import uio import usys try: uio.resource_stream except AttributeError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit buf = uio.resource_stream("data", "file2") print( # resource_stream(None, ...) look ups from current dir, hence sys.path[0] hack buf = uio.resource_stream(None, usys.path[0] + "/data/file2") print(
stream.set_error(uerrno.EAGAIN) buf = uio.BufferedWriter(stream, 8) print(buf.write(bytearray(16))) # test basic import of frozen scripts import frzstr1 import frzmpy1 # test import of frozen packages with import frzstr_pkg1 print(frzstr_pkg1.x) import frzmpy_pkg1 print(frzmpy_pkg1.x) # test import of frozen packages without from frzstr_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) from frzmpy_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) # test raising exception in frozen script try: import frzmpy2 except ZeroDivisionError: print('ZeroDivisionError') # test loading a resource from a frozen string import uio buf = uio.resource_stream('frzstr_pkg2', '') print(
print(frzstr_pkg1.__file__, frzstr_pkg1.x) import frzmpy_pkg1 print(frzmpy_pkg1.__file__, frzmpy_pkg1.x) # test import of frozen packages without from frzstr_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) from frzmpy_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) # test raising exception in frozen script try: import frzmpy2 except ZeroDivisionError: print("ZeroDivisionError") # test loading a resource from a frozen string import uio buf = uio.resource_stream("frzstr_pkg2", "") print( # test for MP_QSTR_NULL regression from frzqstr import returns_NULL print(returns_NULL())