def __init__(self,iface): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from QTDesigner. self.ui = Ui_spatial_dynamics() # read GUI self.ui.setupUi(self) self.iface = iface self.dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir)# Return the canonical path of the specified filename self.layers = [] #set a empty list?(is it necessary steps?) for i in range(self.iface.mapCanvas().layerCount()): #this for loop adds current layers layer = self.iface.mapCanvas().layer(i) #to dropdown menu self.layers += [layer] if layer.type() ==layer.VectorLayer: self.ui.activecombobox.addItem( #set dynamic labels in the combobox elif layer.type == layer.RasterLayer: pass else: pass
class spatial_dynamicsdialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self,iface): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from QTDesigner. self.ui = Ui_spatial_dynamics() # read GUI self.ui.setupUi(self) self.iface = iface self.dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir)# Return the canonical path of the specified filename self.layers = [] #set a empty list?(is it necessary steps?) for i in range(self.iface.mapCanvas().layerCount()): #this for loop adds current layers layer = self.iface.mapCanvas().layer(i) #to dropdown menu self.layers += [layer] if layer.type() ==layer.VectorLayer: self.ui.activecombobox.addItem( #set dynamic labels in the combobox elif layer.type == layer.RasterLayer: pass else: pass @pyqtSignature('') #prevents actions being handled twice def on_inputbutton_clicked(self): myFile1 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select a shapefile","","comma_separatedfile(*.csv)") if self.ui.inputbutton != None: self.ui.inputline.setText(myFile1) else: pass #create a new combobox(1)use pysal to open file(2) read in #for saved shapefile to show columns openfile=str(self.ui.inputline.text()) #opendbf=openfile[:-3] + "dbf" #open the same file only with dbf #f_dbf = self.fileheader=f.header #find columns, already in a list for i in self.fileheader: #i is in a string self.ui.startcombobox.addItem(i) self.ui.endcombobox.addItem(i) #@pyqtSignature('') #prevents actions being handled twice #def on_activecombobox_currentIndexChanged(self): #when selecting any shapefile from active layers, but do not know how to get the file path from active layers? #for active layer to show columns #self.ui.activecombobox.currentIndexChanged(int) #QMessageBox.information(self,"Vector file","Layer is ok") #self.ui.activecombobox.text() #openfile=str(self.ui.activecombobox.getPath().Text()) #opendbf=openfile[:-3] + "dbf" #open the same file only with dbf #f_dbf = #self.fileheader=f.header #find columns, already in a list #for i in self.fileheader: #i is in a string # self.ui.selectcombobox.addItem(i) @pyqtSignature('') #prevents actions being handled twice def on_inputweightsbutton_clicked(self): myFile2 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName (self, "Select a weights file","","*.gal;;*.gwt;;*.mat") self.ui.inputweightsline.setText(myFile2) @pyqtSignature('') #prevents actions being handled twice def on_inputweightscreate_clicked(self): dlg = WeightsDialog(self.iface) results = dlg.exec_() if self.ui.inputweightscreate != None: #how to call variable from other files? #myfile4=WeightsDialog.accept(savefile) #self.ui.Inputweightsline.setText(myfile4) pass else: pass @pyqtSignature('') #prevents actions being handled twice def on_saveoutputbutton_clicked(self): dlg = QFileDialog() myFile3 = dlg.getSaveFileName(self, "Save Matrix", "", "comma_separatedfile(*.csv)") myFile3 += dlg.selectedNameFilter()[0] #? self.ui.saveoutputline.setText(myFile3[0:-1]) #pysal seems not to support all filetypes I know. (write here for backup)"comma_separatedfile(*.csv);;textfile(*.txt);;excelfile(*.xls);;pythonfile(*.py);;accessfile(*.asc);;arcgisfile(*.dbf);;spssfile(*.sav);;multi_usagefile(*.dat)" ############################################################################################### #### #### #### #### #### This is the method we need to implement. When they click OK this method runs #### #### #### #### #### ############################################################################################### #classical markov procedures: transfer data from string to array, read data by each columns, data classification, transpose, matrixs #spatial markov procedures: transfer data from string to array, read data by each columns, data classification, transpose, standardization, input spatial weights with transform, matrix def accept(self): if self.ui.savedshpradio.isChecked(): #when selecting saved shp openfile=str(self.ui.inputline.text()) #make a string of saved file savefile = str(self.ui.saveoutputline.text()) #this will be a string like "c:\output.(.csv)" weightsfile=str(self.ui.inputweightsline.text()) if self.ui.matrixcheckbox.checkState(): #run spatial Matrix #read a shp file, not need to read #read a weights file #opendbf=openfile[:-3] + "dbf" #open the same file only with dbf #f_dbf = #read the dbf attribute file fileheader=f.header #select a column and let it function columnindex1=int(self.ui.startcombobox.currentText()) #when select a column columnindex2=int(self.ui.endcombobox.currentText())+1 #avoid random selection? #change into array, by_col function is only for dbf file pci=np.array([f.by_col[str(y)] for y in range(columnindex1, columnindex2)]) #only number? by_col works for dbf, but the sample data use csv? #q5 = np.array([pysal.Quantiles(y).yb for y in pci]) #map classification? pci=pci.transpose() rpci = pci / (pci.mean(axis = 0)) #standardization w.transform='r' sm=pysal.Spatial_Markov(rpci, w, fixed=True, k=5) #what did k mean? does it equal to quantile? #results transition_matrix=sm.p #numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix results = "\n".join([ "\t".join(map(str,row)) for row in transition_matrix]) #results=repr(transition_matrix).replace('matrix',' ') #results=' '+''.join([ c for c in s if c not in ('(', ')','[',']',',')]),'w') output.write(results) output.close if self.ui.probabilitiescheckbox.checkState(): for p in sm.P: transition_probabilities=p #results=repr(transition_probabilities).replace('matrix',' ') #results=' '+''.join([ c for c in s if c not in ('(', ')','[',']',',')]) results = "\n".join([ "\t".join(map(str,row)) for row in transition_probabilities]),'w') output.write(results) output.close #else: # pass elif self.ui.steadystatecheckbox.checkState(): steady_state_distribution=sm.S #results=repr(Steady_State_Distribution).replace('matrix',' ') #results=' '+''.join([ c for c in s if c not in ('(', ')','[',']',',')]) results = "\n".join([ "\t".join(map(str,row)) for row in steady_state_distribution]),'w') output.write(results) output.close #else: #pass elif self.ui.firstcheckbox.checkState(): for f in sm.F: first_mean_passage_time=f #resultss=repr(first_mean_passage_time).replace('matrix',' ') #results=' '+''.join([ c for c in s if c not in ('(', ')','[',']',',')]) results = "\n".join([ "\t".join(map(str,row)) for row in first_mean_passage_time]),'w') output.write(results) output.close else: pass else: pass elif self.ui.activecombobox.isChecked(): #when selecting active shp and then import pysal layer = self.layers[self.ui.activecombobox.currentIndex()] #select a shp layer savefile = str(self.ui.outputline.text()) weightsfile=str(self.ui.Inputweightsline.text()) pass #if #calculate Moran's I and other value, but do not know how to get the file path from active layers? #else: # return self.close() #close the dialog window