def is_session_exists(self): is_exists = False conf = load_configs() if conf: cookies = conf.get("cookies") if cookies: cookies = extract_cookie_string(cookies) access_token = cookies.get("access_token") client_id = cookies.get("client_id") self._session._set_auth_headers( # pylint: disable=W access_token=access_token, client_id=client_id) self._session._session.cookies.update( # pylint: disable=W {"access_token": access_token}) try: url = "" resp = self._session._get(url) # pylint: disable=W resp.raise_for_status() is_exists = True except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=W logger.error( msg= f"Udemy Says: {error} session cookie seems to be expired..." ) is_exists = False return is_exists, conf
def main(): """main function""" sys.stdout.write(banner()) version = "%(prog)s {version}".format(version=udemy.__version__) description = "A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, conflict_handler="resolve") parser.add_argument( "course", help="Udemy course or file containing list of course URL(s).", type=str, ) general = parser.add_argument_group("General") general.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Shows the help.") general.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=version, help="Shows the version.") authentication = parser.add_argument_group("Authentication") authentication.add_argument( "-u", "--username", dest="username", type=str, help="Username in udemy.", metavar="", ) authentication.add_argument( "-p", "--password", dest="password", type=str, help="Password of your account.", metavar="", ) authentication.add_argument( "-k", "--cookies", dest="cookies", type=str, help="Cookies to authenticate with.", metavar="", ) advance = parser.add_argument_group("Advance") advance.add_argument( "-o", "--output", dest="output", type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help="Download to specific directory.", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "-q", "--quality", dest="quality", type=int, help="Download specific video quality.", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "-c", "--chapter", dest="chapter", type=int, help="Download specific chapter from course.", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "-l", "--lecture", dest="lecture", type=int, help="Download specific lecture from chapter(s).", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "-s", "--sub-lang", dest="language", type=str, help="Download specific subtitle/caption (e.g:- en).", metavar="", default="en", ) advance.add_argument( "--chapter-start", dest="chapter_start", type=int, help="Download from specific position within course.", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "--chapter-end", dest="chapter_end", type=int, help="Download till specific position within course.", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "--lecture-start", dest="lecture_start", type=int, help="Download from specific position within chapter(s).", metavar="", ) advance.add_argument( "--lecture-end", dest="lecture_end", type=int, help="Download till specific position within chapter(s).", metavar="", ) other = parser.add_argument_group("Others") other.add_argument( "--info", dest="info", action="store_true", help="List all lectures with available resolution.", ) other.add_argument( "--cache", dest="cache_session", action="store_true", help="Cache your session to avoid providing again.", ) other.add_argument( "--keep-vtt", dest="keep_vtt", action="store_true", help="Keep WebVTT caption(s).", ) other.add_argument( "--sub-only", dest="caption_only", action="store_true", help="Download captions/subtitle only.", ) other.add_argument( "--skip-sub", dest="skip_captions", action="store_true", help="Download course but skip captions/subtitle.", ) other.add_argument( "--skip-hls", dest="skip_hls_stream", action="store_true", help="Download course but skip hls streams. (fast fetching).", ) other.add_argument( "--assets-only", dest="assets_only", action="store_true", help="Download asset(s) only.", ) other.add_argument( "--skip-assets", dest="skip_assets", action="store_true", help="Download course but skip asset(s).", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.cookies: f_in = open(args.cookies) with open(args.cookies) as f_in: cookies = "\n".join( [line for line in (l.strip() for l in f_in) if line]) args.cookies = cookies if not args.username and not args.password and not args.cookies: # check if we already have a session.. configs = load_configs() if not configs: # if not ask user for user/pass or access token (cookie) args.username = getpass.getuser(prompt="Username : "******"Password : "******"\n") if not args.username and not args.password: print("") args.cookies = getpass.get_access_token( prompt="Access Token : ") if args.cookies: print("\n") if configs: cookies = configs.get("cookies") if not cookies: args.username = configs.get("username") args.password = configs.get("password") if cookies: args.cookies = cookies args.quality = args.quality if args.quality else configs.get( "quality") args.output = args.output if args.output else configs.get("output") args.language = args.language if args.language else configs.get( "language") url_or_courses = extract_url_or_courses(args.course) if not args.username and not args.password and not args.cookies: print("\n") logger.error( msg= f"You should either provide fresh access token or username/password for udemy.." ) sys.exit(0) udemy_obj = Udemy( url_or_courses=url_or_courses, username=args.username, password=args.password, cookies=args.cookies, cache_session=args.cache_session, ) # setting the caching default so that we can avoid future login attemps. if args.cache_session: _ = to_configs( username=args.username, password=args.password, cookies=args.cookies, quality=args.quality, output=args.output, language=args.language, ) dl_assets = dl_lecture = dl_subtitles = True if args.assets_only: dl_lecture = False dl_subtitles = False args.skip_hls_stream = True if args.skip_assets: dl_assets = False if args.caption_only: dl_lecture = False dl_assets = False args.skip_hls_stream = True if args.skip_captions: dl_subtitles = False if not if args.quality and args.quality > 720 and args.skip_hls_stream: args.quality = "" logger.warning( msg= "You cannot use --skip-hls and -q/--quality options togather, considering --skip-hls only.." ) udemy_obj.course_download( path=args.output, quality=args.quality, language=args.language, dl_assets=dl_assets, dl_lecture=dl_lecture, dl_subtitles=dl_subtitles, chapter_number=args.chapter, chapter_start=args.chapter_start, chapter_end=args.chapter_end, lecture_number=args.lecture, lecture_start=args.lecture_start, lecture_end=args.lecture_end, keep_vtt=args.keep_vtt, skip_hls_stream=args.skip_hls_stream, ) if udemy_obj.course_listdown( chapter_number=args.chapter, chapter_start=args.chapter_start, chapter_end=args.chapter_end, lecture_number=args.lecture, lecture_start=args.lecture_start, lecture_end=args.lecture_end, skip_hls_stream=args.skip_hls_stream, )