class QuickFind(QDialog): def __init__(self, filename=None): QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.ui = Ui_QuickFind() self.ui.setupUi(self) = Data() # Connect up the buttons. self.ui.queryButton.clicked.connect(self.query) self.ui.queryBox.installEventFilter(self) def eventFilter(self, obj, ev): if ev.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and ev.key() == Qt.Key_Return: self.query() return True QDialog.eventFilter(self, obj, ev) return False def _snt_template(self, keyword, sent, words): html = "<li>" ukey = keyword.decode("utf8") usent = sent.decode("utf8") a = usent.find(ukey) b = a + len(ukey) # color [a, b) i = 0 for word, tag in words: uword = word.decode("utf8") j = i + len(uword) wordstr = "" if a <= i and b >= j: wordstr = "<span style=\"background-color:#ccc\">%s</span>" % word elif a <= i and b > i and b < j: word1 = usent[i: b].encode("utf8") word2 = usent[b: j].encode("utf8") wordstr = "<span style=\"background-color:#ccc\">%s</span>%s" % (word1, word2) elif a > i and a < j and b >= j: word1 = usent[i: a].encode("utf8") word2 = usent[a: j].encode("utf8") wordstr = "%s<span style=\"background-color:#ccc\">%s</span>" % (word1, word2) elif a > i and b < j: word1 = usent[i: a].encode("utf8") word2 = usent[a: b].encode("utf8") word3 = usent[b: j].encode("utf8") wordstr = "%s<span style=\"background-color:#ccc\">%s</span>%s" % (word1, word2, word3) else: wordstr = word if keyword == word: html += "<strong>%s</strong>(%s) " % (wordstr, tag) else: html += "%s(%s) " % (wordstr, tag) i = j html += "</li>" return html def _tag_template(self, keytag, words): html = "<li>" for word, tag in words: if tag == keytag: wordstr = "%s(<span style=\"background-color:#ccc;font-weight:600\">%s</span>) " % (word, tag) else: wordstr = "%s(%s) " % (word, tag) html += wordstr html += "</li>" return html def query(self): keyword = self.ui.queryBox.toPlainText() keyword = unicode(keyword).encode("utf8").strip() if len(keyword) == 0 or len(keyword.split()) > 1: QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("QuickFind", "出错了", None), _translate("QuickFind", "查询不能为空,也不能有空格哦", None)) return html = "" # if input is a tag, retrieve the tag examples if keyword in html = "<strong>%s</strong><hr />" % keyword html += "<ul>" for sent, words in[keyword]: html += self._tag_template(keyword, words) html += "</ul>" # else the input is a sentence segmentation else: html = "<strong>%s</strong><hr />" % keyword html += "<ul>" num = 0 #for line, words in self.corpus: for sent, words in if keyword in sent: html += self._snt_template(keyword, sent, words) num += 1 if num > 30: break html += "</ul>" self.ui.exampleBrowser.setText(_translate("QuickFind", html, None)) self.ui.queryBox.clear()