예제 #1
    def wrap(func: t.Callable) -> t.Union[t.Callable, None]:
        func.__locks = WeakValueDictionary()

        async def inner(self: t.Callable, ctx: Context, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Union[t.Callable, None]:
            lock = func.__locks.setdefault(ctx.author.id, Lock())
            if lock.locked():
                embed = Embed()
                embed.colour = Colour.red()

                log.debug("User tried to invoke a locked command.")
                embed.description = (
                    "You're already using this command. Please wait until "
                    "it is done before you use it again."
                embed.title = random.choice(ERROR_REPLIES)
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)

            async with func.__locks.setdefault(ctx.author.id, Lock()):
                return await func(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
        return inner