예제 #1
    def getLink(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        ci = self.processUserPassword(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        if domain != '':
            username = domain + '\\' + username

        # Build params dict
        params = {
            'protocol': 'rdp',
            'hostname': ip,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'ignore-cert': 'true'

        if self.enableAudio.isTrue() is False:
            params['disable-audio'] = 'true'

        if self.enablePrinting.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-printing'] = 'true'

        logger.debug('RDP Params: {0}'.format(params))

        ticket = TicketStore.create(params)

        return HttpResponseRedirect("{}/transport/?{}&{}".format(self.guacamoleServer.value, ticket, request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('Index'))))
예제 #2
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshServer = self._tunnelServer
        if ':' not in sshServer:
            sshServer += ':443'

        sshHost, sshPort = sshServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        m = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'password': password,
            'port': self._listenPort

        r = NXFile(username=username, password=password, width=width, height=height)
        r.host = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(
예제 #3
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshServer = self._tunnelServer
        if ':' not in sshServer:
            sshServer += ':443'

        sshHost, sshPort = sshServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        m = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'password': password,
            'port': self._listenPort

        r = NXFile(username=username, password=password, width=width, height=height)
        r.host = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(TSNXTransport, self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(
예제 #4
파일: auth.py 프로젝트: hanwoody/openuds
def authCallback(request: HttpRequest, authName: str) -> HttpResponse:
    This url is provided so external SSO authenticators can get an url for
    redirecting back the users.

    This will invoke authCallback of the requested idAuth and, if this represents
    an authenticator that has an authCallback
        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(name=authName)
        params = request.GET.copy()

        logger.debug('Auth callback for %s with params %s', authenticator,

        ticket = TicketStore.create({
            'params': params,
            'auth': authenticator.uuid
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            reverse('page.auth.callback_stage2', args=[ticket]))
    except Exception as e:
        # No authenticator found...
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)
예제 #5
def clientEnabler(request, idService, idTransport):

    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)

    url = ''
    error = _('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')
        res = getService(request, idService, idTransport, doTest=False)
        if res is not None:

            scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
            password = cryptoManager().xor(webPassword(request), scrambler)

            _x, ads, _x, trans, _x = res

            data = {
                'service': 'A' + ads.uuid,
                'transport': trans.uuid,
                'user': request.user.uuid,
                'password': password

            ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
            error = ''
            url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except Exception as e:
        error = six.text_type(e)

    # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
    return HttpResponse('{{ "url": "{}", "error": "{}" }}'.format(url, error),
예제 #6
    def action(self) -> typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]:
        logger.debug('Args: %s,  Params: %s', self._args, self._params)

            return ActorV3Action.actorResult(TicketStore.get(self._params['ticket'], invalidate=True))
        except TicketStore.DoesNotExist:
            raise BlockAccess()  # If too many blocks...
예제 #7
    def getLink(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        ci = self.processUserPassword(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        if domain != '':
            username = domain + '\\' + username

        # Build params dict
        params = {
            'protocol': 'rdp',
            'hostname': ip,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'ignore-cert': 'true'

        if self.enableAudio.isTrue() is False:
            params['disable-audio'] = 'true'

        if self.enablePrinting.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-printing'] = 'true'

        logger.debug('RDP Params: {0}'.format(params))

        ticket = TicketStore.create(params)

        return HttpResponseRedirect("{}/transport/?{}&{}".format(
            self.guacamoleServer.value, ticket,
예제 #8
파일: views.py 프로젝트: shaba/openuds
def pam(request):
    response = ''
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET'])
    if 'id' in request.GET and 'pass' in request.GET:
        # This is an "auth" request
        ids = request.GET.getlist('id')
        response = '0'
        if len(ids) == 1:
            userId = ids[0]
            logger.debug("Auth request for user [{0}] and pass [{1}]".format(request.GET['id'], request.GET['pass']))
                password = TicketStore.get(userId)
                if password == request.GET['pass']:
                    response = '1'
            except Exception:
                # Non existing ticket, log it and stop
                logger.info('Invalid access from {} using user {}'.format(request.ip, userId))
            logger.warn('Invalid request from {}: {}'.format(request.ip, [v for v in request.GET.lists()]))
    elif 'uid' in request.GET:
        # This is an "get name for id" call
        logger.debug("NSS Request for id [{0}]".format(request.GET['uid']))
        response = '10000 udstmp'
    elif 'name' in request.GET:
        logger.debug("NSS Request for username [{0}]".format(request.GET['name']))
        response = '10000 udstmp'

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type='text/plain')
예제 #9
def clientEnabler(request, idService, idTransport):

    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)

    url = ''
    error = _('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')
        res = getService(request, idService, idTransport, doTest=False)
        if res is not None:

            scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
            password = cryptoManager().xor(webPassword(request), scrambler)

            _x, ads, _x, trans, _x = res

            data = {
                'service': 'A' + ads.uuid,
                'transport': trans.uuid,
                'user': request.user.uuid,
                'password': password

            ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
            error = ''
            url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except Exception as e:
        error = six.text_type(e)

    # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
    return HttpResponse('{{ "url": "{}", "error": "{}" }}'.format(url, error), content_type='application/json')
예제 #10
def enableService(request: 'ExtendedHttpRequestWithUser', idService: str,
                  idTransport: str) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]:
    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)
    logger.debug('idService: %s, idTransport: %s', idService, idTransport)
    url = ''
    error = ugettext('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')

    # If meta service, process and rebuild idService & idTransport

        res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user,
        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        password = cryptoManager().symCrypt(webPassword(request), scrambler)

        userService, trans = res[1], res[3]

        typeTrans = trans.getType()

        error = ''  # No error

        if typeTrans.ownLink:
            url = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                          args=('A' + userService.uuid, trans.uuid))
            data = {
                'service': 'A' + userService.uuid,
                'transport': trans.uuid,
                'user': request.user.uuid,
                'password': password

            ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
            url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        logger.debug('Service not ready')
        # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
        # error += ' (code {0:04X})'.format(e.code)
        error = ugettext(
            'Your service is being created, please, wait for a few seconds while we complete it.)'
        ) + '({}%)'.format(int(e.code * 25))
    except MaxServicesReachedError:
        logger.info('Number of service reached MAX for service pool "%s"',
        error = errors.errorString(errors.MAX_SERVICES_REACHED)
    except ServiceAccessDeniedByCalendar:
        logger.info('Access tried to a calendar limited access pool "%s"',
        error = errors.errorString(errors.SERVICE_CALENDAR_DENIED)
    except Exception as e:
        error = str(e)

    return {'url': str(url), 'error': str(error)}
예제 #11
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        self, userService: 'models.UserService', transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str, os: typing.Dict[str, str], user: '******', password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest'
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
        userServiceInstance: typing.Any = userService.getInstance()

        # Spice connection
        con = userServiceInstance.getConsoleConnection()
        port: str = con['port'] or '-1'
        secure_port: str = con['secure_port'] or '-1'

        # Ticket
        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.letters +
                          for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        r = RemoteViewerFile('',
        r.usb_auto_share = self.usbShare.isTrue()
        r.new_usb_auto_share = self.autoNewUsbShare.isTrue()
        r.smartcard = self.smartCardRedirect.isTrue()

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        # if sso:  # If SSO requested, and when supported by platform
        #     userServiceInstance.desktopLogin(user, password, '')

        sp = {
            'as_file': r.as_file,
            'as_file_ns': r.as_file_ns,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'ip': con['address'],
            'port': port,
            'secure_port': secure_port

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', osName, sp)
예제 #12
def guacamole(request, tunnelId):
    logger.debug('Received credentials request for tunnel id {0}'.format(tunnelId))

        val = TicketStore.get(tunnelId, invalidate=False)

        response = dict2resp(val)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponse(ERROR, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)
예제 #13
def userServiceEnabler(request, idService, idTransport):
    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)
    logger.debug('idService: {}, idTransport: {}'.format(
        idService, idTransport))
    url = ''
    error = _('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')

    # If meta service, process and rebuild idService & idTransport

        res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user,
        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        password = cryptoManager().symCrypt(webPassword(request), scrambler)

        _x, userService, _x, trans, _x = res

        data = {
            'service': 'A' + userService.uuid,
            'transport': trans.uuid,
            'user': request.user.uuid,
            'password': password

        ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
        error = ''
        url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        logger.debug('Service not ready')
        # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
        error += ' (code {0:04X})'.format(e.code)
    except MaxServicesReachedError:
            'Number of service reached MAX for service pool "{}"'.format(
        error = errors.errorString(errors.MAX_SERVICES_REACHED)
    except ServiceAccessDeniedByCalendar:
            'Access tried to a calendar limited access pool "{}"'.format(
        error = errors.errorString(errors.SERVICE_CALENDAR_DENIED)
    except Exception as e:
        error = str(e)

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
        'url': str(url),
        'error': str(error)
예제 #14
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        userServiceInstance = userService.getInstance()

        # Spice connection
        con = userServiceInstance.getConsoleConnection()
        port, secure_port = con['port'], con['secure_port']
        port = -1 if port is None else port
        secure_port = -1 if secure_port is None else secure_port

        # Ticket
        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.letters +
                          for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        r = RemoteViewerFile('',
        r.usb_auto_share = self.usbShare.isTrue()
        r.new_usb_auto_share = self.autoNewUsbShare.isTrue()
        r.smartcard = self.smartCardRedirect.isTrue()

        m = tools.DictAsObj({
            'r': r,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'ip': con['address'],
            'port': port,
            'secure_port': secure_port

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport,
                                                     ip, os, user, password,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(m=m)
예제 #15
def guacamole(request, tunnelId):
        'Received credentials request for tunnel id {0}'.format(tunnelId))

        val = TicketStore.get(tunnelId, invalidate=False)

        response = dict2resp(val)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponse(ERROR, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)
예제 #16
    def action(self) -> typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]:
        logger.debug('Args: %s,  Params: %s', self._args, self._params)

            # Simple check that token exists
            ActorToken.objects.get(token=self._params['token'])  # Not assigned, because only needs check
        except ActorToken.DoesNotExist:
            raise BlockAccess()  # If too many blocks...

            return ActorV3Action.actorResult(TicketStore.get(self._params['ticket'], invalidate=True))
        except TicketStore.DoesNotExists:
            return ActorV3Action.actorResult(error='Invalid ticket')
예제 #17
    def getLink(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        ci = self.processUserPassword(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        if domain != '':
            username = domain + '\\' + username

        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        passwordCrypted = cryptoManager().symCrypt(password, scrambler)

        # Build params dict
        params = {
            'protocol': 'rdp',
            'hostname': ip,
            'username': username,
            'password': passwordCrypted,
            'ignore-cert': 'true',
            'security': self.security.value,
            'drive-path': '/share/{}'.format(user.uuid),
            'create-drive-path': 'true'

        if self.enableFileSharing.isTrue():
            params['enable-drive'] = 'true'

        if self.serverLayout.value != '-':
            params['server-layout'] = self.serverLayout.value

        if self.enableAudio.isTrue() is False:
            params['disable-audio'] = 'true'

        if self.enablePrinting.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-printing'] = 'true'

        if self.wallpaper.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-wallpaper'] = 'true'

        if self.desktopComp.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-desktop-composition'] = 'true'

        if self.smooth.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-font-smoothing'] = 'true'

        logger.debug('RDP Params: {0}'.format(params))

        ticket = TicketStore.create(params, validity=self.ticketValidity.num())

        return HttpResponseRedirect("{}/transport/?{}.{}&{}".format(
            self.guacamoleServer.value, ticket, scrambler,
예제 #18
    def getTicket(self):
        Processes get requests in order to obtain a ticket content
        GET /rest/actor/ticket/[ticketId]
        logger.debug("Ticket args for GET: {0}".format(self._args))

        if len(self._args) != 2:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

            return Actor.result(TicketStore.get(self._args[1], invalidate=True))
        except Exception:
            return Actor.result({})
예제 #19
파일: views.py 프로젝트: dkmstr/openuds
def guacamole(request, tunnelId):
    logger.debug('Received credentials request for tunnel id {0}'.format(tunnelId))

    tunnelId, scrambler = tunnelId.split('.')

        val = TicketStore.get(tunnelId, invalidate=False)
        val['password'] = cryptoManager().symDecrpyt(val['password'], scrambler)

        response = dict2resp(val)
    except Exception:
        logger.error('Invalid guacamole ticket (F5 on client?): {}'.format(tunnelId))
        return HttpResponse(ERROR, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)
예제 #20
파일: HTML5RDP.py 프로젝트: dkmstr/openuds
    def getLink(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        ci = self.processUserPassword(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        if domain != '':
            username = domain + '\\' + username

        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        passwordCrypted = cryptoManager().symCrypt(password, scrambler)

        # Build params dict
        params = {
            'protocol': 'rdp',
            'hostname': ip,
            'username': username,
            'password': passwordCrypted,
            'ignore-cert': 'true',
            'security': self.security.value,
            'drive-path': '/share/{}'.format(user.uuid),
            'create-drive-path': 'true'

        if self.enableFileSharing.isTrue():
            params['enable-drive'] = 'true'

        if self.serverLayout.value != '-':
            params['server-layout'] = self.serverLayout.value

        if self.enableAudio.isTrue() is False:
            params['disable-audio'] = 'true'

        if self.enablePrinting.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-printing'] = 'true'

        if self.wallpaper.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-wallpaper'] = 'true'

        if self.desktopComp.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-desktop-composition'] = 'true'

        if self.smooth.isTrue() is True:
            params['enable-font-smoothing'] = 'true'

        logger.debug('RDP Params: {0}'.format(params))

        ticket = TicketStore.create(params, validity=self.ticketValidity.num())

        return HttpResponseRedirect("{}/transport/?{}.{}&{}".format(self.guacamoleServer.value, ticket, scrambler, request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('utility.closer'))))
예제 #21
    def getTicket(self):
        Processes get requests in order to obtain a ticket content
        GET /rest/actor/ticket/[ticketId]?key=masterKey&[secure=true|1|false|0]
        logger.debug("Ticket args for GET: {0}".format(self._args))

        secure = self._params.get('secure') in ('1', 'true')

        if len(self._args) != 2:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

            return Actor.result(TicketStore.get(self._args[1], invalidate=True, owner=SECURE_OWNER if secure else OWNER))
        except Exception:
            return Actor.result({})
예제 #22
def guacamole(request: HttpRequest, tunnelId: str) -> HttpResponse:
    logger.debug('Received credentials request for tunnel id %s', tunnelId)

    tunnelId, scrambler = tunnelId.split('.')

        val = TicketStore.get(tunnelId, invalidate=False)
        val['password'] = cryptoManager().symDecrpyt(val['password'],

        response = dict2resp(val)
    except Exception:
        logger.error('Invalid guacamole ticket (F5 on client?): %s', tunnelId)
        return HttpResponse(ERROR, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)
예제 #23
    def get(self):
        Processes get requests
        logger.debug("Client args for GET: {0}".format(self._args))

        if len(self._args) == 0:
            url = self._request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('ClientDownload'))
            return Client.result({
                'availableVersion': CLIENT_VERSION,
                'requiredVersion': REQUIRED_CLIENT_VERSION,
                'downloadUrl': url

        if len(self._args) == 1:
            return Client.result(_('Correct'))

            ticket, scrambler = self._args
        except Exception:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

            data = TicketStore.get(ticket)
        except Exception:
            return Client.result(error=errors.ACCESS_DENIED)

        self._request.user = User.objects.get(uuid=data['user'])

            res = getService(self._request, data['service'], data['transport'])
            logger.debug('Res: {}'.format(res))
            if res is not None:
                ip, userService, userServiceInstance, transport, transportInstance = res
                password = cryptoManager().xor(data['password'], scrambler).decode('utf-8')

                transportScript = transportInstance.getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, self._request.os, self._request.user, password, self._request)


                return Client.result(result=transportScript.encode('bz2').encode('base64'))
        except Exception as e:
            return Client.result(error=six.text_type(e))

        return Client.result(error=errors.SERVICE_NOT_READY)
예제 #24
파일: service.py 프로젝트: dkmstr/openuds
def userServiceEnabler(request, idService, idTransport):
    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)
    logger.debug('idService: {}, idTransport: {}'.format(idService, idTransport))
    url = ''
    error = _('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')

    # If meta service, process and rebuild idService & idTransport

        res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user, request.os, request.ip, idService, idTransport, doTest=False)
        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        password = cryptoManager().symCrypt(webPassword(request), scrambler)

        _x, userService, _x, trans, _x = res

        data = {
            'service': 'A' + userService.uuid,
            'transport': trans.uuid,
            'user': request.user.uuid,
            'password': password

        ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
        error = ''
        url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        logger.debug('Service not ready')
        # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
        error += ' (code {0:04X})'.format(e.code)
    except MaxServicesReachedError:
        logger.info('Number of service reached MAX for service pool "{}"'.format(idService))
        error = errors.errorString(errors.MAX_SERVICES_REACHED)
    except ServiceAccessDeniedByCalendar:
        logger.info('Access tried to a calendar limited access pool "{}"'.format(idService))
        error = errors.errorString(errors.SERVICE_CALENDAR_DENIED)
    except Exception as e:
        error = str(e)

    return HttpResponse(
            'url': str(url),
            'error': str(error)
예제 #25
    def getTicket(self):
        Processes get requests in order to obtain a ticket content
        GET /rest/actor/ticket/[ticketId]?key=masterKey&[secure=true|1|false|0]
        logger.debug("Ticket args for GET: {0}".format(self._args))

        secure = self._params.get('secure') in ('1', 'true')

        if len(self._args) != 2:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

            return Actor.result(TicketStore.get(self._args[1],
        except Exception:
            return Actor.result({})
예제 #26
def authCallback_stage2(request: HttpRequest, ticketId: str) -> HttpResponse:
        ticket = TicketStore.get(ticketId)
        params: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = ticket['params']
        auth_uuid: str = ticket['auth']
        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=auth_uuid)
        params['_request'] = request
        # params['_session'] = request.session
        # params['_user'] = request.user
        logger.debug('Request session:%s -> %s, %s', request.ip,
                     request.session.keys(), request.session.session_key)

        user = authenticateViaCallback(authenticator, params)

        os = OsDetector.getOsFromUA(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])

        if user is None:
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, '{0}'.format(params),
                         'Invalid at auth callback')
            raise auths.exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('page.index'))

        webLogin(request, response, user,
                 '')  # Password is unavailable in this case
        request.session['OS'] = os
        # Now we render an intermediate page, so we get Java support from user
        # It will only detect java, and them redirect to Java

        return response
    except auths.exceptions.Redirect as e:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)) if e.args and e.args[0] else '/'
    except auths.exceptions.Logout as e:
        return webLogout(
            if e.args and e.args[0] else None)
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)

    # Will never reach this
    raise RuntimeError('Unreachable point reached!!!')
예제 #27
    def processUserPassword(self, service, username, password):
        if service.getProperty('sso_available') == '1':
            # Generate a ticket, store it and return username with no password
            domain = ''
            if '@' in username:
                username, domain = username.split('@')
            elif '\\' in username:
                username, domain = username.split('\\')

            creds = {
                'username': username,
                'password': password,
                'domain': domain
            ticket = TicketStore.create(creds, validator=None, validity=300)  # , owner=SECURE_OWNER, secure=True)
            return ticket, ''
            return osmanagers.OSManager.processUserPassword(self, service, username, password)
예제 #28
    def processUserPassword(self, service, username, password):
        if service.getProperty('sso_available') == '1':
            # Generate a ticket, store it and return username with no password
            domain = ''
            if '@' in username:
                username, domain = username.split('@')
            elif '\\' in username:
                username, domain = username.split('\\')

            creds = {
                'username': username,
                'password': password,
                'domain': domain
            ticket = TicketStore.create(creds, validator=None, validity=300)  # , owner=SECURE_OWNER, secure=True)
            return ticket, ''
            return osmanagers.OSManager.processUserPassword(self, service, username, password)
예제 #29
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        userServiceInstance = userService.getInstance()

        # Spice connection
        con = userServiceInstance.getConsoleConnection()
        port, secure_port = con['port'], con['secure_port']
        port = -1 if port is None else port
        secure_port = -1 if secure_port is None else secure_port

        # Ticket
        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        r = RemoteViewerFile('', '{port}', '{secure_port}', con['ticket']['value'], self.serverCertificate.value, con['cert_subject'], fullscreen=self.fullScreen.isTrue())
        r.usb_auto_share = self.usbShare.isTrue()
        r.new_usb_auto_share = self.autoNewUsbShare.isTrue()
        r.smartcard = self.smartCardRedirect.isTrue()

        m = tools.DictAsObj({
            'r': r,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'ip': con['address'],
            'port': port,
            'secure_port': secure_port

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(m=m)
예제 #30
def pam(request):
    response = ''
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET'])
    if 'id' in request.GET and 'pass' in request.GET:
        # This is an "auth" request
        logger.debug("Auth request for user [{0}] and pass [{1}]".format(request.GET['id'], request.GET['pass']))
        password = TicketStore.get(request.GET['id'])
        response = '0'
        if password == request.GET['pass']:
            response = '1'

    elif 'uid' in request.GET:
        # This is an "get name for id" call
        logger.debug("NSS Request for id [{0}]".format(request.GET['uid']))
        response = '10000 udstmp'
    elif 'name' in request.GET:
        logger.debug("NSS Request for username [{0}]".format(request.GET['name']))
        response = '10000 udstmp'

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type='text/plain')
예제 #31
def clientEnabler(request, idService, idTransport):

    # Maybe we could even protect this even more by limiting referer to own server /? (just a meditation..)
    logger.debug('idService: {}, idTransport: {}'.format(idService, idTransport))
    url = ''
    error = _('Service not ready. Please, try again in a while.')
        res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user, request.ip, idService, idTransport, doTest=False)
        scrambler = cryptoManager().randomString(32)
        password = cryptoManager().xor(webPassword(request), scrambler)

        _x, userService, _x, trans, _x = res

        data = {
            'service': 'A' + userService.uuid,
            'transport': trans.uuid,
            'user': request.user.uuid,
            'password': password

        ticket = TicketStore.create(data)
        error = ''
        url = html.udsLink(request, ticket, scrambler)
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        logger.debug('Service not ready')
        # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
        error += ' (code {0:04X})'.format(e.code)
    except MaxServicesReachedError:
        logger.info('Number of service reached MAX for service pool "{}"'.format(idService))
        error = errors.errorString(errors.MAX_SERVICES_REACHED)
    except Exception as e:
        error = six.text_type(e)

    return HttpResponse(
        '{{ "url": "{}", "error": "{}" }}'.format(url, error),
예제 #32
def pam(request):
    response = ''
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET'])
    if 'id' in request.GET and 'pass' in request.GET:
        # This is an "auth" request
        logger.debug("Auth request for user [{0}] and pass [{1}]".format(
            request.GET['id'], request.GET['pass']))
        password = TicketStore.get(request.GET['id'])
        response = '0'
        if password == request.GET['pass']:
            response = '1'

    elif 'uid' in request.GET:
        # This is an "get name for id" call
        logger.debug("NSS Request for id [{0}]".format(request.GET['uid']))
        response = '10000 udstmp'
    elif 'name' in request.GET:
        logger.debug("NSS Request for username [{0}]".format(
        response = '10000 udstmp'

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type='text/plain')
예제 #33
def guacamole(request: HttpRequest, tunnelId: str) -> HttpResponse:
    logger.debug('Received credentials request for tunnel id %s', tunnelId)

        tunnelId, scrambler = tunnelId.split('.')

        val = TicketStore.get(tunnelId, invalidate=False)

        # Extra check that the ticket data belongs to original requested user service/user
        if 'ticket-info' in val:
            ti = val['ticket-info']
            del val['ticket-info']  # Do not send this data to guacamole!! :)

                userService = UserService.objects.get(uuid=ti['userService'])
            except Exception:
                    'The requested guacamole userservice does not exists anymore'
            if userService.user.uuid != ti['user']:
                    'The requested userservice has changed owner and is not accesible'
                raise Exception()

        if 'password' in val:
            val['password'] = cryptoManager().symDecrpyt(
                val['password'], scrambler)

        response = dict2resp(val)
    except Exception:
        # logger.error('Invalid guacamole ticket (F5 on client?): %s', tunnelId)
        return HttpResponse(ERROR, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)

    return HttpResponse(response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE)
예제 #34
def ticketAuth(request: 'HttpRequest', ticketId: str) -> HttpResponse:  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
    Used to authenticate an user via a ticket
        data = TicketStore.get(ticketId, invalidate=True)

            # Extract ticket.data from ticket.data storage, and remove it if success
            username = data['username']
            groups = data['groups']
            auth = data['auth']
            realname = data['realname']
            servicePool = data['servicePool']
            password = cryptoManager().decrypt(data['password'])
            transport = data['transport']
        except Exception:
            logger.error('Ticket stored is not valid')
            raise auths.exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        auth = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=auth)
        # If user does not exists in DB, create it right now
        # Add user to groups, if they exists...
        grps: typing.List = []
        for g in groups:
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('Group list has changed since ticket assignment')

        if not grps:
            logger.error('Ticket has no valid groups')
            raise Exception('Invalid ticket authentication')

        usr = auth.getOrCreateUser(username, realname)
        if usr is None or State.isActive(
                usr.state) is False:  # If user is inactive, raise an exception
            raise auths.exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        # Add groups to user (replace existing groups)

        # Force cookie generation
        webLogin(request, None, usr, password)

        request.user = usr  # Temporarily store this user as "authenticated" user, next requests will be done using session
            'ticket'] = '1'  # Store that user access is done using ticket

        # Override and recalc transport based on current os
        transport = None

        logger.debug("Service & transport: %s, %s", servicePool, transport)

        # Check if servicePool is part of the ticket
        if servicePool:
            # If service pool is in there, also is transport
            res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user, request.os,
                                                  'F' + servicePool, transport,
            _, userService, _, transport, _ = res

            transportInstance = transport.getInstance()
            if transportInstance.ownLink is True:
                link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                               args=('A' + userService.uuid, transport.uuid))
                link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + userService.uuid,

            request.session['launch'] = link
            response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('page.ticket.launcher'))
            response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('page.index'))

        # Now ensure uds cookie is at response
        getUDSCookie(request, response, True)
        return response
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        return errors.errorView(request, errors.SERVICE_NOT_READY)
    except TicketStore.InvalidTicket:
        return errors.errorView(request, errors.RELOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED)
    except Authenticator.DoesNotExist:
        logger.error('Ticket has an non existing authenticator')
        return errors.errorView(request, errors.ACCESS_DENIED)
    except ServicePool.DoesNotExist:
        logger.error('Ticket has an invalid Service Pool')
        return errors.errorView(request, errors.SERVICE_NOT_FOUND)
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)
예제 #35
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        # prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        # width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)
        width, height = self.screenSize.value.split('x')
        depth = self.colorDepth.value

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == '-1' or height == '-1', width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectHome = self.redirectHome.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.redirectAudio = self.allowAudio.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition = self.aero.isTrue()
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        # data
#         data = {
#             'os': os['OS'],
#             'ip': ip,
#             'tunUser': tunuser,
#             'tunPass': tunpass,
#             'tunHost': sshHost,
#             'tunPort': sshPort,
#             'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
#             'username': username,
#             'password': password,
#             'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
#             'domain': domain,
#             'width': width,
#             'height': height,
#             'depth': depth,
#             'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
#             'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
#             'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
#             'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
#             'compression': True,
#             'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
#             'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
#             'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
#             'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
#             'r': r,
#         }

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'ip': ip,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', os, sp)
예제 #36
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        # prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        # width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)
        width, height = self.screenSize.value.split('x')
        depth = self.colorDepth.value

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == '-1' or height == '-1', width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.value
        r.redirectHome = self.redirectHome.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.redirectAudio = self.allowAudio.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition = self.aero.isTrue()
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        # data
#         data = {
#             'os': os['OS'],
#             'ip': ip,
#             'tunUser': tunuser,
#             'tunPass': tunpass,
#             'tunHost': sshHost,
#             'tunPort': sshPort,
#             'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
#             'username': username,
#             'password': password,
#             'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
#             'domain': domain,
#             'width': width,
#             'height': height,
#             'depth': depth,
#             'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
#             'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
#             'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
#             'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
#             'compression': True,
#             'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
#             'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
#             'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
#             'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
#             'r': r,
#         }

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'ip': ip,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', os, sp)
예제 #37
 def run(self):
     logger.debug('Starting ticket storage cleanup')
     logger.debug('Done ticket storage cleanup')
예제 #38
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1, width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
            'domain': domain,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'depth': depth,
            'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
            'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
            'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
            'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
            'compression': True,
            'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
            'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'r': r,

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        if m.domain != '':
            m.usernameWithDomain = '{}\\\\{}'.format(m.domain, m.username)
            m.usernameWithDomain = m.username

        if m.os == OsDetector.Windows:
            r.password = '******'

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(TSRDPTransport, self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(m=m)
예제 #39
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        userService: 'models.UserService',
        transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str,
        os: typing.Dict[str, str],
        user: '******',
        password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest',
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]]:
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        # prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        # escape conflicting chars : Note, on 3.0 this should not be neccesary. Kept until more tests
        # password = password.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace("'", "\\'")

        # width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)
        width, height = self.screenSize.value.split('x')
        depth = self.colorDepth.value

        ticket = TicketStore.create_for_tunnel(
            validity=self.tunnelWait.num() + 60,  # Ticket overtime

        tunHost, tunPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        r = RDPFile(width == '-1' or height == '-1',
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get(
            'sso') == 'True' or self.credssp.isTrue()
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.value
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.redirectAudio = self.allowAudio.isTrue()
        r.redirectWebcam = self.allowWebcam.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition = self.aero.isTrue()
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.enablecredsspsupport = self.credssp.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value
        r.enforcedShares = self.enforceDrives.value

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx',

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp: typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any] = {
            'tunHost': tunHost,
            'tunPort': tunPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'tunChk': self.verifyCertificate.isTrue(),
            'ticket': ticket,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if osName == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif osName == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
        else:  # Mac
            r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParametersMAC.value
                r.as_file if self.allowMacMSRDC.isTrue() else '',
                r.as_rdp_url if self.allowMacMSRDC.isTrue() else '',

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', osName, sp)
예제 #40
파일: rdptunnel.py 프로젝트: tanonl/openuds
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        self, userService: 'models.UserService', transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str, os: typing.Dict[str, str], user: '******', password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest'
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        # prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        # width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)
        width, height = self.screenSize.value.split('x')
        depth = self.colorDepth.value

        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters +
                          for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: %s, password: %s', tunuser, tunpass)

        r = RDPFile(width == '-1' or height == '-1',
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get(
            'sso') == 'True' or self.credssp.isTrue()
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.value
        r.redirectHome = self.redirectHome.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.redirectAudio = self.allowAudio.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition = self.aero.isTrue()
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.enablecredsspsupport = self.credssp.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value
        r.enforcedShares = self.enforceDrives.value

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'ip': ip,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if osName == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif osName == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
                'as_rdesktop_params': r.as_rdesktop_params,
        else:  # Mac
                'as_file': r.as_file,
                'as_cord_url': r.as_cord_url,
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
            if domain != '':
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = '{}\\\\{}'.format(domain, username)
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = username

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', osName, sp)
예제 #41
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        self, userService: 'models.UserService', transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str, os: typing.Dict[str, str], user: '******', password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest'
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username = ci['username']

        priv, pub = self.getAndPushKey(username, userService)

        width, height = self.getScreenSize()

        rootless = False
        desktop = self.desktopType.value
        if desktop == "UDSVAPP":
            desktop = "/usr/bin/udsvapp " + self.customCmd.value
            rootless = True

        xf = x2go_file.getTemplate(speed=self.speed.value,

        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters +
                          for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 22,
            'key': priv,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'printers': True,
            'drives': self.exports.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'xf': xf

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            # OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'ip': ip,
            'port': '22',
            'key': priv,
            'xf': xf

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/direct.py', osName, sp)
예제 #42
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        # prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        # width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)
        width, height = self.screenSize.value.split('x')
        depth = self.colorDepth.value

        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == '-1' or height == '-1', width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.value
        r.redirectHome = self.redirectHome.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.redirectAudio = self.allowAudio.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition = self.aero.isTrue()
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.enablecredsspsupport = self.credssp.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'ip': ip,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if os == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif os == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
                'as_rdesktop_params': r.as_rdesktop_params,
        else:  # Mac
                'as_file': r.as_file,
                'as_cord_url': r.as_cord_url,
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
            if domain != '':
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = '{}\\\\{}'.format(domain, username)
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = username

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py', os, sp)
예제 #43
    def get(self):
        Processes get requests
        logger.debug("Client args for GET: {0}".format(self._args))

        if len(self._args) == 0:  # Gets version
            url = self._request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('ClientDownload'))
            return Client.result({
                'availableVersion': CLIENT_VERSION,
                'requiredVersion': REQUIRED_CLIENT_VERSION,
                'downloadUrl': url

        if len(self._args) == 1:  # Simple test
            return Client.result(_('Correct'))

            ticket, scrambler = self._args  # If more than 2 args, got an error
            hostname = self._params['hostname']  # Or if hostname is not included...
            srcIp = self._request.ip

            # Ip is optional,
            if GlobalConfig.HONOR_CLIENT_IP_NOTIFY.getBool() is True:
                srcIp = self._params.get('ip', srcIp)

        except Exception:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

        logger.debug('Got Ticket: {}, scrambled: {}, Hostname: {}, Ip: {}'.format(ticket, scrambler, hostname, srcIp))

            data = TicketStore.get(ticket)
        except Exception:
            return Client.result(error=errors.ACCESS_DENIED)

        self._request.user = User.objects.get(uuid=data['user'])

            res = userServiceManager().getService(self._request.user, self._request.ip, data['service'], data['transport'])
            logger.debug('Res: {}'.format(res))
            ip, userService, userServiceInstance, transport, transportInstance = res
            password = cryptoManager().xor(data['password'], scrambler).decode('utf-8')

            userService.setConnectionSource(srcIp, hostname)  # Store where we are accessing from so we can notify Service

            transportScript = transportInstance.getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, self._request.os, self._request.user, password, self._request)


            return Client.result(result=transportScript.encode('bz2').encode('base64'))
        except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
            # Refresh ticket and make this retrayable
            TicketStore.revalidate(ticket, 20)  # Retry will be in at most 5 seconds
            return Client.result(error=errors.SERVICE_IN_PREPARATION, errorCode=e.code, retryable=True)
        except Exception as e:
            return Client.result(error=six.text_type(e))

        # Will never reach this
        raise RuntimeError('Unreachable point reached!!!')
예제 #44
파일: auth.py 프로젝트: glyptodon/openuds
def ticketAuth(request, ticketId):
    Used to authenticate an user via a ticket
        data = TicketStore.get(ticketId, invalidate=True)

            # Extract ticket.data from ticket.data storage, and remove it if success
            username = data['username']
            groups = data['groups']
            auth = data['auth']
            realname = data['realname']
            servicePool = data['servicePool']
            password = data['password']
            transport = data['transport']
        except Exception:
            logger.error('Ticket stored is not valid')
            raise InvalidUserException()

        auth = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=auth)
        # If user does not exists in DB, create it right now
        # Add user to groups, if they exists...
        grps = []
        for g in groups:
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('Group list has changed since ticket assignment')

        if len(grps) == 0:
            logger.error('Ticket has no valid groups')
            raise Exception('Invalid ticket authentication')

        usr = auth.getOrCreateUser(username, realname)
        if usr is None or State.isActive(usr.state) is False:  # If user is inactive, raise an exception
            raise InvalidUserException()

        # Add groups to user (replace existing groups)

        # Force cookie generation
        webLogin(request, None, usr, password)

        request.user = usr  # Temporarily store this user as "authenticated" user, next requests will be done using session
        request.session['ticket'] = '1'  # Store that user access is done using ticket

        logger.debug("Service & transport: {}, {}".format(servicePool, transport))
        for v in DeployedService.objects.all():
            logger.debug("{} {}".format(v.uuid, v.name))

        # Check if servicePool is part of the ticket
        if servicePool is not None:
            # If service pool is in there, also is transport
            res = userServiceManager().getService(request.user, request.ip, 'F' + servicePool, transport, False)
            _x, userService, _x, transport, _x = res

            transportInstance = transport.getInstance()
            if transportInstance.ownLink is True:
                link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('A' + userService.uuid, transport.uuid))
                link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + userService.uuid, transport.uuid)

            response = render(
                    'link': link
            response = HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(reverse('uds.web.views.index'))

        # Now ensure uds cookie is at response
        getUDSCookie(request, response, True)
        return response
    except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
        return render(
                'fromLauncher': True,
                'code': e.code

    except TicketStore.InvalidTicket:
        return render(
    except Authenticator.DoesNotExist:
        logger.error('Ticket has an non existing authenticator')
        return errors.exceptionView(request, InvalidUserException())
    except DeployedService.DoesNotExist:
        logger.error('Ticket has an invalid Service Pool')
        return errors.exceptionView(request, InvalidServiceException())
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)
예제 #45
    def get(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Processes get requests
        logger.debug('Client args for GET: %s', self._args)

        if not self._args:  # Gets version
            return Client.result({

        if len(self._args) == 1:  # Simple test
            return Client.result(_('Correct'))

            ticket, scrambler = self._args  # If more than 2 args, got an error.  pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            hostname = self._params[
                'hostname']  # Or if hostname is not included...
            srcIp = self._request.ip

            # Ip is optional,
            if GlobalConfig.HONOR_CLIENT_IP_NOTIFY.getBool() is True:
                srcIp = self._params.get('ip', srcIp)

        except Exception:
            raise RequestError('Invalid request')

        logger.debug('Got Ticket: %s, scrambled: %s, Hostname: %s, Ip: %s',
                     ticket, scrambler, hostname, srcIp)

            data = TicketStore.get(ticket)
        except Exception:
            return Client.result(error=errors.ACCESS_DENIED)

        self._request.user = User.objects.get(uuid=data['user'])

            ip, userService, userServiceInstance, transport, transportInstance = userServiceManager(
            ).getService(self._request.user, self._request.os,
                         self._request.ip, data['service'], data['transport'])
            logger.debug('Res: %s %s %s %s %s', ip, userService,
                         userServiceInstance, transport, transportInstance)
            password = cryptoManager().symDecrpyt(data['password'], scrambler)

                srcIp, hostname
            )  # Store where we are accessing from so we can notify Service

            transportScript, signature, params = transportInstance.getEncodedTransportScript(
                userService, transport, ip, self._request.os,
                self._request.user, password, self._request)

            logger.debug('Signature: %s', signature)
            logger.debug('Data:#######\n%s\n###########', params)

            return Client.result(
                    signature,  # It is already on base64
                    encoders.encode(encoders.encode(json.dumps(params), 'bz2'),
        except ServiceNotReadyError as e:
            # Refresh ticket and make this retrayable
                20)  # Retry will be in at most 5 seconds, so 20 is fine :)
            return Client.result(error=errors.SERVICE_IN_PREPARATION,
        except Exception as e:
            return Client.result(error=str(e))
예제 #46
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username = ci['username']

        priv, pub = self.getAndPushKey(username, userService)

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)


        xf = x2gofile.getTemplate(

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 22,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'username': username,
            'key': priv,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'printers': True,
            'drives': self.exports.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'xf': xf

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            # OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/tunnel.py'.format(os)).format(m=m)
예제 #47
    def put(self):
        Processes put requests, currently only under "create"

        # Parameters can only be theese

        for p in self._params:
            if p not in VALID_PARAMS:
                logger.debug('Parameter {} not in valid ticket parameters list'.format(p))
                raise RequestError('Invalid parameters')

        if len(self._args) != 1 or self._args[0] not in ('create',):
            raise RequestError('Invalid method')

        if 'username' not in self._params or 'groups' not in self._params:
            raise RequestError('Invalid parameters')

        found = None
        for i in ('authId', 'authTag', 'auth', 'authSmallName'):
            if i in self._params:
                found = i

        if found is None:
            raise RequestError('Invalid parameters (no auth)')

        force = self._params.get('force', '0') in ('1', 'true', 'True')

        userIp = self._params.get('userIp', None)

            authId = self._params.get('authId', None)
            authTag = self._params.get('authTag', self._params.get('authSmallName', None))
            authName = self._params.get('auth', None)

            # Will raise an exception if no auth found
            if authId is not None:
                auth = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(authId.lower()))
            elif authName is not None:
                auth = Authenticator.objects.get(name=authName)
                auth = Authenticator.objects.get(small_name=authTag)

            username = self._params['username']
            password = self._params.get('password', '')  # Some machines needs password, depending on configuration
            groups = self._params['groups']
            if isinstance(groups, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
                groups = (groups,)
            grps = []
            for g in groups:
                except Exception:
                    logger.info('Group {} from ticket does not exists on auth {}, forced creation: {}'.format(g, auth, force))
                    if force:
                        grps.append(auth.groups.create(name=g, comments='Autocreated form ticket by using force paratemeter').uuid)

            if len(grps) == 0:  # No valid group in groups names
                raise Exception('Authenticator does not contain ANY of the requested groups')

            groups = grps

            time = int(self._params.get('time', 60))
            time = 60 if time < 1 else time
            realname = self._params.get('realname', self._params['username'])
            servicePool = self._params.get('servicePool', None)

            transport = self._params.get('transport', None)

            if servicePool is not None:
                servicePool = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(servicePool))

                # If forced that servicePool must honor groups
                if force:
                    for addGrp in set(groups) - set(servicePool.assignedGroups.values_list('uuid', flat=True)):

                if transport is not None:
                    transport = Transport.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(transport))
                    except Exception:
                        logger.error('Transport {} is not valid for Service Pool {}'.format(transport.name, servicePool.name))
                        raise Exception('Invalid transport for Service Pool')
                    if userIp is None:
                        transport = tools.DictAsObj({'uuid': None})
                        transport = None
                        for v in servicePool.transports.order_by('priority'):
                            if v.validForIp(userIp):
                                transport = v

                        if transport is None:
                            logger.error('Service pool {} does not has valid transports for ip {}'.format(servicePool.name, userIp))
                            raise Exception('Service pool does not has any valid transports for ip {}'.format(userIp))

                servicePool = servicePool.uuid
                transport = transport.uuid  # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member

        except Authenticator.DoesNotExist:
            return Tickets.result(error='Authenticator does not exists')
        except DeployedService.DoesNotExist:
            return Tickets.result(error='Service pool does not exists')
        except Transport.DoesNotExist:
            return Tickets.result(error='Transport does not exists')
        except Exception as e:
            return Tickets.result(error=six.text_type(e))

        data = {
            'username': username,
            'password': cryptoManager().encrypt(password),
            'realname': realname,
            'groups': groups,
            'auth': auth.uuid,
            'servicePool': servicePool,
            'transport': transport,

        ticket = TicketStore.create(data)

        return Tickets.result(ticket)
예제 #48
 def run(self):
     logger.debug('Starting ticket storage cleanup')
     logger.debug('Done ticket storage cleanup')