def gen_grid_g(grid, idd): """ =========================================================================== Description: Generate Grid of G for Idd. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Serialized Grid. 2. idd : int (Node's Id). =========================================================================== Return: Grid of G values for Idd. =========================================================================== """ grid_g = np.full([grid.shape[0], grid.shape[1]], -1, dtype=int) g = 0 closed = set() opened = set() opened.add(idd) while opened: opened_temp = opened.copy() closed.update(opened_temp) opened.clear() for cur in opened_temp: row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, cur) grid_g[row][col] = g neighbors = set(u_grid.get_neighbors(grid, row, col)) opened.update(neighbors - closed) g += 1 return grid_g
def get_random_idds(grid, idd_center, radius, amount): """ =========================================================================== Description: Generate Set of Random Idds in the Rectangle. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid. 2. idd_center : int (Idd of Rectangle Center). 3. radius : int (Radius of Rectangle). 4. amount : int (Amount of Idds to Random). =========================================================================== Result: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. set of int (Set of Random Idds in Rectangle). 2. None if amount of Idds is less then required amount. =========================================================================== """ row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd_center) center = Point(row, col) p_min, p_max = u_2d.get_rect(center, radius, radius) if not u_grid.is_valid_row_col(grid, p_min.row, p_min.col, by_idd=False): return None if not u_grid.is_valid_row_col(grid, p_max.row, p_max.col, by_idd=False): return None grid_sub = grid[p_min.row:p_max.row + 1, p_min.col:p_max.col + 1] idds = [] for idd in np.nditer(grid_sub): if idd >= 0: idds.append(int(idd)) if (idds is None) or (amount > len(idds)): return None random.shuffle(idds) return set(idds[:amount])
def get_expanded_nodes(grid, grid_g, grid_h, goal): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return the Number of Expanded Nodes of A* Algorithm. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid_g : Grid of G (of Start). 2. grid_h : Grid of H (of Goal). 3. goal : int (Idd number). =========================================================================== Return: Set of Idds (expanded nodes of A* algorithm). =========================================================================== """ grid_f = grid_g + grid_h row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid_f, goal) f = grid_f[row][col] grid_f_less = grid * (grid_f < f) expanded_nodes = set(np.unique(grid_f_less)) - {-1} grid_f_equal = grid * (grid_f == f) candidate_idds = list(np.unique(grid_f_equal)) queue_nodes = queue.PriorityQueue() for idd in candidate_idds: row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) queue_nodes.put((-grid_g[row][col], idd)) idd_cur = queue_nodes.get() expanded_nodes.add(idd_cur[1]) while not queue_nodes.empty(): idd = queue_nodes.get() if u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, idd_cur[1], idd[1]) == 1: expanded_nodes.add(idd[1]) idd_cur = idd expanded_nodes.remove(0) return expanded_nodes
def _expand(self): """ =================================================================== Description: Expand the Best Node's Children. =================================================================== """ row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(self.grid, idds = u_grid.get_neighbors(self.grid, row, col) children = {Node(x) for x in idds} - self.closed for child in sorted(children): g_new = + child.w if child.g <= g_new: continue if self.opened.contains(child): self.opened.remove(child) self._update_node(child,,g_new) self.opened.push(child)
def _expand(self): """ =================================================================== Description: Expand the Best Node's Children. =================================================================== """ row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(self._grid, self._best.idd) idds = u_grid.get_neighbors(self._grid, row, col) children = {self.nodes[x] for x in idds} - self._closed for child in children: g_new = self._best.g + child.w if child.g <= g_new: continue if self._opened.contains(child): self._opened.remove(child) self._update_node(child, self._best, g_new, self._goals_active) self._opened.push(child)
def plot_grid(grid, special_rows_cols=[], special_colors=[], path=None): """ =========================================================================== Description - Plot Grid with black and white or special colors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Plot special cells with special colors. 2. Other cells plot with black and white colors (valid cell or not). =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid 2. special_rows_cols : list of list of tuples of row and col. 3. special_colors : list of 3-element tuples (RGB representation). 4. path : str (where to store the picture file). =========================================================================== """ arr = [[(-1, -1, -1) for x in range(grid.shape[1])] for y in range(grid.shape[0])] for i, rows_cols in enumerate(special_rows_cols): color = special_colors[i] for row, col in rows_cols: arr[row][col] = color for idd in range(grid.size): row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) if arr[row][col] == (-1, -1, -1): if u_grid.is_valid_idd(grid, idd): arr[row][col] = (255, 255, 255) else: arr[row][col] = (0, 0, 0) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(arr) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") fig.tight_layout() if (path): plt.savefig(path)
def get_shape(grid, idds): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return Shape of the Rectangle that Surrounds the Idds. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid 2. idds : set of int (Set of Idds). =========================================================================== Return: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. int : Amount of Rows in the Rectangle. 2. int : Amount of Cols in the Rectangle. =========================================================================== """ if idds is None: return None rows = set() cols = set() for idd in idds: row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) rows.add(row) cols.add(col) return max(rows) - min(rows) + 1, max(cols) - min(cols) + 1
def gen_grid_h(grid, goal, lookups=set(), grid_lookup=None): """ =========================================================================== Description: Generate Grid of Heuristic values for Idd_1. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Serialized Grid. 2. goal : int (Node's Id). 3. lookup : Set of Idds. 4. grid_lookup : Grid with True Heuristic. =========================================================================== Return: Grid of Heuristic values for Idd_1. =========================================================================== """ grid_h = np.full([grid.shape[0], grid.shape[1]], -1, dtype=int) for idd in range(grid.size): row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) if grid[row][col] >= 0: if idd in lookups: grid_h[row][col] = grid_lookup[row][col] else: grid_h[row][col] = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, idd, goal) return grid_h