def onShowCalltip(self, showMessage=True): """The user requested show calltip""" if self.__calltip is not None: self.__resetCalltip() return if not self.isPythonBuffer(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) signatures = getCallSignatures(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if not signatures: if showMessage: GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage( "No calltip found") return # For the time being let's take only the first signature... calltipParams = [] for param in signatures[0].params: calltipParams.append(param.description[len(param.type) + 1:]) calltip = signatures[0].name + '(' + ', '.join(calltipParams) + ')' self.__calltip = Calltip(self) self.__calltip.showCalltip(calltip, signatures[0].index) line = signatures[0].bracket_start[0] column = signatures[0].bracket_start[1] self.__callPosition = self.mapToAbsPosition(line - 1, column)
class TextEditor(QutepartWrapper, EditorContextMenuMixin): """Text editor implementation""" sigEscapePressed = pyqtSignal() sigCFlowSyncRequested = pyqtSignal(int, int, int) def __init__(self, parent, debugger): self._parent = parent QutepartWrapper.__init__(self, parent) EditorContextMenuMixin.__init__(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_KeyCompression) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) skin = GlobalData().skin self.setPaper(skin['nolexerPaper']) self.setColor(skin['nolexerColor']) self.currentLineColor = skin['currentLinePaper'] self.onTextZoomChanged() self.__initMargins(debugger) self.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self._onCursorPositionChanged) self.__skipChangeCursor = False self.__openedLine = None self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.indentWidth = 4 self.updateSettings() # Completion support self.__completionPrefix = '' self.__completionLine = -1 self.__completionPos = -1 self.__completer = CodeCompleter(self) self.__inCompletion = False self.__completer.activated.connect(self.insertCompletion) self.__lastTabPosition = None # Calltip support self.__calltip = None self.__callPosition = None self.__calltipTimer = QTimer(self) self.__calltipTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.__calltipTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onCalltipTimer) self.__initHotKeys() self.installEventFilter(self) def dedentLine(self): """Dedent the current line or selection""" self.decreaseIndentAction.activate(QAction.Trigger) def __initHotKeys(self): """Initializes a map for the hot keys event filter""" self.autoIndentLineAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+Shift+I') self.invokeCompletionAction.setEnabled(False) self.__hotKeys = { CTRL_SHIFT: {Qt.Key_T: self.onJumpToTop, Qt.Key_M: self.onJumpToMiddle, Qt.Key_B: self.onJumpToBottom}, SHIFT: {Qt.Key_Delete: self.onShiftDel, Qt.Key_Backtab: self.dedentLine, Qt.Key_End: self.onShiftEnd, Qt.Key_Home: self.onShiftHome}, CTRL: {Qt.Key_X: self.onShiftDel, Qt.Key_C: self.onCtrlC, Qt.Key_Insert: self.onCtrlC, Qt.Key_Apostrophe: self.onHighlight, Qt.Key_Period: self.onNextHighlight, Qt.Key_Comma: self.onPrevHighlight, Qt.Key_M: self.onCommentUncomment, Qt.Key_Space: self.onAutoComplete, Qt.Key_F1: self.onTagHelp, Qt.Key_Backslash: self.onGotoDefinition, Qt.Key_BracketRight: self.onOccurences, Qt.Key_Slash: self.onShowCalltip, Qt.Key_Minus: Settings().onTextZoomOut, Qt.Key_Equal: Settings().onTextZoomIn, Qt.Key_0: Settings().onTextZoomReset, Qt.Key_Home: self.onFirstChar, Qt.Key_End: self.onLastChar, Qt.Key_B: self.highlightInOutline, Qt.Key_QuoteLeft: self.highlightInCFlow}, ALT: {Qt.Key_U: self.onScopeBegin}, CTRL_KEYPAD: {Qt.Key_Minus: Settings().onTextZoomOut, Qt.Key_Plus: Settings().onTextZoomIn, Qt.Key_0: Settings().onTextZoomReset}, NO_MODIFIER: {Qt.Key_Home: self.onHome, Qt.Key_End: self.moveToLineEnd, Qt.Key_F12: self.makeLineFirst}} # Not all the derived classes need certain tool functionality if hasattr(self._parent, "getType"): widgetType = self._parent.getType() if widgetType in [MainWindowTabWidgetBase.PlainTextEditor]: if hasattr(self._parent, "onOpenImport"): self.__hotKeys[CTRL][Qt.Key_I] = self._parent.onOpenImport if hasattr(self._parent, "onNavigationBar"): self.__hotKeys[NO_MODIFIER][Qt.Key_F2] = \ self._parent.onNavigationBar # Arguments: obj, event def eventFilter(self, _, event): """Event filter to catch shortcuts on UBUNTU""" if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: key = event.key() if self.isReadOnly(): if key in [Qt.Key_Delete, Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Backtab, Qt.Key_X, Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.Key_Space, Qt.Key_Slash, Qt.Key_Z, Qt.Key_Y]: return True modifiers = int(event.modifiers()) try: self.__hotKeys[modifiers][key]() return True except KeyError: return False except Exception as exc: logging.warning(str(exc)) return False def wheelEvent(self, event): """Mouse wheel event""" if QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier: angleDelta = event.angleDelta() if not angleDelta.isNull(): if angleDelta.y() > 0: Settings().onTextZoomIn() else: Settings().onTextZoomOut() event.accept() else: QutepartWrapper.wheelEvent(self, event) def focusInEvent(self, event): """Enable Shift+Tab when the focus is received""" if self._parent.shouldAcceptFocus(): QutepartWrapper.focusInEvent(self, event) else: self._parent.setFocus() def focusOutEvent(self, event): """Disable Shift+Tab when the focus is lost""" self.__completer.hide() if not self.__inCompletion: self.__resetCalltip() QutepartWrapper.focusOutEvent(self, event) def updateSettings(self): """Updates the editor settings""" settings = Settings() if settings['verticalEdge']: self.lineLengthEdge = settings['editorEdge'] self.lineLengthEdgeColor = GlobalData().skin['edgeColor'] self.drawSolidEdge = True else: self.lineLengthEdge = None self.drawAnyWhitespace = settings['showSpaces'] self.drawIncorrectIndentation = settings['showSpaces'] if settings['lineWrap']: self.setWordWrapMode(QTextOption.WrapAnywhere) else: self.setWordWrapMode(QTextOption.NoWrap) if hasattr(self._parent, "getNavigationBar"): navBar = self._parent.getNavigationBar() if navBar: navBar.updateSettings() def __initMargins(self, debugger): """Initializes the editor margins""" self.addMargin(CDMLineNumberMargin(self)) self.addMargin(CDMFlakesMargin(self)) self.getMargin('cdm_flakes_margin').setVisible(False) if debugger: self.addMargin(CDMBreakpointMargin(self, debugger)) self.getMargin('cdm_bpoint_margin').setVisible(False) def highlightCurrentDebuggerLine(self, line, asException): """Highlights the current debugger line""" margin = self.getMargin('cdm_flakes_margin') if margin: if asException: margin.setExceptionLine(line) else: margin.setCurrentDebugLine(line) def clearCurrentDebuggerLine(self): """Removes the current debugger line marker""" margin = self.getMargin('cdm_flakes_margin') if margin: margin.clearDebugMarks() def readFile(self, fileName): """Reads the text from a file""" QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: content, self.encoding = readEncodedFile(fileName) self.eol = detectEolString(content) # Copied from enki (enki/core/ _readFile()): # Strip last EOL. Qutepart adds it when saving file if content.endswith('\r\n'): content = content[:-2] elif content.endswith('\n') or content.endswith('\r'): content = content[:-1] self.text = content self.mime, _, xmlSyntaxFile = getFileProperties(fileName) if xmlSyntaxFile: self.detectSyntax(xmlSyntaxFile) self.document().setModified(False) except: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() raise QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def writeFile(self, fileName): """Writes the text to a file""" QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) if Settings()['removeTrailingOnSave']: self.removeTrailingWhitespaces() try: encoding = detectWriteEncoding(self, fileName) if encoding is None: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() logging.error('Could not detect write encoding for ' + fileName) return False writeEncodedFile(fileName, self.textForSaving(), encoding) except Exception as exc: logging.error(str(exc)) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return False self.encoding = encoding if self.explicitUserEncoding: userEncoding = getFileEncoding(fileName) if userEncoding != self.explicitUserEncoding: setFileEncoding(fileName, self.explicitUserEncoding) self.explicitUserEncoding = None self._parent.updateModificationTime(fileName) self._parent.setReloadDialogShown(False) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return True def setReadOnly(self, mode): """Overridden version""" QPlainTextEdit.setReadOnly(self, mode) if mode: # Otherwise the cursor is suppressed in the RO mode self.setTextInteractionFlags(self.textInteractionFlags() | Qt.TextSelectableByKeyboard) self.increaseIndentAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.decreaseIndentAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.autoIndentLineAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.indentWithSpaceAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.unIndentWithSpaceAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.undoAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.redoAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.moveLineUpAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.moveLineDownAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.deleteLineAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.pasteLineAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.cutLineAction.setEnabled(not mode) self.duplicateLineAction.setEnabled(not mode) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Handles the key press events""" key = event.key() if self.isReadOnly(): # Space scrolls # Ctrl+X/Shift+Del/Alt+D/Alt+X deletes something if key in [Qt.Key_Delete, Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Space, Qt.Key_X, Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.Key_Z, Qt.Key_Y]: return # Qutepart has its own handler and lets to insert new lines when # ENTER is clicked, so use the QPlainTextEdit return QPlainTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.__skipChangeCursor = True if self.__completer.isVisible(): self.__skipChangeCursor = False if key == Qt.Key_Escape: self.__completer.hide() self.setFocus() return # There could be backspace or printed characters only QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) QApplication.processEvents() if key == Qt.Key_Backspace: if self.__completionPrefix == '': self.__completer.hide() self.setFocus() else: self.__completionPrefix = self.__completionPrefix[:-1] self.__completer.setPrefix(self.__completionPrefix) else: self.__completionPrefix += event.text() self.__completer.setPrefix(self.__completionPrefix) if self.__completer.completionCount() == 0: self.__completer.hide() self.setFocus() elif key in [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return]: QApplication.processEvents() line, _ = self.cursorPosition QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) QApplication.processEvents() if line == self.__openedLine: self.lines[line] = '' # If the new line has one or more spaces then it is a candidate for # automatic trimming line, pos = self.cursorPosition text = self.lines[line] self.__openedLine = None if pos > 0 and len(text.strip()) == 0: self.__openedLine = line elif key in [Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_PageUp, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_PageDown]: line, _ = self.cursorPosition lineToTrim = line if line == self.__openedLine else None QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) QApplication.processEvents() if lineToTrim is not None: line, _ = self.cursorPosition if line != lineToTrim: # The cursor was really moved to another line self.lines[lineToTrim] = '' self.__openedLine = None elif key == Qt.Key_Escape: self.__resetCalltip() self.sigEscapePressed.emit() event.accept() elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: if self.selectedText: QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.__lastTabPosition = None else: line, pos = self.cursorPosition currentPosition = self.absCursorPosition if pos != 0: char = self.lines[line][pos - 1] if char not in [' ', ':', '{', '}', '[', ']', ',', '<', '>', '+', '!', ')'] and \ currentPosition != self.__lastTabPosition: self.__lastTabPosition = currentPosition self.onAutoComplete() event.accept() else: QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.__lastTabPosition = currentPosition else: QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.__lastTabPosition = currentPosition elif key == Qt.Key_Z and \ int(event.modifiers()) == (Qt.ControlModifier + Qt.ShiftModifier): event.accept() elif key == Qt.Key_ParenLeft: if Settings()['editorCalltips']: QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.onShowCalltip(False) else: QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) else: # Special keyboard keys are delivered as 0 values if key != 0: self.__openedLine = None QutepartWrapper.keyPressEvent(self, event) self.__skipChangeCursor = False def _onCursorPositionChanged(self): """Triggered when the cursor changed the position""" self.__lastTabPosition = None line, _ = self.cursorPosition if self.__calltip: if self.__calltipTimer.isActive(): self.__calltipTimer.stop() if self.absCursorPosition < self.__callPosition: self.__resetCalltip() else: self.__calltipTimer.start(500) if not self.__skipChangeCursor: if line == self.__openedLine: self.__openedLine = None return if self.__openedLine is not None: self.__skipChangeCursor = True self.lines[self.__openedLine] = '' self.__skipChangeCursor = False self.__openedLine = None def getCurrentPosFont(self): """Provides the font of the current character""" if self.lexer_ is not None: font = self.lexer_.font(self.styleAt(self.currentPosition())) else: font = self.font() font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + self.getZoom()) return font def onCommentUncomment(self): """Triggered when Ctrl+M is received""" if self.isReadOnly() or not self.isPythonBuffer(): return with self: # Detect what we need - comment or uncomment line, _ = self.cursorPosition txt = self.lines[line] nonSpaceIndex = self.firstNonSpaceIndex(txt) if self.isCommentLine(line): # need to uncomment if nonSpaceIndex == len(txt) - 1: # Strip the only '#' character stripCount = 1 else: # Strip up to two characters if the next char is a ' ' if txt[nonSpaceIndex + 1] == ' ': stripCount = 2 else: stripCount = 1 newTxt = txt[:nonSpaceIndex] + txt[nonSpaceIndex + stripCount:] if not newTxt.strip(): newTxt = '' self.lines[line] = newTxt else: # need to comment if nonSpaceIndex is None: self.lines[line] = '# ' else: newTxt = '# '.join((txt[:nonSpaceIndex], txt[nonSpaceIndex:])) self.lines[line] = newTxt # Jump to the beginning of the next line if line + 1 < len(self.lines): line += 1 self.cursorPosition = line, 0 self.ensureLineOnScreen(line) def onAutoComplete(self): """Triggered when ctrl+space or TAB is clicked""" if self.isReadOnly(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) self.__inCompletion = True self.__completionPrefix = self.getWordBeforeCursor() words = getCompletionList(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if len(words) == 0: self.setFocus() self.__inCompletion = False return self.__completer.setWordsList(words, self.font()) self.__completer.setPrefix(self.__completionPrefix) count = self.__completer.completionCount() if count == 0: self.setFocus() self.__inCompletion = False return # Make sure the line is visible line, _ = self.cursorPosition self.ensureLineOnScreen(line + 1) # Remove the selection as it could be interpreted not as expected if self.selectedText: self.clearSelection() if count == 1: self.insertCompletion(self.__completer.currentCompletion()) else: cRectangle = self.cursorRect() cRectangle.setLeft(cRectangle.left() + self.viewport().x()) cRectangle.setTop( + self.viewport().y() + 2) self.__completer.complete(cRectangle) # If something was selected then the next tab does not need to # bring the completion again. This is covered in the # insertCompletion() method. Here we reset the last tab position # preliminary because it is unknown if something will be inserted. self.__lastTabPosition = None self.__inCompletion = False def onTagHelp(self): """Provides help for an item if available""" if not self.isPythonBuffer(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) definitions = getDefinitions(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() parts = [] for definition in definitions: header = 'Type: ' + definition[3] if definition[5]: header += '\nModule: ' + definition[5] parts.append(header + '\n\n' + definition[4]) if parts: QToolTip.showText(self.mapToGlobal(self.cursorRect().bottomLeft()), '<pre>' + '\n\n'.join(parts) + '</pre>') else: GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage( "Definition is not found") def makeLineFirst(self): """Make the cursor line the first on the screen""" currentLine, _ = self.cursorPosition self.setFirstVisibleLine(currentLine) def onJumpToTop(self): """Jumps to the first position of the first visible line""" self.cursorPosition = self.firstVisibleLine(), 0 def onJumpToMiddle(self): """Jumps to the first line pos in a middle of the editing area""" # Count the number of the visible line count = 0 firstVisible = self.firstVisibleLine() lastVisible = self.lastVisibleLine() candidate = firstVisible while candidate <= lastVisible: if self.isLineVisible(candidate): count += 1 candidate += 1 shift = int(count / 2) jumpTo = firstVisible while shift > 0: if self.isLineVisible(jumpTo): shift -= 1 jumpTo += 1 self.cursorPosition = jumpTo, 0 def onJumpToBottom(self): """Jumps to the first position of the last line""" currentFirstVisible = self.firstVisibleLine() self.cursorPosition = self.lastVisibleLine(), 0 safeLastVisible = self.lastVisibleLine() while self.firstVisibleLine() != currentFirstVisible: # Here: a partially visible last line caused scrolling. So the # cursor needs to be set to the previous visible line self.cursorPosition = currentFirstVisible, 0 safeLastVisible -= 1 while not self.isLineVisible(safeLastVisible): safeLastVisible -= 1 self.cursorPosition = safeLastVisible, 0 def onGotoDefinition(self): """The user requested a jump to definition""" if not self.isPythonBuffer(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) definitions = getDefinitions(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if definitions: if len(definitions) == 1: GlobalData().mainWindow.openFile( definitions[0][0], definitions[0][1], definitions[0][2] + 1) else: if hasattr(self._parent, "importsBar"): self._parent.importsBar.showDefinitions(definitions) else: GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage( "Definition is not found") def onScopeBegin(self): """The user requested jumping to the current scope begin""" if self.isPythonBuffer(): info = getBriefModuleInfoFromMemory(self.text) context = getContext(self, info, True) if context.getScope() != context.GlobalScope: GlobalData().mainWindow.jumpToLine(context.getLastScopeLine()) return def onShowCalltip(self, showMessage=True): """The user requested show calltip""" if self.__calltip is not None: self.__resetCalltip() return if not self.isPythonBuffer(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) signatures = getCallSignatures(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if not signatures: if showMessage: GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage( "No calltip found") return # For the time being let's take only the first signature... calltipParams = [] for param in signatures[0].params: calltipParams.append(param.description[len(param.type) + 1:]) calltip = signatures[0].name + '(' + ', '.join(calltipParams) + ')' self.__calltip = Calltip(self) self.__calltip.showCalltip(calltip, signatures[0].index) line = signatures[0].bracket_start[0] column = signatures[0].bracket_start[1] self.__callPosition = self.mapToAbsPosition(line - 1, column) def __resetCalltip(self): """Hides the calltip and resets how it was shown""" self.__calltipTimer.stop() if self.__calltip is not None: self.__calltip.hide() self.__calltip = None self.__callPosition = None def resizeCalltip(self): """Resizes the calltip if so""" if self.__calltip: self.__calltip.resize() def __onCalltipTimer(self): """Handles the calltip update timer""" if self.__calltip: if self.absCursorPosition < self.__callPosition: self.__resetCalltip() return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) signatures = getCallSignatures(self, self._parent.getFileName()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if not signatures: self.__resetCalltip() return line = signatures[0].bracket_start[0] column = signatures[0].bracket_start[1] callPosition = self.mapToAbsPosition(line - 1, column) if callPosition != self.__callPosition: self.__resetCalltip() else: # It is still the same call, check the commas self.__calltip.highlightParameter(signatures[0].index) def onOccurences(self): """The user requested a list of occurences""" if not self.isPythonBuffer(): return if self._parent.getType() == MainWindowTabWidgetBase.VCSAnnotateViewer: return if not os.path.isabs(self._parent.getFileName()): GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage( "Please save the buffer and try again") return fileName = self._parent.getFileName() QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) definitions = getOccurrences(self, fileName) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if len(definitions) == 0: GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage('No occurences found') return # There are found items GlobalData().mainWindow.showStatusBarMessage('') result = [] for definition in definitions: fName = definition.module_path if not fName: fName = fileName lineno = definition.line index = getSearchItemIndex(result, fName) if index < 0: widget = GlobalData().mainWindow.getWidgetForFileName(fName) if widget is None: uuid = "" else: uuid = widget.getUUID() newItem = ItemToSearchIn(fName, uuid) result.append(newItem) index = len(result) - 1 result[index].addMatch(, lineno) GlobalData().mainWindow.displayFindInFiles('', result) def insertCompletion(self, text): """Triggered when a completion is selected""" if text: currentWord = self.getCurrentWord() line, pos = self.cursorPosition prefixLength = len(self.__completionPrefix) if text != currentWord and text != self.__completionPrefix: with self: lineContent = self.lines[line] leftPart = lineContent[0:pos - prefixLength] rightPart = lineContent[pos:] self.lines[line] = leftPart + text + rightPart newPos = pos + len(text) - prefixLength self.cursorPosition = line, newPos self.__completionPrefix = '' self.__completer.hide() # The next time there is nothing to insert for sure self.__lastTabPosition = self.absCursorPosition def insertLines(self, text, line): """Inserts the given text into new lines starting from 1-based line""" toInsert = text.splitlines() with self: if line > 0: line -= 1 for item in toInsert: self.lines.insert(line, item) line += 1 def hideCompleter(self): """Hides the completer if visible""" self.__completer.hide() def clearPyflakesMessages(self): """Clears all the pyflakes markers""" self.getMargin('cdm_flakes_margin').clearPyflakesMessages() def setPyflakesMessages(self, messages): """Shows up a pyflakes messages""" self.getMargin('cdm_flakes_margin').setPyflakesMessages(messages) def highlightInCFlow(self): """Triggered when highlight in the control flow is requested""" if self.isPythonBuffer(): line, pos = self.cursorPosition absPos = self.absCursorPosition self.sigCFlowSyncRequested.emit(absPos, line + 1, pos + 1) def setDebugMode(self, debugOn, disableEditing): """Called to switch between debug/development""" skin = GlobalData().skin if debugOn: if disableEditing: self.setLinenoMarginBackgroundColor(skin['marginPaperDebug']) self.setLinenoMarginForegroundColor(skin['marginColorDebug']) self.setReadOnly(True) else: self.setLinenoMarginBackgroundColor(skin['marginPaper']) self.setLinenoMarginForegroundColor(skin['marginColor']) self.setReadOnly(False) bpointMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_bpoint_margin') if bpointMargin: bpointMargin.setDebugMode(debugOn, disableEditing) def restoreBreakpoints(self): """Restores the breakpoints""" bpointMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_bpoint_margin') if bpointMargin: bpointMargin.restoreBreakpoints() def isLineBreakable(self): """True if a line is breakable""" bpointMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_bpoint_margin') if bpointMargin: return bpointMargin.isLineBreakable() return False def validateBreakpoints(self): """Checks breakpoints and deletes those which are invalid""" bpointMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_bpoint_margin') if bpointMargin: bpointMargin.validateBreakpoints() def isPythonBuffer(self): """True if it is a python buffer""" return isPythonMime(self.mime) def setLinenoMarginBackgroundColor(self, color): """Sets the margins background""" linenoMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_line_number_margin') if linenoMargin: linenoMargin.setBackgroundColor(color) def setLinenoMarginForegroundColor(self, color): """Sets the lineno margin foreground color""" linenoMargin = self.getMargin('cdm_line_number_margin') if linenoMargin: linenoMargin.setForegroundColor(color) def terminate(self): """Overloaded version to pass the request to margins too""" for margin in self.getMargins(): if hasattr(margin, 'onClose'): margin.onClose() QutepartWrapper.terminate(self) def resizeEvent(self, event): """Resize the parent panels if required""" QutepartWrapper.resizeEvent(self, event) self.hideCompleter() if hasattr(self._parent, 'resizeBars'): self._parent.resizeBars()