예제 #1
        def do_info(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_info()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        allPimages = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Pimages.Get()
                        userAppliances = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances.Getall()

                        printer.out("Getting published image with id [" + doArgs.id + "] ...")

                        Exist = False
                        for item in allPimages.publishImages.publishImage:
                                if item.dbId == doArgs.id:
                                        printer.out("Published image informations :")
                                        for item2 in userAppliances.appliances.appliance:
                                                if item.applianceUri == item2.uri:
                                                        os = item2.distributionName + " " + item2.archName
                                        if item.published:
                                                published = "Yes"
                                                published = "No"
                                        Exist = True
                                        table = Texttable(200)
                                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                                        table.add_row(["Name", item.name])
                                        table.add_row(["ID", item.dbId])
                                        table.add_row(["Cloud", item.format])
                                        table.add_row(["Version", item.version])
                                        table.add_row(["Revision", item.revision])
                                        table.add_row(["Uri", item.uri])
                                        table.add_row(["OS", os])
                                        table.add_row(["Template ID", extractId(item.uri)])
                                        table.add_row(["Generated Image Id", extractId(item.imageUri)])
                                        table.add_row(["Created", item.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")])
                                        table.add_row(["Size", size(item.size)])
                                        table.add_row(["Description", item.description])
                                        table.add_row(["Published", published])
                                        table.add_row(["Published Cloud Id", item.cloudId])
                                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        if not Exist:
                                printer.out("Published image with ID [" + doArgs.id + "] was not found.")

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
예제 #2
        def do_info(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_info()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        userAppliance = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(doArgs.id).Get()

                        printer.out("Informations about [" + userAppliance.name + "]:")

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        table.add_row(["Name", userAppliance.name])
                        table.add_row(["Id", userAppliance.dbId])
                        table.add_row(["Version", userAppliance.version])
                        table.add_row(["Uri", userAppliance.uri])
                        table.add_row(["Created", userAppliance.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")])
                        table.add_row(["Last Modified", userAppliance.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")])
                        table.add_row(["Last Package Update", userAppliance.lastPkgUpdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")])
                        table.add_row(["Available OS Updates", userAppliance.nbUpdates])
                        if userAppliance.shared:
                                shared = "Yes"
                                shared = "No"
                        table.add_row(["Shared", shared])
                        if userAppliance.imported:
                                imported = "Yes"
                                imported = "No"
                        table.add_row(["Cloned from App Store", imported])
                        table.add_row(["Description", userAppliance.description])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        printer.out("OS Profile", printer.INFO)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        table.add_row(["OS", userAppliance.distributionName + " " + userAppliance.archName])
                        if userAppliance.osProfile is not None:
                                table.add_row(["OS Profile Type", userAppliance.osProfile.name])
                                table.add_row(["OS Profile", "None"])
                        if userAppliance.osProfile is not None:
                                packagesUri = extractId(userAppliance.osProfile.packagesUri, operation=False)
                                allPkgs = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(packagesUri[1]).Osprofile(packagesUri[0]).Pkgs.Getall()
                                table.add_row(["# OS Packages", str(len(allPkgs.pkgs.pkg))])
                        if userAppliance.osProfile is not None:
                                pkgsTotalSize = 0
                                for pkg in allPkgs.pkgs.pkg:
                                        pkgsTotalSize = pkgsTotalSize + pkg.size
                                osTotalSize = pkgsTotalSize + userAppliance.size
                                osTotalSize = userAppliance.size
                        table.add_row(["Total OS Profile Size", size(osTotalSize)])
                        pkgNumber = 0
                        allPkgs = generics_utils.order_list_object_by(allPkgs.pkgs.pkg, "name")
                        if doArgs.all:
                                for pkg in allPkgs:
                                        pkgNumber = pkgNumber + 1
                                        table.add_row(["Packages N " + str(pkgNumber), pkg.name + " " + pkg.version + " " + pkg.arch + " (" + size(pkg.size) + ")"])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("Install Settings", printer.INFO)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        if userAppliance.installProfile.adminPasswordAuto:
                                table.add_row(["Password", userAppliance.installProfile.adminPassword])
                                table.add_row(["Password", "asked during first boot or install"])
                        if userAppliance.installProfile.internetSettingsAuto:
                                table.add_row(["Internet Settings", "DHCP"])
                                table.add_row(["Internet Settings", "asked during first boot or install"])
                        if userAppliance.installProfile.skipLicenses:
                                table.add_row(["Licensing", "skipped"])
                                table.add_row(["Licensing", "shown at first boot or install"])
                        if userAppliance.installProfile.timezoneAuto:
                                table.add_row(["Time Zone", userAppliance.installProfile.timezone])
                                table.add_row(["Time Zone", "asked during first boot or install"])
                        if userAppliance.installProfile.partitionTable.disks.disk is not None:
                                diskNumber = 0
                                for disk in userAppliance.installProfile.partitionTable.disks.disk:
                                        diskNumber = diskNumber + 1
                                        table.add_row(["Disk " + str(diskNumber), disk.name + " " + str(disk.size) + " MB " + disk.partitionType])
                                        if disk.partitions.partition is not None:
                                                partitionNumber = 0
                                                for partition in disk.partitions.partition:
                                                        partitionNumber = partitionNumber + 1
                                                        if partition.fstype is not None:
                                                                fstype = partition.fstype
                                                                fstype = ""
                                                        if partition.mpoint is not None:
                                                                mpoint = partition.mpoint
                                                                mpoint = ""
                                                        if partition.label is not None:
                                                                label = partition.label
                                                                label = ""
                                                        if partition.growable:
                                                                growable = "grow"
                                                                growable = ""
                                                        table.add_row(["Partition " + str(partitionNumber), disk.name + partition.name + " " + str(partition.partitionSize) + " MB " + fstype + " " + mpoint + " " + label + " " + growable])
                                                        if partition.logicalPartitions.logicalPartition is not None:
                                                                logicalPartitionNumber = 0
                                                                for logicalPartition4 in partition.logicalPartitions.logicalPartition:
                                                                        logicalPartitionNumber = logicalPartitionNumber + 1
                                                                        if logicalPartition4.fstype is not None:
                                                                                fstype2 = logicalPartition4.fstype
                                                                                fstype2 = ""
                                                                        if logicalPartition4.mpoint is not None:
                                                                                mpoint2 = logicalPartition4.mpoint
                                                                                mpoint2 = ""
                                                                        if logicalPartition4.label is not None:
                                                                                label2 = logicalPartition4.label
                                                                                label2 = ""
                                                                        if logicalPartition4.growable:
                                                                                growable2 = "grow"
                                                                                growable2 = ""
                                                                        table.add_row(["Logical Partition " + str(logicalPartitionNumber), logicalPartition4.name + " " + str(logicalPartition4.partitionSize) + " MB " + fstype2 + " " + mpoint2 + " " + label2 + " " + growable2])

                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("Projects", printer.INFO)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        allProjects = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(userAppliance.dbId).Projects.Getall()
                        if allProjects is None:
                                totalProjects = "0"
                                totalProjects = str(len(allProjects.projects.project))
                        table.add_row(["# Projects", totalProjects])
                        if doArgs.all and totalProjects != "0":
                                projectNumber = 0
                                for project in allProjects.projects.project:
                                        projectNumber = projectNumber + 1
                                        table.add_row(["Project N " + str(projectNumber), project.name + " " + project.version + " (" + project.size + " bytes)"])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("My Software", printer.INFO)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        allSoftware = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(userAppliance.dbId).Mysoftware.Getall()
                        if allSoftware is None:
                                totalSoftwares = "0"
                                totalSoftwares = str(len(allSoftware.mySoftwareList.mySoftware))
                        table.add_row(["# Custom Software", totalSoftwares])
                        if doArgs.all and totalSoftwares != "0":
                                softwareNumber = 0
                                for software in allSoftware.mySoftwareList.mySoftware:
                                        softwareNumber = softwareNumber + 1
                                        table.add_row(["Project N " + str(softwareNumber), software.name + " " + software.version + " (" + software.size + " bytes)"])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("Configuration", printer.INFO)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
                        if userAppliance.oasPackageUri is None:
                                table.add_row(["OAS Pkg Uploaded", "no"])
                                Oas = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(userAppliance.dbId).Oas(extractId(userAppliance.oasPackageUri)).Get()
                                if not Oas.uploaded:
                                        table.add_row(["OAS Pkg Uploaded", "no"])
                                        table.add_row(["OAS Pkg Uploaded", "yes"])
                                        table.add_row(["OAS Pkg", Oas.name])
                                        table.add_row(["OAS Pkg Size", size(Oas.size)])
                                        if Oas.licenseUploaded:
                                                table.add_row(["OAS Licence Uploaded", "yes"])
                                                table.add_row(["OAS Licence Uploaded", "no"])
                        if userAppliance.bootScriptsUri is None:
                                table.add_row(["# Boot Scripts", "0"])
                                bootScripts = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Appliances(userAppliance.dbId).Bootscripts(extractId(userAppliance.bootScriptsUri)).Getall()
                                table.add_row(["# Boot Scripts", str(len(bootScripts.bootScripts.bootScript))])
                                bootScriptsNumber = 0
                                for item in bootScripts.bootScripts.bootScript:
                                        bootScriptsNumber = bootScriptsNumber + 1
                                        table.add_row(["Boot Script N 1 Details", item.name + " " + item.bootType])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)