예제 #1
    def test_f1_left_returns_none(self):
        ci = CharArrowKeysInput(get_mock_input(), get_mock_output(), name=ci_name)
        ci.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None #not needed

        # Checking at the start of the list
        def scenario():
            assert not ci.in_foreground

        with patch.object(ci, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p:
            return_value = ci.activate()
        assert return_value is None

        # Checking after entering some keys
        letters_entered = 5
        test_keys = "ur"*letters_entered
        def scenario():
            for key in test_keys:
                execute_shorthand(ci, key)
            for i in range(letters_entered):
                execute_shorthand(ci, 'l')
                assert ci.in_foreground #Not yet at the beginning of the value
            execute_shorthand(ci, 'l')
            assert not ci.in_foreground #At the beginning of the value

        with patch.object(ci, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p:
            return_value = ci.activate()
        assert return_value is None
예제 #2
    def test_entering_value(self):
        ci = CharArrowKeysInput(get_mock_input(), get_mock_output(), name=ci_name)
        ci.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None

        expected_output = "hello"
        test_key_offsets = (8, 5, 12, 12, 15)
        test_keys = "r".join(["u"*offset for offset in test_key_offsets])
        test_keys += "e" #Press ENTER

        def scenario():
            for key in test_keys:
                execute_shorthand(ci, key)
            assert not ci.in_foreground  # Should exit on last "e"

        with patch.object(ci, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p:
            return_value = ci.activate()
        assert return_value == expected_output
예제 #3
    def test_entering_value_with_backspaces(self):
        ci = CharArrowKeysInput(get_mock_input(), get_mock_output(), name=ci_name)
        ci.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None

        expected_output = "hello"
        test_key_offsets = (8, 5, 12, 12, 15)
        test_keys = "r".join(["u"*offset for offset in test_key_offsets])
        test_keys += "d"*(test_key_offsets[-1]+1) #Going back to the backspace character
        test_keys += "lr" #should erase the latest character and go to the position it took
        test_keys += "u"*test_key_offsets[-1] #adding the latest character again
        test_keys += "e" #Press ENTER

        def scenario():
            for key in test_keys:
                execute_shorthand(ci, key)
            assert not ci.in_foreground  # Should exit on last "e"

        with patch.object(ci, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p:
            return_value = ci.activate()
        assert return_value == expected_output