예제 #1
파일: readers.py 프로젝트: hyprwave/pelican
def read_file(filename, fmt=None, settings=None):
    """Return a reader object using the given format."""
    if not fmt:
        fmt = filename.split('.')[-1]

    if fmt not in _EXTENSIONS:
        raise TypeError('Pelican does not know how to parse %s' % filename)

    reader = _EXTENSIONS[fmt](settings)
    settings_key = '%s_EXTENSIONS' % fmt.upper()

    if settings and settings_key in settings:
        reader.extensions = settings[settings_key]

    if not reader.enabled:
        raise ValueError("Missing dependencies for %s" % fmt)

    content, metadata = reader.read(filename)

    # eventually filter the content with typogrify if asked so
    if settings and settings['TYPOGRIFY']:
        from typogrify import Typogrify
        content = Typogrify.typogrify(content)
        metadata['title'] = Typogrify.typogrify(metadata['title'])

    return content, metadata
예제 #2
파일: readers.py 프로젝트: devtro/pelican
def read_file(filename, fmt=None, settings=None):
    """Return a reader object using the given format."""
    if not fmt:
        fmt = filename.split('.')[-1]

    if fmt not in _EXTENSIONS:
        raise TypeError('Pelican does not know how to parse %s' % filename)

    reader = _EXTENSIONS[fmt](settings)
    settings_key = '%s_EXTENSIONS' % fmt.upper()

    if settings and settings_key in settings:
        reader.extensions = settings[settings_key]

    if not reader.enabled:
        raise ValueError("Missing dependencies for %s" % fmt)

    content, metadata = reader.read(filename)

    # eventually filter the content with typogrify if asked so
    if settings and settings['TYPOGRIFY']:
        from typogrify import Typogrify
        content = Typogrify.typogrify(content)
        metadata['title'] = Typogrify.typogrify(metadata['title'])

    return content, metadata
예제 #3
def caps(text):
    """Wraps multiple capital letters in ``<span class="caps">``
    so they can be styled with CSS.

    >>> caps("A message from KU")
    u'A message from <span class="caps">KU</span>'

    Uses the smartypants tokenizer to not screw with HTML or with tags it shouldn't.

    >>> caps("<PRE>CAPS</pre> more CAPS")
    u'<PRE>CAPS</pre> more <span class="caps">CAPS</span>'

    >>> caps("A message from 2KU2 with digits")
    u'A message from <span class="caps">2KU2</span> with digits'

    >>> caps("Dotted caps followed by spaces should never include them in the wrap D.O.T.   like so.")
    u'Dotted caps followed by spaces should never include them in the wrap <span class="caps">D.O.T.</span>  like so.'

    All caps with with apostrophes in them shouldn't break. Only handles dump apostrophes though.
    >>> caps("JIMMY'S")
    u'<span class="caps">JIMMY\\'S</span>'

    >>> caps("<i>D.O.T.</i>HE34T<b>RFID</b>")
    u'<i><span class="caps">D.O.T.</span></i><span class="caps">HE34T</span><b><span class="caps">RFID</span></b>'
    return Typogrify.caps(text)
예제 #4
def amp(text):
    """Wraps apersands in HTML with ``<span class="amp">`` so they can be
    styled with CSS. Apersands are also normalized to ``&amp;``. Requires
    ampersands to have whitespace or an ``&nbsp;`` on both sides.

    >>> amp('One & two')
    u'One <span class="amp">&amp;</span> two'
    >>> amp('One &amp; two')
    u'One <span class="amp">&amp;</span> two'
    >>> amp('One &#38; two')
    u'One <span class="amp">&amp;</span> two'

    >>> amp('One&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;two')
    u'One&nbsp;<span class="amp">&amp;</span>&nbsp;two'

    It won't mess up & that are already wrapped, in entities or URLs

    >>> amp('One <span class="amp">&amp;</span> two')
    u'One <span class="amp">&amp;</span> two'
    >>> amp('&ldquo;this&rdquo; & <a href="/?that&amp;test">that</a>')
    u'&ldquo;this&rdquo; <span class="amp">&amp;</span> <a href="/?that&amp;test">that</a>'

    It should ignore standalone amps that are in attributes
    >>> amp('<link href="xyz.html" title="One & Two">xyz</link>')
    u'<link href="xyz.html" title="One & Two">xyz</link>'
    return Typogrify.amp(text)
예제 #5
def smartypants(text):
    """Applies smarty pants to curl quotes.

    >>> smartypants('The "Green" man')
    u'The &#8220;Green&#8221; man'
    return Typogrify.smartypants(text)
예제 #6
def titlecase(text):
    """Support for titlecase.py's titlecasing

    >>> titlecase("this V that")
    u'This v That'

    >>> titlecase("this is just an example.com")
    u'This Is Just an example.com'
    return Typogrify.titlecase(text)
예제 #7
def typogrify(text):
    """The super typography filter

    Applies the following filters: widont, smartypants, caps, amp, initial_quotes

    >>> typogrify('<h2>"Jayhawks" & KU fans act extremely obnoxiously</h2>')
    Markup(u'<h2><span class="dquo">&#8220;</span>Jayhawks&#8221; <span class="amp">&amp;</span> <span class="caps">KU</span> fans act extremely&nbsp;obnoxiously</h2>')

    Each filters properly handles autoescaping.
    >>> jinja2.escape(typogrify('<h2>"Jayhawks" & KU fans act extremely obnoxiously</h2>'))
    Markup(u'<h2><span class="dquo">&#8220;</span>Jayhawks&#8221; <span class="amp">&amp;</span> <span class="caps">KU</span> fans act extremely&nbsp;obnoxiously</h2>')
    return Typogrify.typogrify(text)
예제 #8
def initial_quotes(text):
    """Wraps initial quotes in ``class="dquo"`` for double quotes or
    ``class="quo"`` for single quotes. Works in these block tags ``(h1-h6, p, li, dt, dd)``
    and also accounts for potential opening inline elements ``a, em, strong, span, b, i``

    >>> initial_quotes('"With primes"')
    u'<span class="dquo">"</span>With primes"'
    >>> initial_quotes("'With single primes'")
    u'<span class="quo">\\'</span>With single primes\\''

    >>> initial_quotes('<a href="#">"With primes and a link"</a>')
    u'<a href="#"><span class="dquo">"</span>With primes and a link"</a>'

    >>> initial_quotes('&#8220;With smartypanted quotes&#8221;')
    u'<span class="dquo">&#8220;</span>With smartypanted quotes&#8221;'
    return Typogrify.initial_quotes(text)
예제 #9
def widont(text):
    """Replaces the space between the last two words in a string with ``&nbsp;``
    Works in these block tags ``(h1-h6, p, li, dd, dt)`` and also accounts for
    potential closing inline elements ``a, em, strong, span, b, i``

    >>> widont('A very simple test')
    u'A very simple&nbsp;test'

    Single word items shouldn't be changed
    >>> widont('Test')
    >>> widont(' Test')
    u' Test'
    >>> widont('<ul><li>Test</p></li><ul>')
    >>> widont('<ul><li> Test</p></li><ul>')
    u'<ul><li> Test</p></li><ul>'

    >>> widont('<p>In a couple of paragraphs</p><p>paragraph two</p>')
    u'<p>In a couple of&nbsp;paragraphs</p><p>paragraph&nbsp;two</p>'

    >>> widont('<h1><a href="#">In a link inside a heading</i> </a></h1>')
    u'<h1><a href="#">In a link inside a&nbsp;heading</i> </a></h1>'

    >>> widont('<h1><a href="#">In a link</a> followed by other text</h1>')
    u'<h1><a href="#">In a link</a> followed by other&nbsp;text</h1>'

    Empty HTMLs shouldn't error
    >>> widont('<h1><a href="#"></a></h1>')
    u'<h1><a href="#"></a></h1>'

    >>> widont('<div>Divs get no love!</div>')
    u'<div>Divs get no love!</div>'

    >>> widont('<pre>Neither do PREs</pre>')
    u'<pre>Neither do PREs</pre>'

    >>> widont('<div><p>But divs with paragraphs do!</p></div>')
    u'<div><p>But divs with paragraphs&nbsp;do!</p></div>'
    return Typogrify.widont(text)
예제 #10
def ligature(text):
    Replaces ff, fi, fl, ffi, and ffl with ligatures.
    return Typogrify.ligature(text)
예제 #11
def typogrify_no_widont(value):
    value = Typogrify.amp(value)
    value = Typogrify.smartypants(value)
    value = Typogrify.caps(value)
    value = Typogrify.initial_quotes(value)
    return value
예제 #12
def run(content):
    return Typogrify.typogrify(content)
예제 #13
def typogrify_no_widont(value):
    value = Typogrify.amp(value)
    value = Typogrify.smartypants(value)
    value = Typogrify.caps(value)
    value = Typogrify.initial_quotes(value)
    return value