예제 #1
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("rainbow_eyes", "Eye rainbows")
    u.req("range", "speed", "Speed of animation", low=1, high=255, step=1)
    u.run("Save changes to speed")
    u.req("action", "cycle", "Do cycling rainbow anim")
    u.req("action", "rainbow", "[Eyes] Go rainbow")
    return u.end()
예제 #2
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("fursuit", "Configure global options")
    options = r.fs.keys()
    u.req("action", "on", "Power on")
    u.req("action", "off", "Power off")
    u.req("multi", "autorun", "Modules to run on startup", options=options)
    u.run("Apply settings")
    return u.end()
예제 #3
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("throb_eyes", "Eyes throb dim to bright")
    u.req("color", "eyel", "Left custom color")
    u.req("color", "eyer", "Right custom color")
    options = ["Default", "Custom", "Random"]
    u.req("radio", "mode", "Throb moode", options=options)
    u.req("range", "speed", "Throb speed", low=1, high=255, step=1)
    u.run("[Eyes] Activate throbbing")
    return u.end()
예제 #4
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("solid_antennae", "Antennae solid color")
    u.req("color", "antl", "Left custom color")
    u.req("color", "antr", "Right custom color")
    options = [ "Default", "Custom", "Random" ]
    u.req("radio", "mode", "Color set", options=options)
    u.req("number", "time", "Time between changes (ms)", low=0, high=86400000, step=10)
    u.run("[Antennae] Go solid color")
    return u.end()
예제 #5
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("blink_eyes", "Eyes blink color")
    u.req("color", "eyel", "Left custom color")
    u.req("color", "eyer", "Right custom color")
    options = [ "Default", "Custom", "Random" ]
    u.req("radio", "mode", "Color set", options=options)
    u.req("range", "timel", "Min blink time", low=500, high=20000, step=10)
    u.req("range", "timeh", "Max blink time", low=500, high=20000, step=10)
    u.run("[Eyes] Activate Blinking")
    return u.end()
예제 #6
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("swish", "Tail swish")
    u.run("Save changes")
    u.req("range", "speed", "Speed of animation", low=1, high=100, step=1)
    u.req("range", "delta", "Light occupation delta", low=0, high=tails.numPixels(), step=1)
    u.req("color", "color", "Light custom color")
    u.req("action", "defcolor", "Swish by tail color")
    u.req("action", "custcolor", "Swish custom color")
    u.req("action", "rainbow", "Rainbow swish")
    return u.end()
예제 #7
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("common", "Head configuration")
    u.req("range", "brightness", "Brightness level", low=1, high=255, step=1)
    u.req("range", "dimmer", "Eye brightness adjust", low=1, high=100, step=1)
    u.req("color", "eyel", "Left eye")
    u.req("color", "eyer", "Right eye")
    u.req("color", "antl", "Left antennae")
    u.req("color", "antr", "Right antennae")
    u.req("action", "reset", "Reset colors to defaults")
    u.run("[Head] Save settings")
    return u.end()
예제 #8
def ui_gen():
    u = ui.UIBuilder("testmodule", "Testing module")
    u.req("label", None, "Module to test all control types.")
    u.req("label", """style="color:cyan;" """,
          "Test of adding attributes to a label.")
    u.run("Run test of controls")
    u.req("color", "eye_l", "Left eye color")
    u.req("color", "eye_r", "Right eye color")
    u.req("checkbox", "synccolor", "Sync eye colors")
    u.req("radio", "synceye", "Eye to sync to", options=["Left", "Right"])
    u.req("number", "blink", "Time between blinks", low=3, high=15)
    u.req("text", "test", "What are you?")
    return u.end()
예제 #9
def ui_gen():
    global conf
    if conf is None or not conf:
        conf = defaults
    u = ui.UIBuilder("common", "Tails common configuration")
    u.req("range", "brightness", "Brightness level", low=0, high=255, step=1)
    u.req("color", "r", "Red tail")
    u.req("color", "o", "Orange tail")
    u.req("color", "g", "Green tail")
    u.req("color", "b", "Blue tail")
    u.req("color", "i", "Indigo tail")
    u.req("color", "v", "Violet tail")
    u.req("action", "reset", "Reset colors to defaults")
    u.run("Save settings")
    return u.end()