_v)  # Water vapor density.

    return math.integrate_column(vmr * rho, z, axis=axis)
예제 #4
    def test_integrate_column_coordinates(self):
        """Test numerical intergration of array elements along coordinates."""
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)
        t = math.integrate_column(np.arange(5), x)

        assert (np.isclose(t, 2))