예제 #1
def test_division():

    h5store = 'small_hexagonal.hf5'
    datasets = load_datasets(h5store, data_names=['face', 'vert', 'edge'])
    specs = sheet_spec()
    sheet = Sheet('emin', datasets, specs)

    Nf, Ne, Nv = sheet.Nf, sheet.Ne, sheet.Nv

    cell_division(sheet, 17, geom)

    assert sheet.Nf - Nf == 1
    assert sheet.Nv - Nv == 2
    assert sheet.Ne - Ne == 6
예제 #2
def test_division():

    h5store = os.path.join(stores_dir, "small_hexagonal.hf5")

    datasets = load_datasets(h5store, data_names=["face", "vert", "edge"])
    specs = cylindrical_sheet()
    sheet = Sheet("emin", datasets, specs)

    Nf, Ne, Nv = sheet.Nf, sheet.Ne, sheet.Nv

    cell_division(sheet, 17, geom)

    assert sheet.Nf - Nf == 1
    assert sheet.Nv - Nv == 2
    assert sheet.Ne - Ne == 6
예제 #3
def test_x_and_y_boundary_celldiv():
    dsets = hdf5.load_datasets(
        Path(stores.stores_dir) / "planar_periodic8x8.hf5")
    specs = config.geometry.planar_sheet()
    specs["settings"]["boundaries"] = {"x": [-0.1, 8.1], "y": [-0.1, 8.1]}
    sheet = Sheet("periodic", dsets, specs)
    coords = ["x", "y"]
    draw_specs = config.draw.sheet_spec()
    Nf = sheet.Nf
    # arbitrarily choose a cells on x_boundary and y_boundary to divide
    div_cell = sheet.face_df.index[(sheet.face_df["at_x_boundary"] == True)
                                   (sheet.face_df["at_y_boundary"] == True)][0]
    daughter = cell_division(sheet, div_cell, PlanarGeometry, angle=0.6)
    assert sheet.validate()
    assert sheet.Nf == Nf + 1