def setup_sufficient_space(self): # TODO move into prepare. size = misc.install_size() self.db.subst('ubiquity/text/required_space', 'SIZE', misc.format_size(size)) free = self.free_space() self.db.subst('ubiquity/text/free_space', 'SIZE', misc.format_size(free)) required_text = self.description('ubiquity/text/required_space') free_text = self.description('ubiquity/text/free_space') self.ui.set_sufficient_space(size < free, required_text, free_text)
def setup_sufficient_space(self): # TODO move into prepare. size = misc.install_size() self.db.subst( 'ubiquity/text/required_space', 'SIZE', misc.format_size(size)) free = self.free_space() self.db.subst( 'ubiquity/text/free_space', 'SIZE', misc.format_size(free)) required_text = self.description('ubiquity/text/required_space') free_text = self.description('ubiquity/text/free_space') self.ui.set_sufficient_space(size < free, required_text, free_text)
def _drawLabels(self, painter, part, x, h, partColor): painter.setPen( # label vertical location labelY = h + 8 texts = [] texts.append( texts.append(format_size(part.size)) nameFont = QtGui.QFont("arial", 10) infoFont = QtGui.QFont("arial", 8) painter.setFont(nameFont) v_off = 0 width = 0 for text in texts: textSize = painter.fontMetrics().size( QtCore.Qt.TextSingleLine, text) painter.drawText( x + 18, labelY + v_off + textSize.height() / 2, text) v_off += textSize.height() painter.setFont(infoFont) painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(PartitionsBar.InfoColor)) width = max(width, textSize.width()) self._drawPartitionFrame(painter, x, labelY - 3, 13, 13, partColor) return width + 40
def _drawLabels(self, painter, part, x, h, partColor): painter.setPen( # label vertical location labelY = h + 8 texts = [] texts.append( texts.append(format_size(part.size)) nameFont = QtGui.QFont("arial", 10) infoFont = QtGui.QFont("arial", 8) painter.setFont(nameFont) v_off = 0 width = 0 for text in texts: textSize = painter.fontMetrics().size(QtCore.Qt.TextSingleLine, text) painter.drawText(x + 18, labelY + v_off + textSize.height() / 2, text) v_off += textSize.height() painter.setFont(infoFont) painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(PartitionsBar.InfoColor)) width = max(width, textSize.width()) self._drawPartitionFrame(painter, x, labelY - 3, 13, 13, partColor) return width + 40
def setup_sufficient_space(self): # TODO move into prepare. size = misc.install_size() self.db.subst('ubiquity/text/prepare_sufficient_space', 'SIZE', misc.format_size(size)) space = self.description('ubiquity/text/prepare_sufficient_space') self.ui.set_sufficient_space(self.big_enough(size)) self.ui.set_sufficient_space_text(space)
def set_size(self, size): self.size = size if size > 0: self.subtitle = format_size(self.size) else: self.subtitle = ''
def paintEvent(self, qPaintEvent): painter = QPainter(self) #used for drawing sunken frame sunkenFrameStyle = QStyleOptionFrame() sunkenFrameStyle.state = QStyle.State_Sunken h = self.bar_height h_2 = self.bar_height/2 effective_width = self.width() - 1 path = QPainterPath() path.addRoundedRect(1, 1, self.width()-2, h-2, self.radius, self.radius) part_offset = 0 label_offset = 0 trunc_pix = 0 resize_handle_x = None for p in self.partitions: painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) #this is done so that even after resizing, other partitions draw in the same places trunc_pix += (effective_width * float(p.size) / self.diskSize) pix_size = int(round(trunc_pix)) trunc_pix -= pix_size #use the right color for the filesystem if Partition.filesystemColours.has_key(p.fs): pColor = QColor(Partition.filesystemColours[p.fs]) else: pColor = QColor(Partition.filesystemColours['free']) pal = QPalette(pColor) dark = pal.color(QPalette.Dark) mid = pColor.darker(125) midl = mid.lighter(125) grad = QLinearGradient(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, h)) if p.fs == "free": grad.setColorAt(.25, mid) grad.setColorAt(1, midl) else: grad.setColorAt(0, midl) grad.setColorAt(.75, mid) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(QBrush(grad)) painter.setClipRect(part_offset, 0, pix_size, h*2) painter.drawPath(path) if part_offset > 0: painter.setPen(dark) painter.drawLine(part_offset, 3, part_offset, h - 3) painter.setClipping(False) draw_labels = True if draw_labels: #draw the labels painter.setPen( #name is the path by default, or free space if unpartitioned name = if name == None: if p.fs == 'free': name = 'free space' elif p.fs == 'swap': name = 'swap' else: name = p.path #label vertical location labelY = h + 8 texts = [] texts.append(name) texts.append("%.01f%% (%s)" % (float(p.size) / self.diskSize * 100, format_size(p.size))) nameFont = QFont("arial", 10) infoFont = QFont("arial", 8) painter.setFont(nameFont) v_off = 0 width = 0 for text in texts: textSize = painter.fontMetrics().size(Qt.TextSingleLine, text) painter.drawText(label_offset + 20, labelY + v_off + textSize.height()/2, text) v_off += textSize.height() painter.setFont(infoFont) painter.setPen(QColor(PartitionsBar.InfoColor)) width = max(width, textSize.width()) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(mid) labelRect = QPainterPath() labelRect.addRoundedRect(label_offset+1, labelY - 3, 13, 13, 4, 4) painter.drawPath(labelRect) sunkenFrameStyle.rect = QRect(label_offset, labelY-4, 15, 15), sunkenFrameStyle, painter, self), sunkenFrameStyle, painter, self) label_offset += width + 40 #set the handle location for drawing later if self.resize_part and p == resize_handle_x = part_offset #increment the partition offset part_offset += pix_size sunkenFrameStyle.rect = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), h), sunkenFrameStyle, painter, self) if self.resize_part and resize_handle_x: # draw a resize handle part = self.resize_part xloc = resize_handle_x self.resize_loc = xloc side = 1 arr_dist = 5 painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush( painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) #move out so not created every time arrow_offsets = ( (0, h/2-1), (4, h/2-1), (4, h/2-3), (8, h/2), (4, h/2+3), (4, h/2+1), (0, h/2+1)) p1 = arrow_offsets[0] if part.size > part.minsize: arrow = QPainterPath(QPointF(xloc + -1 * p1[0], p1[1])) for p in arrow_offsets: arrow.lineTo(xloc + -1 * p[0] + 1, p[1]) painter.drawPath(arrow) if part.size < part.maxsize: arrow = QPainterPath(QPointF(xloc + p1[0], p1[1])) for p in arrow_offsets: arrow.lineTo(xloc + p[0], p[1]) painter.drawPath(arrow) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False) painter.setPen( painter.drawLine(xloc, 0, xloc, h)
def set_size(self, size): size = misc.format_size(size) self.size.set_markup('<span size="x-large">%s</span>' % size)
def test_format_size(self): self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000**0), '4.0 B') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000**1), '4.0 kB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000**2), '4.0 MB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000**3), '4.0 GB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000**4), '4.0 TB')
def test_format_size(self): self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000 ** 0), '4.0 B') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000 ** 1), '4.0 kB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000 ** 2), '4.0 MB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000 ** 3), '4.0 GB') self.assertEqual(misc.format_size(4 * 1000 ** 4), '4.0 TB')