def __init__(self, main): super(RightTextView, self).__init__(False, 1) ################################################################# # Right Textview ################################################################# self.main = main self.uicore = self.main.uicore self.seek_index = 0 self.seeks = [] self.marks = [] self.press_coords = [] ################################################# # Move buttons self.move_buttons = self.create_seek_buttons() self.pack_start(self.move_buttons, False, False, 1) self.hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.buffer = GtkSource.Buffer() self.view = GtkSource.View.new_with_buffer(self.buffer) self.view.connect("button-press-event", self._get_press) self.view.connect("button-release-event", self._get_release) self.view.connect("key-release-event", self._cursor_moved) self.view.connect('motion-notify-event', self.call_tooltip) # FIXME options must be user selectable (statusbar) self.view.set_editable(False) self.view.set_highlight_current_line(True) # posible values: Gtk.WrapMode.NONE, Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR, Gtk.WrapMode.WORD... self.view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.NONE) # setup view font_desc = Pango.FontDescription('monospace 9') if font_desc: self.view.modify_font(font_desc) self.buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True) if "ARM" in or "Thumb" in language = self.main.lm.get_language('arm-asm') else: language = self.main.lm.get_language('asm') self.buffer.set_language(language) self.mgr = GtkSource.StyleSchemeManager.get_default() # Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.right_scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN) self.right_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) # Add Textview to Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window.add(self.view) self.hbox.pack_start(self.right_scrolled_window, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(self.hbox, True, True, 0) # Create the search widget Searchable.__init__(self, self.view, small=True) self.high_word = HighWord(self.view) # Used for code navigation on _search function self.match_start = None self.match_end = None self.search_string = '' self.view.connect("populate-popup", self._populate_comments_menu)
class RightTextView(Gtk.VBox, Searchable): '''Right TextView elements''' def __init__(self, main): super(RightTextView, self).__init__(False, 1) ################################################################# # Right Textview ################################################################# self.main = main self.uicore = self.main.uicore self.seek_index = 0 self.seeks = [] self.marks = [] self.press_coords = [] ################################################# # Move buttons self.move_buttons = self.create_seek_buttons() self.pack_start(self.move_buttons, False, False, 1) self.hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.buffer = GtkSource.Buffer() self.view = GtkSource.View.new_with_buffer(self.buffer) self.view.connect("button-press-event", self._get_press) self.view.connect("button-release-event", self._get_release) self.view.connect("key-release-event", self._cursor_moved) self.view.connect('motion-notify-event', self.call_tooltip) # FIXME options must be user selectable (statusbar) self.view.set_editable(False) self.view.set_highlight_current_line(True) # posible values: Gtk.WrapMode.NONE, Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR, Gtk.WrapMode.WORD... self.view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.NONE) # setup view font_desc = Pango.FontDescription('monospace 9') if font_desc: self.view.modify_font(font_desc) self.buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True) if "ARM" in or "Thumb" in language = self.main.lm.get_language('arm-asm') else: language = self.main.lm.get_language('asm') self.buffer.set_language(language) self.mgr = GtkSource.StyleSchemeManager.get_default() # Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.right_scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN) self.right_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) # Add Textview to Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window.add(self.view) self.hbox.pack_start(self.right_scrolled_window, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(self.hbox, True, True, 0) # Create the search widget Searchable.__init__(self, self.view, small=True) self.high_word = HighWord(self.view) # Used for code navigation on _search function self.match_start = None self.match_end = None self.search_string = '' self.view.connect("populate-popup", self._populate_comments_menu) def _cursor_moved(self, widget, event): cursor = self.buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.buffer.get_insert()) start = find_word_bound(cursor, -1, self.buffer) end = find_word_bound(cursor, +1, self.buffer) word = self.buffer.get_text(start, end, False) self.high_word._find(word) def do_seek(self, widget, direction): if self.seek_index <= 1 and direction == 'b': pass elif self.seek_index == len(self.seeks) and direction == 'f': pass else: if direction == 'b': self.seek_index -= 1 elif direction == 'f': self.seek_index += 1 self.marks = [] mark = self.buffer.create_mark(None, self.seeks[self.seek_index - 1][0], False) self.view.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0, True, 0, 0.03) self.marks.append([ self.seeks[self.seek_index - 1][0], self.seeks[self.seek_index - 1][1] ]) def setup_sections_bar(self): # Setup sections bar # The check is used to avoid duplicated bars # when loading a new file from inside bokken if not hasattr(self, "sec_bar"): # MEOW #self.sec_bar = sections_bar.SectionsBar(self.uicore) self.hbox.pack_start(self.sec_bar, False, False, 0) vscrollbar = self.right_scrolled_window.get_vscrollbar() self.sec_bar.setup(vscrollbar) def _populate_comments_menu(self, textview, menu): '''Populates the context menu with the Comments item.''' # Get textbuffer coordinates from textview ones x, y = self.view.get_pointer() x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk.TextWindowType.WIDGET, x, y) iter = self.view.get_line_at_y(y)[0] line = self.get_line_on_coords(x, y) opcodes = ui.opcodes.instructions for opcode in opcodes.keys(): if opcode.split(' ')[0].lower() in line or opcode.split( ' ')[0] in line: # Add a menu entry with opcode information opmenu = Gtk.Menu() opcodem = Gtk.ImageMenuItem((Gtk.STOCK_INFO)) opcodem.set_submenu(opmenu) opcodem.get_children()[0].set_markup( 'Opcode info: <b>' + opcode.split(' ')[0].lower() + '</b>') opcode1 = Gtk.ImageMenuItem(Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) opcode_text = cgi.escape(opcode).lower() opcode1.get_children()[0].set_markup('<b>' + opcode_text + '</b>') opcode2 = Gtk.MenuItem("") opcode2.get_children()[0].set_markup( cgi.escape(opcodes[opcode])) opmenu.append(opcode1) opmenu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) opmenu.append(opcode2) menu.prepend(opcodem) # Just show the comment menu if the line has offset/va match_address = re.match('\s+(0x[0-9a-z]+)\s', line) if match_address: addr = match_address.groups()[0] # Add comment menu opc = Gtk.ImageMenuItem((Gtk.STOCK_ADD)) opc.get_children()[0].set_label('Add comment') menu.prepend(opc) opc.connect("activate", self._call_comments_dialog, iter, addr) # Add Xrefs menu refs = [] xrefs = [] xmenu = xrefs_menu.XrefsMenu(self.uicore, self.main) addr = self.uicore.core.num.get(addr) fcn = self.uicore.core.anal.get_fcn_in(addr, 0) if fcn: for ref in fcn.get_refs(): if not "0x%08x" % ref.addr in refs: refs.append("0x%08x" % ref.addr) for xref in fcn.get_xrefs(): if not "0x%08x" % xref.addr in xrefs: xrefs.append("0x%08x" % xref.addr) xmenu.create_menu("0x%08x" % addr, refs, xrefs, False) sep = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menu.prepend(sep) if hasattr(xmenu, 'xfrommenu'): menu.prepend(xmenu.xfrommenu) if hasattr(xmenu, 'xtomenu'): menu.prepend(xmenu.xtomenu) menu.prepend(xmenu.fcnm) menu.show_all() def _call_comments_dialog(self, widget, iter, offset): dialog = comments_dialog.CommentsDialog() resp = if resp == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: start, end = dialog.input_buffer.get_bounds() comment = dialog.input_buffer.get_text(start, end) tainted_comment = comment.replace('\n', '\n ; ') tainted_comment = ' ; ' + tainted_comment dialog.destroy() self.buffer.insert(iter, tainted_comment + '\n') self.uicore.add_comment(offset, comment) def set_completion(self): # Seek entry EntryCompletion self.completion = Gtk.EntryCompletion() self.liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str) # Add function names to the list for function in self.uicore.allfuncs: self.liststore.append([function]) self.completion.set_model(self.liststore) self.completion.set_text_column(0) def _get_press(self, widget, event): x, y = event.get_coords() self.press_coords = [x, y] def _get_release(self, widget, event): x, y = event.get_coords() if [x, y] == self.press_coords: self._get_clicked_word() def _get_clicked_word(self): # Get textbuffer coordinates from textview ones x, y = self.view.get_pointer() x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk.TextWindowType.WIDGET, x, y) word = self.get_word_on_coords(x, y) self._search(word) self.high_word._find(word) def create_seek_buttons(self): self.hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 1) self.back = Gtk.Button() self.back_img = Gtk.Image() self.back_img.set_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) self.back.set_image(self.back_img) self.back.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE) self.back.connect('clicked', self.do_seek, 'b') self.forward = Gtk.Button() self.forward_img = Gtk.Image() self.forward_img.set_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) self.forward.set_image(self.forward_img) self.forward.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE) self.forward.connect('clicked', self.do_seek, 'f') = Gtk.Entry(), Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)"activate", self.goto)"icon-press", self.goto), 'Go') self.hbox.pack_start(self.back, False, False, 0) self.hbox.pack_start(self.forward, False, False, 0) self.hbox.pack_start(, True, True, 0) return self.hbox def goto(self, widget, icon_pos=None, event=None): text = self._search(text) def call_tooltip(self, widget, event): x = int(event.x) y = int(event.y) x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk.TextWindowType.WIDGET, x, y) search_string = self.get_word_on_coords(x, y) self.addr_tip = '' if search_string: # If it's an address, search lines beginning with it. if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') if '0x' in search_string[0:2]: integer = int(search_string, 16) hex_addr = "0x%08x" % integer self.addr_tip = hex_addr elif 'loc.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif any(k in search_string for k in ['fcn.', 'main', 'entry0', '_init', '_fini']): self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) self.dograph = True elif 'imp.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif 'reloc.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif 'str.' in search_string: # Not working until we add strings section into dasm #self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.addr_tip = search_string elif 'sub_' in search_string: self.addr_tip = '0x' + search_string[4:] elif '.' in search_string: if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) else: pass if self.addr_tip: value = self.uicore.send_cmd_str('pdi 15 @ ' + self.addr_tip) widget.set_tooltip_markup("<span font_family=\"monospace\">" + value.rstrip() + "</span>") else: widget.set_tooltip_markup("") def _search(self, search_string, iter=None): self.dograph = False self.search_string = '' if search_string: # If it's an address, search lines beginning with it. if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') if '0x' in search_string[0:2]: integer = int(search_string, 16) hex_addr = "0x%08x" % integer self.search_string = hex_addr elif 'loc.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif any(k in search_string for k in ['fcn.', 'main', 'entry0', '_init', '_fini']): self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) self.dograph = True elif 'imp.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif 'reloc.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) elif 'str.' in search_string: # Not working until we add strings section into dasm #self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.search_string = search_string elif 'sub_' in search_string: self.search_string = '0x' + search_string[4:] elif '.' in search_string: if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get( search_string) else: pass if self.search_string: startIter = self.textbuf.get_start_iter() # find the positions where the phrase is found res = [] while True: result = startIter.forward_search( self.search_string, Gtk.TextSearchFlags.TEXT_ONLY, None) if result: res.append((result[0], result[1])) startIter = result[1] else: break if res: self.marks = [] for iter in res: self.match_start, self.match_end = iter if self.match_start: self.buffer.place_cursor(self.match_start) mark = self.buffer.create_mark( None, self.match_start, False) self.view.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0, True, 0, 0.03) self.last_search_iter = self.match_end self.marks.append( [self.match_start, self.match_end]) # Update the browse history list. # It may happen that the self.seeks list is still empty. # Note: This entire code is pretty bad. We should make a couple # of functions to navigate the history and remove this clowntown # code together with the do_seek() method. if len(self.seeks ) == 0 or self.match_start != self.seeks[-1]: self.seeks.insert(self.seek_index, [self.match_start, self.match_end]) self.seek_index += 1 if len(self.seeks) != self.seek_index: self.seeks = self.seeks[:self.seek_index] else: self.search_string = None self.last_search_iter = None self.main.tviews.update_graph(self, self.search_string) def get_line_on_coords(self, x, y): '''This function returns the entire line containing the coordinates (x,y) of a TextView.''' # Get textiter at coordinates. start_iter, _ = self.view.get_line_at_y(y) end_iter = start_iter.copy() end_iter.forward_line() t_buffer = start_iter.get_buffer() return t_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) def get_word_on_coords(self, x, y): '''This function returns the word surrounding the coordinates (x,y) of a TextView. Very useful for clicking on words or doing tooltips. I tried to make this work with the Pango functions of the TextIter, but it happens that their idea of word separators doesn't correlate very well with ASM and r2 output. :o)''' def is_word_sep(x, garbage=None): word_separators = [' ', ',', '=', '\t', '\n', '(', ')'] return x in word_separators def simple_backward_find_char(src_iter, callback): # We return False if we reach the end of the buffer. while src_iter.backward_char(): if callback(src_iter.get_char()): return True return False def simple_forward_find_char(src_iter, callback): # We return False if we reach the end of the buffer. while src_iter.forward_char(): if callback(src_iter.get_char()): return True return False while 1: # Get textiter at coordinates. start_iter = self.view.get_iter_at_location(x, y) end_iter = start_iter.copy() t_buffer = start_iter.get_buffer() if is_word_sep(start_iter.get_char()): break # The gunichar data type, used in backward_find_char(), # forward_find_char() et al, seem broken in GNOME 3.18 (#759276), # so we'll have to do it manually. #ret = start_iter.backward_find_char(is_word_sep) ret = simple_backward_find_char(start_iter, is_word_sep) # We went too far rewinding (off-by-one in fact), so let's forward one # character, unless ret is False, which means that we reached the start # of the buffer, in which case we won't do anything. if ret: start_iter.forward_char() #end_iter.forward_find_char(is_word_sep) simple_forward_find_char(end_iter, is_word_sep) break return t_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, True)
class RightTextView(gtk.VBox, Searchable): '''Right TextView elements''' def __init__(self, core, textviews, main): super(RightTextView,self).__init__(False, 1) ################################################################# # Right Textview ################################################################# self.uicore = core self.main = main self.textviews = textviews self.seek_index = 0 self.seeks = [] self.marks = [] self.press_coords = [] ################################################# # Move buttons self.move_buttons = self.create_seek_buttons() self.pack_start(self.move_buttons, False, False, 1) self.hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) # Use GtkSourceView to add eye candy :P # create buffer lm = gtksourceview2.LanguageManager() # Add ui dir to language paths paths = lm.get_search_path() paths.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + 'data' + os.sep) lm.set_search_path(paths) self.buffer = gtksourceview2.Buffer() self.buffer.set_data('languages-manager', lm) self.view = gtksourceview2.View(self.buffer) self.view.connect("button-press-event", self._get_press) self.view.connect("button-release-event", self._get_release) self.view.connect("key-release-event", self._cursor_moved) tooltip_handle = self.view.connect('motion-notify-event', self.call_tooltip) # FIXME options must be user selectable (statusbar) self.view.set_editable(False) self.view.set_highlight_current_line(True) # posible values: gtk.WRAP_NONE, gtk.WRAP_CHAR, gtk.WRAP_WORD... self.view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_NONE) # setup view font_desc = pango.FontDescription('monospace 9') if font_desc: self.view.modify_font(font_desc) self.buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True) manager = self.buffer.get_data('languages-manager') if "ARM" in or "Thumb" in language = manager.get_language('arm-asm') else: language = manager.get_language('asm') self.buffer.set_language(language) self.mgr = gtksourceview2.style_scheme_manager_get_default() # Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.right_scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self.right_scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) # Add Textview to Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window.add(self.view) self.hbox.pack_start(self.right_scrolled_window, expand=True, fill=True) self.pack_start(self.hbox, expand=True, fill=True) # Create the search widget Searchable.__init__(self, self.view, small=True) self.high_word = HighWord(self.view) # Used for code navigation on _search function self.match_start = None self.match_end = None self.search_string = '' self.view.connect("populate-popup", self._populate_comments_menu) def _cursor_moved(self, widget, event): cursor = self.buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.buffer.get_insert()) start = find_word_bound(cursor, -1, self.buffer) end = find_word_bound(cursor, +1, self.buffer) word = self.buffer.get_text(start, end, False) self.high_word._find(word) def do_seek(self, widget, direction): if self.seek_index <= 1 and direction == 'b': pass elif self.seek_index == len(self.seeks) and direction == 'f': pass else: if direction == 'b': self.seek_index -= 1 elif direction == 'f': self.seek_index += 1 self.marks = [] mark = self.buffer.create_mark(None, self.seeks[self.seek_index-1][0], False) self.view.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0, True, 0, 0.03) self.marks.append([self.seeks[self.seek_index-1][0], self.seeks[self.seek_index-1][1]]) def setup_sections_bar(self): # Setup sections bar # The check is used to avoid duplicated bars # when loading a new file from inside bokken if not hasattr(self,"sec_bar"): self.sec_bar = sections_bar.SectionsBar(self.uicore) self.hbox.pack_start(self.sec_bar, False, False, 0) vscrollbar = self.right_scrolled_window.get_vscrollbar() self.sec_bar.setup(vscrollbar) def _populate_comments_menu(self, textview, menu): '''Populates the context menu with the Comments item.''' # Get textbuffer coordinates from textview ones x, y = self.view.get_pointer() x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, x, y) iter = self.view.get_line_at_y(y)[0] line = self.get_line_on_coords(x, y) for opcode in instructions.keys(): if opcode.split(' ')[0].lower() in line or opcode.split(' ')[0] in line: # Add a menu entry with opcode information opmenu = gtk.Menu() opcodem = gtk.ImageMenuItem((gtk.STOCK_INFO)) opcodem.set_submenu(opmenu) opcodem.get_children()[0].set_markup('Opcode info: <b>' + opcode.split(' ')[0].lower() + '</b>') opcode1 = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) opcode_text = opcode.replace('<', '"').replace('>', '"').lower() opcode1.get_children()[0].set_markup('<b>' + opcode_text + '</b>') opcode2 = gtk.MenuItem("") opcode2.get_children()[0].set_markup(instructions[opcode].replace('<', '"').replace('>', '"')) opmenu.append(opcode1) opmenu.append(gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) opmenu.append(opcode2) menu.prepend(opcodem) # Just show the comment menu if the line has offset/va match_address = re.match('\s+(0x[0-9a-z]+)\s', line) if match_address: addr = match_address.groups()[0] # Add comment menu opc = gtk.ImageMenuItem((gtk.STOCK_ADD)) opc.get_children()[0].set_label('Add comment') menu.prepend(opc) opc.connect("activate", self._call_comments_dialog, iter, addr) # Add Xrefs menu refs = [] xrefs = [] xmenu = xrefs_menu.XrefsMenu(self.uicore, self.main) addr = self.uicore.core.num.get(addr) fcn = self.uicore.core.anal.get_fcn_in(addr, 0) if fcn: for ref in fcn.get_refs(): if not "0x%08x" % ref.addr in refs: refs.append("0x%08x" % ref.addr) for xref in fcn.get_xrefs(): if not "0x%08x" % xref.addr in xrefs: xrefs.append("0x%08x" % xref.addr) refs_menu = xmenu.create_menu("0x%08x" % addr, refs, xrefs, False) sep = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menu.prepend(sep) if hasattr(xmenu, 'xfrommenu'): menu.prepend(xmenu.xfrommenu) if hasattr(xmenu, 'xtomenu'): menu.prepend(xmenu.xtomenu) menu.prepend(xmenu.fcnm) menu.show_all() def _call_comments_dialog(self, widget, iter, offset): dialog = comments_dialog.CommentsDialog() resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: start, end = dialog.input_buffer.get_bounds() comment = dialog.input_buffer.get_text(start, end) tainted_comment = comment.replace('\n', '\n ; ') tainted_comment = ' ; ' + tainted_comment dialog.destroy() self.buffer.insert(iter, tainted_comment + '\n') self.uicore.add_comment(offset, comment) def set_completion(self): # Seek entry EntryCompletion self.completion = gtk.EntryCompletion() self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(str) # Add function names to the list for function in self.uicore.allfuncs: self.liststore.append([function]) self.completion.set_model(self.liststore) self.completion.set_text_column(0) def _get_press(self, widget, event): x, y = event.get_coords() self.press_coords = [x, y] def _get_release(self, widget, event): x, y = event.get_coords() if [x, y] == self.press_coords: self._get_clicked_word() def _get_clicked_word(self): # Get textbuffer coordinates from textview ones x, y = self.view.get_pointer() x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, x, y) word = self.get_word_on_coords(x, y) self._search(word) self.high_word._find(word) def create_seek_buttons(self): self.hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 1) self.back = gtk.Button() self.back_img = gtk.Image() self.back_img.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.back.set_image(self.back_img) self.back.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.back.connect('clicked', self.do_seek, 'b') self.forward = gtk.Button() self.forward_img = gtk.Image() self.forward_img.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.forward.set_image(self.forward_img) self.forward.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.forward.connect('clicked', self.do_seek, 'f') = gtk.Entry(30), gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)"activate", self.goto)"icon-press", self.goto), 'Go') self.hbox.pack_start(self.back, False, False) self.hbox.pack_start(self.forward, False, False) self.hbox.pack_start(, True, True) return self.hbox def goto(self, widget, icon_pos=None, event=None): text = self._search(text) def call_tooltip(self, widget, event): x = int(event.x) y = int(event.y) x, y = self.view.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, x, y) search_string = self.get_word_on_coords(x,y) self.addr_tip ='' if search_string: # If it's an address, search lines beginning with it. if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') if '0x' in search_string[0:2]: integer = int(search_string, 16) hex_addr = "0x%08x" % integer self.addr_tip = hex_addr elif 'loc.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif any( k in search_string for k in ['fcn.', 'main', 'entry0', '_init', '_fini'] ): self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.dograph = True elif 'imp.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif 'reloc.' in search_string: self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif 'str.' in search_string: # Not working until we add strings section into dasm #self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.addr_tip = search_string elif 'sub_' in search_string: self.addr_tip = '0x' + search_string[4:] elif '.' in search_string: if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') self.addr_tip = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) else: pass if self.addr_tip: value = self.uicore.send_cmd_str('pdi 15 @ ' + self.addr_tip) widget.set_tooltip_markup("<span font_family=\"monospace\">" + value.rstrip() + "</span>") else: widget.set_tooltip_markup("") def _search(self, search_string, iter = None): self.dograph = False self.search_string = '' if search_string: # If it's an address, search lines beginning with it. if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') if '0x' in search_string[0:2]: integer = int(search_string, 16) hex_addr = "0x%08x" % integer self.search_string = hex_addr elif 'loc.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif any( k in search_string for k in ['fcn.', 'main', 'entry0', '_init', '_fini'] ): self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.dograph = True elif 'imp.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif 'reloc.' in search_string: self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) elif 'str.' in search_string: # Not working until we add strings section into dasm #self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) self.search_string = search_string elif 'sub_' in search_string: self.search_string = '0x' + search_string[4:] elif '.' in search_string: if '[' in search_string: search_string = search_string.strip('[').strip(']') self.search_string = "0x%08x" % self.uicore.core.num.get(search_string) else: pass if self.search_string: startIter = self.textbuf.get_start_iter() # find the positions where the phrase is found res = [] while True: result = startIter.forward_search(self.search_string, gtk.TEXT_SEARCH_TEXT_ONLY, None) if result: res.append((result[0], result[1])) startIter = result[1] else: break if res: self.marks = [] for iter in res: self.match_start, self.match_end = iter if self.match_start: self.buffer.place_cursor(self.match_start) mark = self.buffer.create_mark(None, self.match_start, False) self.view.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0, True, 0, 0.03) self.last_search_iter = self.match_end self.marks.append([self.match_start, self.match_end]) # Update the browse history list. # It may happen that the self.seeks list is still empty. # Note: This entire code is pretty bad. We should make a couple # of functions to navigate the history and remove this clowntown # code together with the do_seek() method. if len(self.seeks) == 0 or self.match_start != self.seeks[-1]: self.seeks.insert(self.seek_index, [self.match_start, self.match_end]) self.seek_index += 1 if len(self.seeks) != self.seek_index: self.seeks = self.seeks[:self.seek_index] else: self.search_string = None self.last_search_iter = None self.textviews.update_graph(self, self.search_string) def get_line_on_coords(self, x, y): '''This function returns the entire line containing the coordinates (x,y) of a TextView.''' # Get textiter at coordinates. start_iter, _ = self.view.get_line_at_y(y) end_iter = start_iter.copy() end_iter.forward_line() t_buffer = start_iter.get_buffer() return t_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter) def get_word_on_coords(self, x, y): '''This function returns the word surrounding the coordinates (x,y) of a TextView. Very useful for clicking on words or doing tooltips. I tried to make this work with the Pango functions of the TextIter, but it happens that their idea of word separators doesn't correlate very well with ASM and r2 output. :o)''' def is_word_sep(x, bogus): word_separators = [' ', ',', '\t', '\n', '(', ')'] return x in word_separators # Get textiter at coordinates. start_iter = self.view.get_iter_at_location(x, y) end_iter = start_iter.copy() t_buffer = start_iter.get_buffer() ret = start_iter.backward_find_char(is_word_sep) # We went too far rewinding (off-by-one in fact), so let's forward one # character, unless ret is False, which means that we reached the start # of the buffer, in which case we won't do anything. if ret: start_iter.forward_char() end_iter.forward_find_char(is_word_sep) return t_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter)
def __init__(self, core, textviews, main): super(RightTextView,self).__init__(False, 1) ################################################################# # Right Textview ################################################################# self.uicore = core self.main = main self.textviews = textviews self.seek_index = 0 self.seeks = [] self.marks = [] self.press_coords = [] ################################################# # Move buttons self.move_buttons = self.create_seek_buttons() self.pack_start(self.move_buttons, False, False, 1) self.hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) # Use GtkSourceView to add eye candy :P # create buffer lm = gtksourceview2.LanguageManager() # Add ui dir to language paths paths = lm.get_search_path() paths.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + 'data' + os.sep) lm.set_search_path(paths) self.buffer = gtksourceview2.Buffer() self.buffer.set_data('languages-manager', lm) self.view = gtksourceview2.View(self.buffer) self.view.connect("button-press-event", self._get_press) self.view.connect("button-release-event", self._get_release) self.view.connect("key-release-event", self._cursor_moved) tooltip_handle = self.view.connect('motion-notify-event', self.call_tooltip) # FIXME options must be user selectable (statusbar) self.view.set_editable(False) self.view.set_highlight_current_line(True) # posible values: gtk.WRAP_NONE, gtk.WRAP_CHAR, gtk.WRAP_WORD... self.view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_NONE) # setup view font_desc = pango.FontDescription('monospace 9') if font_desc: self.view.modify_font(font_desc) self.buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True) manager = self.buffer.get_data('languages-manager') if "ARM" in or "Thumb" in language = manager.get_language('arm-asm') else: language = manager.get_language('asm') self.buffer.set_language(language) self.mgr = gtksourceview2.style_scheme_manager_get_default() # Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.right_scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self.right_scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) # Add Textview to Scrolled Window self.right_scrolled_window.add(self.view) self.hbox.pack_start(self.right_scrolled_window, expand=True, fill=True) self.pack_start(self.hbox, expand=True, fill=True) # Create the search widget Searchable.__init__(self, self.view, small=True) self.high_word = HighWord(self.view) # Used for code navigation on _search function self.match_start = None self.match_end = None self.search_string = '' self.view.connect("populate-popup", self._populate_comments_menu)