def text(self): """ text will return the unicode string of content, see `requests.Response.text` """ if not self.content: return str("") try: content = str(self.content, self.encoding, errors="replace") except (LookupError, TypeError): content = str(self.content, errors="replace") return content
def json(self, **kwargs) -> typing.Optional[dict]: """ json will return the bytes of content """ if not self.content: return None try: return self._decode_json(**kwargs) except Exception as e: raise exc.InvalidResponseException(self.content, str(e), request_uuid=self.request_uuid)
def _convert(self, value, name=None): if self.strict and not isinstance(value, str):, "str", type(value)) return str(value)
def encode_value(v): if isinstance(v, bool): return "true" if v else "false" if isinstance(v, float): return str(int(v)) if v % 1 == 0 else str(v) return str(v)