def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print self.us1 # class with functions. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width()/3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit field. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for input passw. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding the button with text. self.push_but1.setText("Ok") # Adding progress bar with self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # range (indeterminate mode). self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2_1.setSpacing(3) # Spacing for layout - 3 pix. self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.setSpacing(3) # Sets spacing - 3 pixels. self.layfr2.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Layout added to frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Set layout to the widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.mb3.triggered.connect(self.options) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter()
def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print self.us1 # class with functions. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # Layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style NoFrame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Sets combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for password. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Set layout to second frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for the third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Layout represented by grid. self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table)
def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.apps = QtQuickWidgets.QQuickWidget(self.twid1) self.apps.setSource(QtCore.QUrl("apps.qml")) = self.apps.rootObject() self.gscene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene() self.gview = UGraphView(self.twid2) # Adding of the graphics view self.painter = QtGui.QPainter() # to the tab widget, adding self.gvlay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # scene and painter that can self.gvlay.addWidget(self.gview, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.gvlay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.twid2.setLayout(self.gvlay) # used, arrange with grid. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # Layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second Frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label for the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Add the combobox with items. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo popup list view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Line edit with placeholder. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second will for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for password, self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding button with text self.push_but1.setText("Save") # for saving operations. self.push_but2 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding button with text self.push_but2.setText("Ok") # for other operations. self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # Progress bar with range. self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2_1.setSpacing(3) # Widgets spacing for layout. self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Second frame`s layout. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.setSpacing(3) # Spacing between widgets. self.layfr2.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Set layout to second frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for the third tabwid. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Adding frames to tab widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.mb2.triggered.connect(self.edit) # Calling files, edit, data, self.mb2_1.triggered.connect(self.edit_align) self.mb3.triggered.connect( # optins, and help function. self.mb4.triggered.connect(self.options) self.mb5.triggered.connect(self.on_help) self.qmlbut1 =[0].childItems()[0] self.qmlbut1.clicked.connect(self.video_camera) self.qmlbut2 =[0].childItems()[1] self.qmlbut2.clicked.connect(self.qml_apps) self.qmlbut3 =[0].childItems()[2] self.qmlbut3.clicked.connect(self.jupyter) self.qmlbut4 =[0].childItems()[3] self.qmlbut4.clicked.connect(self.web_browse) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.push_but1.clicked.connect(self.save_data) self.push_but2.clicked.connect(self.vis) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter() self.actx = "" # Empty string for actions. self.qapp1 = 0 # Value for the qml button 1. self.qapp2 = 0 # Value for the qml button 2. self.qapp3 = 0 # Value for the qml button 3. self.qapp4 = 0 # Value for the qml button 4. self.pool = QtCore.QThreadPool()
class UApp(UWindow, UTools): # The main class of the GUI. def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.apps = QtQuickWidgets.QQuickWidget(self.twid1) self.apps.setSource(QtCore.QUrl("apps.qml")) = self.apps.rootObject() self.gscene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene() self.gview = UGraphView(self.twid2) # Adding of the graphics view self.painter = QtGui.QPainter() # to the tab widget, adding self.gvlay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # scene and painter that can self.gvlay.addWidget(self.gview, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.gvlay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.twid2.setLayout(self.gvlay) # used, arrange with grid. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # Layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second Frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label for the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Add the combobox with items. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo popup list view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Line edit with placeholder. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second will for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for password, self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding button with text self.push_but1.setText("Save") # for saving operations. self.push_but2 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding button with text self.push_but2.setText("Ok") # for other operations. self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # Progress bar with range. self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2_1.setSpacing(3) # Widgets spacing for layout. self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Second frame`s layout. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.setSpacing(3) # Spacing between widgets. self.layfr2.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Set layout to second frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for the third tabwid. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Adding frames to tab widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.mb2.triggered.connect(self.edit) # Calling files, edit, data, self.mb2_1.triggered.connect(self.edit_align) self.mb3.triggered.connect( # optins, and help function. self.mb4.triggered.connect(self.options) self.mb5.triggered.connect(self.on_help) self.qmlbut1 =[0].childItems()[0] self.qmlbut1.clicked.connect(self.video_camera) self.qmlbut2 =[0].childItems()[1] self.qmlbut2.clicked.connect(self.qml_apps) self.qmlbut3 =[0].childItems()[2] self.qmlbut3.clicked.connect(self.jupyter) self.qmlbut4 =[0].childItems()[3] self.qmlbut4.clicked.connect(self.web_browse) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.push_but1.clicked.connect(self.save_data) self.push_but2.clicked.connect(self.vis) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter() self.actx = "" # Empty string for actions. self.qapp1 = 0 # Value for the qml button 1. self.qapp2 = 0 # Value for the qml button 2. self.qapp3 = 0 # Value for the qml button 3. self.qapp4 = 0 # Value for the qml button 4. self.pool = QtCore.QThreadPool() def long_loop(self): # Function for starting the while True: # while instruction. QtWidgets.qApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents) print("HELLO") # Will print string. def vis(self): # Set the 2d tab widget as self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(1) # current, set device window desktop = QtWidgets.QApplication.desktop() self.setGeometry(desktop.availableGeometry()) self.visualize() # size, and call the function. def visualize(self): # Function visualizes data. self.gscene.clear() # Clear current graphics scene self.gview.resetCachedContent() # with reset cache content. self.gview.setScene(self.gscene) # Sets scene to the view with self.gview.setSceneRect(self.gscene.sceneRect()) self.pen = QtGui.QPen() # scene rectangle. Creates pen self.scw = float(self.tabwid.currentWidget().width() - 30) self.sch = float(self.tabwid.currentWidget().height() - 30) try: # that used to draw lines. dline = self.draws(w=self.scw, h=self.sch) def to_line(xy, er): # Will be called when thread if er == '': # will emit signal with data. color = QtGui.QColor("#00D9FF") cmyk = color.toCmyk() # Changing of the color used c = cmyk.cyanF() # with pen. The particles of m = cmyk.magentaF() * float(1 / xy[1]) y = cmyk.yellowF() * float(1 / xy[1]) k = cmyk.blackF() * float(1 / xy[1]) a = cmyk.alphaF() # CMYK, alpha-transparency. color.setCmykF(c, m, y, k, a) self.pen.setColor(color) # Set new color to pen and self.gscene.addLine( QtCore.QLineF(xy[1], self.sch, xy[1], xy[0]), self.pen) else: self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + er) dline.sig1.connect(to_line, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) except Exception as err: # draw line with new position. self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) def resizeEvent(self, event): # Resize event handler. def video_camera(self): # Function, run video camera. self.qapp1 += 1 # Will add to this variable 1 if self.qapp1 == 1: # when button will be clicked. # subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) self.approc1 = QtCore.QProcess() # Run procces with QProcces self.approc1.start("python", [""]) # if self.qapp1 == 2: # startung file with Python. self.approc1.kill() # If the button clicked at self.qapp1 = 0 # second, kills process. def qml_apps(self): # Function to sart QML apps. self.qapp2 += 1 # Runs the file with starting if self.qapp2 == 1: # instructions for QML`s. # subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) self.approc2 = QtCore.QProcess() # The QProcess uses the start self.approc2.start("python", [""]) if self.qapp2 == 2: # function with command to run self.approc2.kill() # with Python and file name in self.qapp2 = 0 # the working directory. def jupyter(self): # Function to sart Jupyter. self.qapp3 += 1 # Runs the jupyter available if self.qapp3 == 1: # in the Anaconda toolset. # subprocess.Popen(["jupyter", ["notebook", "--browser=firefox"]) self.approc3 = QtCore.QProcess() # The QProcess uses the start self.approc3.start("jupyter", ["notebook", "--browser=firefox"]) if self.qapp3 == 2: # command to run jupyter self.approc3.kill() # notebook with specified self.qapp3 = 0 # browser that can be changed. def web_browse(self): # Function to sart webbrowser. self.qapp4 += 1 # Runs the default web browser if self.qapp4 == 1: # available in the system. # subprocess.Popen("python", ["-m", "webbrowser", "-n", # ""]) self.approc4 = QtCore.QProcess() # The QProcess uses the start self.approc4.start( "python", ["-m", "webbrowser", "-n", ""]) if self.qapp4 == 2: # command to open the URL of self.approc4.kill() # the page that is specified self.qapp4 = 0 # in the default browser. def txt_table(self): # The function that will if self.combox1.currentText() == "Texts": self.text_edit.setVisible(True) # visualize the table and text self.table.setVisible(False) # depends on choice of combo. if self.combox1.currentText() == "Table": self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # When the text activated, self.table.setVisible(True) # elements visible or not. def files(self, action): # Function open/save files. fd = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() # File dialog instance. if action.text() == "Open": # For opening of the files. fdf = fd.getOpenFileNames(self, caption="Open Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if len(fdf[0]) > 0: # Checks if the file dialog self.text_edit.clear() # has a selected files for for of in fdf[0]: # open. Each file of the self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # selected will be open. try: # Will try to open file as openf = open(of, 'r') # simple .txt or .html and, self.text_edit.append(str( continue # read content to text field. except Exception: # If successfull continue. pass # If unread or error - pass. try: # Try to open file in the openf = open(of, 'rb') # binary mode .py or other. self.text_edit.append(str( except Exception: # Content to the field, if pass # error - pass (do nothing). if action.text() == "Save": # For saving of the files. fdf = fd.getSaveFileName(self, caption="Save Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if fdf[0] != "": # Checks if files selected. self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # Open TabWid with Text Field. try: # Will try to save file as open(fdf[0], 'w').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # .txt file with plain text of except Exception: # text field. And success is pass # True. An error - pass. if success != True: # If file not saved as .txt try: # will try to save file in the open(fdf[0], 'wb').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # binary mode, as plain text. except Exception: # An exception - will pass. pass # If success is True will if success == True: # shown information message. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File saved as", types="info") else: # If not True, critical. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File don`t saved", types="critical") if action.text() == "Print": print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog(self.print_device) if print_dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self.text_edit.print_(print_dialog.printer()) if action.text() == "Print Preview": # Print preview dialog. print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintPreviewDialog( self.print_device) print_dialog.setWindowTitle("Print Preview") print_dialog.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon("Icons/python1.png")) print_dialog.paintRequested.connect(self.text_edit.print_) print_dialog.exec_() # Executes dialog window. def edit(self, action): # Function for editing of the if action.text() == "Undo": # text edit field content. self.text_edit.undo() # Undoes, Redoes, Cut, Copy, if action.text() == "Redo": # Paste simple operations. self.text_edit.redo() # Selected text will be copied if action.text() == "Cut": # to, or pasted from the self.text_edit.cut() # buffer if available, the if action.text() == "Copy": # action indicates which self.text_edit.copy() # option is selected. The if action.text() == "Paste": # "Text Color" and "Text Font" self.text_edit.paste() # will operate with changing if action.text() == "Text Color": # of the current Font and self.fd = QtWidgets.QColorDialog() # Color of the selected text. if self.fd.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: fc = self.fd.selectedColor() # First dialog inherits the self.text_edit.setTextColor(fc) if action.text() == "Text Font": # Main Window and have a self.fd = QtWidgets.QFontDialog() # similar style. Second Font if self.fd.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: ft = self.fd.selectedFont() # dialog have not a parent self.text_edit.setFont(ft) # and have default style. def edit_align(self, action): # Function for submenu option if action.text() == "center": # text edit field alignment. self.text_edit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) if action.text() == "left": # Will align the text by self.text_edit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) if action.text() == "right": # center, to left, to right, self.text_edit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) if action.text() == "justify": # or justified of the field. self.text_edit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignJustify) def options(self, action): # Function to run tools by if action.text() == "Settings": # selectection options items. from u_settings import USets # Importing class for color self.sets = USets() # settings, class instance. # Widget for color settings. self.sets.bsave.clicked.connect(self.sets_but) self.sets.breset.clicked.connect(self.to_default) if action.text() == "Run": # Option will run execution action.setEnabled(False) # of the script from text datas = self.text_edit.toPlainText() try: # edit filed and will append self.text_edit.append("\n\n\n\n\nRESULT -----------> %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S")) runs = self.run_code(datas=datas) def to_field(sto, ste, er): # the result to text filed. if er == '': # For running the code used self.text_edit.append(str(sto) + "\n" + str(ste)) else: # thread and class that moved self.stat_bar.showMessage(er) runs[1].sig1.connect(to_field, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) runs[0].quit() # to this thread. Called def on_stop(): # function returns the tuple action.setEnabled(True) # with thread and class. Sends runs[0].finished.connect(on_stop) except Exception as err: # finished signal from thread. self.stat_bar.showMessage(str(err)) if action.text() == "Configuration": # Option for check current def get_info(): # working environment. Checks if self.uwid1.infocomb.currentIndex() == 0: try: # Anaconda available packages condinf = subprocess.Popen(["conda", "list"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) conp = condinf.communicate() self.uwid1.infotxt.setText(conp[0].decode("utf-8")) except Exception as err: self.uwid1.infotxt.setText(str(err)) if self.uwid1.infocomb.currentIndex() == 1: try: # and Python packages that condinf = subprocess.Popen(["pip", "list"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) conp = condinf.communicate() self.uwid1.infotxt.setText( """Platform: %s\nPython %s version \nPython path list: %s\n\nRecursion limit: %s \nFilesystem encoding: %s\nDefault encoding: %s \nAvailable installed packages: \n\n%s""" % (sys.platform, sys.version, sys.path, sys.getrecursionlimit(), sys.getfilesystemencoding(), sys.getdefaultencoding(), conp[0].decode("utf-8"))) except Exception as err: # installed with pip. Option self.uwid1.infotxt.setText(str(err)) self.uwid1 = UWidget() # for "pip" use various tools self.uwid1.setWindowTitle("Configuration") self.uwid1.infocomb.addItems(["conda", "pip"]) self.uwid1.infotxt.setReadOnly(True) self.uwid1.infotxt.setVisible(True) # of the sys module for info. self.uwid1.infocomb.activated.connect(get_info) def on_help(self, action): # Function realizes the help if action.text() == "Online Help": # option of the top panel. self.uwid2 = UWidget() # Using widget for visualize self.uwid2.setWindowTitle("Online Help") self.uwid2.infocomb.setVisible(False) self.uwid2.infotxt.setReadOnly(True) self.uwid2.infotxt.setVisible(False) self.uwid2.wview.setVisible(True) # online documentation and html = open("help.html", "r").read() self.uwid2.wview.setHtml(html) # help from remote resources, # "Online Help" sets existed if action.text() == "Documentation": # .html file with script. def get_docs(): # "Documentation" option load if self.uwid3.infocomb.currentIndex() == 0: try: # URLs to the Web Engine View self.uwid3.wview.load( # and visualize documentation QtCore.QUrl("")) except Exception as err: # from the sources specified. self.stat_bar.showMessage(str(err)) if self.uwid3.infocomb.currentIndex() == 1: try: # The base widget is used to self.uwid3.wview.load( # arrange web view and combo QtCore.QUrl( "" )) except Exception as err: # in the separate window. self.stat_bar.showMessage(str(err)) if self.uwid3.infocomb.currentIndex() == 2: try: # The nested functions checks self.uwid3.wview.load( # which option of the combobox QtCore.QUrl( "")) except Exception as err: # is selected and load URL. self.stat_bar.showMessage(str(err)) self.uwid3 = UWidget() # Combobox use activated() self.uwid3.setWindowTitle("Documentation") self.uwid3.infocomb.addItems(["Python", "PyQt5", "PySide2"]) self.uwid3.infotxt.setReadOnly(True) self.uwid3.infotxt.setVisible(False) self.uwid3.wview.setVisible(True) # signal to connect the nested # function. Sets Visibility. self.uwid3.infocomb.activated.connect(get_docs) def sets_but(self): # Function for "Save" clicks. colors = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.sets.bgle1.text(), self.sets.bgle2.text( ), self.sets.colle1.text(), self.sets.colle2.text()) save_open = open("settings.txt", "w") # Opens settings.txt file and save_open.write(colors) # writes the colors from line save_open.close() # edit field, then closes. self.new_app() # Call the function for new. def to_default(self): # Function to restore the u_defaults.txt_file(state=True) # default colors and calling self.new_app() # new app in the subprocess. def new_app(self): # Function to re-open new app. self.sets.hide() # Hides the widget (optional). subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) sys.exit(0) # Run new and exit old app. def info_message(self, fpath='', txt='', types="info"): message_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(self) message_box.setStyleSheet("color: #FFFFFF;") message_box.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Verdana", 12, 77)) message_box.setWindowTitle("Save files") if types == "info": # Function with message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information) if types == "critical": # Critical message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) message_box.addButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) message_txt = "%s\n%s" % (txt, fpath) # Adding the button. Text that message_box.setText(message_txt) # will be shown with box. message_box.exec_() # Shows this message box. def data(self, action): # Function for the "Data" self.text_edit.clear() # panel, if an option will self.actx = action.text() # select, related data will be if self.actx == "Pickle": # operated with functionality. try: # Calls the functions that txtdata = self.pickle_load(filename=r"data/") self.text_edit.append(str(txtdata)) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # open/read data from the self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "Shelve": # file/DB and append to try: # the text edit field. db = self.shelve_open(filename="data/u_data") self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (db.get("User Name"), db.get("User email"), db.get("User password"), db.get("User data"))) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "Pickle" option loads file self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "CSV": # as text. The "Shelve" loads try: # data as dictionary values. for row in self.csv_read(csvfile="data/tests.csv"): self.text_edit.append( "%s %s %s %s" % (row["User_Name"], row["User_email"], row["User_password"], row["User_data"])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "CSV" reads the table self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "Pandas": # with the python standard try: # library csv module. "Pandas" pread = self.pandas_read(filename="data/bigtests.csv", reader="csv", sep=',') def to_field(df, er): # reads CSV using thread and if er == '': # nested function, "SQLite" self.text_edit.append("\n" + str(df)) else: # open and select the values self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + er) pread.sig1.connect(to_field, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # from database. "PostgreSQL" self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "SQLite": # "SQLite" opens and selects try: # the values from database. dbdata = self.sqlite_select() # "PostgreSQL" opens and for dtx in dbdata: # selects data from database. self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "MySQL" opens and selects self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "PostgreSQL": # all values from the MySQL try: # database, "QtSQL" module of dbdata = self.psql_select() # the Python binding used for dtx in dbdata: # provides the database self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # operations of the Qt self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "MySQL": # library, "MongoDB" selects try: # all values from the NoSQL dbdata = self.mysql_select() # document oriented database for dtx in dbdata: # MongoDB, and "CouchDB" opens self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # data from the NoSQL CouchDB self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "QtSQL": # database. The text that try: # retreived from the files and dbdata = self.sql_qt_select() # DB`s appends each value of while # the database to the text self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dbdata.value(0), dbdata.value(1), dbdata.value(2), dbdata.value(3), dbdata.value(4))) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # edit field of this app. This self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "MongoDB": # receives the data to the try: # text edit field, can be mongo_data = self.mongo_select() def to_field(dbdata, er): # changed to the setText() if er == '': # method that will put just for dtx in dbdata: # last value from the query. self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx["User Name"], dtx["Email"], dtx["Password"], dtx["Data"])) else: # All tools realized in self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + er) mongo_data.sig1.connect(to_field, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # statement and handle all self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "CouchDB": # Exception errors. The errors try: # represented in the status couch_data = self.couch_select() def to_field(dbdata, er): # bar and can contain the if er == '': # standard errors or related for dtx in dbdata.view("_all_docs", include_docs=True): self.text_edit.append("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx["doc"]["User Name"], dtx["doc"]["User email"], dtx["doc"]["User password"], dtx["doc"]["User Data"])) else: # errors to the used packages self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + er) couch_data.sig1.connect(to_field, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # in the application. self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) def save_data(self): # Function will save the data self.error = '' # in relation to used tools. uname = self.line_ed1.text() # User name field value. umail = self.line_ed2.text() # User email field value. upass = self.line_ed3.text() # User password field value. udata = self.text_edit.toPlainText() # Text edit field value. if (uname != '') and (umail != '') and (upass != ''): if self.actx == "Pickle": # Pickle option and function. self.user_data1(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "Shelve": # Shelve option and function. self.user_data2(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "CSV": # CSV option and function. self.user_data3(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "Pandas": # Pandas option and function. self.user_data4(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "SQLite": # SQLite option and function. self.user_data5(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "PostgreSQL": # PostgreSQL option and func. self.user_data6(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "MySQL": # MySQL option and function. self.user_data7(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "QtSQL": # QtSql option and function. self.user_data8(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "MongoDB": # MongoDB option and function. self.user_data9(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "CouchDB": # Couch option and function. self.user_data10(uname, umail, upass, udata) else: # By default Pickle function. self.user_data1(uname, umail, upass, udata) if self.error != '': # If some errors occur, shows self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(self.error)) else: # error, else shows message. self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " saved") def user_data1(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Function for pickle module. dictd = { "User Name": uname, "User email": umail, "User password": upass, "User data": udata } self.pickle_dump(obj=dictd, filename=r"data/") except Exception as err: # Data as dictionary to file. self.error = err # If some error - will pass. def user_data2(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Function for shelve module. db = self.shelve_open(filename="data/u_data") db["User Name"] = uname # Writes user name to DB. db["User email"] = umail # Writes user email to DB. db["User password"] = upass # Writes user password to DB. db["User data"] = udata # Writes user data to DB. db.close() # Opens database, saves data except Exception as err: # of the text fields to file self.error = err # and closes database. def user_data3(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): fnames = ["User_Name", "User_email", "User_password", "User_data"] rdata = [uname, umail, upass, udata[:140]] try: # Function to write CSV. for row in self.csv_read(csvfile="data/tests.csv"): if (row["User_Name"] == rdata[0]) and (row["User_password"] == rdata[2]): rdata = None # Checks CSV file, if True except Exception: # data will not be added to pass # csv file, if erorr - pass. if rdata is not None: # If is not None, data will be try: # added to the CSV file. self.csv_write(csvfile="data/tests.csv", fieldnames=fnames, rowdata=rdata, delimiter=' ', lineterminator='\n') except Exception as err: # If some error will occur, self.error = err # the variable will be error. def user_data4(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): # CSV files with pandas. try: # Writing CSV with pandas. ucolumns = [ "User_Name", "User_email", "User_password", "User_data" ] self.pandas_write(filename="data/bigtests.csv", writer="csv", columns=ucolumns) except Exception as err: # Put numbers to cells, the self.error = err # number of rows is 999. def user_data5(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # SQLite database function. self.sqlite_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the SQLite DB. def user_data6(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # PostgreSQL DB function. self.psql_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to PostgreSQL. def user_data7(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # MySQL database function. self.mysql_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the MySQL DB. def user_data8(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Using QtSql module function. self.sql_qt_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the SQLite DB. def user_data9(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # NoSQL MongoDB function. self.mongo_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the Mongo DB. def user_data10(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # To document of the CouchDB. self.couch_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the Couch DB. def closeEvent(self, event): self.pool.waitForDone()
class UApp(UWindow, UTools): # Create the main class. def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit field. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for input passw. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding the button with text. self.push_but1.setText("Ok") # Adding progress bar with self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # range (indeterminate mode). self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Layout added to frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Set layout to the widget. self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.video_camera() # Call video camera function. def txt_table(self): # The function that will if self.combox1.currentText() == "Texts": self.text_edit.setVisible(True) # visualize the table and text self.table.setVisible(False) # depends on choice of combo. if self.combox1.currentText() == "Table": self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # When the text activated, self.table.setVisible(True) # elements visible or not. def video_camera(self): # Function to run videocamera. subprocess.Popen(["python", r""])
class UApp(UWindow, UTools): # Create the main class. def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit field. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for input passw. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding the button with text self.push_but1.setText("Save") # For saving operations. self.push_but2 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding of the second button. self.push_but2.setText("Ok") # Adding progress bar with self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # range (indeterminate mode). self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2_1.setSpacing(3) # Spacing for layout - 3 pix. self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.setSpacing(3) # Sets spacing - 3 pixels. self.layfr2.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Layout added to frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Set layout to the widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.mb3.triggered.connect( # Connects to the data func. self.mb4.triggered.connect(self.options) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.push_but1.clicked.connect(self.save_data) self.push_but2.clicked.connect(lambda: self.text_edit.setText("HELLO"), QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter() self.actx = "" # Empty string for actions. # self.video_camera() # Run video camera function. def txt_table(self): # The function that will if self.combox1.currentText() == "Texts": self.text_edit.setVisible(True) # visualize the table and text self.table.setVisible(False) # depends on choice of combo. if self.combox1.currentText() == "Table": self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # When the text activated, self.table.setVisible(True) # elements visible or not. def video_camera(self): # Function to run videocamera. subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) def files(self, action): # Function open/save files. fd = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() # File dialog instance. if action.text() == "Open": # For opening of the files. fdf = fd.getOpenFileNames(self, caption="Open Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if len(fdf[0]) > 0: # Checks if the file dialog self.text_edit.clear() # has a selected files for for of in fdf[0]: # open. Each file of the self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # selected will be open. try: # Will try to open file as openf = open(of, 'r') # simple .txt or .html and, self.text_edit.append(str( continue # read content to text field. except Exception: # If successfull continue. pass # If unread or error - pass. try: # Try to open file in the openf = open(of, 'rb') # binary mode .py or other. self.text_edit.append(str( except Exception: # Content to the field, if pass # error - pass (do nothing). if action.text() == "Save": # For saving of the files. fdf = fd.getSaveFileName(self, caption="Save Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if fdf[0] != "": # Checks if files selected. self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # Open TabWid with Text Field. try: # Will try to save file as open(fdf[0], 'w').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # .txt file with plain text of except Exception: # text field. And success is pass # True. An error - pass. if success != True: # If file not saved as .txt try: # will try to save file in the open(fdf[0], 'wb').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # binary mode, as plain text. except Exception: # An exception - will pass. pass # If success is True will if success == True: # shown information message. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File saved as", types="info") else: # If not True, critical. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File don`t saved", types="critical") if action.text() == "Print": print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog(self.print_device) if print_dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self.text_edit.print_(print_dialog.printer()) if action.text() == "Print Preview": # Print preview dialog. print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintPreviewDialog( self.print_device) print_dialog.setWindowTitle("Print Preview") print_dialog.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon("Icons/python1.png")) print_dialog.paintRequested.connect(self.text_edit.print_) print_dialog.exec_() # Executes dialog window. def options(self, action): # Function to run tools by if action.text() == "Settings": # selectection options items. from u_settings import USets # Importing class for color self.sets = USets() # settings, class instance. # Shows widget for settings. self.sets.bsave.clicked.connect(self.sets_but) self.sets.breset.clicked.connect(self.to_default) def sets_but(self): # Function for "Save" clicks. colors = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.sets.bgle1.text(), self.sets.bgle2.text( ), self.sets.colle1.text(), self.sets.colle2.text()) save_open = open("settings.txt", "w") # Opens settings.txt file and save_open.write(colors) # writes the colors from line save_open.close() # edit field, then closes. self.new_app() # Call the function for new. def to_default(self): # Function to restore the u_defaults.txt_file(state=True) # default colors and calling self.new_app() # new app in the subprocess. def new_app(self): # Function to re-open new app. self.sets.hide() # Hides the widget (optional). subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) sys.exit(0) # Run new and exit old app. def info_message(self, fpath='', txt='', types="info"): message_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(self) message_box.setStyleSheet("color: #FFFFFF;") message_box.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Verdana", 12, 77)) message_box.setWindowTitle("Save files") if types == "info": # Function with message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information) if types == "critical": # Critical message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) message_box.addButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) message_txt = "%s\n%s" % (txt, fpath) # Adding the button. Text that message_box.setText(message_txt) # will be shown with box. message_box.exec_() # Shows this message box. def data(self, action): # Function for the "Data" self.text_edit.clear() # panel, if an option will self.actx = action.text() # select, related data will be if self.actx == "Pickle": # operated with functionality. try: # Calls the functions that txtdata = self.pickle_load(filename=r"data/") self.text_edit.append(str(txtdata)) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # open/read data from the self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "Shelve": # file/DB and append to try: # the text edit field. db = self.shelve_open(filename="data/u_data") self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (db.get("User Name"), db.get("User email"), db.get("User password"), db.get("User data"))) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "Pickle" option loads file self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "CSV": # as text. The "Shelve" loads try: # data as dictionary values. for row in self.csv_read(csvfile="data/tests.csv"): self.text_edit.append( "%s %s %s %s" % (row["User_Name"], row["User_email"], row["User_password"], row["User_data"])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "CSV" reads the table self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "Pandas": # with the python standard try: # library csv module. "Pandas" pread = self.pandas_read(filename="data/bigtests.csv", reader="csv", sep=',') def to_field(df, er): # reads CSV using thread and if er == '': # nested function, "SQLite" self.text_edit.append("\n" + str(df)) else: # open and select the values self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + er) pread.sig1.connect(to_field, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # from database. "PostgreSQL" self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "SQLite": # "SQLite" opens and selects try: # the values from database. dbdata = self.sqlite_select() # "PostgreSQL" opens and for dtx in dbdata: # selects data from database. self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # "MySQL" opens and selects self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "PostgreSQL": # all values from the MySQL try: # database, "QtSQL" module of dbdata = self.psql_select() # the Python binding used for dtx in dbdata: # provides the database self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # operations of the Qt self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "MySQL": # library, "MongoDB" selects try: # all values from the NoSQL dbdata = self.mysql_select() # document oriented database for dtx in dbdata: # MongoDB, and "CouchDB" opens self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx[0], dtx[1], dtx[2], dtx[3], dtx[4])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # data from the NoSQL CouchDB self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "QtSQL": # database. The text that try: # retreived from the files and dbdata = self.sql_qt_select() # DB`s appends each value of while # the database to the text self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dbdata.value(0), dbdata.value(1), dbdata.value(2), dbdata.value(3), dbdata.value(4))) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # edit field of this app. This self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "MongoDB": # can be changed to the try: # setText() method that will dbdata = self.mongo_select() # put just last value from the for dtx in dbdata: # query. All tools realized in self.text_edit.append("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx["User Name"], dtx["Email"], dtx["Password"], dtx["Data"])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # these statements and handle self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) if self.actx == "CouchDB": # all Exception errors that try: # can occur with implementing. dbdata = self.couch_select() # Is recommended to change for dtx in dbdata.view("_all_docs", include_docs=True): self.text_edit.append( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (dtx["doc"]["User Name"], dtx["doc"]["User email"], dtx["doc"]["User password"], dtx["doc"]["User Data"])) self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " opened") except Exception as err: # pass to print the errors. self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(err)) def save_data(self): # Function will save the data self.error = '' # in relation to used tools. uname = self.line_ed1.text() # User name field value. umail = self.line_ed2.text() # User email field value. upass = self.line_ed3.text() # User password field value. udata = self.text_edit.toPlainText() # Text edit field value. if (uname != '') and (umail != '') and (upass != ''): if self.actx == "Pickle": # Pickle option and function. self.user_data1(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "Shelve": # Shelve option and function. self.user_data2(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "CSV": # CSV option and function. self.user_data3(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "Pandas": # Pandas option and function. self.user_data4(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "SQLite": # SQLite option and function. self.user_data5(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "PostgreSQL": # PostgreSQL option and func. self.user_data6(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "MySQL": # MySQL option and function. self.user_data7(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "QtSQL": # QtSql option and function. self.user_data8(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "MongoDB": # MongoDB option and function. self.user_data9(uname, umail, upass, udata) elif self.actx == "CouchDB": # Couch option and function. self.user_data10(uname, umail, upass, udata) else: # By default Pickle function. self.user_data1(uname, umail, upass, udata) if self.error != '': # If some errors occur, shows self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + ' ' + str(self.error)) else: # error, else shows message. self.stat_bar.showMessage(self.actx + " saved") def user_data1(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Function for pickle module. dictd = { "User Name": uname, "User email": umail, "User password": upass, "User data": udata } self.pickle_dump(obj=dictd, filename=r"data/") except Exception as err: # Data as dictionary to file. self.error = err # If some error - will pass. def user_data2(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Function for shelve module. db = self.shelve_open(filename="data/u_data") db["User Name"] = uname # Writes user name to DB. db["User email"] = umail # Writes user email to DB. db["User password"] = upass # Writes user password to DB. db["User data"] = udata # Writes user data to DB. db.close() # Opens database, saves data except Exception as err: # of the text fields to file self.error = err # and closes database. def user_data3(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): fnames = ["User_Name", "User_email", "User_password", "User_data"] rdata = [uname, umail, upass, udata[:140]] try: # Function to write CSV. for row in self.csv_read(csvfile="data/tests.csv"): if (row["User_Name"] == rdata[0]) and (row["User_password"] == rdata[2]): rdata = None # Checks CSV file, if True except Exception: # data will not be added to pass # csv file, if erorr - pass. if rdata is not None: # If is not None, data will be try: # added to the CSV file. self.csv_write(csvfile="data/tests.csv", fieldnames=fnames, rowdata=rdata, delimiter=' ', lineterminator='\n') except Exception as err: # If some error will occur, self.error = err # the variable will be error. def user_data4(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): # CSV files with pandas. try: # Writing CSV with pandas. ucolumns = [ "User_Name", "User_email", "User_password", "User_data" ] self.pandas_write(filename="data/bigtests.csv", writer="csv", columns=ucolumns) except Exception as err: # Put numbers to cells, the self.error = err # number of rows is 999. def user_data5(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # SQLite database function. self.sqlite_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the SQLite DB. def user_data6(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # PostgreSQL DB function. self.psql_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to PostgreSQL. def user_data7(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # MySQL database function. self.mysql_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the MySQL DB. def user_data8(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # Using QtSql module function. self.sql_qt_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the SQLite DB. def user_data9(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # NoSQL MongoDB function. self.mongo_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the Mongo DB. def user_data10(self, uname, umail, upass, udata): try: # To document of the CouchDB. self.couch_insert(username=uname, email=umail, passw=upass, data=udata) except Exception as err: # Inserts values of the text self.error = err # edit field to the Couch DB.
class UApp(UWindow, UTools): # Create the main class. def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width()/3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit field. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for input passw. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding the button with text. self.push_but1.setText("Ok") # Adding progress bar with self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # range (indeterminate mode). self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Layout added to frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Set layout to the widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter() # self.video_camera() # Run video camera function. def txt_table(self): # The function that will if self.combox1.currentText() == "Texts": self.text_edit.setVisible(True) # visualize the table and text self.table.setVisible(False) # depends on choice of combo. if self.combox1.currentText() == "Table": self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # When the text activated, self.table.setVisible(True) # elements visible or not. def video_camera(self): # Function to run videocamera. subprocess.Popen(["python", r""]) def files(self, action): # Function open/save files. fd = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() # File dialog instance. if action.text() == "Open": # For opening of the files. fdf = fd.getOpenFileNames(self, caption="Open Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if len(fdf[0]) > 0: # Checks if the file dialog self.text_edit.clear() # has a selected files for for of in fdf[0]: # open. Each file of the self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # selected will be open. try: # Will try to open file as openf = open(of, 'r') # simple .txt or .html and, self.text_edit.append(str( continue # read content to text field. except Exception: # If successfull continue. pass # If unread or error - pass. try: # Try to open file in the openf = open(of, 'rb') # binary mode .py or other. self.text_edit.append(str( except Exception: # Content to the field, if pass # error - pass (do nothing). if action.text() == "Save": # For saving of the files. fdf = fd.getSaveFileName(self, caption="Save Files", directory=QtCore.QDir.homePath()) if fdf[0] != "": # Checks if files selected. self.tabwid.setCurrentIndex(2) # Open TabWid with Text Field. try: # Will try to save file as open(fdf[0], 'w').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # .txt file with plain text of except Exception: # text field. And success is pass # True. An error - pass. if success != True: # If file not saved as .txt try: # will try to save file in the open(fdf[0], 'wb').write(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) success = True # binary mode, as plain text. except Exception: # An exception - will pass. pass # If success is True will if success == True: # shown information message. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File saved as", types="info") else: # If not True, critical. self.info_message(fpath=fdf[0], txt="File don`t saved", types="critical") if action.text() == "Print": print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog(self.print_device) if print_dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self.text_edit.print_(print_dialog.printer()) if action.text() == "Print Preview": # Print preview dialog. print_dialog = QtPrintSupport.QPrintPreviewDialog(self.print_device) print_dialog.setWindowTitle("Print Preview") print_dialog.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon("Icons/python1.png")) print_dialog.paintRequested.connect(self.text_edit.print_) print_dialog.exec_() # Executes dialog window. def info_message(self, fpath='', txt='', types="info"): message_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(self) message_box.setStyleSheet("color: #FFFFFF;") message_box.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Verdana", 12, 77)) message_box.setWindowTitle("Save files") if types == "info": # Function with message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information) if types == "critical": # Critical message box. message_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) message_box.addButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) message_txt = "%s\n%s" %(txt, fpath) # Adding the button. Text that message_box.setText(message_txt) # will be shown with box. message_box.exec_() # Shows this message box.
def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor of the class. super(UApp, self).__init__(parent) # Initialization of the class. UTools.__init__(self) # Initialization of the tools # print(self.us1) # class with functions. self.apps = QtQuickWidgets.QQuickWidget(self.twid1) self.apps.setSource(QtCore.QUrl("apps.qml")) = self.apps.rootObject() self.frame1 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Create the first frame with self.frame1.setLineWidth(3) # parent as third widget. self.frame1.setFrameStyle(6) # Styled panel frame style. self.table = UTabView(self.frame1) # Creation of the table with self.table.setVisible(False) # parent as frame 1 and gets model = UTModel() # data from the model. self.table.setModel(model) # Set model data to the table. self.text_edit = UTextEd(self.frame1) # Text Edit field with self.layfr1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # parent - the first frame. self.layfr1.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.addWidget(self.text_edit, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr1.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.frame1.setLayout(self.layfr1) # layout for this field. self.frame2 = UFrame(self.twid3) # Second frame with parent. self.frame2.setLineWidth(3) # Sets line width of the frame self.frame2.setFrameStyle(0) # and 0 - style No frame. self.frame2.setMaximumWidth(int(self.width() / 3)) self.label1 = ULabel(self.frame2) # Label in the second frame. self.label1.setText("User Information") self.label1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.combox1 = UComBox(self.frame2) # Adding the combo box. self.combox1.addItems(["Texts", "Table"]) self.combox1.setView(UListV()) # Combo box popup view. self.line_ed1 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # First line edit field. self.line_ed1.setPlaceholderText("Full Name...") self.line_ed2 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Second that for user email. self.line_ed2.setPlaceholderText("Email...") self.line_ed3 = ULineEd(self.frame2) # Third field for input passw. self.line_ed3.setPlaceholderText("Password...") self.line_ed3.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.push_but1 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding the button with text self.push_but1.setText("Save") # For saving operations. self.push_but2 = UBut1(self.frame2) # Adding of the second button. self.push_but2.setText("Ok") # Adding progress bar with self.progress1 = UProgress(self.frame2) self.progress1.setRange(0, 0) # range (indeterminate mode). self.layfr2_1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.push_but2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.layfr2_1.addWidget(self.progress1, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layfr2_1.setSpacing(3) # Spacing for layout - 3 pix. self.layfr2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for second frame. self.layfr2.addWidget(self.combox1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.label1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addWidget(self.line_ed3, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.addLayout(self.layfr2_1, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layfr2.setSpacing(3) # Sets spacing - 3 pixels. self.layfr2.setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.frame2.setLayout(self.layfr2) # Layout added to frame. self.lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # Layout for third widget. self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.lay1.addWidget(self.frame2, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.twid3.setLayout(self.lay1) # Set layout to the widget. self.mb1.triggered.connect(self.files) self.mb3.triggered.connect( # Connects to the data func. self.mb4.triggered.connect(self.options) self.qmlbut1 =[0].childItems()[0] self.qmlbut1.clicked.connect(self.video_camera) self.qmlbut2 =[0].childItems()[1] self.qmlbut2.clicked.connect(self.qml_apps) self.qmlbut3 =[0].childItems()[2] self.qmlbut3.clicked.connect(self.jupyter) self.qmlbut4 =[0].childItems()[3] self.qmlbut4.clicked.connect(self.web_browse) self.combox1.activated.connect(self.txt_table) self.push_but1.clicked.connect(self.save_data) self.push_but2.clicked.connect(self.long_loop) self.print_device = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter() self.actx = "" # Empty string for actions. self.qapp1 = 0 # Value for the qml button 1. self.qapp2 = 0 # Value for the qml button 2. self.qapp3 = 0 # Value for the qml button 3. self.qapp4 = 0 # Value for the qml button 4.