예제 #1
def _calculate_points(function, num_points, dimension, cell_mask=None):
    """Calculate points in physical space of given function with given number
    of sampling points at given dimension

    :arg function: function to be sampled
    :arg num_points: number of sampling points
    :arg dimension: dimension of the function
    :arg cell_mask: Masks for cell node list
    function_space = function.function_space()
    mesh = function_space.mesh()
    if mesh.ufl_cell() == Cell('interval'):
        points = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=num_points,
                             dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif mesh.ufl_cell() == Cell('quadrilateral'):
        points_1d = np.linspace(0, 1.0, num=num_points,
                                dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1)
        points = np.array(np.meshgrid(points_1d, points_1d)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
    elif mesh.ufl_cell() == Cell('triangle'):
        points_1d = np.linspace(0, 1.0, num=num_points,
                                dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1)
        points_1d_rev = np.fliplr([points_1d]).reshape(-1)
        iu = np.triu_indices(num_points)
        points = np.array(np.meshgrid(points_1d, points_1d_rev)).T[iu]
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported cell type %r", mesh.ufl_cell())
    y_vals = _calculate_values(function, points, dimension, cell_mask)
    x_vals = _calculate_values(mesh.coordinates, points, dimension, cell_mask)
    return x_vals, y_vals
예제 #2
def _two_dimension_triangle_func_val(function, num_sample_points):
    """Calculate the triangulation and function values for a given 2D function

    :arg function: 2D function
    :arg num_sample_points: Number of sampling points.  This is not
       obeyed exactly, but a linear triangulation is created which
       matches it reasonably well.
    from math import log
        from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, UniformTriRefiner
    except ImportError:
        raise RuntimeError("Matplotlib not importable, is it installed?")
    if function.function_space().mesh().ufl_cell() == Cell('triangle'):
        x = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    elif function.function_space().mesh().ufl_cell() == Cell('quadrilateral'):
        x = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
        y = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])
        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported Functionality")
    base_tri = Triangulation(x, y)
    refiner = UniformTriRefiner(base_tri)
    sub_triangles = int(log(num_sample_points, 4))
    tri = refiner.refine_triangulation(False, sub_triangles)
    triangles = tri.get_masked_triangles()
    x_ref = tri.x
    y_ref = tri.y
    num_verts = triangles.max() + 1
    num_cells = function.function_space().cell_node_list.shape[0]
    ref_points = np.dstack([x_ref, y_ref]).reshape(-1, 2)
    z_vals = _calculate_values(function, ref_points, 2)
    coords_vals = _calculate_values(function.function_space().
                                    ref_points, 2)
    Z = z_vals.reshape(-1)
    X = coords_vals.reshape(-1, 2).T[0]
    Y = coords_vals.reshape(-1, 2).T[1]
    add_idx = np.arange(num_cells).reshape(-1, 1, 1) * num_verts
    all_triangles = (triangles + add_idx).reshape(-1, 3)
    triangulation = Triangulation(X, Y, triangles=all_triangles)
    return triangulation, Z
예제 #3
def src_locate_cell(mesh):
    src = '#include <evaluate.h>\n'
    src += compile_coordinate_element(mesh.ufl_coordinate_element())
    src += make_wrapper(mesh.coordinates,
                        forward_args=["void*", "double*", "int*"],

    with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "locate.c")) as f:
        src += f.read()

    return src

cellname = {
    Cell("interval"): "interval_1d",
    Cell("interval", 2): "interval_2d",
    Cell("interval", 3): "interval_3d",
    Cell("triangle"): "triangle_2d",
    Cell("triangle", 3): "triangle_3d",
    Cell("tetrahedron"): "tetrahedron_3d",
    Cell("quadrilateral"): "quad_2d",
    Cell("quadrilateral", 3): "quad_3d",
    TensorProductCell(Cell("interval"), Cell("interval")): "quad_2d",
                      geometric_dimension=3): "quad_3d",
    TensorProductCell(Cell("triangle"), Cell("interval")): "prism_3d",
    TensorProductCell(Cell("quadrilateral"), Cell("interval")): "hex_3d",
예제 #4
파일: io.py 프로젝트: jychang48/firedrake
import os

from pyop2.logger import warning, RED
from pyop2.mpi import MPI

import firedrake.functionspace as fs
import firedrake.projection as projection

__all__ = ['File']

# Dictionary used to translate the cellname of firedrake
# to the celltype of evtk module.
_cells = {}
_cells[Cell("interval")] = hl.VtkLine
_cells[Cell("interval", 2)] = hl.VtkLine
_cells[Cell("interval", 3)] = hl.VtkLine
_cells[Cell("triangle")] = hl.VtkTriangle
_cells[Cell("triangle", 3)] = hl.VtkTriangle
_cells[Cell("tetrahedron")] = hl.VtkTetra
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("triangle"), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkWedge
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("triangle", 3), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkWedge
_cells[Cell("quadrilateral")] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[Cell("quadrilateral", 3)] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("interval"), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("interval", 2), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("interval", 2), Cell("interval"), gdim=3)] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("interval", 3), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkQuad
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("quadrilateral"), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkHexahedron
_cells[OuterProductCell(Cell("quadrilateral", 3), Cell("interval"))] = hl.VtkHexahedron
예제 #5
def mesh_3D_dolfin(theta=0,
    timer = Timer("Create mesh")

    def find_plane_function(p0, p1, p2):
        Find plane function given three points:
        v1 = np.array(p1) - np.array(p0)
        v2 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p0)

        n = np.cross(v1, v2)
        D = -(n[0] * p0[0] + n[1] * p0[1] + n[2] * p0[2])
        return lambda x: np.isclose(0, np.dot(n, x) + D)

    def over_plane(p0, p1, p2):
        Returns function that checks if a point is over a plane defined
        by the points p0, p1 and p2.
        v1 = np.array(p1) - np.array(p0)
        v2 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p0)

        n = np.cross(v1, v2)
        D = -(n[0] * p0[0] + n[1] * p0[1] + n[2] * p0[2])
        return lambda x: n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] + D > -n[2] * x[2]

    tmp_mesh_name = "tmp_mesh.xdmf"
    r_matrix = rotation_matrix([1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2), 0], -theta)

    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        # Create two coarse meshes and merge them
        mesh0 = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_SELF, N0, N0, N0, ct)
        mesh0.geometry.x[:, 2] += 1
        mesh1 = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_SELF, 2 * N0, 2 * N0, 2 * N0, ct)

        tdim0 = mesh0.topology.dim
        num_cells0 = mesh0.topology.index_map(tdim0).size_local
        cells0 = entities_to_geometry(
            mesh0, tdim0,
            np.arange(num_cells0, dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1, 1)), False)
        tdim1 = mesh1.topology.dim
        num_cells1 = mesh1.topology.index_map(tdim1).size_local
        cells1 = entities_to_geometry(
            mesh1, tdim1,
            np.arange(num_cells1, dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1, 1)), False)
        cells1 += mesh0.geometry.x.shape[0]

        # Concatenate points and cells
        points = np.vstack([mesh0.geometry.x, mesh1.geometry.x])
        cells = np.vstack([cells0, cells1])
        cell = Cell(ext, geometric_dimension=points.shape[1])
        domain = Mesh(VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1))
        # Rotate mesh
        points = np.dot(r_matrix, points.T).T

        mesh = create_mesh(MPI.COMM_SELF, cells, points, domain)
        with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_SELF, tmp_mesh_name, "w") as xdmf:

    with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, tmp_mesh_name, "r") as xdmf:
        mesh = xdmf.read_mesh()

    # Refine coarse mesh
    for i in range(num_refinements):
        mesh.topology.create_entities(mesh.topology.dim - 2)
        mesh = refine(mesh, redistribute=True)

    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    fdim = tdim - 1
    # Find information about facets to be used in meshtags
    bottom_points = np.dot(
        np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]]).T)
    bottom = find_plane_function(bottom_points[:, 0], bottom_points[:, 1],
                                 bottom_points[:, 2])
    bottom_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, bottom)
    top_points = np.dot(
        np.array([[0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]]).T)
    top = find_plane_function(top_points[:, 0], top_points[:, 1],
                              top_points[:, 2])
    top_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, top)

    # Determine interface facets
    if_points = np.dot(
        np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]).T)
    interface = find_plane_function(if_points[:, 0], if_points[:, 1],
                                    if_points[:, 2])
    i_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, interface)
    mesh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
    top_interface = []
    bottom_interface = []
    facet_to_cell = mesh.topology.connectivity(fdim, tdim)
    num_cells = mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local

    # Find top and bottom interface facets
    cell_midpoints = compute_midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(num_cells))
    top_cube = over_plane(if_points[:, 0], if_points[:, 1], if_points[:, 2])
    for facet in i_facets:
        i_cells = facet_to_cell.links(facet)
        assert (len(i_cells == 1))
        i_cell = i_cells[0]
        if top_cube(cell_midpoints[i_cell]):

    # Create cell tags
    num_cells = mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local
    cell_midpoints = compute_midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(num_cells))
    top_cube_marker = 2
    indices = []
    values = []
    for cell_index in range(num_cells):
        if top_cube(cell_midpoints[cell_index]):
    ct = meshtags(mesh, tdim, np.array(indices, dtype=np.intc),
                  np.array(values, dtype=np.intc))

    # Create meshtags for facet data
    markers = {
        3: top_facets,
        4: bottom_interface,
        9: top_interface,
        5: bottom_facets
    }  # , 6: left_facets, 7: right_facets}
    indices = np.array([], dtype=np.intc)
    values = np.array([], dtype=np.intc)
    for key in markers.keys():
        indices = np.append(indices, markers[key])
        values = np.append(values,
                           np.full(len(markers[key]), key, dtype=np.intc))
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(indices)
    mt = meshtags(mesh, fdim, indices[sorted_indices], values[sorted_indices])
    mt.name = "facet_tags"
    fname = f"meshes/mesh_{ext}_{theta:.2f}.xdmf"

    with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, fname, "w") as o_f: