예제 #1
def load(file_handle: io.BinaryIO) -> TSerializable:
    """load(file) -> object

    This function reads a tnetstring from a file and parses it into a
    python object.  The file must support the read() method, and this
    function promises not to read more data than necessary.
    #  Read the length prefix one char at a time.
    #  Note that the netstring spec explicitly forbids padding zeros.
    c = file_handle.read(1)
    if c == b"":  # we want to detect this special case.
        raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: empty file")
    data_length = b""
    while c.isdigit():
        data_length += c
        if len(data_length) > 9:
            raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: absurdly large length prefix")
        c = file_handle.read(1)
    if c != b":":
        raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: missing or invalid length prefix")

    data = file_handle.read(int(data_length))
    data_type = file_handle.read(1)[0]

    return parse(data_type, data)
예제 #2
def load(file_handle: io.BinaryIO) -> TSerializable:
    """load(file) -> object

    This function reads a tnetstring from a file and parses it into a
    python object.  The file must support the read() method, and this
    function promises not to read more data than necessary.
    #  Read the length prefix one char at a time.
    #  Note that the netstring spec explicitly forbids padding zeros.
    c = file_handle.read(1)
    if c == b"":  # we want to detect this special case.
        raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: empty file")
    data_length = b""
    while c.isdigit():
        data_length += c
        if len(data_length) > 9:
            raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: absurdly large length prefix")
        c = file_handle.read(1)
    if c != b":":
        raise ValueError("not a tnetstring: missing or invalid length prefix")

    data = file_handle.read(int(data_length))
    data_type = file_handle.read(1)[0]

    return parse(data_type, data)
예제 #3
def bytes_to_datauri(fp: BinaryIO, name):
    """Convert a file (specified by a path) into a data URI."""
    mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(name)
    data = fp.read()
    data64 = b"".join(base64.encodebytes(data).splitlines())
    return "data:%s;base64,%s" % (mime, data64.decode("utf-8"))
예제 #4
    def read(self, file_input: BinaryIO, file_size: int) -> Flags:
        """populate header data"""

        first_dg = (file_input.tell() == 0)
        chunk = file_input.read(16)
        hdr_data = struct.unpack("<IBBHII", chunk)

        self.length = hdr_data[0]
        self.stx = hdr_data[1]
        self.id = hdr_data[2]
        self.model = hdr_data[3]
        self.date = hdr_data[4]
        self.time = hdr_data[5]

        if first_dg and self.stx != 2:
            if self.verbose:
                logger.warning("invalid Kongberg file > STX: %s" % self.stx)
            return self.Flags.MISSING_FIRST_STX

        if (self.stx != 2) or (self.id == 0):
            if self.verbose:
                logger.warning("corrupted datagram")
            return self.Flags.CORRUPTED_START_DATAGRAM

        # try to read ETX

        # Make sure we don't try to read beyond the EOF (-13 since 16 for header and 3 for ender)
        if (file_input.tell() + (self.length - 13)) >= file_size:
            if self.verbose:
                logger.warning("unexpected EOF > current pos: %s, datagram length: %s, file size: %s"
                               % (file_input.tell(), self.length, file_size))
            return self.Flags.UNEXPECTED_EOF

        # move file cursor to the end of the datagram
        file_input.seek(self.length - 15, 1)

        chunk = file_input.read(3)
        footer_data = struct.unpack("<BH", chunk)
        self.etx = footer_data[0]
        self.checksum = footer_data[1]

        if self.etx != 3:
            # print 'ETX not found, trying next datagram at position',file.tell()-(length+3)

            return self.Flags.CORRUPTED_END_DATAGRAM

        return self.Flags.VALID
예제 #5
def read_varint(s: BinaryIO) -> int:
    """ reads a variable integer from a stream """
    i = s.read(1)[0]

    if i == 0xfd:
        # 2 bytes
        return little_endian_to_int(s.read(2))

    elif i == 0xfe:
        # 4 bytes
        return little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))

    elif i == 0xff:
        # 8 bytes
        return little_endian_to_int(s.read(8))
        return i
예제 #6
    def read(self, file_input: BinaryIO, file_size: int) -> Flags:
        """populate header data"""

        chunk = file_input.read(20)
        hdr_data = struct.unpack("<I4cBBHII", chunk)

        self.length = hdr_data[0]
        # logger.debug('length: %s' % self.length)
        self.type = b''.join(hdr_data[1:5])
        # logger.debug('type: %s -> %s' % (self.type, self.kmall_datagrams[self.type]))
        self.version = hdr_data[5]
        # logger.debug('version: %s' % self.version)
        self.system_id = hdr_data[6]
        # logger.debug('system id: %s' % self.system_id)
        self.sounder_id = hdr_data[7]
        # logger.debug('sounder id: %s' % self.sounder_id)
        self.time_sec = hdr_data[8]
        # logger.debug('time sec: %s' % self.time_sec)
        self.time_microsec = hdr_data[9]
        # logger.debug('time microsec: %s' % self.time_microsec)
        self.datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.time_sec) + timedelta(
            microseconds=(self.time_microsec * 10e-3))
        # logger.debug('datetime: %s' % self.datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))

        # Make sure we don't try to read beyond the EOF (-13 since 16 for header and 3 for ender)
        if (file_input.tell() + (self.length - 20)) > file_size:
            if self.verbose:
                    "unexpected EOF > current pos: %s, datagram length: %s, file size: %s"
                    % (file_input.tell(), self.length, file_size))
            return self.Flags.UNEXPECTED_EOF

        # move file cursor to almost the end of the datagram (just minus the length field)
        file_input.seek(self.length - 24, 1)  # 1 -> current file position

        chunk = file_input.read(4)
        footer_length = struct.unpack("<I", chunk)[0]
        if self.length != footer_length:
                "mismatch between initial and end datagram length: %s != %s" %
                (self.length, footer_length))
            return self.Flags.CORRUPTED_END_DATAGRAM

        return self.Flags.VALID
예제 #7
    def read(self, file_input: BinaryIO, file_size: int) -> Flags:
        """populate header data"""

        chunk = file_input.read(20)
        hdr_data = struct.unpack("<I4cBBHII", chunk)

        self.length = hdr_data[0]
        # logger.debug('length: %s' % self.length)
        self.id = b''.join(hdr_data[1:5])
        # logger.debug('type: %s -> %s' % (self.type, self.kmall_datagrams[self.type]))
        self.version = hdr_data[5]
        # logger.debug('version: %s' % self.version)
        self.system_id = hdr_data[6]
        # logger.debug('system id: %s' % self.system_id)
        self.sounder_id = hdr_data[7]
        # logger.debug('sounder id: %s' % self.sounder_id)
        self.time_sec = hdr_data[8]
        # logger.debug('time sec: %s' % self.time_sec)
        self.time_nanosec = hdr_data[9]
        # logger.debug('time nanosec: %s' % self.time_nanosec)
        self.dg_time = self.kmall_datetime(self.time_sec, self.time_nanosec)
        # logger.debug('datetime: %s' % self.dg_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))

        # try to read ETX

        # Make sure we don't try to read beyond the EOF (-13 since 16 for header and 3 for ender)
        if (file_input.tell() + (self.length - 20)) >= file_size:
            if self.verbose:
                logger.warning("unexpected EOF > current pos: %s, datagram length: %s, file size: %s"
                               % (file_input.tell(), self.length, file_size))
            return self.Flags.UNEXPECTED_EOF

        # move file cursor to the end of the datagram
        file_input.seek(self.length - 24, 1)

        chunk = file_input.read(4)
        footer_length = struct.unpack("<I", chunk)[0]

        if footer_length != self.length:
            logger.info("datagram length mismatch: %s vs. %s" % (self.length, footer_length))

            return self.Flags.CORRUPTED_END_DATAGRAM

        return self.Flags.VALID
예제 #8
def _read_metadata(proto_file: BinaryIO) -> bytes:
    """Reads metadata from a protobufs file.

    Internal use. For external API, use read_metadata.

        Binary file.

    metadata_length = proto_file.read(8)  # Long long
    metadata_length, = struct.unpack('<Q', metadata_length)
    return proto_file.read(metadata_length)
예제 #9
def _read_protos(
        proto_file: BinaryIO, Proto: GeneratedProtocolMessageType
) -> 'GeneratedProtocolMessageType()':
    """Reads many protobufs from a file.

    Internal use. For external API, use read_protos.

        Binary file.
        Protocol message class (from the generated protobuf module).

        A parsed protobuf.
    # This is essentially the inverse of the write_protos function.

    # Skip the metadata.
    metadata_length = proto_file.read(8)  # Long long
    metadata_length, = struct.unpack('<Q', metadata_length)

    length = proto_file.read(8)  # long long
    while length:
        length, = struct.unpack('<Q', length)
        proto = Proto()
        yield proto
        length = proto_file.read(8)
예제 #10
def _tempnc(data: BinaryIO) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """Create a temporary netcdf file."""
    from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

    tmp = None
        tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".nc", prefix="erddapy_")
        yield tmp.name
        if tmp is not None:
예제 #11
    async def send_reader(self,
                          title: str,
                          description: str,
                          file_reader: BinaryIO,
                          close=False) -> Response:
        data = file_reader.read()

        if close:

        payload = Client._prepare_payload(title,
                                          description) + base64.b64encode(data)
        return await self._send_data(payload)
예제 #12
파일: base.py 프로젝트: space-physics/LWPC
def _lwf_prelim(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    dat = {}
    dat["bearng"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["rhomx"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["rlat"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["rlon"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["rrho"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]

    dat["nrps"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["nrsgmnt"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["nrprm"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["nrpts"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["nrcmp"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    dat["nrlwf"] = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]

    return dat
예제 #13
파일: base.py 프로젝트: spinorkit/LWPC
def _lwf_prelim(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    dat = {}
    dat['bearng'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['rhomx'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['rlat'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['rlon'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['rrho'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]

    dat['nrps'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['nrsgmnt'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['nrprm'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['nrpts'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['nrcmp'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    dat['nrlwf'] = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]

    return dat
예제 #14
    def from_bytestream(cls,
                        bytestream: BinaryIO,
        segment_length_bytes = bytestream.read(num_length_bytes)
        segment_length = decode_integer(segment_length_bytes)

        header_blocks = []
        if num_padding_bytes > 0:
                RecBlock.from_bytestream(bytestream, length=num_padding_bytes))

        content_blocks = []
        for i in range(segment_length):
            content_blocks.append(cls.parse_block(bytestream, block_size))

        return cls(header_blocks, content_blocks)
예제 #15
 def fromFile(cls, file: BinaryIO):
     instance = cls(file.read())
     return instance
예제 #16
파일: base.py 프로젝트: space-physics/LWPC
def lwf_header(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    if isinstance(f, (str, Path)):
        fn = Path(f).expanduser().with_suffix(".lwf")

        with opener(fn) as f:
            return lwf_header(f)

    out = {}
    out["archive"] = f.read(8)
    out["file_id"] = [f.read(120).decode("ascii") for _ in range(3)]
    out["prgm_id"] = f.read(12).decode("ascii")
    out["case_id"] = f.read(80).decode("ascii")
    out["prfl_id"] = f.read(40).decode("ascii")
    out["xmtr_id"] = f.read(20).decode("ascii")

    out["freq"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    out["txlat"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    out["txlon"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]

    out["path_id"] = f.read(20).decode("ascii")

    out["oplat1"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    out["oplon1"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    out["oplat2"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
    out["oplon2"] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]

    nrpath = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
    out["bearing"] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out["rhomax"] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out["rxlat"] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out["rxlon"] = np.empty(nrpath)
    for i in range(nrpath):
        out["bearing"][i] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
        out["rhomax"][i] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
        out["rxlat"][i] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]
        out["rxlon"][i] = struct.unpack("f", f.read(4))[0]

    return out
예제 #17
파일: base.py 프로젝트: spinorkit/LWPC
def lwf_header(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    if isinstance(f, (str, Path)):
        fn = Path(f).expanduser().with_suffix('.lwf')

        with opener(fn) as f:
            return lwf_header(f)

    out = {}
    out['archive'] = f.read(8)
    out['file_id'] = [f.read(120).decode('ascii') for _ in range(3)]
    out['prgm_id'] = f.read(12).decode('ascii')
    out['case_id'] = f.read(80).decode('ascii')
    out['prfl_id'] = f.read(40).decode('ascii')
    out['xmtr_id'] = f.read(20).decode('ascii')

    out['freq'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    out['txlat'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    out['txlon'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]

    out['path_id'] = f.read(20).decode('ascii')

    out['oplat1'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    out['oplon1'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    out['oplat2'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
    out['oplon2'] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]

    nrpath = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
    out['bearing'] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out['rhomax'] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out['rxlat'] = np.empty(nrpath)
    out['rxlon'] = np.empty(nrpath)
    for i in range(nrpath):
        out['bearing'][i] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
        out['rhomax'][i] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
        out['rxlat'][i] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]
        out['rxlon'][i] = struct.unpack('f', f.read(4))[0]

    return out
예제 #18
def read_record(stream: BinaryIO, charset=ANSI) -> Optional[MarcRecord]:
    Чтение записи из файла в формате ISO 2709.

    :param stream: Файл или файлоподобный объект
    :param charset: Кодировка
    :return: Декодированная запись либо None

    # Считываем длину записи
    marker = stream.read(5)
    if len(marker) != 5:
        return None

    # а затем и ее остаток
    record_length = parse_int(marker)
    need = record_length - 5
    tail = stream.read(need)
    if len(tail) != need:
        return None

    # Простая проверка, что мы имеем дело с нормальной ISO-записью
    record = marker + tail
    if record[record_length - 1] != RECORD_DELIMITER:
        return None

    # Превращаем запись в Unicode
    indicator_length = parse_int(record[10:11])
    base_address = parse_int(record[12:17])

    # Начинаем собственно конверсию
    result = MarcRecord()

    # Пошли по полям при помощи справочника
    directory = MARKER_LENGTH
    while record[directory] != FIELD_DELIMITER:
        # если нарвались на разделитель, значит, справочник закончился

        tag = parse_int(record[directory:directory + 3])
        field_length = parse_int(record[directory + 3:directory + 7])
        field_offset = parse_int(
            record[directory + 7:directory + 12]) + base_address
        field = RecordField(tag)

        if tag < 10:
            # фиксированное поле
            # не может содержать подполей и индикаторов
            field.value = record[field_offset:field_offset + field_length -
            # поле переменной длины
            # содержит два однобайтных индикатора
            # может содержать подполя
            start = field_offset + indicator_length
            stop = field_offset + field_length - indicator_length + 1
            position = start

            # ищем значение поля до первого разделителя
            while position < stop:
                if record[start] == SUBFIELD_DELIMITER:
                position += 1

            # если есть текст до первого раздлителя, запоминаем его
            if position != start:
                field.value = record[start:position].decode(charset)

            # просматриваем подполя
            start = position
            while start < stop:
                position = start + 1
                while position < stop:
                    if record[position] == SUBFIELD_DELIMITER:
                    position += 1
                subfield = SubField(chr(record[start + 1]),
                                    record[start + 2:position].decode(charset))
                start = position

        # переходим к следующему полю в справочнике
        directory += 12

    return result