def postVmp(self,Vmp_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') Vmp_variable = api.get_variable('581b2f887625420434ecd29c') time.sleep(1) Vmp_response = Vmp_variable.save_value({"value": Vmp_Data}) print Vmp_response time.sleep(3)
def postImp(self,Imp_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') Imp_variable = api.get_variable('581b2f957625420481362b11') time.sleep(1) Imp_response = Imp_variable.save_value({"value": Imp_Data}) print Imp_response time.sleep(3)
def setup(): global api, bw, fw, buzzer, led_green, led_red, mqtt_distance, mqtt_speed, ua # 1. PiCar setup. picar.setup() ua = Ultrasonic_Avoidance.Ultrasonic_Avoidance(20) fw = front_wheels.Front_Wheels(db='config') bw = back_wheels.Back_Wheels(db='config') fw.turning_max = 45 # 2. GPIO pins for buzzer and LED. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # GPIO.BCM mode. GPIO.setup(PIN_BUZZER, GPIO.OUT) # Buzzer pin. GPIO.setup(PIN_LED, GPIO.OUT) # LED pins. GPIO.output(PIN_LED, GPIO.LOW) # Set LED pins to low to turn off LEDs. buzzer = GPIO.PWM(PIN_BUZZER, 440) # Set buzzer frequency to 440Hz. led_red = GPIO.PWM(PIN_LED[0], 2000) # Set LED frequencies to 2KHz. led_green = GPIO.PWM(PIN_LED[1], 2000) buzzer.start(0) led_red.start(0) led_green.start(0) # 3. Ubidots. api = ApiClient(token='A1E-priJupwmfAGtVeOjcslK9wAW16HJzO') mqtt_distance = api.get_variable('59e93a20c03f9748c6bc3d54') mqtt_speed = api.get_variable('5a092816c03f9706c0205e88')
def UBILog(dT, hP, rH, tC, TC1, TC2 ): try: api = ApiClient(ubiKEY) varTemperature = api.get_variable('57f814887625420821011130') varHumidity = api.get_variable('57f81f3f762542423c82b54a') varInterval = api.get_variable('57f89eb476254264592de214') varT_DS18b20_1 = api.get_variable('57f948e37625425f615546dc') varT_DS18b20_2 = api.get_variable('57f9492d7625426071c1d3ee') # save values to ubidots cloud response1 = varTemperature.save_value({'value':tC}) response2 = varHumidity.save_value({'value':rH}) response3 = varT_DS18b20_1.save_value({'value':TC1}) response4 = varT_DS18b20_2.save_value({'value':TC2}) #get value from ubidots cloud intInterval = int(varInterval.get_values(1)[0]['value']) return intInterval except UbidotsError400 as e: print("Code Exception: Error400 in", e.message, " and the details: ", e.detail) except UbidotsError404 as e: print("Code exception: Error404 in ", e.message, " and the details: ", e.detail) except: print("generel exception ") return 30 #wait 30secs for next data upload
def postStatus(self,Status_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') Status_variable = api.get_variable('58466a2e7625420ada1399c4') time.sleep(1) Status_response = Status_variable.save_value({"value": Status_Data}) print Status_response time.sleep(3)
def setup(): global people global peoplecounter global PEOPLECOUNT_ID global TEMPCOUNT_ID global HUMIDITYCOUNT_ID global templevel global humiditylevel API_KEY = "BBFF-b324f9278c9dd3b78728cd92f16ac5e527e" PEOPLECOUNT_ID = "6068cc8a1d847201e0d016f9" TEMPCOUNT_ID = "60a990d81d84723522cb7ba4" HUMIDITYCOUNT_ID = "60a990de1d847235aae670aa" try: api = ApiClient(apikey=API_KEY) people = api.get_variable(PEOPLECOUNT_ID) templevel= api.get_variable(TEMPCOUNT_ID) humiditylevel = api.get_variable(HUMIDITYCOUNT_ID) peoplecounter = people.get_values()[0]['value'] except: print("Couldn't connect to the API, check your Internet connection") print (error) exit() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(ENTER_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(EXIT_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) tm.number(int(peoplecounter))
def postPower(self,Power_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') Power_variable = api.get_variable('58466a2e7625420ada1399c4') time.sleep(1) Power_response = Power_variable.save_value({"value": Power_Data}) print Power_response time.sleep(3)
def postIrr(self,Irr_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') Irr_variable = api.get_variable('58466add7625420de33bedcd') time.sleep(1) Irr_response = Irr_variable.save_value({"value": Irr_Data}) print Irr_response time.sleep(3)
def reconnectUbidots(): clarityAPI = ApiClient("2331f6fb5568a0de255024aa024b2ec20f2e6e1d") c101 = clarityAPI.get_variable("56a00b1976254252dfa19fa8") c102 = clarityAPI.get_variable("56a00b5776254254a47b1bbc") c103 = clarityAPI.get_variable("56a00b6276254253988bc701") c104 = clarityAPI.get_variable("56a00b6d7625425626da050e") c105 = clarityAPI.get_variable("56a00b7876254254a47b1c1a") connTimer = time.time()
def create(): name=request.args['name'] tag1=request.args['tag1'] tag2=request.args['tag2'] desc=request.args['desc'] tags=[tag1,tag2] api=ApiClient(token=tok) new=api.create_datasource({"name":name,"tags":tags,"description":desc}) return render_template('index.html',msg="success datasource creation")
def postTemp(self,Temp_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') # Get a Ubidots Variable Temp_variable = api.get_variable('581b254f76254250326a2d51') time.sleep(1) # Here is where you usually put the code to capture the data, either through your GPIO pins or as a calculation. We'll simply put an artificial signal here: Temp_response = Temp_variable.save_value({"value": Temp_Data}) print (Temp_response) time.sleep(3)
def save_count_ubidots(count, startTime): api = ApiClient(token='A1E-CxwT7tKlYBQD5tbTOWpVAOzOxjbIha') ubidotsCount = api.get_variable('5d074d92c03f970688cf8483') while True: currentTime = time.time() if currentTime - startTime.value > 120: startTime.value = time.time() savedValue = ubidotsCount.save_value({'value': count.value}) print("Saved count in ubidots: ", savedValue)
def Update_Average(self): f = open('Ubidots_APIkey.txt', 'r') apikey = f.readline().strip() f.close() api = ApiClient(token=apikey) try: temp = api.get_variable("58d76383762542260cf36d8f") cloud_cover = api.get_variable("58d76394762542260a851a05") batt = api.get_variable("58d763aa762542260cf36f24") except ValueError: print('Unable to obtain variable') f = open('DS_APIkey.txt', 'r') apikey = f.close() Bangalore = [12.9716, 77.5946] fio = ForecastIO.ForecastIO( apikey, units=ForecastIO.ForecastIO.UNITS_SI, lang=ForecastIO.ForecastIO.LANG_ENGLISH, latitude=Bangalore[0], longitude=Bangalore[1], ) tempc = 0 clouds = 0 if fio.has_hourly() is True: hourly = FIOHourly.FIOHourly(fio) for hour in range(0, 48): tempc = tempc + float(str( hourly.get_hour(hour)['temperature'])) clouds = clouds + float( str(hourly.get_hour(hour)['cloudCover'])) else: print('No Hourly data') self.t = round(tempc / 48, 2) self.c = round(clouds / 48, 2) self.b = 40 try: temp.save_value({'value': self.t}) cloud_cover.save_value({'value': self.c}) batt.save_value({'value': self.b}) time.sleep(1) except: print('Value not sent') self.avg_temp.setText('{:0.01f}°'.format(self.t)) self.avg_cc.setText('{}%'.format(int(self.c * 100))) self.avg_batt.setText('{}%'.format(self.b)) self.done1 = True
def ubidots_send(hum_value, temp_value): api = ApiClient(token=UBIDOTS_API_KEY_TOKEN) post_data_ubi = [{ 'variable': UBIDOTS_VARIABLE_TEMP, 'value': temp_value }, { 'variable': UBIDOTS_VARIABLE_HUM, 'value': hum_value }] api.save_collection(post_data_ubi)
def insert(): vname=request.args['vname'] val1=request.args['val1'] val2=request.args['val2'] unit=request.args['unit'] values=[val1,val2] api=ApiClient(token=tok) newvar=api.get_datasources()[0].create_variable({"name":vname,"unit":unit}) newvar.save_values([{"timestamp":12345,"value":values[0]},{"timestamp":12346,"value":values[1]}]) return render_template('index.html',msg="variable created")
def ubidots_get_value(api_key='A1E-09d8db204cf11e8edbbe3e71e0eedfd61b6f', variable_key='5a46431e76254254b5ae38dd'): try: api = ApiClient(api_key) output2_control = api.get_variable(variable_key) lastValue2 = output2_control.get_values(1) temp = lastValue2[0]['value'] print temp return temp except: print "No internet connection"
def __init__(self, interval=2): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Ubidots Create an "API" object and variable object try: api = ApiClient(keys.ubidots_api_key) self.test_variable = api.get_variable( keys.ubidots_bench_variable_key)'Ubidots initialised.') except: self.logger.error('Ubidots failed to initialise.') self.ubidots_interval = datetime.timedelta(minutes=interval) self.last_time =
def postGPS(self,GPS_Data): api = ApiClient(token='wseZ3mpbc7vPzM4tlANdLo5Tqngf48') GPS_variable = api.get_variable('582288d27625427f1c7f729b') time.sleep(1) GPS_response = GPS_variable.save_value({"value":21, "context": { "lat": GPS_Data[0], "lng": GPS_Data[1]} }) print GPS_response time.sleep(3)
def getvalues(): api=ApiClient(token=tok) datasource=api.get_datasources()[0] variable=datasource.get_variables()[0] value=variable.get_values()[0]['value'] #print api.get_datasources()[0].get_variables()[0].get_values()[0]['value'] print datasource print variable print value return render_template('index.html',msg="got values "+str(value))
def ubi_connect(): print('ubi_connect()') api = ApiClient(token="BBFF-PF7xbbrjhnRpBGjLioQXEhGPWlLtiV") # user values userHumidity = api.get_variable('5bdfc9511d8472353149343c') # humidity = userHumidity.get_values(1) userLight = api.get_variable('5bdfc5db1d84723057db692f') # light = userLight.get_values(1) userLightColor = api.get_variable('5bdfc98d1d847234fe29e864') # lightColor = userLightColor.get_values(1) userTemperature = api.get_variable('5bdfc9441d84723531493427') # temperature = userTemperature.get_values(1) userSleepTime = api.get_variable('5be171331d8472057999d414') # sleepTime = userSleepTime.get_values(1) userId = api.get_variable('5bdfc97c1d8472353149348d') # id = userId.get_values(1) # onOff = api.get_variable('5be2bb631d84723ffefdcb97') # datas dictionary ubi_datas = { 'userId': userId, 'userHumidity': userHumidity, 'userLight': userLight, 'userLightColor': userLightColor, 'userTemperature': userTemperature, 'userSleepTime': userSleepTime, } return ubi_datas
def loadApi(): global api, tempVar, humidVar try: #Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") #Create a "Variable" object tempVar = api.get_variable("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") humidVar = api.get_variable("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Loading ubidots api failed with exception", e, "... will retry later") api = 0
def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) api = ApiClient(token='BBFF-YTny7Ru968fIz6EHhT3P8mRgLDiIXp') # Get cloud variables self.tempact = api.get_variable('5e8d31b51d84726d64f4a1e7') self.presact = api.get_variable('5e8d31cc1d84726e869ab59e') self.humact = api.get_variable('5e8d31c21d84726e88d71d66') self.getData() # Get data from variables # Check the timestamp if self.tLast is not None: self.tstamp = self.tLast[0]['timestamp'] if self.pLast is not None: self.pstamp = self.pLast[0]['timestamp'] if self.hLast is not None: self.hstamp = self.hLast[0]['timestamp']
def process_data(raw): print 'entrou' # Search for start and end of frame and slice, discard incomplete if "\r\n" in raw: raw = raw.split("\r\n") print 'raw: ' print raw[0] try: api = ApiClient(token='TOKEN') # Replace with your Ubidots Token here api.save_collection([{'variable': 'VARIABLE_ID','value':raw[0]}]) print 'sent to ubidots' except: print 'problem in ubidots' return
def getvalues(): api=ApiClient(token='3tC3qYIDnOh4eNqOoGXZMzBUsAnjfH') all_datasources=api.get_datasources() variables=all_datasources[0].get_variables() var=[] count=0 length=[] for i in variables: val=[] c=i.get_values() for i in range(2): val.append(c[i]['value']) length.append(count) count+=1 var.append(val) print var return render_template('var.html',name=all_datasources[0],variables=variables,values=var,length=length)
def ubidotsConfig(self): while(True): try: self.api = ApiClient(self.api_key) self._ubidotsRegisterSensors() return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print "Failed to connect to UbiDots" time.sleep(5)
def create_datasource(): name=request.form['name'] tags=[request.form['tag1'],request.form['tag2']] description=request.form['description'] print name,str(tags),description already_present='' api = ApiClient(token='4L4TakYO3sro5gmwWS5KDPztF8WTRq') all_datasources = api.get_datasources() print type(all_datasources) for i in all_datasources: if str(i) == name: print name+' is there' already_present='yes' if not already_present: new_datasource = api.create_datasource({"name": name, "tags": tags, "description": description}) #create new datasource print "datasource created\n" return render_template('datasource.html',name=name,tags=str(tags),description=description,already_present=already_present)
def __init__(self): super(UbidotsRenderer, self).__init__() self.api = ApiClient(token=master_incubator_token) self.incubator_endpoint = self.api.get_datasource( '5a224554c03f9721f59934ff') self.variables = self.incubator_endpoint.get_variables() self.temperature_1 = self._get_variable('temperature-1') self.temperature_2 = self._get_variable('temperature-2') self.humidity_1 = self._get_variable('humidity-1') self.humidity_2 = self._get_variable('humidity-2') self.heater_1 = self._get_variable('heater-1') self.heater_2 = self._get_variable('heater-2') self.uptime = self._get_variable('uptime') self.error = self._get_variable('error') self.backlogged_data = []
def main(): # Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("569f9980ce8645bad6b1074aaca5b031a26de7d6") # Create a "Variable" object temperatureVariable = api.get_variable("5689b7577625423d12706ebd") pressureVariable = api.get_variable("5689b79b7625423fc1724bb4") # create a socket object serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # get local machine name host = "localhost" port = 9999 # bind to the port serversocket.bind((host, port)) # queue up to 5 requests serversocket.listen(1) #Creation de l'instance et connection sur le BLEShield bleshield = BLEShield(ble_addr) while True: # establish a connection clientsocket,addr = serversocket.accept() print("Got a connection from %s" % str(addr)) #Recuperation de la temperature infra rouge tmpIR = bleshield.get_Data() print "tmpIR: ", vars(tmpIR) #Transmission des donnees data = { 'ambT' : tmpIR.ambT, 'pres' : tmpIR.pres, 'time' : time.time() } json_str = json.dumps(data) clientsocket.send(json_str.encode('ascii')) clientsocket.close() # Write the value to your variable in Ubidots temperatureVariable.save_value({'value' : tmpIR.ambT}) pressureVariable.save_value({'value' : tmpIR.pres})
def obtener_instancias(): global api, token global diccionario_valores global instancias_ubidots, nombre_dispositivos if token is "": token = crear_token() if api is None: api = ApiClient(token=token, base_url="") try: nombre_dispositivos = get_nombre_dispositivos() if len(instancias_ubidots) > 0: return for nombre_dispositivo in nombre_dispositivos: instancias_ubidots.append(api.get_variable(get_ids().get(nombre_dispositivo))) except Exception as e: error = "Hubo un error obteniendo las instancias de ubidots." return redirect(url_for("error", error=error))
def get_value_variable(): api = ApiClient(token='4L4TakYO3sro5gmwWS5KDPztF8WTRq') all_datasources = api.get_datasources() print all_datasources name=all_datasources[0] variables=all_datasources[0].get_variables() #all values print variables values_all=[] length=[] count=0 for i in variables: values=[] c=i.get_values() for k in range(3): values.append(c[k]['value']) length.append(count) count+=1 values_all.append(values) print values_all return render_template('get_variables.html',name=name,variables=variables,values=values_all,length=length)
def get_value_variable(): api = ApiClient(token='s4d6ZNJZ7snnwpQhm4EGlscRJwtPvG') all_datasources = api.get_datasources() print all_datasources name=all_datasources[0] variables=all_datasources[0].get_variables() #all values print variables values_all=[] length=[] count=0 for i in variables: values=[] c=i.get_values() for k in range(3): values.append(c[k]['value']) length.append(count) count+=1 values_all.append(values) print values_all return render_template('get_variables.html',name=name,variables=variables,values=values_all,length=length)
def main(): # Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("569f9980ce8645bad6b1074aaca5b031a26de7d6") # Create a "Variable" object temperatureVariable = api.get_variable("5689b7577625423d12706ebd") pressureVariable = api.get_variable("5689b79b7625423fc1724bb4") # create a socket object serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # get local machine name host = "localhost" port = 9999 # bind to the port serversocket.bind((host, port)) # queue up to 5 requests serversocket.listen(1) #Creation de l'instance et connection sur le BLEShield bleshield = BLEShield(ble_addr) while True: # establish a connection clientsocket, addr = serversocket.accept() print("Got a connection from %s" % str(addr)) #Recuperation de la temperature infra rouge tmpIR = bleshield.get_Data() print "tmpIR: ", vars(tmpIR) #Transmission des donnees data = {'ambT': tmpIR.ambT, 'pres': tmpIR.pres, 'time': time.time()} json_str = json.dumps(data) clientsocket.send(json_str.encode('ascii')) clientsocket.close() # Write the value to your variable in Ubidots temperatureVariable.save_value({'value': tmpIR.ambT}) pressureVariable.save_value({'value': tmpIR.pres})
def insert_variable(): vname=request.form['vname'] unit=request.form['unit'] v1=request.form['value1'] v2=request.form['value2'] v3=request.form['value3'] values=[ v1,v2,v3 ] api = ApiClient(token='4L4TakYO3sro5gmwWS5KDPztF8WTRq') all_datasources = api.get_datasources() print all_datasources name=all_datasources[0] new_variable = all_datasources[0].create_variable({"name": vname, "unit": unit}) #create a new variable in the datasource print "variable0 created\n" new_variable.save_values([ #saving multiple values {'timestamp': 1380558972614, 'value': values[0]}, {'timestamp': 1380558972915, 'value': values[1]}, {'timestamp': 1380558973516, 'value': values[2]},]) print "value saved to variable" return render_template('create_variable.html',name=name ,variable=vname,unit=unit,values=values)
class CloudUpload(object): def __init__(self, configuration_file, database_file='jonnyboards.db'): self.config = {} self.api_key, self.sensors = util.loadConfig(configuration_file) self.database = database.Database(database_file) self.ubidotsConfig() def ubidotsConfig(self): while(True): try: self.api = ApiClient(self.api_key) self._ubidotsRegisterSensors() return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print "Failed to connect to UbiDots" time.sleep(5) def _ubidotsRegisterSensors(self): for sensor_name, sensor_config in self.sensors.iteritems(): self.sensors[sensor_name]['ref'] = self.api.get_variable(sensor_config['id']) def RecordEvent(self, sensor_name, value, timestamp, count, duration, note): context = {'count': count, 'duration': duration} ref = self.sensors[sensor_name]['ref'] if note: context['note'] = note ref.save_value({'value':value, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'context':context}) def uploadLatestEvents(self): records = self.database.RetrieveNotUploadedRows() for record in records: print record record_id, timestamp, sensor, value, count, duration, note, uploaded_at = record self.RecordEvent(sensor, value, timestamp, count, duration, note) self.database.MarkRecordAsUploaded(record_id) def monitor(self): while(True): try: self.uploadLatestEvents() time.sleep(5) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print "attempting to reconnect" self.ubidotsConfig()
from ubidots import ApiClient import random import time # Create an ApiClient object api = ApiClient(token='BQVCK7vEK1t59qPNFGVgCdyZ8HRogc') # Get a Ubidots Variable try: tempVar = api.get_variable("573fb3c576254202abeb4d89") except ValueError: print "It is not possible to obtain the variable" while(1): try: # Random generate the temperature. v = random.randint(10, 30) tempVar.save_value({'value': v}) print "Sent value %d to server" % v time.sleep(5) except ValueError: print "Value not sent"
from ubidots import ApiClient api = ApiClient(token='RBgwxE0fSTaFS7IH7EqIya2Nl6yVek') ctrlVarFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Ctrl floraBox"}) ctrlActFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Ctrl Actuators floraBox"}) varFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Variables floraBox"}) #Ctrl Actuadores ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAACR 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Circulation"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAHE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Heater"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAHU 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Humidifier"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAVE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Ventilation"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALMI 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Mother"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALPN 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Panel 1"}) ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALPN 2","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Panel 2"}) #Ctrl Variables ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSACO 1","unit":"ppp","name":"Ctrl CO2"}) ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSAHU 1","unit":"%","name":"Ctrl Air Humidity"}) ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSATM 1","unit":"°C","name":"Ctrl Air Temp"}) ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSWEC 1","unit":"mS/cm","name":"Ctrl Water EC"}) ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSWPH 1","unit":"PH","name":"Ctrl Water PH"}) #Variables varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AACR 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Circulation"}) varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAHE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Heater"}) varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAHU 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Humidifier"}) varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAVE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Ventilation"})
from ubidots import ApiClient import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN) try: api =ApiClient("e62234c8846318b2962b69c29b62a0b7bbd5ed18") people = api.get_variable("578cc74b7625422c4e939b61") except: print("Couldn't connect to the API, check your Internet connection") counter = 0 peoplecount = 0 while(1): presence = GPIO.input(17) if(presence): peoplecount += 1 presence = 0 time.sleep(1.5) time.sleep(1) counter += 1 if(counter==10): print(peoplecount) people.save_value({'value':peoplecount}) counter = 0 peoplecount = 0
from ubidots import ApiClient import os import glob import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time api = ApiClient("181bfdacd408f5d2dcff6ebdb655b2a68387606e") test_variable1 = api.get_variable("5669a22d7625422c9c7345aa") test_variable = api.get_variable("56699131762542086a2f3480") GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(13,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.IN) os.system('moderate w1-therm') base_dir='/sys/bus/w1/devices/' device_folder=glob.glob(base_dir + '28-0314566612ff')[0] #g from 28* device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave' def read_temp_raw(): f=open(device_file,'r') lines=f.readlines() f.close() return lines def read_temp(): lines=read_temp_raw() while lines[0].strip()[-3:]!='YES': time.sleep(0.2) lines=read_temp_raw() equals_pos=lines[1].find('t=') if equals_pos!=-1: temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:] temp_c=float(temp_string)/1000.0
from ubidots import ApiClient import Rpi.GPIO as GPIO import time import picamera from time import sleep GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.IN) api=ApiClient("2355dc90c5e93fc697295b33f9a6ed4e5003c2e1") #create a "Variable" object test_variable=api.get_variable("566993407625420e4e82690a") while True: i=GPIO.input(11) i=0 if i==1 test_variable.save_value({'value':1}) camera=picamera.PiCamera() camera.capture('suyash.jpg') camera.start_preview() camera.vflip=True camera.hflip=True camera.brightness=60 sleep(10)
from ubidots import ApiClient import random import time #Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("88a38af294d0281ee1153b650ad13ce8314833f4") #Create a "Variable" object test_variable = api.get_variable("56b047d67625425379ae8359") #Here is where you usually put the code to capture the data, either through your GPIO pins or as a calculation. We'll simply put a random value here: while True: test_value = random.randint(1,100) #Write the value to your variable in Ubidots test_variable.save_value({'value':test_value}) print('Random value is %d' %test_value) time.sleep(1)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import dht11 import time from ubidots import ApiClient # initialize GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setup(19,GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(7,GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(8,GPIO.IN) #Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("f0aee71e9c7d1ca8e792c1b39cb90448d734d76c") #Create a "Variable" object test_variable = api.get_variable("5669177d76254278e8150f21") test1_variable = api.get_variable("56695d66762542112ed97c2b") test2_variable = api.get_variable("56695d56762542128eb5dbfb") test3_variable = api.get_variable("566973c876254243f3602899") # read data using pin 8 instance = dht11.DHT11(pin = 8) result = result1= GPIO.input(19) time.sleep(0.1) current_state = GPIO.input(7)
from ubidots import ApiClient import requests,time from math import * #Connect to Ubidots api = ApiClient('a21ebaf64e14d195c0044fcc3b9f6dab9d653af3') #Instantiate local variable from Ubidots boston_distance = api.get_variable('525c7e69f91b2858265d746a') #Get variables while(1): req_iss = requests.get('') dict = req_iss.json() latlong = dict['iss_position']; lat = latlong['latitude'] long = latlong['longitude'] #Calculate Distance to Boston my_lat = 42.3581 my_long = 71.0636 a = sin((my_lat-lat)/2)**2 + cos(lat)*cos(my_lat)*sin((my_long-long)/2)**2 c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)) d = 6378.1*c d = round(d,1)
config.get('ubisoftAPI', 'air_pressure_api_key') air_humidity_ubi_api_key = \ config.get('ubisoftAPI', 'air_humidity_api_key') air_temperature_ubi_api_key = \ config.get('ubisoftAPI', 'air_temperature_api_key') print 'ubisoft_api_token:', ubisoft_api_token # Open SPI bus spi = spidev.SpiDev(), mcp3008_spi_device) if is_ubisoft_requested: # Create an ApiClient object ubi_api = ApiClient(ubisoft_api_token) # Get a Ubidots Variable soil_sensor_level_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(soil_level_ubi_api_key) soil_sensor_volt_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(soil_volt_ubi_api_key) light_sensor_level_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(light_level_ubi_api_key) light_sensor_volt_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(light_volt_ubi_api_key) air_pressure_sensor_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(air_pressure_ubi_api_key) air_humidity_sensor_ubi = \ ubi_api.get_variable(air_humidity_ubi_api_key)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from ubidots import ApiClient import time # Init GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) # Create an ApiClient object api = ApiClient(token='BQVCK7vEK1t59qPNFGVgCdyZ8HRogc') # Get a Ubidots Variable try: stateVar = api.get_variable("573fbb1f7625423b1d1c0523") except ValueError: print "It is not possible to obtain the variable" while(1): try: # Get the latest value. state = stateVar.get_values(1) v = state[0]['value'] print "Got state %d at %s" % (v, state[0]['created_at']) if v == 1: GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(5) except ValueError:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from ubidots import ApiClient import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN) try: api = ApiClient("327bca13e8edac388ea42f35275783cfb10ae56d") people = api.get_variable("56dcf38876254249b9922f60") except: print "cant connect" while(1): presence = GPIO.input(7) if (presence == 0): people.save_value({'value':presence}) time.sleep(0.01) print "Sent: 0" if (presence): people.save_value({'value':presence}) time.sleep(0.01) print "Sent: 1" GPIO.cleanup()
except (ConnectionError, SerialException): logging.exception('Failed to init Groduino, retrying in 3 seconds') time.sleep(3) message_count = 0 # Main Code if __name__ == "__main__": cmdargs_dict = commandLineInit() serial_params = SerialParameters() groduino = hwInit(port=cmdargs_dict['port'], serial_parameters=serial_params) # TODO just init the server inside bot. Bot should take ip of server to connect to api = ApiClient(token='RBgwxE0fSTaFS7IH7EqIya2Nl6yVek') #TODO leer desde txt #Create a "Variable" object datas= api.get_datasources () dic={datas[0].name:datas[0],datas[1].name:datas[1],datas[2].name:datas[2]} # learning not to use Switchs fking Py... ctrlActFloraBox=dic['Ctrl Actuators floraBox'] ctrlVarFloraBox=dic['Ctrl floraBox'] varFloraBox=dic['Variables floraBox'] while 1: message = groduino.receive(blocking=True) if not message: print ("No message")
from ubidots import ApiClient setup_run = False bus = smbus.SMBus(1) calibration_h = [] calibration_p = [] calibration_t = [] t_fine = 0.0 Data = namedtuple('Data', ['humidity', 'pressure', 'temperature']) Address = 0x76 api = ApiClient('xxxxa418e305976dc39c9df80d000f07abc7ea72') T_cloud = api.get_variable('xxxx815576254215ac04bece') RH_cloud = api.get_variable('xxxx8172762542167b4f4df4') hPA_cloud = api.get_variable('xxxx818576254216ee23103a') Moist_cloud = api.get_variable('xxxxaae57625425f49102a8f') def reset_calibration(): global calibration_h, calibration_p, calibration_t, t_fine calibration_h = [] calibration_p = [] calibration_t = [] t_fine = 0.0 def populate_calibration_data(): raw_data = []
from ubidots import ApiClient import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN) try: api =ApiClient("from ubidots import ApiClient") import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN) try: api =ApiClient("e62234c8846318b2962b69c29b62a0b7bbd5ed18") people = api.get_variable("wY36NjEfLRQ3Y1OlTmGLcm9zHKAVQk") except: print "Couldn't connect to the API, check your Internet connection" counter = 0
#Trivadis (C) 2016 #RMI 09.06.2016 from ubidots import ApiClient import math import time # Create an ApiClient object api = ApiClient(token='Bx2jZVG7VAlsoxsLjnbJewKcj8qfiZ') # Get a Ubidots Variable variable = api.get_variable('575958367625426ead141395') # Place for code to capture data from the sensor cnt = 0 while (cnt < 10): # value to my variable in Ubidots response = variable.save_value({"value": 20*math.sin(cnt)}) print (response) cnt += 1 time.sleep(10)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import dht11 import time from ubidots import ApiClient # initialize GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.IN) #GPIO.setup(7,GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(21,GPIO.IN) #Create an "API" object #pin 11 for vibration ,8 for temperature,21 for moisture api = ApiClient("46e1a0d7f656a8cbfbbdba47f6f0362e757d4acc") #Create a "Variable" object #temperature test_variable = api.get_variable("5669cafa762542094821a3da") #humidity test1_variable = api.get_variable("5669cae676254205debec9d4") #vibration test2_variable = api.get_variable("563851ed76254254e37bafb7") #moisture test3_variable = api.get_variable("5669cb13762542067f4dfe82") # read data using pin 8 instance = dht11.DHT11(pin = 8) result = #result1 has vibration values
from ubidots import ApiClient import random #Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("YOUR API KEY") #Create a "Variable" object test_variable = api.get_variable("YOUR VARIABLE ID") #Here is where you usually put the code to capture the data, either through your GPIO pins or as a calculation. We'll simply put a random value here: for x in xrange(1,200): test_value = random.randint(1,100) #Write the value to your variable in Ubidots test_variable.save_value({'value':test_value})
from ubidots import ApiClient import random from config import config from speedtest import speedtest #test speed result = speedtest() #get name of local host import socket hostname=socket.gethostname() #create an "API" object api = ApiClient(config["key"]) print(result) #upload results provider = api.get_variable(config["hosts"][hostname]["provider"]) provider.save_value({'value':0, 'context':{'Internet Provider':result["provider"]}}) upload = api.get_variable(config["hosts"][hostname]["upload"]) upload.save_value({'value':result["upload"][0]}) download = api.get_variable(config["hosts"][hostname]["download"]) download.save_value({'value':result["download"][0]})
# Bind socket to local host and port try: s.bind((HOST, PORT)) except socket.error , msg: print 'Bind failed. Error Code : ' + str(msg[0]) + ' Message ' + msg[1] sys.exit() print 'Socket bind complete' s.settimeout(0.001) car_moving = False; car_out_button = mraa.Gpio(4) car_out_button.dir(mraa.DIR_IN) data_json = {} for i in range(0,5): try: print "Requesting Ubidots token" api = ApiClient('a1cc77700e5a0696bc8f9480fe78df55c73e982e') break except: print "No internet connection, retrying..." time.sleep(1) def deleteContent(pfile): pfile.truncate() def write_date_in_file(): deleteContent(data_file) #data_file.write("CarStatus: " + str(car_parked) + "\n") #data_file.write("GroceryList: " + str(grocery_list) + "\n") #data_file.write("Temperature: " + str(temperature) + "\n") #data_file.write("HomeLocked: " + str(homeLocked) + "\n")
# read in one empty bit, one null bit and 10 ADC bits for i in range(12): GPIO.output(clockpin, True) GPIO.output(clockpin, False) adcout <<= 1 if (GPIO.input(misopin)): adcout |= 0x1 GPIO.output(cspin, True) adcout >>= 1 # first bit is 'null' so drop it return adcout # Code to connect a Ubidots try: api = ApiClient("75617caf2933588b7fd0da531155d16035138535") # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey for curDs in api.get_datasources(): # Check if there's any Data Source with the name AirPi if == "AirPi": dS = curDs break if dS is None: dS = api.create_datasource({"name":"AirPi"}) # If doesn't exist it'll create a Data Source with the name Airpi lightValue = getVarbyNames("Light_level",dS) if lightValue is None: lightValue = dS.create_variable({"name": "Light_level","unit": "lux"}) # Create a new Variable for light nitrogen = getVarbyNames("Nitrogen_dioxide_concentration",dS) if nitrogen is None: nitrogen = dS.create_variable({"name": "Nitrogen_dioxide_concentration", "unit": "ppm"}) # Create a new Variable for NO2 level
import tornado.web import tornado.websocket import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import json from uuid import uuid4 import time import threading import random from ubidots import ApiClient # crear api api = ApiClient(token= 'SCJeJGv3tVyyiR9RjzBQXL9XgzCCxt') #creamos las api y los id humedad = api.get_variable("5763b2ab7625421ca1a7d82a") temperatura = api.get_variable("5763ac2376254249a1fa9eba") #libreria para usar el puerto GPIO import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #configurando GPIO #pines por el numero impreso en la tarjeta,numeracion distribucion fisica #GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #pines por el numero canal de las etiquetas. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
from ubidots import ApiClient import random import time # Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("569f9980ce8645bad6b1074aaca5b031a26de7d6") # Create a "Variable" object test_variable = api.get_variable("5689b21076254235161ada87") # Here is where you usually put the code to capture the data, either through your GPIO pins or as a calculation. We'll simply put a random value here: for index in range(10): test_value = random.randint(1,100) # Write the value to your variable in Ubidots test_variable.save_value({'value':test_value}) time.sleep(1)
from time import sleep from grove_i2c_barometric_sensor import BMP085 import grovepi lum_pin = 0 DHT_pin = 3 pir_pin = 8 relay_pin = 2 bmp = BMP085(0x77, 1) grovepi.pinMode(pir_pin, "INPUT") grovepi.pinMode(relay_pin, "OUTPUT") #Create an "API" object api = ApiClient("Your api client") #Create a "Variable" object lum = api.get_variable("variable id") temp = api.get_variable("variable id") hum = api.get_variable("variable id") pres = api.get_variable("variable id") while True: try: # Retrieve data [T,H] = grovepi.dht(DHT_pin, 1) P = bmp.readPressure() L = grovepi.analogRead(lum_pin)
from ubidots import ApiClient import random import time api = ApiClient("92c3631d495bfff93d3d3cf043772d46003d9e5b") test_variable = api.get_variable("565c48007625425dd74d15c7") def main(): licznik = 0 while True: test_value = random.randint(1, 100) try: test_variable.save_value({"value": test_value}) licznik = licznik + 1 print "success nr %s" % licznik except: print "error" time.sleep(40) print "one more time" test_variable.save_value({"value": test_value}) time.sleep(5) main()