예제 #1
    def test_instance_of_callable(self):
        def func1(x: int, y: str) -> object:

        def func2() -> int:

        def func3(x: int):

        def func4():

        def func5(x):

        def func6(l: List[List[List[int]]]):

        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func1, Callable[[int, str], object]))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func1, Callable[[object, str], object]))
        self.assertTrue(not instance_of(func1, Callable[[str, str], object]))
        self.assertTrue(not instance_of(func1, Callable[[str, str], int]))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func2, Callable[[], int]))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func3, Callable[[int], Any]))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func4, Callable))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of(func5, Callable[[Any], Any]))
            instance_of(func6, Callable[[List[List[List[int]]]], Any]))
예제 #2
    def test_instance_of_nptyping_ndarray(self):
        local_state = State()
        register_get_type(numpy.ndarray, nptyping.NDArray.type_of, local_state)

        arr = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
        arr_type = nptyping.NDArray[(3, ), int]

        self.assertTrue(instance_of(arr, arr_type, state=local_state))
        self.assertTrue(instance_of([arr], List[arr_type], state=local_state))
            instance_of([arr], List[nptyping.NDArray], state=local_state))
        self.assertTrue(not instance_of(
            [arr], List[nptyping.NDArray[(4, ), float]], state=local_state))
예제 #3
 def test_instance_of_literal(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(42, Literal[42]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(42, Literal[42], int))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(43, Literal[42]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(42, Literal[42], str))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(42, Literal))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(Any, Literal[Any]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(42, Literal[Any]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(42, Literal))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(2, Literal[1, 2]))
예제 #4
    def test_get_type_union(self):
        union_type = get_type(Union[int, str])

        # The following line should not raise.
        Union[(union_type, )]

        self.assertTrue(instance_of(Union[int, str], union_type))
예제 #5
def _get_modules_from_source(source: Union[Path, str, Module,
                             in_private_modules: bool = False,
                             raise_on_fail: bool = False) -> Iterable[Module]:
    Get an iterable of Modules from the given source.
        source: anything that can be turned into an iterable of Modules.
        in_private_modules: if True, private modules are explored as well.
        raise_on_fail: if True, raises an ImportError upon the first import

    Returns: an iterable of Module instances.

    if isinstance(source, Path):
        modules = discover_modules(source, in_private_modules, raise_on_fail)
    elif isinstance(source, str):
        modules = discover_modules(Path(source), in_private_modules,
    elif isinstance(source, Module):
        modules = [source]
    elif instance_of(source, Iterable[Module]):
        modules = source  # type: ignore
        raise ValueError('The given source must be a Path, string or module. '
                         'Given: {}'.format(source))
    return modules
예제 #6
def _discover_attributes_in_lines(lines: List[str], module: Module,
                                  signature: type,
                                  include_privates: bool) -> List[Attribute]:
    Discover any attributes within the lines of codee and according to the
    given constraints.

        lines: the lines of code in which is searched for any attributes.
        module: the module from which these lines originate.
        signature: only attributes that are subtypes of this signature are
        include_privates: if True, private attributes are included as well.

    Returns: a list of all discovered attributes.

    attributes = []
    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
        match = _match_attribute(line)
        if match:
            name, hint, value, comment = match
            docstring = _find_attribute_docstring(lines[0:index])
            attribute = _create_attribute(name, hint, value, docstring,
                                          comment, module, line, index + 1)
            if (instance_of(attribute.value, signature)
                    and (attribute.is_public or include_privates)):
    return attributes
예제 #7
파일: sketch.py 프로젝트: helmecke/cadquery
    def __init__(
        tags: Tuple[str, ...],
        args: Tuple[Edge, ...],
        kind: ConstraintKind,
        param: Any = None,

        # validate based on the solver provided spec
        if kind not in ConstraintInvariants:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint {kind}.")

        arity, types, param_type, converter = ConstraintInvariants[kind]

        if arity != len(tags):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid number of entities for constraint {kind}. Provided {len(tags)}, required {arity}."

        if any(e.geomType() not in types for e in args):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unsupported geometry types {[e.geomType() for e in args]} for constraint {kind}."

        if not instance_of(param, param_type):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unsupported argument types {get_type(param)}, required {param_type}."

        # if all is fine store everything and possibly convert the params
        self.tags = tags
        self.args = args
        self.kind = kind
        self.param = tcast(Any, converter)(param) if converter else param
예제 #8
    def constrain(self, *args, param=None):
        Define a new constraint.

        # dispatch on arguments
        if len(args) == 2:
            q1, kind = args
            id1, s1 = self._query(q1)
        elif len(args) == 3 and instance_of(args[1], UnaryConstraintKind):
            q1, kind, param = args
            id1, s1 = self._query(q1)
        elif len(args) == 3:
            q1, q2, kind = args
            id1, s1 = self._query(q1)
            id2, s2 = self._query(q2)
        elif len(args) == 4:
            q1, q2, kind, param = args
            id1, s1 = self._query(q1)
            id2, s2 = self._query(q2)
        elif len(args) == 5:
            id1, s1, id2, s2, kind = args
        elif len(args) == 6:
            id1, s1, id2, s2, kind, param = args
            raise ValueError(f"Incompatible arguments: {args}")

        # handle unary and binary constraints
        if instance_of(kind, UnaryConstraintKind):
            loc1, id1_top = self._subloc(id1)
            c = Constraint((id1_top, ), (s1, ), (loc1, ), kind, param)
        elif instance_of(kind, BinaryConstraintKind):
            loc1, id1_top = self._subloc(id1)
            loc2, id2_top = self._subloc(id2)
            c = Constraint((id1_top, id2_top), (s1, s2), (loc1, loc2), kind,
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint: {kind}")


        return self
예제 #9
 def test_instance_of_union(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), Union[int, A]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), Union[A, int]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), Union[A, str]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), Optional[str]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(None, Optional[str]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(Any, Union[int, Literal[Any]]))
예제 #10
    def test_instance_of_typing_literal(self):
        # This is to mock Python 3.8 Literal.
        class LiteralMockMeta(type):
            __name__ = 'Literal'

            def __instancecheck__(self, instance):
                raise Exception(
                    'typing.Literal does not allow instance checks.')

        class LiteralMock(metaclass=LiteralMockMeta):
            __args__ = (42, )

        self.assertTrue(instance_of(42, LiteralMock))
예제 #11
    def __init__(
        objects: Tuple[str, ...],
        args: Tuple[Shape, ...],
        sublocs: Tuple[Location, ...],
        kind: ConstraintKind,
        param: Any = None,
        Construct a constraint.

        :param objects: object names referenced in the constraint
        :param args: subshapes (e.g. faces or edges) of the objects
        :param sublocs: locations of the objects (only relevant if the objects are nested in a sub-assembly)
        :param kind: constraint kind
        :param param: optional arbitrary parameter passed to the solver

        # validate
        if not instance_of(kind, ConstraintKind):
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint {kind}.")

        if kind in CompoundConstraints:
            kinds, convert_compound = CompoundConstraints[kind]
            for k, p in zip(kinds, convert_compound(param)):
                self._validate(args, k, p)
            self._validate(args, kind, param)

            # convert here for simple constraints
            convert = ConstraintInvariants[kind][-1]
            param = convert(param) if convert else param

        # store
        self.objects = objects
        self.args = args
        self.sublocs = sublocs
        self.kind = kind
        self.param = param
예제 #12
    def _validate(self, args: Tuple[Shape, ...], kind: ConstraintKind, param: Any):

        arity, marker_types, param_type, converter = ConstraintInvariants[kind]

        # check arity
        if arity != len(args):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid number of entities for constraint {kind}. Provided {len(args)}, required {arity}."

        # check arguments
        arg_check: Dict[Any, Callable[[Shape], Any]] = {
            gp_Pnt: self._getPnt,
            gp_Dir: self._getAxis,
            gp_Pln: self._getPln,
            gp_Lin: self._getLin,
            None: lambda x: True,  # dummy check for None marker

        for a, t in zip(args, tcast(Tuple[Type[ConstraintMarker], ...], marker_types)):
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported entity {a} for constraint {kind}.")

        # check parameter
        if not instance_of(param, param_type) and param is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unsupported argument types {get_type(param)}, required {param_type}."

        # check parameter conversion
            if param is not None and converter:
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Exception {e} occured in the parameter conversion")
예제 #13
def discover_functions(
        source: Union[Path, str, Module, Iterable[Module], type],
        signature: Type[Callable] = Callable,  # type: ignore
        include_privates: bool = False,
        in_private_modules: bool = False,
        raise_on_fail: bool = False) -> List[type]:
    Discover any functions within the given source and according to the given

        source: the source in which is searched for any functions.
        signature: only functions that have this signature (parameters and
        return type) are included.
        include_privates: if True, private functions are included as well.
        in_private_modules: if True, private modules are explored as well.
        raise_on_fail: if True, raises an ImportError upon the first import

    Returns: a list of all discovered functions.

    def filter_(*args_: Iterable[Any]) -> bool:
        return (isfunction(*args_) or ismethod(*args_))

    if not isinstance(source, type):
        filter_ = isfunction  # type: ignore

    elements = _discover_elements(source, filter_, include_privates,
                                  in_private_modules, raise_on_fail)
    result = [
        elem for elem in elements
        if (signature is Callable or instance_of(elem, signature))
    result.sort(key=lambda func: func.__name__)
    return result
예제 #14
 def test_instance_of_list_with_union(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([1, '2', 3], List[Union[int, str]]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of([1, '2', 3], List[Union[int, float]]))
예제 #15
 def test_instance_of_tuple(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of((1, ), Tuple[int]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of((1, 2, 3), Tuple[int, ...]))
예제 #16
 def test_instance_of_type(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(int, Type))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(int, Type[int]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(str, Type[int]))
예제 #17
 def test_lambda_instance_of_callable(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(lambda x, y: 42, Callable[[int, str],
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(lambda: 42, Callable[[], str]))
예제 #18
 def test_instance_of_py39_types(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of({'42': 42}, Dict[str, int]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of({'42': 42}, Dict[str, str]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of({42: 42}, Dict[str, int]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([1, 2, 3], list[int]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of([1, 2, 3], list[str]))
예제 #19
 def test_instance_of(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([[[1], [2]]], List[List[List[int]]]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([[[1], ['2']]], List[List[List[object]]]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([], List[int]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of({}, Dict[int, int]))
예제 #20
 def test_instance_of_multiple(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), A))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), str))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(F(), A, str))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of(F(), A, str, int))
예제 #21
    def test_instance_of_nptyping_ndarray(self):
        arr = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
        arr_type = nptyping.NDArray[(3, ), int]

        self.assertTrue(instance_of(arr, arr_type))
예제 #22
 def test_instance_of_numpy(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of(numpy.array([1, 2, 3]), numpy.ndarray))
예제 #23
    def solve(self) -> "Assembly":
        Solve the constraints.

        # Get all entities and number them. First entity is marked as locked
        ents = {}

        i = 0
        locked = []
        for c in self.constraints:
            for name in c.objects:
                if name not in ents:
                    ents[name] = i
                    i += 1
                if c.kind == "Fixed" or name == self.name:

        # Lock the first occuring entity if needed.
        if not locked:
            unary_objects = [
                c.objects[0] for c in self.constraints
                if instance_of(c.kind, UnaryConstraintKind)
            binary_objects = [
                c.objects[0] for c in self.constraints
                if instance_of(c.kind, BinaryConstraintKind)
            for b in binary_objects:
                if b not in unary_objects:

        # Lock the first occuring entity if needed.
        if not locked:

        locs = [self.objects[n].loc for n in ents]

        # construct the constraint mapping
        constraints = []
        for c in self.constraints:
            ixs = tuple(ents[obj] for obj in c.objects)
            pods = c.toPODs()

            for pod in pods:
                constraints.append((ixs, pod))

        # check if any constraints were specified
        if not constraints:
            raise ValueError("At least one constraint required")

        # instantiate the solver
        solver = ConstraintSolver(locs, constraints, locked=locked)

        # solve
        locs_new, self._solve_result = solver.solve()

        # update positions
        for loc_new, n in zip(locs_new, ents):
            self.objects[n].loc = loc_new

        return self
예제 #24
 def test_instance_of_iterable(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of([1, 2, 3], Iterable[int]))
     self.assertTrue(instance_of((1, 2, 3), Iterable[int]))
예제 #25
 def test_instance_of_tuple_with_union(self):
     self.assertTrue(instance_of((1, '2', 3), Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]))
     self.assertTrue(not instance_of((1, '2', 3), Tuple[Union[int, float],