예제 #1
    def request(self, method: str, url: str, params: t.Dict = None, headers: t.Dict = None,
                access_token: str = None, **options) -> t.Awaitable[t.Union[t.Dict, str]]:
        """Request OAuth2 resource."""
        url = self._get_url(url)
        headers = headers or {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',
        access_token = access_token or self.access_token
        if access_token:
            headers.setdefault('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % access_token)

        return self._request(method, url, headers=headers, params=params, **options)
예제 #2
def floyd(nodes: typing.List, dist_dict: typing.Dict) -> typing.List:
    compute all-to-all shortest path by floyd algorithm
    :param dist_dict: {(src, dst): distance}
    :return: shortest_path: list of {"source": src, "target": dst, 
    "node_path": [{"name": name}],
    "edge_path": [edge_0, edge_1, ..., edge_p]}, edge_i: {"source": src_i, "target": dst_i}
    MAX_LENGTH = float(len(nodes))
    n_nodes = len(nodes)
    path_dict = dict()  # {(src, dst): shortest_path_next_hop_node_from_src}
    for i in range(1, n_nodes):
        for j in range(i):
            path_dict[(min(nodes[j], nodes[i]),
                       max(nodes[j], nodes[i]))] = max(nodes[j], nodes[i])
    for idx, bypass in enumerate(nodes):
        print('{}/{}'.format(idx + 1, n_nodes))
        for src in nodes:
            for dst in nodes:
                if src != dst and bypass != src and bypass != dst \
                    and (min(src, bypass), max(src, bypass)) in dist_dict \
                    and (min(dst, bypass), max(dst, bypass)) in dist_dict \
                    and dist_dict[(min(src, bypass), max(src, bypass))] + \
                        dist_dict[(min(bypass, dst), max(bypass, dst))] \
                        < dist_dict.setdefault((min(src, dst), max(src, dst)), MAX_LENGTH):
                    dist_dict[(min(src, dst), max(src, dst))] = \
                        dist_dict[(min(src, bypass), max(src, bypass))] + \
                        dist_dict[(min(bypass, dst), max(bypass, dst))]
                    path_dict[(min(src, dst),
                               max(src, dst))] = path_dict[(min(src, bypass),
                                                            max(src, bypass))]
    shortest_path = list()
    for i in range(1, n_nodes):
        for j in range(i):
            src, dst = min(nodes[j], nodes[i]), max(nodes[j], nodes[i])
            tmp = {
                "source": src,
                "target": dst,
                "node_path": list(({
                    "name": src
                }, )),
                "edge_path": list()
            ptr = src
            while ptr != dst:
                pre = ptr
                ptr = path_dict[(ptr, dst)]
                tmp["node_path"].append({"name": ptr})
                tmp["edge_path"].append({"source": pre, "target": ptr})
    return shortest_path
예제 #3
def dict_merge(source: typing.Dict, destination: typing.Dict) -> typing.Dict:
    run me with nosetests --with-doctest file.py

    >>> a = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'number' : '1' } } }
    >>> b = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } }
    >>> dict_merge(b, a) == { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } }
    for key, value in source.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            # get node or create one
            node = destination.setdefault(key, {})
            dict_merge(value, node)
            destination[key] = value

    return destination
예제 #4
async def find_numbers(link: typing.AnyStr, numbers_catalog: typing.Dict):

    logging.info('Working from "%s"' % link)

        numbers = numbers_catalog.setdefault(link, set())
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            response = await session.get(link, ssl=ssl.SSLContext())
            html_content = await response.read()

            text = _clear_html(html_content)
            phone_numbers = [
                _clean_phone(n[0]) for n in phone_format.findall(text) if n[0]

    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception('Ошибка при обработке "%s"' % link)
예제 #5
def map_storage(
    fgraph: FunctionGraph,
    order: typing.Iterable[Apply],
    input_storage: typing.Optional[typing.List],
    output_storage: typing.Optional[typing.List],
    storage_map: typing.Dict = None,
) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List, typing.List, typing.Dict]:
    """Ensure there is storage (a length-1 list) for inputs, outputs, and interior nodes.

    :param fgraph: The current fgraph.  This function uses the inputs and outputs attributes.
    :param order: an iterable over Apply instances (in program running order)
    :param input_storage: None or existing input storage (see below)
    :param output_storage: None or existing output storage (see below)

    :rtype: 3-tuple
    :returns: (list of storage for inputs, list of storage for outputs, and the `storage_map`)

        The current fgraph. This function uses the inputs and outputs
        An iterable over Apply instances (in program running order).
        None or existing input storage (see below).
        None or existing output storage (see below).

        List of storage for inputs, list of storage for outputs, and
        the `storage_map`.

    Extended summary
    This function iterates over the nodes in `order` and ensures that for every
    input and output `Variable`, there is a unique storage container. This is
    returned as a dictionary Variable -> storage called the `storage_map`.

    This function also returns `input_storage`, which is a list of storages
    corresponding to fgraph.inputs.
    This function also returns `output_storage`, which is a list of storages
    corresponding to fgraph.outputs.

    # each Apply argument's data is stored in a list of length 1 (these lists act like pointers)

    if storage_map is None:
        storage_map = {}

    # input_storage is a list of data-containers for the inputs.
    if input_storage is None:
        input_storage = [[None] for input in fgraph.inputs]
        assert len(fgraph.inputs) == len(input_storage)

    # add input storage into storage_map
    for r, storage in zip(fgraph.inputs, input_storage):
        if r in storage_map:
            assert storage_map[r] is storage, (
                "Given input_storage conflicts "
                "with storage in given storage_"
                "map. Given input_storage: ",
                "Storage in storage_ma" "p: ",
            storage_map[r] = storage
    #     for orphan in fgraph.orphans:
    #         if not isinstance(orphan, Constant):
    #             raise TypeError("Cannot link a graph with non-constant orphans.", orphan)
    #         storage_map[orphan] = [orphan.data]

    # allocate output storage
    if output_storage is not None:
        assert len(fgraph.outputs) == len(output_storage)
        for r, storage in zip(fgraph.outputs, output_storage):
            if r in storage_map:
                assert storage_map[r] is storage, (
                    "Given output_storage confl"
                    "icts with storage in given"
                    " storage_map. Given output"
                    "_storage: ",
                    "Sto" "rage in storage_map: ",
                storage_map[r] = storage

    # allocate storage for intermediate computation
    for node in order:
        for r in node.inputs:
            if r not in storage_map:
                assert isinstance(r, Constant)
                storage_map[r] = [r.data]
        for r in node.outputs:
            storage_map.setdefault(r, [None])
    for r in fgraph.outputs:
        if isinstance(r, Constant):
            storage_map.setdefault(r, [r.data])

    # extract output storage
    if output_storage is None:
        output_storage = [storage_map[r] for r in fgraph.outputs]

    return input_storage, output_storage, storage_map
예제 #6
파일: vast.py 프로젝트: vast-ai/vast-python
def parse_query(query_str: str, res: typing.Dict = None) -> typing.Dict:
    Basically takes a query string (like the ones in the examples of commands for the search__offers function) and
    processes it into a dict of URL parameters to be sent to the server.

    :param str query_str:
    :param Dict res:
    :return Dict:
    if res is None: res = {}
    if type(query_str) == list:
        query_str = " ".join(query_str)
    query_str = query_str.strip()
    opts = re.findall(
        "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)( *[=><!]+| +(?:[lg]te?|nin|neq|eq|not ?eq|not ?in|in) )?( *)(\[[^\]]+\]|[^ ]+)?( *)",
    # res = {}
    op_names = {
        ">=": "gte",
        ">": "gt",
        "gt": "gt",
        "gte": "gte",
        "<=": "lte",
        "<": "lt",
        "lt": "lt",
        "lte": "lte",
        "!=": "neq",
        "==": "eq",
        "=": "eq",
        "eq": "eq",
        "neq": "neq",
        "noteq": "neq",
        "not eq": "neq",
        "notin": "notin",
        "not in": "notin",
        "nin": "notin",
        "in": "in",

    field_alias = {
        "cuda_vers": "cuda_max_good",
        "display_active": "gpu_display_active",
        "reliability": "reliability2",
        "dlperf_usd": "dlperf_per_dphtotal",
        "dph": "dph_total",
        "flops_usd": "flops_per_dphtotal",

    field_multiplier = {
        "cpu_ram": 1000,
        "gpu_ram": 1000,
        "duration": 1.0 / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0),

    fields = {
        # "gpu_ram_free_min",

    joined = "".join("".join(x) for x in opts)
    if joined != query_str:
        raise ValueError(
            "Unconsumed text. Did you forget to quote your query? " +
            repr(joined) + " != " + repr(query_str))
    for field, op, _, value, _ in opts:
        value = value.strip(",[]")
        v = res.setdefault(field, {})
        op = op.strip()
        op_name = op_names.get(op)

        if field in field_alias:
            field = field_alias[field]

        if not field in fields:
                "Warning: Unrecognized field: {}, see list of recognized fields."
        if not op_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unknown operator. Did you forget to quote your query? " +
        if op_name in ["in", "notin"]:
            value = [x.strip() for x in value.split(",") if x.strip()]
        if not value:
            raise ValueError(
                "Value cannot be blank. Did you forget to quote your query? " +
                repr((field, op, value)))
        if not field:
            raise ValueError(
                "Field cannot be blank. Did you forget to quote your query? " +
                repr((field, op, value)))
        if value in ["?", "*", "any"]:
            if op_name != "eq":
                raise ValueError("Wildcard only makes sense with equals.")
            if field in v:
                del v[field]
            if field in res:
                del res[field]

        if field in field_multiplier:
            value = str(float(value) * field_multiplier[field])

        v[op_name] = value
        res[field] = v
    return res
예제 #7
 def register(self, registry: t.Dict):
     registry = self.registry(registry)
     for base in base_matrix(self.return_type):
         registry.setdefault(base, set()).add(self)
예제 #8
 def registry(cls, registry: t.Dict):
     registry = registry.setdefault(cls, {})
     return registry