예제 #1
def normalize_header_key(value: typing.AnyStr, encoding: str = None) -> bytes:
    Coerce str/bytes into a strictly byte-wise HTTP header key.
    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        return value.lower()
    return value.encode(encoding or "ascii").lower()
예제 #2
def _clean_text(text: typing.AnyStr) -> str:
    # try and approximate unicode with ascii
    text = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text).encode("ascii",

    text = text.lower()  # make lowercase
    text = text.replace("?", ".").replace("!", ".")
    for c in "/-\n\r":
        text = text.replace(c, " ")
    text = "".join(filter(ALPHABET.__contains__,
                          text))  # filter to alphabet chars

    text = text.lstrip(" .")  # filter out leading spaces and periods
    if text == "":
        raise ValueError("text needs to have at least one letter")

    ret = ""
    for x in text:
        # ret is a valid string after every iteration
        if x == ".":
            ret = ret.rstrip(". ") + ". "
        elif x == " ":
            ret = ret.rstrip(" ") + " "
            ret += x

    ret = ret.rstrip(" ")  # strip trailing spaces
    return ret
예제 #3
def get_dict_val_case_insensitive(source: typing.Dict[typing.AnyStr, typing.AnyStr],
                                  key: typing.AnyStr) -> typing.Optional[typing.AnyStr]:
    match: typing.List[typing.AnyStr] = list(filter(lambda x: x.lower() == key.lower(), source.keys()))
    if not len(match):
        return None
    if len(match) > 1:
        raise KeyError("overlapping keys")
    if len(match) == 1:
        matched_key: typing.AnyStr = match[0]
        return source[matched_key]
    raise KeyError("overlapping keys")
예제 #4
 def add_color(self, name: typing.AnyStr, r: typing.SupportsInt,
               g: typing.SupportsInt, b: typing.SupportsInt) -> int:
     """Add a custom color and return color's number(positive). 
        Return -1 when the current term doesn't support color."""
     # Ensure current terminal has colors.
     if not (curses.has_colors or curses.can_change_color()):
         return -1
     curses.init_color(self.__color_count - 1, r, g, b)
     self.__color_count += 1  # color + 1
     # insert a lowered color name with its rgb
     self.__colors.append((name.lower(), (r, g, b)))
     return self.__color_count - 1
예제 #5
def clean_hostname(name: typing.AnyStr) -> str:
    """ Converts from short to long hostname, if no domain found. """
    # bytes?
    if not isinstance(name, (str, bytes)):
        cli_warning("Invalid input for hostname: {}".format(name))

    name = name.lower()
    # Assume user is happy with domain, but strip the dot.
    if name.endswith("."):
        return name[:-1]

    # If a dot in name, assume long name.
    if '.' in name:
        return name

    # Append domain name if in config and it does not end with it
    if 'domain' in config and not name.endswith(config['domain']):
        return "{}.{}".format(name, config['domain'])
    return name
예제 #6
def in_hsts_preload(host: typing.AnyStr) -> bool:
    """Determines if an IDNA-encoded host is on the HSTS preload list"""

    if isinstance(host, str):
        host = host.encode("ascii")
    labels = host.lower().split(b".")

    # Fast-branch for gTLDs that are registered to preload all sub-domains.
    if labels[-1] in _GTLD_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS:
        return True

    with open_pkg_binary("hstspreload.bin") as f:
        for layer, label in enumerate(labels[::-1]):
            # None of our layers are greater than 4 deep.
            if layer > 3:
                return False

            # Read the jump table for the layer and label
            jump_info = _JUMPTABLE[layer][_crc8(label)]
            if jump_info is None:
                # No entry: host is not preloaded
                return False

            # Read the set of entries for that layer and label
            data = bytearray(jump_info[1])

            for is_leaf, include_subdomains, ent_label in _iter_entries(data):
                # We found a potential leaf
                if is_leaf:
                    if ent_label == host:
                        return True
                    if include_subdomains and host.endswith(b"." + ent_label):
                        return True

                # Continue traversing as we're not at a leaf.
                elif label == ent_label:
                return False
    return False
예제 #7
def in_hsts_preload(host: typing.AnyStr) -> bool:
    """Determines if an IDNA-encoded host is on the HSTS preload list"""

    if isinstance(host, str):
        host = host.encode("ascii")
    labels = host.lower().split(b".")

    # Fast-branch for gTLDs that are registered to preload all sub-domains.
    if labels[-1] in _GTLD_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS:
        return True

    with open(_HSTSPRELOAD_BIN_PATH, "rb") as f:
        for layer, label in enumerate(labels[::-1]):
            # None of our layers are greater than 4 deep.
            if layer > 3:
                return False

            # Read the jump table for the layer and label
            offset, size = _get_offset_and_size(f, layer, label)
            if offset == 0:
                return False

            # Read the set of entries for that layer
            f.seek(offset, 1)
            data = bytearray(size)

            for is_leaf, include_subdomains, ent_label in _iter_entries(data):
                # We found a potential leaf
                if is_leaf:
                    if ent_label == host:
                        return True
                    if include_subdomains and host.endswith(b"." + ent_label):
                        return True

                # Continue traversing as we're not at a leaf.
                elif label == ent_label:
                return False
    return False
예제 #8
def _translate_player_input(player_input: t.AnyStr) -> t.AnyStr:
    >>> _translate_player_input('w')
    >>> _translate_player_input('s')
    >>> _translate_player_input('a')
    >>> _translate_player_input('d')
    >>> _translate_player_input('q')
    >>> _translate_player_input('W')
    >>> _translate_player_input('foo')
    player_input = player_input.lower()

    if player_input in ['w']:
        return PlayerCommands.PLAYER_UP

    if player_input in ['s']:
        return PlayerCommands.PLAYER_DOWN

    if player_input in ['a']:
        return PlayerCommands.PLAYER_LEFT

    if player_input in ['d']:
        return PlayerCommands.PLAYER_RIGHT

    if player_input in ['b']:
        return PlayerCommands.SHOW_BACKPACK

    if player_input in ['q']:
        return PlayerCommands.PLAYER_QUIT

    return PlayerCommands.UNKNOWN